4308 lines
141 KiB
4308 lines
141 KiB
* *
* Project64-video - A Nintendo 64 gfx plugin. *
* http://www.pj64-emu.com/ *
* Copyright (C) 2017 Project64. All rights reserved. *
* Copyright (C) 2003-2009 Sergey 'Gonetz' Lipski *
* Copyright (C) 2002 Dave2001 *
* *
* License: *
* GNU/GPLv2 http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html *
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include <Project64-video/Renderer/Renderer.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "Gfx_1.3.h"
#include "3dmath.h"
#include "Util.h"
#include "Debugger.h"
#include "Combine.h"
#include "TexCache.h"
#include "TexBuffer.h"
#include "FBtoScreen.h"
#include "CRC.h"
#include <Common/StdString.h>
#include "trace.h"
#include "SettingsID.h"
#include <Settings/Settings.h>
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <Common/CriticalSection.h>
extern CriticalSection * g_ProcessDListCS;
const char *ACmp[] = { "NONE", "THRESHOLD", "UNKNOWN", "DITHER" };
const char *Mode0[] = { "COMBINED", "TEXEL0",
"1", "NOISE",
"0", "0",
"0", "0",
"0", "0",
"0", "0" };
const char *Mode1[] = { "COMBINED", "TEXEL0",
"CENTER", "K4",
"0", "0",
"0", "0",
"0", "0",
"0", "0" };
const char *Mode2[] = { "COMBINED", "TEXEL0",
"0", "0",
"0", "0",
"0", "0",
"0", "0",
"0", "0",
"0", "0",
"0", "0",
"0", "0" };
const char *Mode3[] = { "COMBINED", "TEXEL0",
"1", "0" };
const char *Alpha0[] = { "COMBINED", "TEXEL0",
"1", "0" };
#define Alpha1 Alpha0
const char *Alpha2[] = { "LOD_FRACTION", "TEXEL0",
"PRIM_LODFRAC", "0" };
#define Alpha3 Alpha0
const char *FBLa[] = { "G_BL_CLR_IN", "G_BL_CLR_MEM", "G_BL_CLR_BL", "G_BL_CLR_FOG" };
const char *FBLb[] = { "G_BL_A_IN", "G_BL_A_FOG", "G_BL_A_SHADE", "G_BL_0" };
const char *FBLc[] = { "G_BL_CLR_IN", "G_BL_CLR_MEM", "G_BL_CLR_BL", "G_BL_CLR_FOG" };
const char *FBLd[] = { "G_BL_1MA", "G_BL_A_MEM", "G_BL_1", "G_BL_0" };
const char *str_zs[] = { "G_ZS_PIXEL", "G_ZS_PRIM" };
const char *str_yn[] = { "NO", "YES" };
const char *str_offon[] = { "OFF", "ON" };
const char *str_cull[] = { "DISABLE", "FRONT", "BACK", "BOTH" };
// I=intensity probably
const char *str_format[] = { "RGBA", "YUV", "CI", "IA", "I", "?", "?", "?" };
const char *str_size[] = { "4bit", "8bit", "16bit", "32bit" };
const char *str_cm[] = { "WRAP/NO CLAMP", "MIRROR/NO CLAMP", "WRAP/CLAMP", "MIRROR/CLAMP" };
const char *str_lod[] = { "1", "2", "4", "8", "16", "32", "64", "128", "256", "512", "1024", "2048" };
const char *str_aspect[] = { "1x8", "1x4", "1x2", "1x1", "2x1", "4x1", "8x1" };
const char *str_filter[] = { "Point Sampled", "Average (box)", "Bilinear" };
const char *str_tlut[] = { "TT_NONE", "TT_UNKNOWN", "TT_RGBA_16", "TT_IA_16" };
const char *str_dither[] = { "Pattern", "~Pattern", "Noise", "None" };
const char *CIStatus[] = { "ci_main", "ci_zimg", "ci_unknown", "ci_useless",
"ci_old_copy", "ci_copy", "ci_copy_self",
"ci_zcopy", "ci_aux", "ci_aux_copy" };
//static variables
char out_buf[2048];
uint32_t frame_count; // frame counter
bool g_ucode_error_report = TRUE;
int wrong_tile = -1;
uint8_t microcode[4096];
uint32_t uc_crc;
void microcheck();
#include "ucode00.h"
#include "ucode01.h"
#include "ucode02.h"
#include "ucode03.h"
#include "ucode04.h"
#include "ucode05.h"
#include "ucode06.h"
#include "ucode07.h"
#include "ucode08.h"
#include "ucode09.h"
#include "ucode.h"
#include "ucode09rdp.h"
#include "turbo3D.h"
static int reset = 0;
static CSettings::ucode_t g_old_ucode = CSettings::uCode_Unsupported;
bool CRDP::init()
if (vtx1 != NULL)
return true;
vtx1 = new VERTEX[256];
if (vtx1 == NULL)
return false;
memset(vtx1, 0, sizeof(VERTEX) * 256);
vtx2 = new VERTEX[256];
if (vtx2 == NULL)
return false;
memset(vtx2, 0, sizeof(VERTEX) * 256);
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_TMU; i++)
cache[i] = new CACHE_LUT[MAX_CACHE];
if (cache[i] == NULL)
return false;
m_vtx = new VERTEX[MAX_VTX];
if (m_vtx == NULL)
return false;
memset(m_vtx, 0, sizeof(VERTEX)*MAX_VTX);
// set all vertex numbers
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_VTX; i++)
m_vtx[i].number = i;
frame_buffers = new COLOR_IMAGE[NUMTEXBUF + 2];
if (frame_buffers == NULL)
return false;
return true;
void CRDP::free()
if (vtx1)
delete vtx1;
vtx1 = NULL;
if (vtx2)
delete vtx2;
vtx2 = NULL;
clip = 0;
vtxbuf = NULL;
vtxbuf2 = NULL;
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_TMU; i++)
if (cache[i] != NULL)
delete cache[i];
cache[i] = NULL;
cur_cache[i] = 0;
cur_cache_n[i] = 0;
if (m_vtx != NULL)
delete[] m_vtx;
m_vtx = NULL;
if (frame_buffers != NULL)
delete[] frame_buffers;
frame_buffers = NULL;
n_global = 0;
vtx_buffer = 0;
v0 = 0;
vn = 0;
memset(RomName, 0, sizeof(RomName));
vi_width = 0;
vi_height = 0;
window_changed = 0;
offset_x = 0;
offset_y = 0;
offset_x_bak = 0;
offset_y_bak = 0;
scale_x = 0;
scale_x_bak = 0;
scale_y = 0;
scale_y_bak = 0;
memset(view_scale, 0, sizeof(view_scale));
memset(view_trans, 0, sizeof(view_trans));
clip_min_x = 0;
clip_max_x = 0;
clip_min_y = 0;
clip_max_y = 0;
clip_ratio = 0;
updatescreen = 0;
tri_n = 0;
debug_n = 0;
memset(pc, 0, sizeof(pc));
pc_i = 0;
dl_count = 0;
LLE = 0;
memset(segment, 0, sizeof(segment));
halt = 0;
cmd0 = 0;
cmd1 = 0;
cmd2 = 0;
cmd3 = 0;
memset(&scissor_o, 0, sizeof(scissor_o));
memset(&scissor, 0, sizeof(scissor));
fog_color = 0;
fill_color = 0;
prim_color = 0;
blend_color = 0;
env_color = 0;
SCALE = 0;
prim_lodmin = 0;
prim_lodfrac = 0;
prim_depth = 0;
prim_dz = 0;
K4 = 0;
K5 = 0;
noise = noise_none;
memset(col, 0, sizeof(col));
memset(col_2, 0, sizeof(col_2));
memset(coladd, 0, sizeof(coladd));
shade_factor = 0;
cmb_flags = 0;
cmb_flags_2 = 0;
memset(model, 0, sizeof(model));
memset(proj, 0, sizeof(proj));
memset(combined, 0, sizeof(combined));
memset(dkrproj, 0, sizeof(dkrproj));
memset(model_stack, 0, sizeof(model_stack));
model_i = 0;
model_stack_size = 0;
cur_tile = 0;
mipmap_level = 0;
last_tile = 0;
last_tile_size = 0;
t0 = GR_TMU0;
t1 = GR_TMU0;
best_tex = 0;
tex = 0;
filter_mode = 0;
memset(pal_8, 0, sizeof(pal_8));
memset(pal_8_crc, 0, sizeof(pal_8_crc));
pal_256_crc = 0;
tlut_mode = 0;
LOD_en = 0;
Persp_en = 0;
persp_supported = 0;
force_wrap = 0;
memset(pal_8_rice, 0, sizeof(pal_8_rice));
num_lights = 0;
memset(light, 0, sizeof(light));
memset(light_vector, 0, sizeof(light_vector));
memset(lookat, 0, sizeof(lookat));
use_lookat = 0;
cycle1 = 0;
cycle2 = 0;
cycle_mode = 0;
c_a0 = 0;
c_b0 = 0;
c_c0 = 0;
c_d0 = 0;
c_Aa0 = 0;
c_Ab0 = 0;
c_Ac0 = 0;
c_Ad0 = 0;
c_a1 = 0;
c_b1 = 0;
c_c1 = 0;
c_d1 = 0;
c_Aa1 = 0;
c_Ab1 = 0;
c_Ac1 = 0;
c_Ad1 = 0;
fbl_a0 = 0;
fbl_b0 = 0;
fbl_c0 = 0;
fbl_d0 = 0;
fbl_a1 = 0;
fbl_b1 = 0;
fbl_c1 = 0;
fbl_d1 = 0;
uncombined = 0;
update = 0;
flags = 0;
first = 0;
tex_ctr = 0;
allow_combine = 0;
s2dex_tex_loaded = 0;
bg_image_height = 0;
rm = 0;
render_mode_changed = 0;
geom_mode = 0;
othermode_h = 0;
othermode_l = 0;
texrecting = 0;
cimg = 0;
ocimg = 0;
zimg = 0;
tmpzimg = 0;
vi_org_reg = 0;
memset(maincimg, 0, sizeof(maincimg));
last_drawn_ci_addr = 0;
main_ci = 0;
main_ci_end = 0;
main_ci_bg = 0;
main_ci_last_tex_addr = 0;
zimg_end = 0;
last_bg = 0;
ci_width = 0;
ci_height = 0;
ci_size = 0;
ci_end = 0;
zi_width = 0;
zi_lrx = 0;
zi_lry = 0;
ci_count = 0;
num_of_ci = 0;
main_ci_index = 0;
copy_ci_index = 0;
copy_zi_index = 0;
swap_ci_index = 0;
black_ci_index = 0;
motionblur = 0;
fb_drawn = 0;
fb_drawn_front = 0;
read_previous_ci = 0;
read_whole_frame = 0;
ci_status = ci_main;
cur_image = NULL;
tbuff_tex = NULL;
memset(aTBuffTex, 0, sizeof(aTBuffTex));
cur_tex_buf = 0;
acc_tex_buf = 0;
skip_drawing = 0;
fog_multiplier = 0;
fog_offset = 0;
fog_mode = fog_disabled;
reset = 1;
v0 = vn = 0;
//vi_org_reg = *gfx.VI_ORIGIN_REG;
view_scale[2] = 32.0f * 511.0f;
view_trans[2] = 32.0f * 511.0f;
clip_ratio = 1.0f;
lookat[0][0] = lookat[1][1] = 1.0f;
cycle_mode = 2;
allow_combine = 1;
fog_mode = CRDP::fog_enabled;
maincimg[0].addr = maincimg[1].addr = last_drawn_ci_addr = 0x7FFFFFFF;
memset(&timg, 0, sizeof(timg));
memset(m_tiles, 0, sizeof(m_tiles));
memset(tmem, 0, sizeof(tmem));
memset(addr, 0, sizeof(addr));
memset(load_info, 0, sizeof(load_info));
void microcheck()
uint32_t i;
uc_crc = 0;
// Check first 3k of ucode, because the last 1k sometimes contains trash
for (i = 0; i < 3072 >> 2; i++)
uc_crc += ((uint32_t*)microcode)[i];
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceWarning, "crc: %08lx", uc_crc);
#ifdef LOG_UCODE
std::ofstream ucf;
ucf.open("ucode.txt", std::ios::out | std::ios::binary);
char d;
for (i = 0; i < 0x400000; i++)
d = ((char*)gfx.RDRAM)[i ^ 3];
ucf.write(&d, 1);
g_old_ucode = g_settings->ucode();
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "ucode = %08lx", uc_crc);
CSettings::ucode_t uc = g_settings->DetectUCode(uc_crc);
if (uc == CSettings::uCode_NotFound)
if (g_ucode_error_report)
WriteTrace(TraceGlide64, TraceError, "uCode crc not found in INI, using currently selected uCode %08lx", (unsigned long)uc_crc);
g_Notify->DisplayError(stdstr_f("Error: uCode crc not found in INI, using currently selected uCode\n\n%08lx", uc_crc).c_str());
g_ucode_error_report = false; // don't report any more ucode errors from this game
else if (uc == CSettings::uCode_Unsupported)
if (g_ucode_error_report)
WriteTrace(TraceGlide64, TraceError, "Unsupported uCode! crc: %08lx", (unsigned long)uc_crc);
g_Notify->DisplayError(stdstr_f("Error: Unsupported uCode!\n\ncrc: %08lx", uc_crc).c_str());
g_ucode_error_report = FALSE; // don't report any more ucode errors from this game
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "microcheck: old ucode: %d, new ucode: %d", g_old_ucode, uc);
if (uc_crc == 0x8d5735b2 || uc_crc == 0xb1821ed3 || uc_crc == 0x1118b3e0) //F3DLP.Rej ucode. perspective texture correction is not implemented
rdp.Persp_en = 1;
rdp.persp_supported = FALSE;
else if (g_settings->texture_correction())
rdp.persp_supported = TRUE;
static uint32_t d_ul_x, d_ul_y, d_lr_x, d_lr_y;
static void DrawPartFrameBufferToScreen()
fb_info.addr = rdp.cimg;
fb_info.size = rdp.ci_size;
fb_info.width = rdp.ci_width;
fb_info.height = rdp.ci_height;
fb_info.ul_x = d_ul_x;
fb_info.lr_x = d_lr_x;
fb_info.ul_y = d_ul_y;
fb_info.lr_y = d_lr_y;
fb_info.opaque = 0;
memset(gfx.RDRAM + rdp.cimg, 0, (rdp.ci_width*rdp.ci_height) << rdp.ci_size >> 1);
#define RGBA16TO32(color) \
((color&1)?0xFF:0) | \
((uint32_t)((float)((color&0xF800) >> 11) / 31.0f * 255.0f) << 24) | \
((uint32_t)((float)((color&0x07C0) >> 6) / 31.0f * 255.0f) << 16) | \
((uint32_t)((float)((color&0x003E) >> 1) / 31.0f * 255.0f) << 8)
static void copyWhiteToRDRAM()
if (rdp.ci_width == 0)
uint16_t *ptr_dst = (uint16_t*)(gfx.RDRAM + rdp.cimg);
uint32_t *ptr_dst32 = (uint32_t*)(gfx.RDRAM + rdp.cimg);
for (uint32_t y = 0; y < rdp.ci_height; y++)
for (uint32_t x = 0; x < rdp.ci_width; x++)
if (rdp.ci_size == 2)
ptr_dst[(x + y * rdp.ci_width) ^ 1] = 0xFFFF;
ptr_dst32[x + y * rdp.ci_width] = 0xFFFFFFFF;
static void CopyFrameBuffer(GrBuffer_t buffer = GR_BUFFER_BACKBUFFER)
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "CopyFrameBuffer: %08lx... ", rdp.cimg);
// don't bother to write the stuff in asm... the slow part is the read from video card,
// not the copy.
