310 lines
11 KiB
310 lines
11 KiB
#pragma once
#include <string>
class CSettings
//Frame buffer emulation options
enum fb_bits_t
fb_emulation = (1 << 0), //frame buffer emulation
fb_hwfbe = (1 << 1), //hardware frame buffer emualtion
fb_motionblur = (1 << 2), //emulate motion blur
fb_ref = (1 << 3), //read every frame
fb_read_alpha = (1 << 4), //read alpha
fb_hwfbe_buf_clear = (1 << 5), //clear auxiliary texture frame buffers
fb_depth_render = (1 << 6), //enable software depth render
fb_optimize_texrect = (1 << 7), //fast texrect rendering with hwfbe
fb_ignore_aux_copy = (1 << 8), //do not copy auxiliary frame buffers
fb_useless_is_useless = (1 << 10), //
fb_get_info = (1 << 11), //get frame buffer info
fb_read_back_to_screen = (1 << 12), //render N64 frame buffer to screen
fb_read_back_to_screen2 = (1 << 13), //render N64 frame buffer to screen
fb_cpu_write_hack = (1 << 14), //show images writed directly by CPU
enum hacks_t
hack_ASB = (1<<0), //All-Star Baseball games
hack_Banjo2 = (1<<1), //Banjo Tooie
hack_BAR = (1<<2), //Beetle Adventure Racing
hack_Chopper = (1<<3), //Chopper Attack
hack_Diddy = (1<<4), //diddy kong racing
hack_Fifa98 = (1<<5), //FIFA - Road to World Cup 98
hack_Fzero = (1<<6), //F-Zero
hack_GoldenEye = (1<<7), //Golden Eye
hack_Hyperbike = (1<<8), //Top Gear Hyper Bike
hack_ISS64 = (1<<9), //International Superstar Soccer 64
hack_KI = (1<<10), //Killer Instinct
hack_Knockout = (1<<11), //Knockout Kings 2000
hack_Lego = (1<<12), //LEGO Racers
hack_MK64 = (1<<13), //Mario Kart
hack_Megaman = (1<<14), //Megaman64
hack_Makers = (1<<15), //Mischief-makers
hack_WCWnitro = (1<<16), //WCW Nitro
hack_Ogre64 = (1<<17), //Ogre Battle 64
hack_Pilotwings = (1<<18), //Pilotwings
hack_PMario = (1<<19), //Paper Mario
hack_PPL = (1<<20), //pokemon puzzle league requires many special fixes
hack_RE2 = (1<<21), //Resident Evil 2
hack_Starcraft = (1<<22), //StarCraft64
hack_Supercross = (1<<23), //Supercross 2000
hack_TGR = (1<<24), //Top Gear Rally
hack_TGR2 = (1<<25), //Top Gear Rally 2
hack_Tonic = (1<<26), //tonic trouble
hack_Winback = (1<<27), //WinBack - Covert Operations
hack_Yoshi = (1<<28), //Yoshi Story
hack_Zelda = (1<<29), //zeldas hacks
hack_OoT = (1<<30), //zelda OoT hacks
enum AspectMode_t
Aspect_4x3 = 0,
Aspect_16x9 = 1,
Aspect_Stretch = 2,
Aspect_Original = 3,
enum ScreenRotate_t
Rotate_None = 0,
Rotate_90 = 1,
Rotate_180 = 2,
Rotate_270 = 3,
enum Filtering_t
Filter_Automatic = 0,
Filter_ForceBilinear = 1,
Filter_ForcePointSampled = 2,
enum TextureFilter_t
TextureFilter_None = 0x00,
TextureFilter_SmoothFiltering = 0x01,
TextureFilter_SmoothFiltering2 = 0x02,
TextureFilter_SmoothFiltering3 = 0x03,
TextureFilter_SmoothFiltering4 = 0x04,
TextureFilter_SharpFiltering1 = 0x10,
TextureFilter_SharpFiltering2 = 0x20,
enum TextureEnhancement_t
TextureEnht_None = 0x00,
TextureEnht_X2 = 0x100,
TextureEnht_X2SAI = 0x200,
TextureEnht_HQ2X = 0x300,
TextureEnht_HQ2XS = 0x600,
TextureEnht_LQ2X = 0x400,
TextureEnht_LQ2XS = 0x700,
TextureEnht_HQ4X = 0x500,
enum SwapMode_t
SwapMode_Old = 0,
SwapMode_New = 1,
SwapMode_Hybrid = 2,
enum PixelLevelOfDetail_t
LOD_Off = 0,
LOD_Fast = 1,
LOD_Precise = 2,
enum StippleMode_t
STIPPLE_Disable = 0x0,
STIPPLE_Pattern = 0x1,
