#include #include "jaffarCommon/extern/argparse/argparse.hpp" #include "jaffarCommon/include/serializers/contiguous.hpp" #include "jaffarCommon/include/deserializers/contiguous.hpp" #include "jaffarCommon/include/file.hpp" #include "jaffarCommon/include/logger.hpp" #include "jaffarCommon/include/string.hpp" #include "nesInstance.hpp" #include "playbackInstance.hpp" int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // Parsing command line arguments argparse::ArgumentParser program("player", "1.0"); program.add_argument("romFile") .help("Path to the rom file to run.") .required(); program.add_argument("sequenceFile") .help("Path to the input sequence file (.sol) to reproduce.") .required(); program.add_argument("stateFile") .help("(Optional) Path to the initial state file to load.") .default_value(std::string("")); program.add_argument("--reproduce") .help("Plays the entire sequence without interruptions and exit at the end.") .default_value(false) .implicit_value(true); program.add_argument("--disableRender") .help("Do not render game window.") .default_value(false) .implicit_value(true); program.add_argument("--controller1") .help("Specifies the controller 1 type.") .default_value(std::string("Joypad")); program.add_argument("--controller2") .help("Specifies the controller 2 type.") .default_value(std::string("None")); // Try to parse arguments try { program.parse_args(argc, argv); } catch (const std::runtime_error &err) { EXIT_WITH_ERROR("%s\n%s", err.what(), program.help().str().c_str()); } // Getting ROM file path std::string romFilePath = program.get("romFile"); // Getting sequence file path std::string sequenceFilePath = program.get("sequenceFile"); // If initial state file is specified, load it std::string stateFilePath = program.get("stateFile"); // Getting reproduce flag bool isReproduce = program.get("--reproduce"); // Getting reproduce flag bool disableRender = program.get("--disableRender"); // Getting controller 1 Type std::string controller1Type = program.get("--controller1"); // Getting controller 2 Type std::string controller2Type = program.get("--controller2"); // Loading sequence file std::string inputSequence; auto status = jaffarCommon::loadStringFromFile(inputSequence, sequenceFilePath.c_str()); if (status == false) EXIT_WITH_ERROR("[ERROR] Could not find or read from sequence file: %s\n", sequenceFilePath.c_str()); // Building sequence information const auto sequence = jaffarCommon::split(inputSequence, ' '); // Initializing terminal jaffarCommon::initializeTerminal(); // Printing provided parameters printw("[] Rom File Path: '%s'\n", romFilePath.c_str()); printw("[] Sequence File Path: '%s'\n", sequenceFilePath.c_str()); printw("[] Sequence Length: %lu\n", sequence.size()); printw("[] State File Path: '%s'\n", stateFilePath.empty() ? "" : stateFilePath.c_str()); printw("[] Generating Sequence...\n"); jaffarCommon::refreshTerminal(); // Creating emulator instance NESInstance e; // Setting controller types e.setController1Type(controller1Type); e.setController2Type(controller2Type); // Loading ROM File std::string romFileData; if (jaffarCommon::loadStringFromFile(romFileData, romFilePath) == false) EXIT_WITH_ERROR("Could not rom file: %s\n", romFilePath.c_str()); e.loadROM((uint8_t*)romFileData.data(), romFileData.size()); // If an initial state is provided, load it now if (stateFilePath != "") { std::string stateFileData; if (jaffarCommon::loadStringFromFile(stateFileData, stateFilePath) == false) EXIT_WITH_ERROR("Could not initial state file: %s\n", stateFilePath.c_str()); jaffarCommon::deserializer::Contiguous deserializer(stateFileData.data()); e.deserializeState(deserializer); } // Creating playback instance auto p = PlaybackInstance(&e, sequence); // Getting state size auto stateSize = e.getFullStateSize(); // Flag to continue running playback bool continueRunning = true; // Variable for current step in view ssize_t sequenceLength = p.getSequenceLength(); ssize_t currentStep = 0; // Flag to display frame information bool showFrameInfo = true; // Interactive section while (continueRunning) { // Updating display if (disableRender == false) p.renderFrame(currentStep); // Getting input const auto &input = p.getStateInput(currentStep); // Getting state hash const auto hash = p.getStateHash(currentStep); // Getting state data const auto stateData = p.getStateData(currentStep); // Printing data and commands if (showFrameInfo) { jaffarCommon::clearTerminal(); printw("[] ----------------------------------------------------------------\n"); printw("[] Current Step #: %lu / %lu\n", currentStep + 1, sequenceLength); printw("[] Input: %s\n", input.c_str()); printw("[] State Hash: 0x%lX%lX\n", hash.first, hash.second); // Only print commands if not in reproduce mode if (isReproduce == false) printw("[] Commands: n: -1 m: +1 | h: -10 | j: +10 | y: -100 | u: +100 | k: -1000 | i: +1000 | s: quicksave | p: play | q: quit\n"); jaffarCommon::refreshTerminal(); } // Resetting show frame info flag showFrameInfo = true; // Get command auto command = jaffarCommon::getKeyPress(); // Advance/Rewind commands if (command == 'n') currentStep = currentStep - 1; if (command == 'm') currentStep = currentStep + 1; if (command == 'h') currentStep = currentStep - 10; if (command == 'j') currentStep = currentStep + 10; if (command == 'y') currentStep = currentStep - 100; if (command == 'u') currentStep = currentStep + 100; if (command == 'k') currentStep = currentStep - 1000; if (command == 'i') currentStep = currentStep + 1000; // Correct current step if requested more than possible if (currentStep < 0) currentStep = 0; if (currentStep >= sequenceLength) currentStep = sequenceLength - 1; // Quicksave creation command if (command == 's') { // Storing state file std::string saveFileName = "quicksave.state"; std::string saveData; saveData.resize(stateSize); memcpy(saveData.data(), stateData, stateSize); if (jaffarCommon::saveStringToFile(saveData, saveFileName.c_str()) == false) EXIT_WITH_ERROR("[ERROR] Could not save state file: %s\n", saveFileName.c_str()); printw("[] Saved state to %s\n", saveFileName.c_str()); // Do no show frame info again after this action showFrameInfo = false; } // Start playback from current point if (command == 'p') isReproduce = true; // Start playback from current point if (command == 'q') continueRunning = false; } // Ending ncurses window jaffarCommon::finalizeTerminal(); }