uint32_t width = rdp.ci_width;//*gfx.VI_WIDTH_REG;
uint32_t height;
if (g_settings->fb_emulation_enabled() && !g_settings->hacks(CSettings::hack_PPL))
int ind = (rdp.ci_count > 0) ? rdp.ci_count - 1 : 0;
height = rdp.frame_buffers[ind].height;
height = rdp.ci_lower_bound;
if (g_settings->hacks(CSettings::hack_PPL))
height -= rdp.ci_upper_bound;
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "width: %d, height: %d... ", width, height);
if (rdp.scale_x < 1.1f)
uint16_t * ptr_src = new uint16_t[width*height];
if (grLfbReadRegion(buffer,
width << 1,
uint16_t *ptr_dst = (uint16_t*)(gfx.RDRAM + rdp.cimg);
uint32_t *ptr_dst32 = (uint32_t*)(gfx.RDRAM + rdp.cimg);
uint16_t c;
for (uint32_t y = 0; y < height; y++)
for (uint32_t x = 0; x < width; x++)
c = ptr_src[x + y * width];
if (g_settings->fb_read_alpha_enabled())
if (c > 0)
c = (c & 0xFFC0) | ((c & 0x001F) << 1) | 1;
c = (c & 0xFFC0) | ((c & 0x001F) << 1) | 1;
if (rdp.ci_size == 2)
ptr_dst[(x + y * width) ^ 1] = c;
ptr_dst32[x + y * width] = RGBA16TO32(c);
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "ReadRegion. Framebuffer copy complete.");
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "Framebuffer copy failed.");
delete[] ptr_src;
if (rdp.motionblur && g_settings->fb_hwfbe_enabled())
float scale_x = (g_scr_res_x - rdp.offset_x*2.0f) / maxval(width, rdp.vi_width);
float scale_y = (g_scr_res_y - rdp.offset_y*2.0f) / maxval(height, rdp.vi_height);
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "width: %d, height: %d, ul_y: %d, lr_y: %d, scale_x: %f, scale_y: %f, ci_width: %d, ci_height: %d", width, height, rdp.ci_upper_bound, rdp.ci_lower_bound, scale_x, scale_y, rdp.ci_width, rdp.ci_height);
GrLfbInfo_t info;
info.size = sizeof(GrLfbInfo_t);
if (grLfbLock(GR_LFB_READ_ONLY,
uint16_t *ptr_src = (uint16_t*)info.lfbPtr;
uint16_t *ptr_dst = (uint16_t*)(gfx.RDRAM + rdp.cimg);
uint32_t *ptr_dst32 = (uint32_t*)(gfx.RDRAM + rdp.cimg);
uint16_t c;
uint32_t stride = info.strideInBytes >> 1;
int read_alpha = g_settings->fb_read_alpha_enabled();
if (g_settings->hacks(CSettings::hack_PMario) && rdp.frame_buffers[rdp.ci_count - 1].status != ci_aux)
read_alpha = FALSE;
int x_start = 0, y_start = 0, x_end = width, y_end = height;
if (g_settings->hacks(CSettings::hack_BAR))
x_start = 80, y_start = 24, x_end = 240, y_end = 86;
for (int y = y_start; y < y_end; y++)
for (int x = x_start; x < x_end; x++)
c = ptr_src[int(x*scale_x + rdp.offset_x) + int(y * scale_y + rdp.offset_y) * stride];
c = (c & 0xFFC0) | ((c & 0x001F) << 1) | 1;
if (read_alpha && c == 1)
c = 0;
if (rdp.ci_size <= 2)
ptr_dst[(x + y * width) ^ 1] = c;
ptr_dst32[x + y * width] = RGBA16TO32(c);
// Unlock the backbuffer
grLfbUnlock(GR_LFB_READ_ONLY, buffer);
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "LfbLock. Framebuffer copy complete.");
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "Framebuffer copy failed.");
void GoToFullScreen()
if (!InitGfx())
WriteTrace(TraceGlide64, TraceError, "tInitGfx failed");
Function: ProcessDList
Purpose: This function is called when there is a Dlist to be
processed. (High level GFX list)
input: none
output: none
void DetectFrameBufferUsage();
uint32_t fbreads_front = 0;
uint32_t fbreads_back = 0;
int cpu_fb_read_called = FALSE;
int cpu_fb_write_called = FALSE;
int cpu_fb_write = FALSE;
int cpu_fb_ignore = FALSE;
int CI_SET = TRUE;
uint32_t ucode5_texshiftaddr = 0;
uint32_t ucode5_texshiftcount = 0;
uint16_t ucode5_texshift = 0;
int depth_buffer_fog;
EXPORT void CALL ProcessDList(void)
#ifdef _WIN32
CGuard guard(*g_ProcessDListCS);
no_dlist = false;
update_screen_count = 0;
WriteTrace(TraceGlide64, TraceDebug, "ProcessDList");
if (reset)
reset = 0;
if (g_settings->autodetect_ucode())
// Thanks to ZeZu for ucode autodetection!!!
uint32_t startUcode = *(uint32_t*)(gfx.DMEM + 0xFD0);
memcpy(microcode, gfx.RDRAM + startUcode, 4096);
memset(microcode, 0, 4096);
else if ((g_old_ucode == CSettings::ucode_S2DEX && g_settings->ucode() == CSettings::ucode_F3DEX) || g_settings->force_microcheck())
uint32_t startUcode = *(uint32_t*)(gfx.DMEM + 0xFD0);
memcpy(microcode, gfx.RDRAM + startUcode, 4096);
if (exception)
// Switch to fullscreen?
if (to_fullscreen)
//* Set states *//
if (g_settings->swapmode() != CSettings::SwapMode_Old)
SwapOK = TRUE;
rdp.updatescreen = 1;
rdp.tri_n = 0; // 0 triangles so far this frame
rdp.debug_n = 0;
rdp.model_i = 0; // 0 matrices so far in stack
//stack_size can be less then 32! Important for Silicon Vally. Thanks Orkin!
rdp.model_stack_size = minval(32, (*(uint32_t*)(gfx.DMEM + 0x0FE4)) >> 6);
if (rdp.model_stack_size == 0)
rdp.model_stack_size = 32;
rdp.Persp_en = TRUE;
rdp.fb_drawn = rdp.fb_drawn_front = FALSE;
rdp.update = 0x7FFFFFFF; // All but clear cache
rdp.geom_mode = 0;
rdp.acmp = 0;
rdp.maincimg[1] = rdp.maincimg[0];
rdp.skip_drawing = FALSE;
rdp.s2dex_tex_loaded = FALSE;
rdp.bg_image_height = 0xFFFF;
fbreads_front = fbreads_back = 0;
rdp.fog_multiplier = rdp.fog_offset = 0;
rdp.zsrc = 0;
if (rdp.vi_org_reg != *gfx.VI_ORIGIN_REG)
rdp.tlut_mode = 0; //is it correct?
rdp.scissor_set = FALSE;
ucode5_texshiftaddr = ucode5_texshiftcount = 0;
cpu_fb_write = FALSE;
cpu_fb_read_called = FALSE;
cpu_fb_write_called = FALSE;
cpu_fb_ignore = FALSE;
d_ul_x = 0xffff;
d_ul_y = 0xffff;
d_lr_x = 0;
d_lr_y = 0;
depth_buffer_fog = TRUE;
//analize possible frame buffer usage
if (g_settings->fb_emulation_enabled())
if (!g_settings->hacks(CSettings::hack_Lego) || rdp.num_of_ci > 1)
rdp.last_bg = 0;
//* End of set states *//
// Get the start of the display list and the length of it
uint32_t dlist_start = *(uint32_t*)(gfx.DMEM + 0xFF0);
uint32_t dlist_length = *(uint32_t*)(gfx.DMEM + 0xFF4);
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "--- NEW DLIST --- crc: %08lx, ucode: %d, fbuf: %08lx, fbuf_width: %d, dlist start: %08lx, dlist_length: %d, x_scale: %f, y_scale: %f", uc_crc, g_settings->ucode(), *gfx.VI_ORIGIN_REG, *gfx.VI_WIDTH_REG, dlist_start, dlist_length, (*gfx.VI_X_SCALE_REG & 0xFFF) / 1024.0f, (*gfx.VI_Y_SCALE_REG & 0xFFF) / 1024.0f);
// Do nothing if dlist is empty
if (dlist_start == 0)
if (cpu_fb_write == TRUE)
if (g_settings->hacks(CSettings::hack_Tonic) && dlist_length < 16)
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceWarning, "DLIST is too short!");
// Start executing at the start of the display list
rdp.pc_i = 0;
rdp.pc[rdp.pc_i] = dlist_start;
rdp.dl_count = -1;
rdp.halt = false;
uint32_t a;
// catches exceptions so that it doesn't freeze
try {
if (g_settings->ucode() == CSettings::ucode_Turbo3d)
// Get the address of the next command
a = rdp.pc[rdp.pc_i] & BMASK;
// Load the next command and its input
rdp.cmd0 = ((uint32_t*)gfx.RDRAM)[a >> 2]; // \ Current command, 64 bit
rdp.cmd1 = ((uint32_t*)gfx.RDRAM)[(a >> 2) + 1]; // /
// cmd2 and cmd3 are filled only when needed, by the function that needs them
// Output the address before the command
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "%08lx (c0:%08lx, c1:%08lx): ", a, rdp.cmd0, rdp.cmd1);
// Go to the next instruction
rdp.pc[rdp.pc_i] = (a + 8) & BMASK;
// Process this instruction
gfx_instruction[g_settings->ucode()][rdp.cmd0 >> 24]();
// check DL counter
if (rdp.dl_count != -1)
if (rdp.dl_count == 0)
rdp.dl_count = -1;
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "End of DL");
} while (!rdp.halt);
catch (...) {
if (g_fullscreen)
if (g_ghq_use)
g_ghq_use = false;
DisplayError("The GFX plugin caused an exception and has been disabled");
to_fullscreen = TRUE;
if (g_settings->fb_emulation_enabled())
rdp.scale_x = rdp.scale_x_bak;
rdp.scale_y = rdp.scale_y_bak;
if (g_settings->hacks(CSettings::hack_OoT))
copyWhiteToRDRAM(); //Subscreen delay fix
else if (g_settings->fb_ref_enabled())
if (rdp.cur_image)
CloseTextureBuffer(rdp.read_whole_frame && (g_settings->hacks(CSettings::hack_PMario) || rdp.swap_ci_index >= 0));
if (g_settings->hacks(CSettings::hack_TGR2) && rdp.vi_org_reg != *gfx.VI_ORIGIN_REG && CI_SET)
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "ProcessDList end");
// undef - undefined instruction, always ignore
void undef()
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceWarning, "** undefined ** (%08lx) - IGNORED", rdp.cmd0);
*gfx.MI_INTR_REG |= 0x20;
rdp.halt = true;
// spnoop - no operation, always ignore
void spnoop()
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "spnoop");
// noop - no operation, always ignore
void rdp_noop()
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "noop");
void ys_memrect()
uint32_t tile = (uint16_t)((rdp.cmd1 & 0x07000000) >> 24);
uint32_t lr_x = (uint16_t)((rdp.cmd0 & 0x00FFF000) >> 14);
uint32_t lr_y = (uint16_t)((rdp.cmd0 & 0x00000FFF) >> 2);
uint32_t ul_x = (uint16_t)((rdp.cmd1 & 0x00FFF000) >> 14);
uint32_t ul_y = (uint16_t)((rdp.cmd1 & 0x00000FFF) >> 2);
if (lr_y > rdp.scissor_o.lr_y)
lr_y = rdp.scissor_o.lr_y;
uint32_t off_x = ((rdp.cmd2 & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16) >> 5;
uint32_t off_y = (rdp.cmd2 & 0x0000FFFF) >> 5;
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "memrect (%d, %d, %d, %d), ci_width: %d", ul_x, ul_y, lr_x, lr_y, rdp.ci_width);
if (off_x > 0)
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, " off_x: %d", off_x);
if (off_y > 0)
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, " off_y: %d", off_y);
uint32_t y, width = lr_x - ul_x;
uint32_t tex_width = rdp.tiles(tile).line << 3;
