
245 lines
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* *
* Project64 - A Nintendo 64 emulator. *
* *
* Copyright (C) 2012 Project64. All rights reserved. *
* *
* License: *
* GNU/GPLv2 *
* *
#pragma once
#include "MemoryVirtualMem.h"
#include "TranslateVaddr.h"
#include <Project64-core/N64System/Recompiler/RecompilerOps.h>
#include <Project64-core/N64System/Interpreter/InterpreterOps.h>
#include <Project64-core/N64System/Mips/PifRam.h>
#include <Project64-core/N64System/Mips/FlashRam.h>
#include <Project64-core/N64System/Mips/Sram.h>
#include <Project64-core/N64System/Mips/Dma.h>
__interface CMipsMemory_CallBack
//Protected memory has been written to, returns true if that memory has been unprotected
virtual bool WriteToProtectedMemory(uint32_t Address, int32_t length) = 0;
* 64-bit Windows exception recovery facilities will expect to interact with
* the 64-bit registers of the Intel architecture (e.g., rax instead of eax).
* Attempting to read the 32-bit subsets seems to be erroneous and forbidden.
* Refer to "MemoryFilter" in `Memory Virtual Mem.cpp`.
#ifdef _WIN64
#define Eax Rax
#define Ebx Rbx
#define Ecx Rcx
#define Edx Rdx
#define Esp Rsp
#define Ebp Rbp
#define Esi Rsi
#define Edi Rdi
#define Eip Rip
* To do: Have address translation functions here?
* `return` either the translated address or the mask to XOR by?
* This will help us gradually be able to port Project64 for big-endian CPUs.
* Currently it is written to assume 32-bit little-endian, like so:
* GPR bits[63..0] b1b2b3b4 b5b6b7b8
class CMipsMemoryVM :
public CTransVaddr,
private CRecompilerOps,
private R4300iOp,
private CPifRam,
private CFlashram,
private CSram,
private CDMA
CMipsMemoryVM(CMipsMemory_CallBack * CallBack, bool SavesReadOnly);
static void ReserveMemory();
static void FreeReservedMemory();
bool Initialize();
void Reset(bool EraseMemory);
uint8_t * Rdram();
uint32_t RdramSize();
uint8_t * Dmem();
uint8_t * Imem();
uint8_t * PifRam();
bool LB_VAddr(uint32_t VAddr, uint8_t & Value);
bool LH_VAddr(uint32_t VAddr, uint16_t & Value);
bool LW_VAddr(uint32_t VAddr, uint32_t & Value);
bool LD_VAddr(uint32_t VAddr, uint64_t & Value);
bool LB_PAddr(uint32_t PAddr, uint8_t & Value);
bool LH_PAddr(uint32_t PAddr, uint16_t & Value);
bool LW_PAddr(uint32_t PAddr, uint32_t & Value);
bool LD_PAddr(uint32_t PAddr, uint64_t & Value);
bool SB_VAddr(uint32_t VAddr, uint8_t Value);
bool SH_VAddr(uint32_t VAddr, uint16_t Value);
bool SW_VAddr(uint32_t VAddr, uint32_t Value);
bool SD_VAddr(uint32_t VAddr, uint64_t Value);
bool SB_PAddr(uint32_t PAddr, uint8_t Value);
bool SH_PAddr(uint32_t PAddr, uint16_t Value);
bool SW_PAddr(uint32_t PAddr, uint32_t Value);
bool SD_PAddr(uint32_t PAddr, uint64_t Value);
int32_t MemoryFilter(uint32_t dwExptCode, void * lpExceptionPointer);
void UpdateFieldSerration(uint32_t interlaced);
//Protect the Memory from being written to
void ProtectMemory(uint32_t StartVaddr, uint32_t EndVaddr);
void UnProtectMemory(uint32_t StartVaddr, uint32_t EndVaddr);
//Compilation Functions
void ResetMemoryStack();
void Compile_LB();
void Compile_LBU();
void Compile_LH();
void Compile_LHU();
void Compile_LW();
void Compile_LL();
void Compile_LWC1();
void Compile_LWU();
void Compile_LWL();
void Compile_LWR();
void Compile_LD();
void Compile_LDC1();
void Compile_LDL();
void Compile_LDR();
void Compile_SB();
void Compile_SH();
void Compile_SW();
void Compile_SWL();
void Compile_SWR();
void Compile_SD();
void Compile_SDL();
void Compile_SDR();
void Compile_SC();
void Compile_SWC1();
void Compile_SDC1();
