131 lines
4.1 KiB
131 lines
4.1 KiB
#pragma once
#ifndef _WIN32
#include <strings.h>
#include "FileClass.h"
#include "CriticalSection.h"
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <list>
#include <set>
#include <memory>
class CIniFileBase
typedef std::map<std::string, std::string> KeyValueData;
typedef std::set<std::string> SectionList;
typedef std::list<std::string> strlist;
typedef std::pair<const std::string *, const std::string *> KeyValueItem;
typedef std::vector<KeyValueItem> KeyValueVector;
typedef void(*SortData)(KeyValueVector &);
CIniFileBase(CFileBase & FileObject, const char * FileName);
virtual ~CIniFileBase(void);
bool IsEmpty();
bool IsFileOpen(void);
bool DeleteSection(const char * lpSectionName);
bool GetString(const char * lpSectionName, const char * lpKeyName, const char * lpDefault, std::string & Value);
std::string GetString(const char * lpSectionName, const char * lpKeyName, const char * lpDefault);
uint32_t GetString(const char * lpSectionName, const char * lpKeyName, const char * lpDefault, char * lpReturnedString, uint32_t nSize);
uint32_t GetNumber(const char * lpSectionName, const char * lpKeyName, uint32_t nDefault);
bool GetNumber(const char * lpSectionName, const char * lpKeyName, uint32_t nDefault, uint32_t & Value);
virtual void SaveString(const char * lpSectionName, const char * lpKeyName, const char * lpString);
virtual void SaveNumber(const char * lpSectionName, const char * lpKeyName, int32_t Value);
void SetAutoFlush(bool AutoFlush);
void FlushChanges(void);
bool EntryExists(const char * lpSectionName, const char * lpKeyName);
void GetKeyList(const char * lpSectionName, strlist &List);
void GetKeyValueData(const char * lpSectionName, KeyValueData & List);
void SetCustomSort(SortData SortFunction);
void GetVectorOfSections(SectionList & sections);
const std::string &GetFileName() { return m_FileName; }
void OpenIniFileReadOnly();
void OpenIniFile(bool bCreate = true);
void SaveCurrentSection(void);
std::string FormatStr(const char * strFormat, ...);
CFileBase & m_File;
std::string m_FileName;
struct insensitive_compare
bool operator() (const std::string & a, const std::string & b) const
return _stricmp(a.c_str(), b.c_str()) < 0;
typedef std::map<std::string, long> FILELOC;
typedef FILELOC::iterator FILELOC_ITR;
typedef std::map<std::string, std::string, insensitive_compare> KeyValueList;
std::string m_CurrentSection;
bool m_CurrentSectionDirty;
int m_CurrentSectionFilePos; // Where in the file is the current section
KeyValueList m_CurrentSectionData;
long m_lastSectionSearch; // When scanning for a section, what was the last scanned POS
bool m_ReadOnly;
bool m_InstantFlush;
const char * m_LineFeed;
CriticalSection m_CS;
FILELOC m_SectionsPos;
SortData m_SortFunction;
void fInsertSpaces(int Pos, int NoOfSpaces);
int GetStringFromFile(char * & String, std::unique_ptr<char> &Data, int & MaxDataSize, int & DataSize, int & ReadPos);
bool MoveToSectionNameData(const char * lpSectionName, bool ChangeCurrentSection);
const char * CleanLine(char * Line);
void ClearSectionPosList(long FilePos);
template <class CFileStorage>
class CIniFileT :
public CIniFileBase
CIniFileT(const char * FileName) :
CIniFileBase(m_FileObject, FileName)
// Try to open file for reading
CIniFileT(const char * FileName, bool bCreate, bool bReadOnly) :
CIniFileBase(m_FileObject, FileName)
if (bReadOnly)
// Try to open file for reading
virtual ~CIniFileT(void)
CFileStorage m_FileObject;
typedef CIniFileT<CFile> CIniFile;