uint8_t * texaddr = gfx.RDRAM + rdp.addr[rdp.tiles(tile).t_mem] + tex_width*off_y + off_x;
uint8_t * fbaddr = gfx.RDRAM + rdp.cimg + ul_x;
for (y = ul_y; y < lr_y; y++) {
uint8_t *src = texaddr + (y - ul_y) * tex_width;
uint8_t *dst = fbaddr + y * rdp.ci_width;
memcpy(dst, src, width);
static void pm_palette_mod()
uint8_t envr = (uint8_t)((float)((rdp.env_color >> 24) & 0xFF) / 255.0f*31.0f);
uint8_t envg = (uint8_t)((float)((rdp.env_color >> 16) & 0xFF) / 255.0f*31.0f);
uint8_t envb = (uint8_t)((float)((rdp.env_color >> 8) & 0xFF) / 255.0f*31.0f);
uint16_t env16 = (uint16_t)((envr << 11) | (envg << 6) | (envb << 1) | 1);
uint8_t prmr = (uint8_t)((float)((rdp.prim_color >> 24) & 0xFF) / 255.0f*31.0f);
uint8_t prmg = (uint8_t)((float)((rdp.prim_color >> 16) & 0xFF) / 255.0f*31.0f);
uint8_t prmb = (uint8_t)((float)((rdp.prim_color >> 8) & 0xFF) / 255.0f*31.0f);
uint16_t prim16 = (uint16_t)((prmr << 11) | (prmg << 6) | (prmb << 1) | 1);
uint16_t * dst = (uint16_t*)(gfx.RDRAM + rdp.cimg);
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
dst[i ^ 1] = (rdp.pal_8[i] & 1) ? prim16 : env16;
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "Texrect palette modification");
static void pd_zcopy()
uint16_t ul_x = (uint16_t)((rdp.cmd1 & 0x00FFF000) >> 14);
uint16_t lr_x = (uint16_t)((rdp.cmd0 & 0x00FFF000) >> 14) + 1;
uint16_t ul_u = (uint16_t)((rdp.cmd2 & 0xFFFF0000) >> 21) + 1;
uint16_t *ptr_dst = (uint16_t*)(gfx.RDRAM + rdp.cimg);
uint16_t width = lr_x - ul_x;
uint16_t * ptr_src = ((uint16_t*)rdp.tmem) + ul_u;
uint16_t c;
for (uint16_t x = 0; x < width; x++)
c = ptr_src[x];
c = ((c << 8) & 0xFF00) | (c >> 8);
ptr_dst[(ul_x + x) ^ 1] = c;
// WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "dst[%d]=%04lx ", (x + ul_x)^1, c);
static void DrawDepthBufferFog()
if (rdp.zi_width < 200)
fb_info.addr = rdp.zimg;
fb_info.size = 2;
fb_info.width = rdp.zi_width;
fb_info.height = rdp.ci_height;
fb_info.ul_x = rdp.scissor_o.ul_x;
fb_info.lr_x = rdp.scissor_o.lr_x;
fb_info.ul_y = rdp.scissor_o.ul_y;
fb_info.lr_y = rdp.scissor_o.lr_y;
fb_info.opaque = 0;
void rdp_texrect()
if (!rdp.LLE)
uint32_t a = rdp.pc[rdp.pc_i];
uint8_t cmdHalf1 = gfx.RDRAM[a + 3];
uint8_t cmdHalf2 = gfx.RDRAM[a + 11];
a >>= 2;
if ((cmdHalf1 == 0xE1 && cmdHalf2 == 0xF1) || (cmdHalf1 == 0xB4 && cmdHalf2 == 0xB3) || (cmdHalf1 == 0xB3 && cmdHalf2 == 0xB2))
rdp.cmd2 = ((uint32_t*)gfx.RDRAM)[a + 1];
rdp.cmd3 = ((uint32_t*)gfx.RDRAM)[a + 3];
rdp.pc[rdp.pc_i] += 16;
if (g_settings->hacks(CSettings::hack_Winback))
rdp.pc[rdp.pc_i] += 8;
if (g_settings->hacks(CSettings::hack_ASB))
rdp.cmd2 = 0;
rdp.cmd2 = ((uint32_t*)gfx.RDRAM)[a + 0];
rdp.cmd3 = ((uint32_t*)gfx.RDRAM)[a + 1];
rdp.pc[rdp.pc_i] += 8;
if (g_settings->hacks(CSettings::hack_Yoshi) && g_settings->ucode() == CSettings::ucode_S2DEX)
if (rdp.skip_drawing || (!g_settings->fb_emulation_enabled() && (rdp.cimg == rdp.zimg)))
if (g_settings->hacks(CSettings::hack_PMario) && rdp.ci_status == ci_useless)
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "Texrect skipped");
if ((g_settings->ucode() == CSettings::ucode_CBFD) && rdp.cur_image && rdp.cur_image->format)
//WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "Wrong Texrect. texaddr: %08lx, cimg: %08lx, cimg_end: %08lx", rdp.timg.addr, rdp.maincimg[1].addr, rdp.maincimg[1].addr+rdp.ci_width*rdp.ci_height*rdp.ci_size);
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "Shadow texrect is skipped.");
rdp.tri_n += 2;
if ((g_settings->ucode() == CSettings::ucode_PerfectDark) && rdp.ci_count > 0 && (rdp.frame_buffers[rdp.ci_count - 1].status == ci_zcopy))
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "Depth buffer copied.");
rdp.tri_n += 2;
if ((rdp.othermode_l >> 16) == 0x3c18 && rdp.cycle1 == 0x03ffffff && rdp.cycle2 == 0x01ff1fff) //depth image based fog
if (depth_buffer_fog)
if (g_settings->fog())
depth_buffer_fog = false;
// WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "rdp.cycle1 %08lx, rdp.cycle2 %08lx", rdp.cycle1, rdp.cycle2);
float ul_x, ul_y, lr_x, lr_y;
if (rdp.cycle_mode == 2)
ul_x = maxval(0.0f, (short)((rdp.cmd1 & 0x00FFF000) >> 14));
ul_y = maxval(0.0f, (short)((rdp.cmd1 & 0x00000FFF) >> 2));
lr_x = maxval(0.0f, (short)((rdp.cmd0 & 0x00FFF000) >> 14));
lr_y = maxval(0.0f, (short)((rdp.cmd0 & 0x00000FFF) >> 2));
ul_x = maxval(0.0f, ((short)((rdp.cmd1 & 0x00FFF000) >> 12)) / 4.0f);
ul_y = maxval(0.0f, ((short)(rdp.cmd1 & 0x00000FFF)) / 4.0f);
lr_x = maxval(0.0f, ((short)((rdp.cmd0 & 0x00FFF000) >> 12)) / 4.0f);
lr_y = maxval(0.0f, ((short)(rdp.cmd0 & 0x00000FFF)) / 4.0f);
if (ul_x >= lr_x)
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "Wrong Texrect: ul_x: %f, lr_x: %f", ul_x, lr_x);
if (rdp.cycle_mode > 1)
lr_x += 1.0f;
lr_y += 1.0f;
else if (lr_y - ul_y < 1.0f)
lr_y = ceil(lr_y);
if (g_settings->increase_texrect_edge())
if (floor(lr_x) != lr_x)
lr_x = ceil(lr_x);
if (floor(lr_y) != lr_y)
lr_y = ceil(lr_y);
if (rdp.tbuff_tex && g_settings->fb_optimize_texrect_enabled())
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "Attempt to optimize texrect");
if (!rdp.tbuff_tex->drawn)
d.imageX = 0;
d.imageW = (uint16_t)rdp.tbuff_tex->width;
d.frameX = (uint16_t)ul_x;
d.frameW = (uint16_t)(rdp.tbuff_tex->width);
d.imageY = 0;
d.imageH = (uint16_t)rdp.tbuff_tex->height;
d.frameY = (uint16_t)ul_y;
d.frameH = (uint16_t)(rdp.tbuff_tex->height);
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "texrect. ul_x: %d, ul_y: %d, lr_x: %d, lr_y: %d, width: %d, height: %d", ul_x, ul_y, lr_x, lr_y, rdp.tbuff_tex->width, rdp.tbuff_tex->height);
d.scaleX = 1.0f;
d.scaleY = 1.0f;
DrawHiresImage(d, rdp.tbuff_tex->width == rdp.ci_width);
rdp.tbuff_tex->drawn = TRUE;
// framebuffer workaround for Zelda: MM LOT
if ((rdp.othermode_l & 0xFFFF0000) == 0x0f5a0000)
//hack for Zelda MM. it removes black texrects which cover all geometry in "Link meets Zelda" cut scene
if (g_settings->hacks(CSettings::hack_Zelda) && rdp.timg.addr >= rdp.cimg && rdp.timg.addr < rdp.ci_end)
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "Wrong Texrect. texaddr: %08lx, cimg: %08lx, cimg_end: %08lx", rdp.cur_cache[0]->addr, rdp.cimg, rdp.cimg + rdp.ci_width*rdp.ci_height * 2);
rdp.tri_n += 2;
//hack for Banjo2. it removes black texrects under Banjo
if (!g_settings->fb_hwfbe_enabled() && ((rdp.cycle1 << 16) | (rdp.cycle2 & 0xFFFF)) == 0xFFFFFFFF && (rdp.othermode_l & 0xFFFF0000) == 0x00500000)
rdp.tri_n += 2;
//remove motion blur in night vision
if (g_settings->ucode() == CSettings::ucode_PerfectDark && (rdp.maincimg[1].addr != rdp.maincimg[0].addr) && (rdp.timg.addr >= rdp.maincimg[1].addr) && (rdp.timg.addr < (rdp.maincimg[1].addr + rdp.ci_width*rdp.ci_height*rdp.ci_size)))
if (g_settings->fb_emulation_enabled() && rdp.ci_count > 0 && rdp.frame_buffers[rdp.ci_count - 1].status == ci_copy_self)
//WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "Wrong Texrect. texaddr: %08lx, cimg: %08lx, cimg_end: %08lx", rdp.timg.addr, rdp.maincimg[1], rdp.maincimg[1]+rdp.ci_width*rdp.ci_height*rdp.ci_size);
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "Wrong Texrect.");
rdp.tri_n += 2;
int i;
uint32_t tile_no = (uint16_t)((rdp.cmd1 & 0x07000000) >> 24);
rdp.texrecting = 1;
uint32_t prev_tile = rdp.cur_tile;
rdp.cur_tile = tile_no;
const float Z = set_sprite_combine_mode();
rdp.texrecting = 0;
if (!rdp.cur_cache[0])
rdp.cur_tile = prev_tile;
rdp.tri_n += 2;
// ****
// ** Texrect offset by Gugaman **
//integer representation of texture coordinate.
//needed to detect and avoid overflow after shifting
int32_t off_x_i = (rdp.cmd2 >> 16) & 0xFFFF;
int32_t off_y_i = rdp.cmd2 & 0xFFFF;
float dsdx = (float)((short)((rdp.cmd3 & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16)) / 1024.0f;
float dtdy = (float)((short)(rdp.cmd3 & 0x0000FFFF)) / 1024.0f;
if (off_x_i & 0x8000) //check for sign bit
off_x_i |= ~0xffff; //make it negative
//the same as for off_x_i
if (off_y_i & 0x8000)
off_y_i |= ~0xffff;
if (rdp.cycle_mode == 2)
dsdx /= 4.0f;
float s_ul_x = ul_x * rdp.scale_x + rdp.offset_x;
float s_lr_x = lr_x * rdp.scale_x + rdp.offset_x;
float s_ul_y = ul_y * rdp.scale_y + rdp.offset_y;
float s_lr_y = lr_y * rdp.scale_y + rdp.offset_y;
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "texrect (%.2f, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f), tile: %d, #%d, #%d", ul_x, ul_y, lr_x, lr_y, tile_no, rdp.tri_n, rdp.tri_n + 1);
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "(%f, %f) -> (%f, %f), s: (%d, %d) -> (%d, %d)", s_ul_x, s_ul_y, s_lr_x, s_lr_y, rdp.scissor.ul_x, rdp.scissor.ul_y, rdp.scissor.lr_x, rdp.scissor.lr_y);
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "\toff_x: %f, off_y: %f, dsdx: %f, dtdy: %f", off_x_i / 32.0f, off_y_i / 32.0f, dsdx, dtdy);
float off_size_x;
float off_size_y;
if (((rdp.cmd0 >> 24) & 0xFF) == 0xE5) //texrectflip
if (rdp.cur_cache[0]->is_hires_tex)
off_size_x = (float)((lr_y - ul_y) * dsdx);
off_size_y = (float)((lr_x - ul_x) * dtdy);
off_size_x = (lr_y - ul_y - 1) * dsdx;
off_size_y = (lr_x - ul_x - 1) * dtdy;
if (rdp.cur_cache[0]->is_hires_tex)
off_size_x = (float)((lr_x - ul_x) * dsdx);
off_size_y = (float)((lr_y - ul_y) * dtdy);
off_size_x = (lr_x - ul_x - 1) * dsdx;
off_size_y = (lr_y - ul_y - 1) * dtdy;
struct {
float ul_u, ul_v, lr_u, lr_v;
} texUV[2]; //struct for texture coordinates
//angrylion's macro, helps to cut overflowed values.