STIPPLE_Rotate = 0x2,
enum ucode_t
uCode_NotFound = -2,
uCode_Unsupported = -1,
ucode_Fast3D = 0,
ucode_F3DEX = 1,
ucode_F3DEX2 = 2,
ucode_WaveRace = 3,
ucode_StarWars = 4,
ucode_DiddyKong = 5,
ucode_S2DEX = 6,
ucode_PerfectDark = 7,
ucode_CBFD = 8,
ucode_zSort = 9,
ucode_Turbo3d = 21,
int buff_clear;
fbcrcNone = 0,
fbcrcFast = 1,
fbcrcSafe = 2
inline bool fb_emulation_enabled(void) const { return ((m_frame_buffer&fb_emulation) != 0); }
inline bool fb_ref_enabled(void) const { return ((m_frame_buffer&fb_ref) != 0); }
inline bool fb_hwfbe_enabled(void) const { return ((m_frame_buffer&(fb_emulation |fb_hwfbe)) == (fb_emulation | fb_hwfbe)); }
inline bool fb_hwfbe_set(void) const { return ((m_frame_buffer&fb_hwfbe) != 0); }
inline bool fb_depth_render_enabled(void) const { return ((m_frame_buffer&fb_depth_render) != 0); }
inline bool fb_get_info_enabled(void) const { return ((m_frame_buffer&fb_get_info) != 0); }
inline bool fb_read_back_to_screen_enabled(void) const { return ((m_frame_buffer&fb_read_back_to_screen) != 0); }
inline bool fb_read_back_to_screen2_enabled(void) const { return ((m_frame_buffer&fb_read_back_to_screen2) != 0); }
inline bool fb_cpu_write_hack_enabled(void) const { return ((m_frame_buffer&fb_cpu_write_hack) != 0); }
inline bool fb_ignore_aux_copy_enabled(void) const { return ((m_frame_buffer&fb_ignore_aux_copy) != 0); }
inline bool fb_hwfbe_buf_clear_enabled(void) const { return ((m_frame_buffer&fb_hwfbe_buf_clear) != 0); }
inline bool fb_useless_is_useless_enabled(void) const { return ((m_frame_buffer&fb_useless_is_useless) != 0); }
inline bool fb_motionblur_enabled(void) const { return ((m_frame_buffer&fb_motionblur) != 0); }
inline bool fb_read_alpha_enabled(void) const { return ((m_frame_buffer&fb_read_alpha) != 0); }
inline bool fb_optimize_texrect_enabled(void) const { return ((m_frame_buffer&fb_optimize_texrect) != 0); }
inline const char * log_dir(void) const { return m_log_dir; }
inline uint32_t res_x(void) const { return m_res_x; }
inline uint32_t res_y(void) const { return m_res_y; }
inline uint32_t scr_res_x(void) const { return m_scr_res_x; }
inline uint32_t scr_res_y(void) const { return m_scr_res_y; }
inline uint32_t ScreenRes(void) const { return m_ScreenRes; }
inline bool advanced_options(void) const { return m_advanced_options; }
inline bool texenh_options(void) const { return m_texenh_options; }
inline bool vsync(void) const { return m_vsync; }
inline ScreenRotate_t rotate(void) const { return m_rotate; }
inline Filtering_t filtering(void) const { return m_filtering; }
inline bool fog (void) const { return m_fog; }
inline SwapMode_t swapmode(void) const { return m_swapmode; }
inline PixelLevelOfDetail_t lodmode(void) const { return m_lodmode; }
inline AspectMode_t aspectmode(void) const { return m_aspectmode; }
inline FBCRCMODE_t fb_crc_mode(void) const { return m_fb_crc_mode; }
//Texture filtering options
std::string texture_dir;
inline TextureFilter_t ghq_fltr(void) const { return m_ghq_fltr; }
inline TextureEnhancement_t ghq_enht(void) const { return m_ghq_enht; }
int ghq_cmpr;
int ghq_hirs;
int ghq_use;
int ghq_enht_cmpr;
int ghq_enht_f16bpp;
int ghq_enht_gz;
int ghq_enht_nobg;
int ghq_hirs_cmpr;
