project64/Source/Project64/N64 System/Recompiler/Code Section.h

95 lines
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#pragma once
class CCodeBlock;
class CCodeSection :
private CRecompilerOps
CCodeSection( CCodeBlock * CodeBlock, DWORD EnterPC, DWORD ID);
~CCodeSection( void );
void CompileCop1Test ( void );
bool GenerateX86Code ( DWORD Test );
void GenerateSectionLinkage ( void );
void CompileSystemCheck ( DWORD TargetPC, const CRegInfo &RegSet );
void CompileExit ( DWORD JumpPC, DWORD TargetPC, CRegInfo ExitRegSet, CExitInfo::EXIT_REASON reason, int CompileNow, void (*x86Jmp)(const char * Label, DWORD Value));
/* Block Connection info */
CCodeBlock * const m_BlockInfo;
const DWORD m_EnterPC;
const DWORD m_SectionID;
CCodeSection * m_ContinueSection;
CCodeSection * m_JumpSection;
bool m_LinkAllowed; // are other sections allowed to find block to link to it
DWORD m_Test;
BYTE * m_CompiledLocation;
/* SECTION_LIST ParentSection;
DWORD Test2;
bool InLoop;
bool DelaySlotSection;
/* Register Info */
CRegInfo m_RegEnter;
/* Jump Info */
CJumpInfo m_Jump;
CJumpInfo m_Cont;
//Information about the opcode current being compiled
/* DWORD m_CompilePC;
OPCODE m_CompileOpcode;
void AddParent ( CCodeSection * Parent );
void UnlinkParent ( CCodeSection * Parent, bool AllowDelete, bool ContinueLink );
bool IsAllParentLoops ( CCodeSection * Parent, bool IgnoreIfCompiled, DWORD Test );
void ResetX86Protection ( void );
static DWORD GetNewTestValue ( void );
static void TestRegConstantStates ( CRegInfo & Base, CRegInfo & Reg );
//Handy Functions
inline CRegInfo::REG_STATE & MipsRegState ( int Reg ) { return RegWorking.MipsRegState(Reg); }
inline unsigned _int64 & MipsReg ( int Reg ) { return RegWorking.MipsReg(Reg); }
inline _int64 & MipsReg_S ( int Reg ) { return RegWorking.MipsReg_S(Reg); }
inline DWORD & MipsRegLo ( int Reg ) { return RegWorking.MipsRegLo(Reg); }
inline long & MipsRegLo_S ( int Reg ) { return RegWorking.MipsRegLo_S(Reg); }
inline DWORD & MipsRegHi ( int Reg ) { return RegWorking.MipsRegHi(Reg); }
inline long & MipsRegHi_S ( int Reg ) { return RegWorking.MipsRegHi_S(Reg); }
inline DWORD & BlockCycleCount(void) { return RegWorking.BlockCycleCount(); }
inline DWORD & BlockRandomModifier(void) { return RegWorking.BlockRandomModifier(); }
inline DWORD & x86MapOrder( int Reg ) { return RegWorking.x86MapOrder(Reg); }
inline bool & x86Protected( int Reg ) { return RegWorking.x86Protected(Reg); }
inline CRegInfo::REG_MAPPED & x86Mapped(int Reg) { return RegWorking.x86Mapped(Reg); }
inline bool IsKnown(int Reg) { return RegWorking.IsKnown(Reg); }
inline bool IsUnknown(int Reg) { return RegWorking.IsUnknown(Reg); }
inline bool IsMapped(int Reg) { return RegWorking.IsMapped(Reg); }
inline bool IsConst(int Reg) { return RegWorking.IsConst(Reg); }
inline bool IsSigned(int Reg) { return RegWorking.IsSigned(Reg); }
inline bool IsUnsigned(int Reg) { return RegWorking.IsUnsigned(Reg); }
inline bool Is32Bit(int Reg) { return RegWorking.Is32Bit(Reg); }
inline bool Is64Bit(int Reg) { return RegWorking.Is64Bit(Reg); }
inline bool Is32BitMapped(int Reg) { return RegWorking.Is32BitMapped(Reg); }
inline bool Is64BitMapped(int Reg) { return RegWorking.Is64BitMapped(Reg); }
inline int & StackTopPos ( void ) { return RegWorking.StackTopPos(); }
inline DWORD & FpuMappedTo( int Reg) { return RegWorking.FpuMappedTo(Reg); }
inline CRegInfo::FPU_STATE & FpuState(int Reg) { return RegWorking.FpuState(Reg); }
inline CRegInfo::FPU_ROUND & FpuRoundingModel(int Reg) { return RegWorking.FpuRoundingModel(Reg); }
inline bool & FpuBeenUsed (void ) { return RegWorking.FpuBeenUsed(); }
inline CRegInfo::FPU_ROUND & CurrentRoundingModel ( void ) { return RegWorking.CurrentRoundingModel(); }*/