187 lines
4.6 KiB
187 lines
4.6 KiB
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <memory>
#include <Common/path.h>
#include <Common/File.h>
#include <Common/StdString.h>
bool GitCommand(CPath & SourceDirectory, const char * Command, std::string & Output)
if (CurrentDir != SourceDirectory)
FILE * pipe = _popen(stdstr_f("git %s", Command).c_str(), "r");
if (pipe == nullptr)
if (CurrentDir != SourceDirectory)
return false;
char buffer[128];
while (!feof(pipe))
// use buffer to read and add to result
if (fgets(buffer, 128, pipe) != NULL)
Output += buffer;
if (CurrentDir != SourceDirectory)
if (feof(pipe))
return true;
return false;
uint32_t GitBuildVersion(CPath & SourceDirectory)
DefaultBuildVersion = 9999
std::string Result;
if (!GitCommand(SourceDirectory, "rev-list --count HEAD", Result))
return DefaultBuildVersion;
if (Result.empty())
return DefaultBuildVersion;
uint32_t BuildVersion = atoi(Result.c_str());
if (BuildVersion != 0)
return BuildVersion;
return 9999;
bool GitBuildDirty(CPath & SourceDirectory)
std::string Result;
if (!GitCommand(SourceDirectory, "diff --stat", Result))
return false;
return !Result.empty();
std::string GitRevision(CPath & SourceDirectory)
stdstr Result;
if (!GitCommand(SourceDirectory, "rev-parse HEAD", Result))
return "";
Result.Replace("\r", "");
strvector ResultVector = Result.Tokenize("\n");
if (ResultVector.size() > 0)
return ResultVector[0];
return "";
std::string GitRevisionShort(CPath & SourceDirectory)
stdstr Result;
if (!GitCommand(SourceDirectory, "rev-parse --short HEAD", Result))
return "";
Result.Replace("\r", "");
strvector ResultVector = Result.Tokenize("\n");
if (ResultVector.size() > 0)
return ResultVector[0];
return "";
int main()
if (__argc < 4)
return 0;
CPath SourceFile(__argv[1]), DestFile(__argv[2]);
if (!SourceFile.Exists())
return 0;
if (DestFile.Exists())
if (!DestFile.Delete())
return 0;
CPath SourceDirectory(SourceFile.GetDriveDirectory(), "");
uint32_t VersionBuild = GitBuildVersion(SourceDirectory);
bool BuildDirty = GitBuildDirty(SourceDirectory);
std::string Revision = GitRevision(SourceDirectory);
std::string RevisionShort = GitRevisionShort(SourceDirectory);
CFile InFile(SourceFile, CFileBase::modeRead);
if (!InFile.IsOpen())
return 0;
uint32_t FileLen = InFile.GetLength();
std::auto_ptr<uint8_t> InputData(new uint8_t[FileLen]);
InFile.Read(InputData.get(), FileLen);
strvector VersionData = stdstr(std::string((char *)InputData.get(), FileLen)).Tokenize("\n");
CFile OutFile(DestFile, CFileBase::modeWrite | CFileBase::modeCreate);
if (!OutFile.IsOpen())
return 0;
for (size_t i = 0, n = VersionData.size() - 1; i < n; i++)
stdstr &line = VersionData[i];
line += "\n";
if (_strnicmp(line.c_str(), "#define GIT_VERSION ", 20) == 0)
line.Format("#define GIT_VERSION \"%s%s%s\"\n", RevisionShort.c_str(), BuildDirty ? "-" : "", BuildDirty ? "Dirty" : "");
else if (_strnicmp(line.c_str(), "#define VERSION_BUILD", 21) == 0)
line.Format("#define VERSION_BUILD %d\n", VersionBuild);
else if (_strnicmp(line.c_str(), "#define GIT_REVISION ", 21) == 0)
line.Format("#define GIT_REVISION \"%s\"\n", Revision.c_str());
else if (_strnicmp(line.c_str(), "#define GIT_REVISION_SHORT ", 26) == 0)
line.Format("#define GIT_REVISION_SHORT \"%s\"\n", RevisionShort.c_str());
else if (_strnicmp(line.c_str(), "#define GIT_DIRTY ", 11) == 0)
line.Format("#define GIT_DIRTY \"%s\"\n", BuildDirty ? "Dirty" : "");
if (!OutFile.Write(line.c_str(), (uint32_t)line.length()))
return 0;
return 0;