#!/bin/bash # Stop if anything fails set -e # Getting executable paths quickerNESExecutable=${1} quickNESExecutable=${2} # Getting script name script=${3} # Getting additional arguments testerArgs=${@:4} # If running full cycle, add that to the hash file output mode="normal" if [ "${4}" = "--fullCycle" ]; then mode="fullCycle"; fi # Getting current folder (game name) folder=`basename $PWD` # Getting pid (for uniqueness) pid=$$ # Hash files quickerNESHashFile="/tmp/quickerNES.${folder}.${script}.${mode}.${pid}.hash" quickNESHashFile="/tmp/quickNES.${folder}.${script}.${mode}.${pid}.hash" # Removing them if already present rm -f ${quickerNESHashFile} rm -f ${quickNESHashFile} # Running script on quickerNES ${quickerNESExecutable} ${script} --hashOutputFile ${quickerNESHashFile} ${testerArgs} # Running script on quickNES ${quickNESExecutable} ${script} --hashOutputFile ${quickNESHashFile} ${testerArgs} # Comparing hashes quickerNESHash=`cat ${quickerNESHashFile}` # Comparing hashes quickNESHash=`cat ${quickNESHashFile}` # Removing temporary files rm -f ${quickerNESHashFile} ${quickNESHashFile} # Compare hashes if [ "${quickerNESHash}" = "${quickNESHash}" ]; then echo "[] Test Passed" exit 0 else echo "[] Test Failed" exit -1 fi