void ResetMemoryStack(CRegInfo& RegInfo);
void Compile_LB(CX86Ops::x86Reg Reg, uint32_t Addr, bool SignExtend);
void Compile_LH(CX86Ops::x86Reg Reg, uint32_t Addr, bool SignExtend);
void Compile_LW(CX86Ops::x86Reg Reg, uint32_t Addr);
void Compile_SB_Const(uint8_t Value, uint32_t Addr);
void Compile_SB_Register(CX86Ops::x86Reg Reg, uint32_t Addr);
void Compile_SH_Const(uint16_t Value, uint32_t Addr);
void Compile_SH_Register(CX86Ops::x86Reg Reg, uint32_t Addr);
void Compile_SW_Const(uint32_t Value, uint32_t Addr);
void Compile_SW_Register(CX86Ops::x86Reg Reg, uint32_t Addr);
//Functions for TLB notification
void TLB_Mapped(uint32_t VAddr, uint32_t Len, uint32_t PAddr, bool bReadOnly);
void TLB_Unmaped(uint32_t Vaddr, uint32_t Len);
// CTransVaddr interface
bool TranslateVaddr(uint32_t VAddr, uint32_t &PAddr) const;
bool ValidVaddr(uint32_t VAddr) const;
bool VAddrToRealAddr(uint32_t VAddr, void * &RealAddress) const;
// Labels
const char * LabelName(uint32_t Address) const;
CMipsMemoryVM(); // Disable default constructor
CMipsMemoryVM(const CMipsMemoryVM&); // Disable copy constructor
CMipsMemoryVM& operator=(const CMipsMemoryVM&); // Disable assignment
void Compile_LW(bool ResultSigned, bool bRecordLLbit);
void Compile_SW(bool bCheckLLbit);
static void RdramChanged(CMipsMemoryVM * _this);
static void ChangeSpStatus();
static void ChangeMiIntrMask();
bool LB_NonMemory(uint32_t PAddr, uint32_t * Value, bool SignExtend);
bool LH_NonMemory(uint32_t PAddr, uint32_t * Value, bool SignExtend);
bool LW_NonMemory(uint32_t PAddr, uint32_t * Value);
bool SB_NonMemory(uint32_t PAddr, uint8_t Value);
bool SH_NonMemory(uint32_t PAddr, uint16_t Value);
bool SW_NonMemory(uint32_t PAddr, uint32_t Value);
void Compile_StoreInstructClean(x86Reg AddressReg, int32_t Length);
static void Load32RDRAMRegisters(void);
static void Load32SPRegisters(void);
static void Load32DPCommand(void);
static void Load32MIPSInterface(void);
static void Load32VideoInterface(void);
static void Load32AudioInterface(void);
static void Load32PeripheralInterface(void);
static void Load32RDRAMInterface(void);
static void Load32SerialInterface(void);
static void Load32CartridgeDomain2Address1(void);
static void Load32CartridgeDomain2Address2(void);
static void Load32PifRam(void);
static void Load32Rom(void);
static void Write32RDRAMRegisters(void);
static void Write32SPRegisters(void);
static void Write32DPCommandRegisters(void);
static void Write32MIPSInterface(void);
static void Write32VideoInterface(void);
static void Write32AudioInterface(void);
static void Write32PeripheralInterface(void);
static void Write32RDRAMInterface(void);
static void Write32SerialInterface(void);
static void Write32CartridgeDomain2Address2(void);
static void Write32PifRam(void);
CMipsMemory_CallBack * const m_CBClass;
//Memory Locations
static uint8_t * m_Reserve1, *m_Reserve2;
uint8_t * m_RDRAM, *m_DMEM, *m_IMEM;
uint32_t m_AllocatedRdramSize;
//Rom Information
bool m_RomMapped;
uint8_t * m_Rom;
uint32_t m_RomSize;
bool m_RomWrittenTo;
uint32_t m_RomWroteValue;
//Current Half line
void UpdateHalfLine();
uint32_t m_HalfLine;
uint32_t m_HalfLineCheck;
uint32_t m_FieldSerration;
uint32_t m_TempValue;
//Initializing and resetting information about the memory system
void FreeMemory();
mutable char m_strLabelName[100];
//BIG look up table to quickly translate the tlb to real mem address
size_t * m_TLB_ReadMap;
size_t * m_TLB_WriteMap;
static uint32_t m_MemLookupAddress;
static MIPS_DWORD m_MemLookupValue;
static bool m_MemLookupValid;