#define SIGN16(x) (((x) & 0x8000) ? ((x) | ~0xffff) : ((x) & 0xffff))
//calculate texture coordinates
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
if (rdp.cur_cache[i] && (rdp.tex & (i + 1)))
float sx = 1, sy = 1;
int x_i = off_x_i, y_i = off_y_i;
TILE & tile = rdp.tiles(rdp.cur_tile + i);
if (tile.shift_s)
if (tile.shift_s > 10)
uint8_t iShift = (16 - tile.shift_s);
x_i <<= iShift;
sx = (float)(1 << iShift);
uint8_t iShift = tile.shift_s;
x_i >>= iShift;
sx = 1.0f / (float)(1 << iShift);
if (tile.shift_t)
if (tile.shift_t > 10)
uint8_t iShift = (16 - tile.shift_t);
y_i <<= iShift;
sy = (float)(1 << iShift);
uint8_t iShift = tile.shift_t;
y_i >>= iShift;
sy = 1.0f / (float)(1 << iShift);
if (rdp.aTBuffTex[i]) //hwfbe texture
float t0_off_x;
float t0_off_y;
if (off_x_i + off_y_i == 0)
t0_off_x = tile.ul_s;
t0_off_y = tile.ul_t;
t0_off_x = off_x_i / 32.0f;
t0_off_y = off_y_i / 32.0f;
t0_off_x += rdp.aTBuffTex[i]->u_shift;// + tile.ul_s; //commented for Paper Mario motion blur
t0_off_y += rdp.aTBuffTex[i]->v_shift;// + tile.ul_t;
texUV[i].ul_u = t0_off_x * sx;
texUV[i].ul_v = t0_off_y * sy;
texUV[i].lr_u = texUV[i].ul_u + off_size_x * sx;
texUV[i].lr_v = texUV[i].ul_v + off_size_y * sy;
texUV[i].ul_u *= rdp.aTBuffTex[i]->u_scale;
texUV[i].ul_v *= rdp.aTBuffTex[i]->v_scale;
texUV[i].lr_u *= rdp.aTBuffTex[i]->u_scale;
texUV[i].lr_v *= rdp.aTBuffTex[i]->v_scale;
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "tbuff_tex[%d] ul_u: %f, ul_v: %f, lr_u: %f, lr_v: %f",
i, texUV[i].ul_u, texUV[i].ul_v, texUV[i].lr_u, texUV[i].lr_v);
else //common case
//kill 10.5 format overflow by SIGN16 macro
texUV[i].ul_u = SIGN16(x_i) / 32.0f;
texUV[i].ul_v = SIGN16(y_i) / 32.0f;
texUV[i].ul_u -= tile.f_ul_s;
texUV[i].ul_v -= tile.f_ul_t;
texUV[i].lr_u = texUV[i].ul_u + off_size_x * sx;
texUV[i].lr_v = texUV[i].ul_v + off_size_y * sy;
texUV[i].ul_u = rdp.cur_cache[i]->c_off + rdp.cur_cache[i]->c_scl_x * texUV[i].ul_u;
texUV[i].lr_u = rdp.cur_cache[i]->c_off + rdp.cur_cache[i]->c_scl_x * texUV[i].lr_u;
texUV[i].ul_v = rdp.cur_cache[i]->c_off + rdp.cur_cache[i]->c_scl_y * texUV[i].ul_v;
texUV[i].lr_v = rdp.cur_cache[i]->c_off + rdp.cur_cache[i]->c_scl_y * texUV[i].lr_v;
texUV[i].ul_u = texUV[i].ul_v = texUV[i].lr_u = texUV[i].lr_v = 0;
rdp.cur_tile = prev_tile;
// ****
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, " scissor: (%d, %d) -> (%d, %d)", rdp.scissor.ul_x, rdp.scissor.ul_y, rdp.scissor.lr_x, rdp.scissor.lr_y);
CCLIP2(s_ul_x, s_lr_x, texUV[0].ul_u, texUV[0].lr_u, texUV[1].ul_u, texUV[1].lr_u, (float)rdp.scissor.ul_x, (float)rdp.scissor.lr_x);
CCLIP2(s_ul_y, s_lr_y, texUV[0].ul_v, texUV[0].lr_v, texUV[1].ul_v, texUV[1].lr_v, (float)rdp.scissor.ul_y, (float)rdp.scissor.lr_y);
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, " draw at: (%f, %f) -> (%f, %f)", s_ul_x, s_ul_y, s_lr_x, s_lr_y);
VERTEX vstd[4] = {
{ s_ul_x, s_ul_y, Z, 1.0f, texUV[0].ul_u, texUV[0].ul_v, texUV[1].ul_u, texUV[1].ul_v, { 0, 0, 0, 0 }, 255 },
{ s_lr_x, s_ul_y, Z, 1.0f, texUV[0].lr_u, texUV[0].ul_v, texUV[1].lr_u, texUV[1].ul_v, { 0, 0, 0, 0 }, 255 },
{ s_ul_x, s_lr_y, Z, 1.0f, texUV[0].ul_u, texUV[0].lr_v, texUV[1].ul_u, texUV[1].lr_v, { 0, 0, 0, 0 }, 255 },
{ s_lr_x, s_lr_y, Z, 1.0f, texUV[0].lr_u, texUV[0].lr_v, texUV[1].lr_u, texUV[1].lr_v, { 0, 0, 0, 0 }, 255 } };
if (((rdp.cmd0 >> 24) & 0xFF) == 0xE5) //texrectflip
vstd[1].u0 = texUV[0].ul_u;
vstd[1].v0 = texUV[0].lr_v;
vstd[1].u1 = texUV[1].ul_u;
vstd[1].v1 = texUV[1].lr_v;
vstd[2].u0 = texUV[0].lr_u;
vstd[2].v0 = texUV[0].ul_v;
vstd[2].u1 = texUV[1].lr_u;
vstd[2].v1 = texUV[1].ul_v;
VERTEX *vptr = vstd;
int n_vertices = 4;
VERTEX *vnew = 0;
// for (int j =0; j < 4; j++)
// WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "v[%d] u0: %f, v0: %f, u1: %f, v1: %f", j, vstd[j].u0, vstd[j].v0, vstd[j].u1, vstd[j].v1);
if (!rdp.aTBuffTex[0] && rdp.cur_cache[0]->splits != 1)
// *VERY* simple algebra for texrects
float min_u, min_x, max_u, max_x;
if (vstd[0].u0 < vstd[1].u0)
min_u = vstd[0].u0;
min_x = vstd[0].x;
max_u = vstd[1].u0;
max_x = vstd[1].x;
min_u = vstd[1].u0;
min_x = vstd[1].x;
max_u = vstd[0].u0;
max_x = vstd[0].x;
int start_u_256, end_u_256;
start_u_256 = (int)min_u >> 8;
end_u_256 = (int)max_u >> 8;
//WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, " min_u: %f, max_u: %f start: %d, end: %d", min_u, max_u, start_u_256, end_u_256);
int splitheight = rdp.cur_cache[0]->splitheight;
int num_verts_line = 2 + ((end_u_256 - start_u_256) << 1);
n_vertices = num_verts_line << 1;
vnew = new VERTEX[n_vertices];
vptr = vnew;
vnew[0] = vstd[0];
vnew[0].u0 -= 256.0f * start_u_256;
vnew[0].v0 += splitheight * start_u_256;
vnew[0].u1 -= 256.0f * start_u_256;
vnew[0].v1 += splitheight * start_u_256;
vnew[1] = vstd[2];
vnew[1].u0 -= 256.0f * start_u_256;
vnew[1].v0 += splitheight * start_u_256;
vnew[1].u1 -= 256.0f * start_u_256;
vnew[1].v1 += splitheight * start_u_256;
vnew[n_vertices - 2] = vstd[1];
vnew[n_vertices - 2].u0 -= 256.0f * end_u_256;
vnew[n_vertices - 2].v0 += splitheight * end_u_256;
vnew[n_vertices - 2].u1 -= 256.0f * end_u_256;
vnew[n_vertices - 2].v1 += splitheight * end_u_256;
vnew[n_vertices - 1] = vstd[3];
vnew[n_vertices - 1].u0 -= 256.0f * end_u_256;
vnew[n_vertices - 1].v0 += splitheight * end_u_256;
vnew[n_vertices - 1].u1 -= 256.0f * end_u_256;
vnew[n_vertices - 1].v1 += splitheight * end_u_256;
// find the equation of the line of u,x
float m = (max_x - min_x) / (max_u - min_u); // m = delta x / delta u
float b = min_x - m * min_u; // b = y - m * x
for (i = start_u_256; i < end_u_256; i++)
// Find where x = current 256 multiple
float x = m * ((i << 8) + 256) + b;
int vn = 2 + ((i - start_u_256) << 2);
vnew[vn] = vstd[0];
vnew[vn].x = x;
vnew[vn].u0 = 255.5f;
vnew[vn].v0 += (float)splitheight * i;
vnew[vn].u1 = 255.5f;
vnew[vn].v1 += (float)splitheight * i;
vnew[vn] = vstd[2];
vnew[vn].x = x;
vnew[vn].u0 = 255.5f;
vnew[vn].v0 += (float)splitheight * i;
vnew[vn].u1 = 255.5f;
vnew[vn].v1 += (float)splitheight * i;
vnew[vn] = vnew[vn - 2];
vnew[vn].u0 = 0.5f;
vnew[vn].v0 += (float)splitheight;
vnew[vn].u1 = 0.5f;
vnew[vn].v1 += (float)splitheight;
vnew[vn] = vnew[vn - 2];
vnew[vn].u0 = 0.5f;
vnew[vn].v0 += (float)splitheight;
vnew[vn].u1 = 0.5f;
vnew[vn].v1 += (float)splitheight;
if (n_vertices > 12)
float texbound = (float)(splitheight << 1);
for (int k = 0; k < n_vertices; k++)
if (vnew[k].v0 > texbound)
vnew[k].v0 = (float)fmod(vnew[k].v0, texbound);
AllowShadeMods(vptr, n_vertices);
for (i = 0; i < n_vertices; i++)
if (rdp.fog_mode >= CRDP::fog_blend)
float fog;
if (rdp.fog_mode == CRDP::fog_blend)
fog = 1.0f / maxval(1, rdp.fog_color & 0xFF);
fog = 1.0f / maxval(1, (~rdp.fog_color) & 0xFF);
for (i = 0; i < n_vertices; i++)
vptr[i].f = fog;
ConvertCoordsConvert(vptr, n_vertices);
if (g_settings->wireframe())
grDrawLine(&vstd[0], &vstd[2]);
grDrawLine(&vstd[2], &vstd[1]);
grDrawLine(&vstd[1], &vstd[0]);
grDrawLine(&vstd[2], &vstd[3]);
grDrawLine(&vstd[3], &vstd[1]);
grDrawVertexArrayContiguous(GR_TRIANGLE_STRIP, n_vertices, vptr, sizeof(VERTEX));
rdp.tri_n += 2;
delete[] vnew;
void rdp_loadsync()
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "loadsync - ignored");
void rdp_pipesync()
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "pipesync - ignored");
void rdp_tilesync()
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "tilesync - ignored");
void rdp_fullsync()
// Set an interrupt to allow the game to continue
*gfx.MI_INTR_REG |= 0x20;
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "fullsync");
void rdp_setkeygb()
uint32_t sB = rdp.cmd1 & 0xFF;
uint32_t cB = (rdp.cmd1 >> 8) & 0xFF;
uint32_t sG = (rdp.cmd1 >> 16) & 0xFF;
uint32_t cG = (rdp.cmd1 >> 24) & 0xFF;
rdp.SCALE = (rdp.SCALE & 0xFF0000FF) | (sG << 16) | (sB << 8);
rdp.CENTER = (rdp.CENTER & 0xFF0000FF) | (cG << 16) | (cB << 8);
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "setkeygb. cG=%02lx, sG=%02lx, cB=%02lx, sB=%02lx", cG, sG, cB, sB);
void rdp_setkeyr()
uint32_t sR = rdp.cmd1 & 0xFF;
uint32_t cR = (rdp.cmd1 >> 8) & 0xFF;
rdp.SCALE = (rdp.SCALE & 0x00FFFFFF) | (sR << 24);
rdp.CENTER = (rdp.CENTER & 0x00FFFFFF) | (cR << 24);
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "setkeyr. cR=%02lx, sR=%02lx", cR, sR);
void rdp_setconvert()
rdp.YUV_C0 = 1.1647f ;
rdp.YUV_C1 = 0.79931f ;
rdp.YUV_C2 = -0.1964f ;
rdp.YUV_C3 = -0.40651f;
rdp.YUV_C4 = 1.014f ;
rdp.K4 = (uint8_t)(rdp.cmd1 >> 9) & 0x1FF;
rdp.K5 = (uint8_t)(rdp.cmd1 & 0x1FF);
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "setconvert. K4=%02lx K5=%02lx", rdp.K4, rdp.K5);
// setscissor - sets the screen clipping rectangle
void rdp_setscissor()
// clipper resolution is 320x240, scale based on computer resolution
rdp.scissor_o.ul_x = /*minval(*/(uint32_t)(((rdp.cmd0 & 0x00FFF000) >> 14))/*, 320)*/;
rdp.scissor_o.ul_y = /*minval(*/(uint32_t)(((rdp.cmd0 & 0x00000FFF) >> 2))/*, 240)*/;
rdp.scissor_o.lr_x = /*minval(*/(uint32_t)(((rdp.cmd1 & 0x00FFF000) >> 14))/*, 320)*/;
rdp.scissor_o.lr_y = /*minval(*/(uint32_t)(((rdp.cmd1 & 0x00000FFF) >> 2))/*, 240)*/;
rdp.ci_upper_bound = rdp.scissor_o.ul_y;
rdp.ci_lower_bound = rdp.scissor_o.lr_y;
rdp.scissor_set = TRUE;
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "setscissor: (%d,%d) -> (%d,%d)", rdp.scissor_o.ul_x, rdp.scissor_o.ul_y,
rdp.scissor_o.lr_x, rdp.scissor_o.lr_y);
rdp.update |= UPDATE_SCISSOR;
if (rdp.view_scale[0] == 0) //viewport is not set?