int ghq_hirs_tile;
int ghq_hirs_f16bpp;
int ghq_hirs_gz;
int ghq_hirs_altcrc;
int ghq_cache_save;
int ghq_cache_size;
int ghq_hirs_let_texartists_fly;
int ghq_hirs_dump;
int autodetect_ucode;
inline ucode_t ucode(void) const { return m_ucode; }
int unk_as_red;
int unk_clear;
int wireframe;
int wfmode;
// Special fixes
int offset_x, offset_y;
int scale_x, scale_y;
int fast_crc;
int alt_tex_size;
int use_sts1_only;
int flame_corona; //hack for zeldas flame's corona
int increase_texrect_edge; // add 1 to lower right corner coordinates of texrect
int decrease_fillrect_edge; // sub 1 from lower right corner coordinates of fillrect
int texture_correction; // enable perspective texture correction emulation. is on by default
inline StippleMode_t stipple_mode(void) const { return m_stipple_mode; } //used for dithered alpha emulation
uint32_t stipple_pattern; //used for dithered alpha emulation
int force_microcheck; //check microcode each frame, for mixed F3DEX-S2DEX games
int force_quad3d; //force 0xb5 command to be quad, not line 3d
int clip_zmin; //enable near z clipping
int clip_zmax; //enable far plane clipping;
int adjust_aspect; //adjust screen aspect for wide screen mode
int force_calc_sphere; //use spheric mapping only, Ridge Racer 64
int pal230; //set special scale for PAL games
int correct_viewport; //correct viewport values
int zmode_compare_less; //force GR_CMP_LESS for zmode=0 (opaque)and zmode=1 (interpenetrating)
int old_style_adither; //apply alpha dither regardless of alpha_dither_mode
int n64_z_scale; //scale vertex z value before writing to depth buffer, as N64 does.
inline bool hacks(hacks_t hack) const { return (m_hacks & hack) == hack; } //Special game hacks
//wrapper settings
#ifndef ANDROID
int wrpResolution;
int wrpVRAM;
int wrpFBO;
inline bool FlushLogs(void) const { return m_FlushLogs; }
int wrpAnisotropic;
void SetTexenhOptions(bool value);
void SetScreenRes(uint32_t value);
void SetAspectmode(AspectMode_t value);
void SetLODmode(PixelLevelOfDetail_t value);
void SetVsync(bool value);
void SetFiltering(Filtering_t value);
void SetSwapMode(SwapMode_t value);
void SetFog(bool value);
void SetGhqFltr(TextureFilter_t value);
void SetGhqEnht(TextureEnhancement_t value);
void UpdateFrameBufferBits(uint32_t BitsToAdd, uint32_t BitsToRemove);
ucode_t DetectUCode(uint32_t uc_crc);
void SetUcode(ucode_t value);
void ReadGameSettings(const char * name);
void WriteSettings(void);
void UpdateAspectRatio(void);
void UpdateScreenSize(bool fullscreen);
void ReadSettings();
void RegisterSettings(void);
void SettingsChanged(void);
static void stSettingsChanged(void * _this)
((CSettings *)_this)->SettingsChanged();
bool m_dirty;
bool m_FlushLogs;
char m_log_dir[260];
uint32_t m_ScreenRes;
uint32_t m_res_x, m_scr_res_x;
uint32_t m_res_y, m_scr_res_y;
AspectMode_t m_aspectmode;
uint32_t m_frame_buffer;
FBCRCMODE_t m_fb_crc_mode;
ScreenRotate_t m_rotate;
Filtering_t m_filtering;
bool m_fog;
SwapMode_t m_swapmode;
PixelLevelOfDetail_t m_lodmode;
bool m_advanced_options;
bool m_texenh_options;
bool m_vsync;
TextureFilter_t m_ghq_fltr;
TextureEnhancement_t m_ghq_enht;
ucode_t m_ucode;
StippleMode_t m_stipple_mode;
hacks_t m_hacks;
extern CSettings * g_settings;