project64/Source/Project64/N64 System/N64 Class.h

157 lines
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#ifndef __N64_CLASS__H__
#define __N64_CLASS__H__
#include "N64 Types.h"
#include "../Settings/N64System Settings.h"
typedef std::list<SystemEvent> EVENT_LIST;
typedef struct {
CN64System * _this;
stdstr FileName;
void * ThreadHandle;
} FileImageInfo;
typedef std::map<DWORD, DWORD> FUNC_CALLS;
class CPlugins;
class CRSP_Plugin;
class CC_Core;
//#define TEST_SP_TRACKING //track the SP to make sure all ops pick it up fine
class CN64System :
private CMipsMemory_CallBack,
public CMipsTLB_CallBack,
protected CN64SystemSettings,
public CDebugger
//Make sure plugins can directly access this information
friend CGfxPlugin;
friend CAudioPlugin;
friend CRSP_Plugin;
friend CControl_Plugin;
//Recompiler has access to manipulate and call functions
friend CC_Core;
CNotification * const _Notify; //Original Notify member used to notify the user when something occurs
CPlugins * const _Plugins; //The plugin container
CN64System * _SyncCPU;
CMipsMemory * _MMU; //Memory of the n64
CRegisters * _Reg; //Current Register Set attacted to the _MMU
CN64Rom * _Rom; //The current rom that this system is executing.. it can only execute one file at the time
bool m_OwnRomObject;
CCheats * _Cheats;
CFramePerSecond FPS;
CProfiling m_CPU_Usage, m_Profile; //used to track the cpu usage
// CInterpreterOps * InterpreterOpcode; //Pointer to the interpter Opcode
CRecompiler * _Recomp;
CAudio * _Audio;
CSpeedLimitor m_Limitor;
bool m_InReset;
SystemType m_SystemType;
//When Syncing cores this is the PC where it last Sync'ed correctly
DWORD m_LastSuccessSyncPC[10];
int m_CyclesToSkip;
bool m_SPHack;
//List of Internal events that need to be acted on by CPU
DWORD NoOfEvents;
//Handle to the cpu thread
void * CPU_Handle;
//Handle to pause mutex
void * m_hPauseEvent;
//No of Alist and Dlist sent to the RSP
DWORD m_AlistCount, m_DlistCount, m_UnknownCount;
//list of function that have been called .. used in profiling
FUNC_CALLS m_FunctionCalls;
//Used for loading and potentialy executing the CPU in its own thread.
static void LoadFileImage ( FileImageInfo * Info );
static void StartEmulationThread ( FileImageInfo * Info );
void ExecuteCycles ( DWORD Cycles );
void ExecuteCPU ( void );
void RefreshScreen ( void );
bool InternalEvent ( void );
bool InPermLoop ( void );
void Reset ( void );
void RunRSP ( void );
void SetupSystem ( CN64Rom * Rom, bool OwnRomObject, bool SavesReadOnly = false );
bool SaveState ( void );
bool LoadState ( LPCSTR FileName );
bool LoadState ( void );
void DumpSyncErrors ( CN64System * SecondCPU );
void StartEmulation2 ( bool NewThread );
//CPU Methods
void ExecuteRecompiler ( CC_Core & C_Core );
void ExecuteInterpret ( CC_Core & C_Core );
void ExecuteSyncCPU ( CC_Core & C_Core );
void AddEvent ( SystemEvent Event);
//Notification of changing conditions
void FunctionStarted ( DWORD NewFuncAddress, DWORD OldFuncAddress, DWORD ReturnAddress );
void FunctionEnded ( DWORD ReturnAddress, DWORD StackPos );
//Mark information saying that the CPU has stoped
void CpuStopped ( void );
void Pause ( void );
//Function in CMipsMemory_CallBack
virtual bool WriteToProtectedMemory (DWORD Address, int length);
//Functions in CMipsTLB_CallBack
virtual void TLB_Changed ( void );
virtual void TLB_Unmapping ( int TlbEntry, int FastTlbEntry, DWORD Vaddr, DWORD Len );
CN64System ( CNotification * Notify, CPlugins * Plugins );
~CN64System ( void );
void CloseCpu ( void );
void RunFileImage ( const char * FileLoc );
void ExternalEvent ( SystemEvent Event ); //covers gui interacting and timers etc..
stdstr ChooseFileToOpen ( WND_HANDLE hParent );
void DisplayRomInfo ( WND_HANDLE hParent );
void SelectCheats ( WND_HANDLE hParent );
void StartEmulation ( bool NewThread );
void SyncToAudio ( void );
bool IsDialogMsg ( MSG * msg );
void IncreaseSpeed ( void ) { m_Limitor.IncreaeSpeed(10); }
void DecreaeSpeed ( void ) { m_Limitor.DecreaeSpeed(10); }
void SoftReset ( void );
bool EndEmulation;
//Get the pointer to the Internal Classes
CRecompiler * GetRecompiler ( void ) { return _Recomp; }
CN64Rom * GetCurrentRom ( void ) { return _Rom; }
inline CPlugins * Plugins ( void ) const { return _Plugins; }
//Variable used to track that the SP is being handled and stays the same as the real SP in sync core
DWORD m_CurrentSP;
//For Sync CPU
void UpdateSyncCPU ( CN64System * const SecondCPU, DWORD const Cycles );
void SyncCPU ( CN64System * const SecondCPU );