rdp.view_scale[0] = (rdp.scissor_o.lr_x >> 1)*rdp.scale_x;
rdp.view_scale[1] = (rdp.scissor_o.lr_y >> 1)*-rdp.scale_y;
rdp.view_trans[0] = rdp.view_scale[0];
rdp.view_trans[1] = -rdp.view_scale[1];
rdp.update |= UPDATE_VIEWPORT;
void rdp_setprimdepth()
rdp.prim_depth = (uint16_t)((rdp.cmd1 >> 16) & 0x7FFF);
rdp.prim_dz = (uint16_t)(rdp.cmd1 & 0x7FFF);
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "setprimdepth: %d", rdp.prim_depth);
void rdp_setothermode()
#define F3DEX2_SETOTHERMODE(cmd,sft,len,data) { \
rdp.cmd0 = (uint32_t)((cmd<<24) | ((32-(sft)-(len))<<8) | (((len)-1))); \
rdp.cmd1 = (uint32_t)(data); \
gfx_instruction[g_settings->ucode()][cmd] (); \
#define SETOTHERMODE(cmd,sft,len,data) { \
rdp.cmd0 = (uint32_t)((cmd<<24) | ((sft)<<8) | (len)); \
rdp.cmd1 = (uint32_t)data; \
gfx_instruction[g_settings->ucode()][cmd] (); \
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "rdp_setothermode");
if (g_settings->ucode() == CSettings::ucode_F3DEX2 || g_settings->ucode() == CSettings::ucode_CBFD)
int cmd0 = rdp.cmd0;
F3DEX2_SETOTHERMODE(0xE2, 0, 32, rdp.cmd1); // SETOTHERMODE_L
int cmd0 = rdp.cmd0;
SETOTHERMODE(0xB9, 0, 32, rdp.cmd1); // SETOTHERMODE_L
void load_palette(uint32_t addr, uint16_t start, uint16_t count)
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "Loading palette... ");
uint16_t *dpal = rdp.pal_8 + start;
uint16_t end = start + count;
uint16_t *spal = (uint16_t*)(gfx.RDRAM + (addr & BMASK));
for (uint16_t i = start; i < end; i++)
*(dpal++) = *(uint16_t *)(gfx.RDRAM + (addr ^ 2));
addr += 2;
WriteTrace(TraceTLUT, TraceDebug, "%d: %08lx", i, *(uint16_t *)(gfx.RDRAM + (addr ^ 2)));
if (g_settings->ghq_hirs() != CSettings::HiResPackFormat_None)
memcpy((uint8_t*)(rdp.pal_8_rice + start), spal, count << 1);
start >>= 4;
end = start + (count >> 4);
if (end == start) // it can be if count < 16
end = start + 1;
for (uint16_t p = start; p < end; p++)
rdp.pal_8_crc[p] = CRC32(0xFFFFFFFF, &rdp.pal_8[(p << 4)], 32);
rdp.pal_256_crc = CRC32(0xFFFFFFFF, rdp.pal_8_crc, 64);
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "Done.");
void rdp_loadtlut()
uint32_t tile = (rdp.cmd1 >> 24) & 0x07;
uint16_t start = rdp.tiles(tile).t_mem - 256; // starting location in the palettes
// uint16_t start = ((uint16_t)(rdp.cmd1 >> 2) & 0x3FF) + 1;
uint16_t count = ((uint16_t)(rdp.cmd1 >> 14) & 0x3FF) + 1; // number to copy
if (rdp.timg.addr + (count << 1) > BMASK)
count = (uint16_t)((BMASK - rdp.timg.addr) >> 1);
if (start + count > 256) count = 256 - start;
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "loadtlut: tile: %d, start: %d, count: %d, from: %08lx", tile, start, count,
load_palette(rdp.timg.addr, start, count);
rdp.timg.addr += count << 1;
if (rdp.tbuff_tex) //paranoid check.
//the buffer is definitely wrong, as there must be no CI frame buffers
//find and remove it
for (int i = 0; i < (nbTextureUnits > 2 ? 2 : 1); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < rdp.texbufs[i].count; j++)
if (&(rdp.texbufs[i].images[j]) == rdp.tbuff_tex)
if (j < rdp.texbufs[i].count)
memcpy(&(rdp.texbufs[i].images[j]), &(rdp.texbufs[i].images[j + 1]), sizeof(TBUFF_COLOR_IMAGE)*(rdp.texbufs[i].count - j));
int tile_set = 0;
void rdp_settilesize()
uint32_t tile = (rdp.cmd1 >> 24) & 0x07;
rdp.last_tile_size = tile;
rdp.tiles(tile).f_ul_s = (float)((rdp.cmd0 >> 12) & 0xFFF) / 4.0f;
rdp.tiles(tile).f_ul_t = (float)(rdp.cmd0 & 0xFFF) / 4.0f;
int ul_s = (rdp.cmd0 >> 14) & 0x03ff;
int ul_t = (rdp.cmd0 >> 2) & 0x03ff;
int lr_s = (rdp.cmd1 >> 14) & 0x03ff;
int lr_t = (rdp.cmd1 >> 2) & 0x03ff;
if (lr_s == 0 && ul_s == 0) //pokemon puzzle league set such tile size
wrong_tile = tile;
else if (wrong_tile == (int)tile)
wrong_tile = -1;
if (g_settings->use_sts1_only())
// This option helps certain textures while using the 'Alternate texture size method',
// but may break others. (should help more than break)
if (tile_set)
// coords in 10.2 format
rdp.tiles(tile).ul_s = ul_s;
rdp.tiles(tile).ul_t = ul_t;
rdp.tiles(tile).lr_s = lr_s;
rdp.tiles(tile).lr_t = lr_t;
tile_set = 0;
// coords in 10.2 format
rdp.tiles(tile).ul_s = ul_s;
rdp.tiles(tile).ul_t = ul_t;
rdp.tiles(tile).lr_s = lr_s;
rdp.tiles(tile).lr_t = lr_t;
// handle wrapping
if (rdp.tiles(tile).lr_s < rdp.tiles(tile).ul_s) rdp.tiles(tile).lr_s += 0x400;
if (rdp.tiles(tile).lr_t < rdp.tiles(tile).ul_t) rdp.tiles(tile).lr_t += 0x400;
rdp.update |= UPDATE_TEXTURE;
rdp.first = 1;
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "settilesize: tile: %d, ul_s: %d, ul_t: %d, lr_s: %d, lr_t: %d, f_ul_s: %f, f_ul_t: %f",
tile, ul_s, ul_t, lr_s, lr_t, rdp.tiles(tile).f_ul_s, rdp.tiles(tile).f_ul_t);
void setTBufTex(uint16_t t_mem, uint32_t cnt)
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "setTBufTex t_mem=%d, cnt=%d", t_mem, cnt);
TBUFF_COLOR_IMAGE * pTbufTex = rdp.tbuff_tex;
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "Before: ");
if (rdp.aTBuffTex[i]) {
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "rdp.aTBuffTex[%d]: tmu=%d t_mem=%d tile=%d", i, rdp.aTBuffTex[i]->tmu, rdp.aTBuffTex[i]->t_mem, rdp.aTBuffTex[i]->tile);
else {
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "rdp.aTBuffTex[%d]=0", i);
if ((rdp.aTBuffTex[i] == 0 && rdp.aTBuffTex[i ^ 1] != pTbufTex) || (rdp.aTBuffTex[i] && rdp.aTBuffTex[i]->t_mem >= t_mem && rdp.aTBuffTex[i]->t_mem < t_mem + cnt))
if (pTbufTex)
rdp.aTBuffTex[i] = pTbufTex;
rdp.aTBuffTex[i]->t_mem = t_mem;
pTbufTex = 0;
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "rdp.aTBuffTex[%d] tmu=%d t_mem=%d", i, rdp.aTBuffTex[i]->tmu, rdp.aTBuffTex[i]->t_mem);
rdp.aTBuffTex[i] = 0;
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "rdp.aTBuffTex[%d]=0", i);
static inline void loadBlock(uint32_t *src, uint32_t *dst, uint32_t off, int dxt, int cnt)
uint32_t *v5;
int v6;
uint32_t *v7;
uint32_t v8;
int v9;
uint32_t v10;
uint32_t *v11;
uint32_t v12;
uint32_t v13;
uint32_t v14;
int v15;
int v16;
uint32_t *v17;
int v18;
uint32_t v19;
uint32_t v20;
int i;
v5 = dst;
v6 = cnt;
if (cnt)
v7 = (uint32_t *)((char *)src + (off & 0xFFFFFFFC));
v8 = off & 3;
if (!(off & 3))
goto LABEL_23;
v9 = 4 - v8;
v10 = *v7;
v11 = v7 + 1;
v10 = __ROL__(v10, 8);
} while (v8);
v10 = __ROL__(v10, 8);
*(uint8_t *)v5 = v10;
v5 = (uint32_t *)((char *)v5 + 1);
} while (v9);
v12 = *v11;
v7 = v11 + 1;
*v5 = bswap32(v12);
v6 = cnt - 1;
if (cnt != 1)
*v5 = bswap32(*v7);
v5[1] = bswap32(v7[1]);
v7 += 2;
v5 += 2;
} while (v6);
v13 = off & 3;
if (off & 3)
v14 = *(uint32_t *)((char *)src + ((8 * cnt + off) & 0xFFFFFFFC));
v14 = __ROL__(v14, 8);
*(uint8_t *)v5 = v14;
v5 = (uint32_t *)((char *)v5 + 1);
} while (v13);
v15 = cnt;
v16 = 0;
v17 = dst;
v18 = 0;
while (1)
v17 += 2;
if (!v15)
v16 += dxt;
if (v16 < 0)
while (1)
if (!v15)
goto end_dxt_test;
v16 += dxt;
if (v16 >= 0)
for (i = v15; v18; --v18)
v19 = *v17;
*v17 = v17[1];
v17[1] = v19;
v17 += 2;
v15 = i;
goto dxt_test;
while (v18)
v20 = *v17;
*v17 = v17[1];
v17[1] = v20;
v17 += 2;
void LoadBlock32b(uint32_t tile, uint32_t ul_s, uint32_t ul_t, uint32_t lr_s, uint32_t dxt);
void rdp_loadblock()
if (rdp.skip_drawing)
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "loadblock skipped");
uint32_t tile = (uint32_t)((rdp.cmd1 >> 24) & 0x07);
uint32_t dxt = (uint32_t)(rdp.cmd1 & 0x0FFF);
uint16_t lr_s = (uint16_t)(rdp.cmd1 >> 14) & 0x3FF;
if (ucode5_texshiftaddr)
if (ucode5_texshift % ((lr_s + 1) << 3))
rdp.timg.addr -= ucode5_texshift;
ucode5_texshiftaddr = 0;
ucode5_texshift = 0;
ucode5_texshiftcount = 0;
rdp.addr[rdp.tiles(tile).t_mem] = rdp.timg.addr;
// ** DXT is used for swapping every other line
/* double fdxt = (double)0x8000000F/(double)((uint32_t)(2047/(dxt-1))); // F for error
uint32_t _dxt = (uint32_t)fdxt;*/
// 0x00000800 -> 0x80000000 (so we can check the sign bit instead of the 11th bit)
uint32_t _dxt = dxt << 20;
uint32_t addr = segoffset(rdp.timg.addr) & BMASK;
// lr_s specifies number of 64-bit words to copy
// 10.2 format
uint16_t ul_s = (uint16_t)((rdp.cmd0 >> 14) & 0x3FF);
uint16_t ul_t = (uint16_t)((rdp.cmd0 >> 2) & 0x3FF);
rdp.tiles(tile).ul_s = ul_s;
rdp.tiles(tile).ul_t = ul_t;
rdp.tiles(tile).lr_s = lr_s;
rdp.timg.set_by = 0; // load block
LOAD_TILE_INFO &info = rdp.load_info[rdp.tiles(tile).t_mem];
info.tile_width = lr_s;
info.dxt = dxt;
// do a quick boundary check before copying to eliminate the possibility for exception
if (ul_s >= 512) {
lr_s = 1; // 1 so that it doesn't die on memcpy
ul_s = 511;
if (ul_s + lr_s > 512)
lr_s = 512 - ul_s;
if (addr + (lr_s << 3) > BMASK + 1)
lr_s = (uint16_t)((BMASK - addr) >> 3);
//angrylion's advice to use ul_s in texture image offset and cnt calculations.
//Helps to fix Vigilante 8 jpeg backgrounds and logos
uint32_t off = rdp.timg.addr + (ul_s << rdp.tiles(tile).size >> 1);
unsigned char *dst = ((unsigned char *)rdp.tmem) + (rdp.tiles(tile).t_mem << 3);
uint32_t cnt = lr_s - ul_s + 1;
if (rdp.tiles(tile).size == 3)
cnt <<= 1;
if (((rdp.tiles(tile).t_mem + cnt) << 3) > sizeof(rdp.tmem)) {
cnt = (sizeof(rdp.tmem) >> 3) - (rdp.tiles(tile).t_mem);
if (rdp.timg.size == 3)
LoadBlock32b(tile, ul_s, ul_t, lr_s, dxt);
loadBlock((uint32_t *)gfx.RDRAM, (uint32_t *)dst, off, _dxt, cnt);
rdp.timg.addr += cnt << 3;
rdp.tiles(tile).lr_t = ul_t + ((dxt*cnt) >> 11);
rdp.update |= UPDATE_TEXTURE;
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "loadblock: tile: %d, ul_s: %d, ul_t: %d, lr_s: %d, dxt: %08lx -> %08lx",
tile, ul_s, ul_t, lr_s,
dxt, _dxt);
if (g_settings->fb_hwfbe_enabled())
setTBufTex(rdp.tiles(tile).t_mem, cnt);
static inline void loadTile(uint32_t *src, uint32_t *dst, int width, int height, int line, int off, uint32_t *end)
uint32_t *v7;
int v8;
uint32_t *v9;
int v10;
int v11;
int v12;
uint32_t *v13;
int v14;
int v15;
uint32_t v16;
uint32_t *v17;
uint32_t v18;
int v19;
uint32_t v20;
int v21;
uint32_t v22;
int v23;
uint32_t *v24;
int v25;
int v26;
uint32_t *v27;
int v28;
int v29;
int v30;
uint32_t *v31;
v7 = dst;
v8 = width;
v9 = src;
v10 = off;
v11 = 0;
v12 = height;
if (end < v7)
v31 = v7;
v30 = v8;
v29 = v12;
v28 = v11;
v27 = v9;
v26 = v10;
if (v8)
v25 = v8;
v24 = v9;
v23 = v10;
v13 = (uint32_t *)((char *)v9 + (v10 & 0xFFFFFFFC));
v14 = v10 & 3;
if (!(v10 & 3))
goto LABEL_20;
v15 = 4 - v14;
v16 = *v13;
v17 = v13 + 1;
v16 = __ROL__(v16, 8);
} while (v14);
v16 = __ROL__(v16, 8);
*(uint8_t *)v7 = (v16 & 0xFF);
v7 = (uint32_t *)((char *)v7 + 1);
} while (v15);
v18 = *v17;
v13 = v17 + 1;
*v7 = bswap32(v18);
if (v8)
*v7 = bswap32(*v13);
v7[1] = bswap32(v13[1]);
v13 += 2;
v7 += 2;
} while (v8);
v19 = v23 & 3;
if (v23 & 3)
v20 = *(uint32_t *)((char *)v24 + ((8 * v25 + v23) & 0xFFFFFFFC));
v20 = __ROL__(v20, 8);
*(uint8_t *)v7 = (v20 & 0xFF);
v7 = (uint32_t *)((char *)v7 + 1);
} while (v19);
v9 = v27;
v21 = v29;
v8 = v30;
v11 = v28 ^ 1;
if (v28 == 1)
v7 = v31;
if (v30)
v22 = *v7;
*v7 = v7[1];
v7[1] = v22;
v7 += 2;
} while (v8);
v21 = v29;
v8 = v30;
v10 = line + v26;
v12 = v21 - 1;
} while (v12);
void LoadTile32b(uint32_t tile, uint32_t ul_s, uint32_t ul_t, uint32_t width, uint32_t height);
void rdp_loadtile()
if (rdp.skip_drawing)
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "loadtile skipped");
rdp.timg.set_by = 1; // load tile
uint32_t tile = (uint32_t)((rdp.cmd1 >> 24) & 0x07);
rdp.addr[rdp.tiles(tile).t_mem] = rdp.timg.addr;
uint16_t ul_s = (uint16_t)((rdp.cmd0 >> 14) & 0x03FF);
uint16_t ul_t = (uint16_t)((rdp.cmd0 >> 2) & 0x03FF);
uint16_t lr_s = (uint16_t)((rdp.cmd1 >> 14) & 0x03FF);
uint16_t lr_t = (uint16_t)((rdp.cmd1 >> 2) & 0x03FF);
if (lr_s < ul_s || lr_t < ul_t) return;
if (wrong_tile >= 0) //there was a tile with zero length
rdp.tiles(wrong_tile).lr_s = lr_s;
if (rdp.tiles(tile).size > rdp.tiles(wrong_tile).size)
rdp.tiles(wrong_tile).lr_s <<= (rdp.tiles(tile).size - rdp.tiles(wrong_tile).size);
else if (rdp.tiles(tile).size < rdp.tiles(wrong_tile).size)
rdp.tiles(wrong_tile).lr_s >>= (rdp.tiles(wrong_tile).size - rdp.tiles(tile).size);
rdp.tiles(wrong_tile).lr_t = lr_t;
rdp.tiles(wrong_tile).mask_s = rdp.tiles(wrong_tile).mask_t = 0;
// wrong_tile = -1;
if (rdp.tbuff_tex)// && (rdp.tiles(tile).format == 0))
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "loadtile: tbuff_tex ul_s: %d, ul_t:%d", ul_s, ul_t);
rdp.tbuff_tex->tile_uls = ul_s;
rdp.tbuff_tex->tile_ult = ul_t;
if (g_settings->hacks(CSettings::hack_Tonic) && tile == 7)
rdp.tiles(0).ul_s = ul_s;
rdp.tiles(0).ul_t = ul_t;
rdp.tiles(0).lr_s = lr_s;
rdp.tiles(0).lr_t = lr_t;
uint32_t height = lr_t - ul_t + 1; // get height
uint32_t width = lr_s - ul_s + 1;
LOAD_TILE_INFO &info = rdp.load_info[rdp.tiles(tile).t_mem];
info.tile_ul_s = ul_s;
info.tile_ul_t = ul_t;
info.tile_width = (rdp.tiles(tile).mask_s ? minval((uint16_t)width, 1 << rdp.tiles(tile).mask_s) : (uint16_t)width);
info.tile_height = (rdp.tiles(tile).mask_t ? minval((uint16_t)height, 1 << rdp.tiles(tile).mask_t) : (uint16_t)height);
if (g_settings->hacks(CSettings::hack_MK64))
if (info.tile_width % 2)
if (info.tile_height % 2)
info.tex_width = rdp.timg.width;
info.tex_size = rdp.timg.size;
int line_n = rdp.timg.width << rdp.tiles(tile).size >> 1;
uint32_t offs = ul_t * line_n;
offs += ul_s << rdp.tiles(tile).size >> 1;
offs += rdp.timg.addr;
if (offs >= BMASK)
if (rdp.timg.size == 3)
LoadTile32b(tile, ul_s, ul_t, width, height);
// check if points to bad location
if (offs + line_n*height > BMASK)
height = (BMASK - offs) / line_n;
if (height == 0)
uint32_t wid_64 = rdp.tiles(tile).line;
unsigned char *dst = ((unsigned char *)rdp.tmem) + (rdp.tiles(tile).t_mem << 3);
unsigned char *end = ((unsigned char *)rdp.tmem) + 4096 - (wid_64 << 3);
loadTile((uint32_t *)gfx.RDRAM, (uint32_t *)dst, wid_64, height, line_n, offs, (uint32_t *)end);
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "loadtile: tile: %d, ul_s: %d, ul_t: %d, lr_s: %d, lr_t: %d", tile,
ul_s, ul_t, lr_s, lr_t);
if (g_settings->fb_hwfbe_enabled())
setTBufTex(rdp.tiles(tile).t_mem, rdp.tiles(tile).line*height);
void rdp_settile()
tile_set = 1; // used to check if we only load the first settilesize
rdp.first = 0;
rdp.last_tile = (uint32_t)((rdp.cmd1 >> 24) & 0x07);
TILE *tile = &rdp.tiles(rdp.last_tile);
tile->format = (uint8_t)((rdp.cmd0 >> 21) & 0x07);
tile->size = (uint8_t)((rdp.cmd0 >> 19) & 0x03);
tile->line = (uint16_t)((rdp.cmd0 >> 9) & 0x01FF);
tile->t_mem = (uint16_t)(rdp.cmd0 & 0x1FF);
tile->palette = (uint8_t)((rdp.cmd1 >> 20) & 0x0F);
tile->clamp_t = (uint8_t)((rdp.cmd1 >> 19) & 0x01);
tile->mirror_t = (uint8_t)((rdp.cmd1 >> 18) & 0x01);
tile->mask_t = (uint8_t)((rdp.cmd1 >> 14) & 0x0F);
tile->shift_t = (uint8_t)((rdp.cmd1 >> 10) & 0x0F);
tile->clamp_s = (uint8_t)((rdp.cmd1 >> 9) & 0x01);
tile->mirror_s = (uint8_t)((rdp.cmd1 >> 8) & 0x01);
tile->mask_s = (uint8_t)((rdp.cmd1 >> 4) & 0x0F);
tile->shift_s = (uint8_t)(rdp.cmd1 & 0x0F);
rdp.update |= UPDATE_TEXTURE;
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "settile: tile: %d, format: %s, size: %s, line: %d, "
"t_mem: %08lx, palette: %d, clamp_t/mirror_t: %s, mask_t: %d, "
"shift_t: %d, clamp_s/mirror_s: %s, mask_s: %d, shift_s: %d",
rdp.last_tile, str_format[tile->format], str_size[tile->size], tile->line,
tile->t_mem, tile->palette, str_cm[(tile->clamp_t << 1) | tile->mirror_t], tile->mask_t,
tile->shift_t, str_cm[(tile->clamp_s << 1) | tile->mirror_s], tile->mask_s, tile->shift_s);
if (g_settings->fb_hwfbe_enabled() && rdp.last_tile < rdp.cur_tile + 2)
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
if (rdp.aTBuffTex[i])
if (rdp.aTBuffTex[i]->t_mem == tile->t_mem)
if (rdp.aTBuffTex[i]->size == tile->size)
rdp.aTBuffTex[i]->tile = rdp.last_tile;
rdp.aTBuffTex[i]->info.format = tile->format == 0 ? GFX_TEXFMT_RGB_565 : GFX_TEXFMT_ALPHA_INTENSITY_88;
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "rdp.aTBuffTex[%d] tile=%d, format=%s", i, rdp.last_tile, tile->format == 0 ? "RGB565" : "Alpha88");
rdp.aTBuffTex[i] = 0;
else if (rdp.aTBuffTex[i]->tile == rdp.last_tile) //wrong! t_mem must be the same
rdp.aTBuffTex[i] = 0;
// fillrect - fills a rectangle
void rdp_fillrect()
uint32_t ul_x = ((rdp.cmd1 & 0x00FFF000) >> 14);
uint32_t ul_y = (rdp.cmd1 & 0x00000FFF) >> 2;
uint32_t lr_x = ((rdp.cmd0 & 0x00FFF000) >> 14) + 1;
uint32_t lr_y = ((rdp.cmd0 & 0x00000FFF) >> 2) + 1;
if ((ul_x > lr_x) || (ul_y > lr_y))
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "Fillrect. Wrong coordinates. Skipped");
bool pd_multiplayer = g_settings->ucode() == CSettings::ucode_PerfectDark && rdp.cycle_mode == 3 && rdp.fill_color == 0xFFFCFFFC;
if ((rdp.cimg == rdp.zimg) || (g_settings->fb_emulation_enabled() && rdp.ci_count > 0 && rdp.frame_buffers[rdp.ci_count - 1].status == ci_zimg) || pd_multiplayer)
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "Fillrect - cleared the depth buffer");
if (!g_settings->hacks(CSettings::hack_Hyperbike) || rdp.ci_width > 64) //do not clear main depth buffer for aux depth buffers
grBufferClear(0, 0, rdp.fill_color ? rdp.fill_color & 0xFFFF : 0xFFFF);
gfxColorMask(FXTRUE, FXTRUE);
rdp.update |= UPDATE_ZBUF_ENABLED;
ul_x = minval(maxval(ul_x, rdp.scissor_o.ul_x), rdp.scissor_o.lr_x);
lr_x = minval(maxval(lr_x, rdp.scissor_o.ul_x), rdp.scissor_o.lr_x);
ul_y = minval(maxval(ul_y, rdp.scissor_o.ul_y), rdp.scissor_o.lr_y);
lr_y = minval(maxval(lr_y, rdp.scissor_o.ul_y), rdp.scissor_o.lr_y);
uint32_t zi_width_in_dwords = rdp.ci_width >> 1;
ul_x >>= 1;
lr_x >>= 1;
uint32_t * dst = (uint32_t*)(gfx.RDRAM + rdp.cimg);
dst += ul_y * zi_width_in_dwords;
for (uint32_t y = ul_y; y < lr_y; y++)
for (uint32_t x = ul_x; x < lr_x; x++)
dst[x] = rdp.fill_color;
dst += zi_width_in_dwords;
if (rdp.skip_drawing)
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "Fillrect skipped");
if (rdp.cur_image && (rdp.cur_image->format != 0) && (rdp.cycle_mode == 3) && (rdp.cur_image->width == lr_x - ul_x) && (rdp.cur_image->height == lr_y - ul_y))
uint32_t color = rdp.fill_color;
if (rdp.ci_size < 3)
color = ((color & 1) ? 0xFF : 0) |
((uint32_t)((float)((color & 0xF800) >> 11) / 31.0f * 255.0f) << 24) |
((uint32_t)((float)((color & 0x07C0) >> 6) / 31.0f * 255.0f) << 16) |
((uint32_t)((float)((color & 0x003E) >> 1) / 31.0f * 255.0f) << 8);
grBufferClear(color, 0, 0xFFFF);
rdp.update |= UPDATE_ZBUF_ENABLED;
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "Fillrect - cleared the texture buffer");
// Update scissor
if (g_settings->decrease_fillrect_edge() && rdp.cycle_mode == 0)
lr_x--; lr_y--;
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "fillrect (%d,%d) -> (%d,%d), cycle mode: %d, #%d, #%d", ul_x, ul_y, lr_x, lr_y, rdp.cycle_mode,
rdp.tri_n, rdp.tri_n + 1);
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "scissor (%d,%d) -> (%d,%d)", rdp.scissor.ul_x, rdp.scissor.ul_y, rdp.scissor.lr_x,
// KILL the floating point error with 0.01f
int32_t s_ul_x = (uint32_t)minval(maxval(ul_x * rdp.scale_x + rdp.offset_x + 0.01f, rdp.scissor.ul_x), rdp.scissor.lr_x);
int32_t s_lr_x = (uint32_t)minval(maxval(lr_x * rdp.scale_x + rdp.offset_x + 0.01f, rdp.scissor.ul_x), rdp.scissor.lr_x);
int32_t s_ul_y = (uint32_t)minval(maxval(ul_y * rdp.scale_y + rdp.offset_y + 0.01f, rdp.scissor.ul_y), rdp.scissor.lr_y);
int32_t s_lr_y = (uint32_t)minval(maxval(lr_y * rdp.scale_y + rdp.offset_y + 0.01f, rdp.scissor.ul_y), rdp.scissor.lr_y);
if (s_lr_x < 0) s_lr_x = 0;
if (s_lr_y < 0) s_lr_y = 0;
if ((uint32_t)s_ul_x > g_res_x) { s_ul_x = g_res_x; }
if ((uint32_t)s_ul_y > g_res_y) { s_ul_y = g_res_y; }
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, " - %d, %d, %d, %d", s_ul_x, s_ul_y, s_lr_x, s_lr_y);
const float Z = (rdp.cycle_mode == 3) ? 0.0f : set_sprite_combine_mode();
// Draw the rectangle
VERTEX v[4] = {
{ (float)s_ul_x, (float)s_ul_y, Z, 1.0f, 0, 0, 0, 0, { 0, 0, 0, 0 }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ (float)s_lr_x, (float)s_ul_y, Z, 1.0f, 0, 0, 0, 0, { 0, 0, 0, 0 }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ (float)s_ul_x, (float)s_lr_y, Z, 1.0f, 0, 0, 0, 0, { 0, 0, 0, 0 }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ (float)s_lr_x, (float)s_lr_y, Z, 1.0f, 0, 0, 0, 0, { 0, 0, 0, 0 }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } };
if (rdp.cycle_mode == 3)
uint32_t color = rdp.fill_color;
if (g_settings->hacks(CSettings::hack_PMario) && rdp.ci_count > 0 && rdp.frame_buffers[rdp.ci_count - 1].status == ci_aux)
//background of auxiliary frame buffers must have zero alpha.
//make it black, set 0 alpha to plack pixels on frame buffer read
color = 0;
else if (rdp.ci_size < 3)
color = ((color & 1) ? 0xFF : 0) |
((uint32_t)((float)((color & 0xF800) >> 11) / 31.0f * 255.0f) << 24) |
((uint32_t)((float)((color & 0x07C0) >> 6) / 31.0f * 255.0f) << 16) |
((uint32_t)((float)((color & 0x003E) >> 1) / 31.0f * 255.0f) << 8);
uint32_t cmb_mode_c = (rdp.cycle1 << 16) | (rdp.cycle2 & 0xFFFF);
uint32_t cmb_mode_a = (rdp.cycle1 & 0x0FFF0000) | ((rdp.cycle2 >> 16) & 0x00000FFF);
if (cmb_mode_c == 0x9fff9fff || cmb_mode_a == 0x09ff09ff) //shade
AllowShadeMods(v, 4);
for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
if ((rdp.othermode_l & 0x4000) && ((rdp.othermode_l >> 16) == 0x0550)) //special blender mode for Bomberman64
gfxConstantColorValue((cmb.ccolor & 0xFFFFFF00) | (rdp.fog_color & 0xFF));
rdp.update |= UPDATE_COMBINE;
if (g_settings->wireframe())
grDrawLine(&v[0], &v[2]);
grDrawLine(&v[2], &v[1]);
grDrawLine(&v[1], &v[0]);
grDrawLine(&v[2], &v[3]);
grDrawLine(&v[3], &v[1]);
//grDrawLine (&v[1], &v[2]);
grDrawTriangle(&v[0], &v[2], &v[1]);
grDrawTriangle(&v[2], &v[3], &v[1]);
rdp.tri_n += 2;
// setfillcolor - sets the filling color
void rdp_setfillcolor()
rdp.fill_color = rdp.cmd1;
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "setfillcolor: %08lx", rdp.cmd1);
void rdp_setfogcolor()
rdp.fog_color = rdp.cmd1;
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "setfogcolor - %08lx", rdp.cmd1);
void rdp_setblendcolor()
rdp.blend_color = rdp.cmd1;
rdp.update |= UPDATE_COMBINE;
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "setblendcolor: %08lx", rdp.cmd1);
void rdp_setprimcolor()
rdp.prim_color = rdp.cmd1;
rdp.prim_lodmin = (rdp.cmd0 >> 8) & 0xFF;
rdp.prim_lodfrac = maxval(rdp.cmd0 & 0xFF, rdp.prim_lodmin);
rdp.update |= UPDATE_COMBINE;
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "setprimcolor: %08lx, lodmin: %d, lodfrac: %d", rdp.cmd1, rdp.prim_lodmin,
void rdp_setenvcolor()
rdp.env_color = rdp.cmd1;
rdp.update |= UPDATE_COMBINE;
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "setenvcolor: %08lx", rdp.cmd1);
void rdp_setcombine()
rdp.c_a0 = (uint8_t)((rdp.cmd0 >> 20) & 0xF);
rdp.c_b0 = (uint8_t)((rdp.cmd1 >> 28) & 0xF);
rdp.c_c0 = (uint8_t)((rdp.cmd0 >> 15) & 0x1F);
rdp.c_d0 = (uint8_t)((rdp.cmd1 >> 15) & 0x7);
rdp.c_Aa0 = (uint8_t)((rdp.cmd0 >> 12) & 0x7);
rdp.c_Ab0 = (uint8_t)((rdp.cmd1 >> 12) & 0x7);
rdp.c_Ac0 = (uint8_t)((rdp.cmd0 >> 9) & 0x7);
rdp.c_Ad0 = (uint8_t)((rdp.cmd1 >> 9) & 0x7);
rdp.c_a1 = (uint8_t)((rdp.cmd0 >> 5) & 0xF);
rdp.c_b1 = (uint8_t)((rdp.cmd1 >> 24) & 0xF);
rdp.c_c1 = (uint8_t)((rdp.cmd0 >> 0) & 0x1F);
rdp.c_d1 = (uint8_t)((rdp.cmd1 >> 6) & 0x7);
rdp.c_Aa1 = (uint8_t)((rdp.cmd1 >> 21) & 0x7);
rdp.c_Ab1 = (uint8_t)((rdp.cmd1 >> 3) & 0x7);
rdp.c_Ac1 = (uint8_t)((rdp.cmd1 >> 18) & 0x7);
rdp.c_Ad1 = (uint8_t)((rdp.cmd1 >> 0) & 0x7);
rdp.cycle1 = (rdp.c_a0 << 0) | (rdp.c_b0 << 4) | (rdp.c_c0 << 8) | (rdp.c_d0 << 13) |
(rdp.c_Aa0 << 16) | (rdp.c_Ab0 << 19) | (rdp.c_Ac0 << 22) | (rdp.c_Ad0 << 25);
rdp.cycle2 = (rdp.c_a1 << 0) | (rdp.c_b1 << 4) | (rdp.c_c1 << 8) | (rdp.c_d1 << 13) |
(rdp.c_Aa1 << 16) | (rdp.c_Ab1 << 19) | (rdp.c_Ac1 << 22) | (rdp.c_Ad1 << 25);
rdp.update |= UPDATE_COMBINE;
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "setcombine\na0=%s b0=%s c0=%s d0=%s\nAa0=%s Ab0=%s Ac0=%s Ad0=%s\na1=%s b1=%s c1=%s d1=%s\nAa1=%s Ab1=%s Ac1=%s Ad1=%s",
Mode0[rdp.c_a0], Mode1[rdp.c_b0], Mode2[rdp.c_c0], Mode3[rdp.c_d0],
Alpha0[rdp.c_Aa0], Alpha1[rdp.c_Ab0], Alpha2[rdp.c_Ac0], Alpha3[rdp.c_Ad0],
Mode0[rdp.c_a1], Mode1[rdp.c_b1], Mode2[rdp.c_c1], Mode3[rdp.c_d1],
Alpha0[rdp.c_Aa1], Alpha1[rdp.c_Ab1], Alpha2[rdp.c_Ac1], Alpha3[rdp.c_Ad1]);
// settextureimage - sets the source for an image copy
void rdp_settextureimage()
static const char *format[] = { "RGBA", "YUV", "CI", "IA", "I", "?", "?", "?" };
static const char *size[] = { "4bit", "8bit", "16bit", "32bit" };
rdp.timg.format = (uint8_t)((rdp.cmd0 >> 21) & 0x07);
rdp.timg.size = (uint8_t)((rdp.cmd0 >> 19) & 0x03);
rdp.timg.width = (uint16_t)(1 + (rdp.cmd0 & 0x00000FFF));
rdp.timg.addr = segoffset(rdp.cmd1);
if (ucode5_texshiftaddr)
if (rdp.timg.format == 0)
uint16_t * t = (uint16_t*)(gfx.RDRAM + ucode5_texshiftaddr);
ucode5_texshift = t[ucode5_texshiftcount ^ 1];
rdp.timg.addr += ucode5_texshift;
ucode5_texshiftaddr = 0;
ucode5_texshift = 0;
ucode5_texshiftcount = 0;
rdp.s2dex_tex_loaded = TRUE;
rdp.update |= UPDATE_TEXTURE;
if (rdp.ci_count > 0 && rdp.frame_buffers[rdp.ci_count - 1].status == ci_copy_self && (rdp.timg.addr >= rdp.cimg) && (rdp.timg.addr < rdp.ci_end))
if (!rdp.fb_drawn)
if (!rdp.cur_image)
rdp.fb_drawn = TRUE;
if (g_settings->fb_hwfbe_enabled()) //search this texture among drawn texture buffers
FindTextureBuffer(rdp.timg.addr, rdp.timg.width);
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "settextureimage: format: %s, size: %s, width: %d, addr: %08lx",
format[rdp.timg.format], size[rdp.timg.size],
rdp.timg.width, rdp.timg.addr);
void rdp_setdepthimage()
rdp.zimg = segoffset(rdp.cmd1) & BMASK;
rdp.zi_width = rdp.ci_width;
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "setdepthimage - %08lx", rdp.zimg);
int SwapOK = TRUE;
static void RestoreScale()
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "Return to original scale: x = %f, y = %f", rdp.scale_x_bak, rdp.scale_y_bak);
rdp.scale_x = rdp.scale_x_bak;
rdp.scale_y = rdp.scale_y_bak;
// update_scissor();
rdp.view_scale[0] *= rdp.scale_x;
rdp.view_scale[1] *= rdp.scale_y;
rdp.view_trans[0] *= rdp.scale_x;
rdp.view_trans[1] *= rdp.scale_y;
grBufferClear(0, 0, 0xFFFF);
static uint32_t swapped_addr = 0;
void rdp_setcolorimage()
if (g_settings->fb_emulation_enabled() && (rdp.num_of_ci < NUMTEXBUF))
COLOR_IMAGE & cur_fb = rdp.frame_buffers[rdp.ci_count];
COLOR_IMAGE & prev_fb = rdp.frame_buffers[rdp.ci_count ? rdp.ci_count - 1 : 0];
COLOR_IMAGE & next_fb = rdp.frame_buffers[rdp.ci_count + 1];
switch (cur_fb.status)
case ci_main:
if (rdp.ci_count == 0)
if ((rdp.ci_status == ci_aux)) //for PPL
float sx = rdp.scale_x;
float sy = rdp.scale_y;
rdp.scale_x = 1.0f;
rdp.scale_y = 1.0f;
rdp.scale_x = sx;
rdp.scale_y = sy;
if (!g_settings->fb_hwfbe_enabled())
if ((rdp.num_of_ci > 1) &&
(next_fb.status == ci_aux) &&
(next_fb.width >= cur_fb.width))
rdp.scale_x = 1.0f;
rdp.scale_y = 1.0f;
else if (rdp.copy_ci_index && g_settings->hacks(CSettings::hack_PMario)) //tidal wave
else if (!rdp.motionblur && g_settings->fb_hwfbe_enabled() && !SwapOK && (rdp.ci_count <= rdp.copy_ci_index))
if (next_fb.status == ci_aux_copy)
else if (g_settings->fb_hwfbe_enabled() && prev_fb.status == ci_aux)
if (rdp.motionblur)
rdp.cur_image = &(rdp.texbufs[rdp.cur_tex_buf].images[0]);
gfxTextureBufferExt(rdp.cur_image->tmu, rdp.cur_image->tex_addr, rdp.cur_image->info.smallLodLog2, rdp.cur_image->info.largeLodLog2,
rdp.cur_image->info.aspectRatioLog2, rdp.cur_image->info.format, GR_MIPMAPLEVELMASK_BOTH);
else if (rdp.read_whole_frame)
//else if (rdp.ci_status == ci_aux && !rdp.copy_ci_index)
// CloseTextureBuffer();
rdp.skip_drawing = FALSE;
case ci_copy:
if (!rdp.motionblur || g_settings->fb_motionblur_enabled())
if (cur_fb.width == rdp.ci_width)
if (CopyTextureBuffer(prev_fb, cur_fb))
// if (CloseTextureBuffer(TRUE))
if (g_settings->hacks(CSettings::hack_Zelda) && (rdp.frame_buffers[rdp.ci_count + 2].status == ci_aux) && !rdp.fb_drawn) //hack for photo camera in Zelda MM
rdp.fb_drawn = TRUE;
memcpy(gfx.RDRAM + cur_fb.addr, gfx.RDRAM + rdp.cimg, (cur_fb.width*cur_fb.height) << cur_fb.size >> 1);
if (!rdp.fb_drawn || prev_fb.status == ci_copy_self)
rdp.fb_drawn = TRUE;
memcpy(gfx.RDRAM + cur_fb.addr, gfx.RDRAM + rdp.cimg, (cur_fb.width*cur_fb.height) << cur_fb.size >> 1);
memset(gfx.RDRAM + cur_fb.addr, 0, cur_fb.width*cur_fb.height*rdp.ci_size);
rdp.skip_drawing = TRUE;
case ci_aux_copy:
rdp.skip_drawing = FALSE;
if (CloseTextureBuffer(prev_fb.status != ci_aux_copy))
else if (!rdp.fb_drawn)
rdp.fb_drawn = TRUE;
if (g_settings->fb_hwfbe_enabled())
case ci_old_copy:
if (!rdp.motionblur || g_settings->fb_motionblur_enabled())
if (cur_fb.width == rdp.ci_width)
memcpy(gfx.RDRAM + cur_fb.addr, gfx.RDRAM + rdp.maincimg[1].addr, (cur_fb.width*cur_fb.height) << cur_fb.size >> 1);
//rdp.skip_drawing = TRUE;
memset(gfx.RDRAM + cur_fb.addr, 0, (cur_fb.width*cur_fb.height) << rdp.ci_size >> 1);
else if (rdp.frame_buffers[rdp.ci_count].status == ci_main_i)
// CopyFrameBuffer ();
rdp.scale_x = rdp.scale_x_bak;
rdp.scale_y = rdp.scale_y_bak;
rdp.skip_drawing = FALSE;
case ci_aux:
if (!g_settings->fb_hwfbe_enabled() && cur_fb.format != 0)
rdp.skip_drawing = TRUE;
rdp.skip_drawing = FALSE;
if (g_settings->fb_hwfbe_enabled() && OpenTextureBuffer(cur_fb))
if (cur_fb.format != 0)
rdp.skip_drawing = TRUE;
if (rdp.ci_count == 0)
// if (rdp.num_of_ci > 1)
// {
rdp.scale_x = 1.0f;
rdp.scale_y = 1.0f;
// }
else if (!g_settings->fb_hwfbe_enabled() && (prev_fb.status == ci_main) &&
(prev_fb.width == cur_fb.width)) // for Pokemon Stadium
cur_fb.status = ci_aux;
case ci_zimg:
if (g_settings->ucode() != CSettings::ucode_PerfectDark)
if (g_settings->fb_hwfbe_enabled() && !rdp.copy_ci_index && (rdp.copy_zi_index || g_settings->hacks(CSettings::hack_BAR)))
GrLOD_t LOD = g_scr_res_x > 1024 ? GFX_LOD_LOG2_1024 : GFX_LOD_LOG2_2048;
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "rdp_setcolorimage - set texture depth buffer to TMU0");
rdp.skip_drawing = TRUE;
case ci_zcopy:
if (g_settings->ucode() != CSettings::ucode_PerfectDark)
if (g_settings->fb_hwfbe_enabled() && !rdp.copy_ci_index && rdp.copy_zi_index == rdp.ci_count)
rdp.skip_drawing = TRUE;
case ci_useless:
rdp.skip_drawing = TRUE;
case ci_copy_self:
if (g_settings->fb_hwfbe_enabled() && (rdp.ci_count <= rdp.copy_ci_index) && (!SwapOK || g_settings->swapmode() == CSettings::SwapMode_Hybrid))
rdp.skip_drawing = FALSE;
rdp.skip_drawing = FALSE;
if ((rdp.ci_count > 0) && (prev_fb.status >= ci_aux)) //for Pokemon Stadium
if (!g_settings->fb_hwfbe_enabled() && prev_fb.format == 0)
else if (g_settings->hacks(CSettings::hack_Knockout) && prev_fb.width < 100)
if (!g_settings->fb_hwfbe_enabled() && cur_fb.status == ci_copy)
if (!rdp.motionblur && (rdp.num_of_ci > rdp.ci_count + 1) && (next_fb.status != ci_aux))
if (!g_settings->fb_hwfbe_enabled() && cur_fb.status == ci_aux)
if (cur_fb.format == 0)
if (g_settings->hacks(CSettings::hack_PPL) && (rdp.scale_x < 1.1f)) //need to put current image back to frame buffer
int width = cur_fb.width;
int height = cur_fb.height;
uint16_t *ptr_dst = new uint16_t[width*height];
uint16_t *ptr_src = (uint16_t*)(gfx.RDRAM + cur_fb.addr);
uint16_t c;
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
c = ((ptr_src[(x + y * width) ^ 1]) >> 1) | 0x8000;
ptr_dst[x + y * width] = c;
width << 1,
delete[] ptr_dst;
else //just clear buffer
gfxColorMask(FXTRUE, FXTRUE);
grBufferClear (0, 0, 0xFFFF);
if ((cur_fb.status == ci_main) && (rdp.ci_count > 0))
int to_org_res = TRUE;
for (int i = rdp.ci_count + 1; i < rdp.num_of_ci; i++)
if ((rdp.frame_buffers[i].status != ci_main) && (rdp.frame_buffers[i].status != ci_zimg) && (rdp.frame_buffers[i].status != ci_zcopy))
to_org_res = FALSE;
if (to_org_res)
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "return to original scale");
rdp.scale_x = rdp.scale_x_bak;
rdp.scale_y = rdp.scale_y_bak;
if (g_settings->fb_hwfbe_enabled() && !rdp.read_whole_frame)
if (g_settings->fb_hwfbe_enabled() && !rdp.read_whole_frame && (prev_fb.status >= ci_aux) && (rdp.ci_count > rdp.copy_ci_index))
rdp.ci_status = cur_fb.status;
rdp.ocimg = rdp.cimg;
rdp.cimg = segoffset(rdp.cmd1) & BMASK;
rdp.ci_width = (rdp.cmd0 & 0xFFF) + 1;
if (g_settings->fb_emulation_enabled() && rdp.ci_count > 0)
rdp.ci_height = rdp.frame_buffers[rdp.ci_count - 1].height;
else if (rdp.ci_width == 32)
rdp.ci_height = 32;
rdp.ci_height = rdp.scissor_o.lr_y;
if (rdp.zimg == rdp.cimg)
rdp.zi_width = rdp.ci_width;
// int zi_height = minval((int)rdp.zi_width*3/4, (int)rdp.vi_height);
// rdp.zi_words = rdp.zi_width * zi_height;
uint32_t format = (rdp.cmd0 >> 21) & 0x7;
rdp.ci_size = (rdp.cmd0 >> 19) & 0x3;
rdp.ci_end = rdp.cimg + ((rdp.ci_width*rdp.ci_height) << (rdp.ci_size - 1));
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "setcolorimage - %08lx, width: %d, height: %d, format: %d, size: %d", rdp.cmd1, rdp.ci_width, rdp.ci_height, format, rdp.ci_size);
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "cimg: %08lx, ocimg: %08lx, SwapOK: %d", rdp.cimg, rdp.ocimg, SwapOK);
if (format != 0) //can't draw into non RGBA buffer
if (!rdp.cur_image)
if (g_settings->fb_hwfbe_enabled() && rdp.ci_width <= 64 && rdp.ci_count > 0)
OpenTextureBuffer(rdp.frame_buffers[rdp.ci_count - 1]);
else if (format > 2)
rdp.skip_drawing = TRUE;
if (!g_settings->fb_emulation_enabled())
rdp.skip_drawing = FALSE;
if (g_settings->swapmode() != CSettings::SwapMode_Old)
if (rdp.zimg == rdp.cimg)
rdp.updatescreen = 1;
int viSwapOK = ((g_settings->swapmode() == CSettings::SwapMode_Hybrid) && (rdp.vi_org_reg == *gfx.VI_ORIGIN_REG)) ? FALSE : TRUE;
if ((rdp.zimg != rdp.cimg) && (rdp.ocimg != rdp.cimg) && SwapOK && viSwapOK && !rdp.cur_image)
if (g_settings->fb_emulation_enabled())
rdp.maincimg[0] = rdp.frame_buffers[rdp.main_ci_index];
rdp.maincimg[0].addr = rdp.cimg;
rdp.last_drawn_ci_addr = (g_settings->swapmode() == CSettings::SwapMode_Hybrid) ? swapped_addr : rdp.maincimg[0].addr;
swapped_addr = rdp.cimg;
rdp.vi_org_reg = *gfx.VI_ORIGIN_REG;
if (g_settings->fb_hwfbe_enabled())
if (rdp.copy_ci_index && (rdp.frame_buffers[rdp.ci_count - 1].status != ci_zimg))
int idx = (rdp.frame_buffers[rdp.ci_count].status == ci_aux_copy) ? rdp.main_ci_index : rdp.copy_ci_index;
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "attempt open tex buffer. status: %s, addr: %08lx", CIStatus[rdp.frame_buffers[idx].status], rdp.frame_buffers[idx].addr);
if (rdp.frame_buffers[rdp.copy_ci_index].status == ci_main) //tidal wave
rdp.copy_ci_index = 0;
else if (rdp.read_whole_frame && !rdp.cur_image)
void rsp_reserved0()
if (g_settings->ucode() == CSettings::ucode_DiddyKong)
ucode5_texshiftaddr = segoffset(rdp.cmd1);
ucode5_texshiftcount = 0;
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "uc5_texshift. addr: %08lx", ucode5_texshiftaddr);
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceWarning, "reserved0 - IGNORED");
void rsp_reserved1()
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "reserved1 - ignored");
void rsp_reserved2()
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "reserved2");
void rsp_reserved3()
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "reserved3 - ignored");
void SetWireframeCol()
switch (g_settings->wfmode())
//case CSettings::wfmode_NormalColors: // normal colors, don't do anything
case CSettings::wfmode_VertexColors:
case CSettings::wfmode_RedOnly:
Function: FrameBufferRead
Purpose: This function is called to notify the dll that the
frame buffer memory is beening read at the given address.
DLL should copy content from its render buffer to the frame buffer
in N64 RDRAM
DLL is responsible to maintain its own frame buffer memory addr list
DLL should copy 4KB block content back to RDRAM frame buffer.
Emulator should not call this function again if other memory
is read within the same 4KB range
input: addr rdram address
val val
size 1 = uint8_t, 2 = uint16_t, 4 = uint32_t
output: none
EXPORT void CALL FBRead(uint32_t addr)
WriteTrace(TraceGlide64, TraceDebug, "-");
if (cpu_fb_ignore)
if (cpu_fb_write_called)
cpu_fb_ignore = TRUE;
cpu_fb_write = FALSE;
cpu_fb_read_called = TRUE;
uint32_t a = segoffset(addr);
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "FBRead. addr: %08lx", a);
if (!rdp.fb_drawn && (a >= rdp.cimg) && (a < rdp.ci_end))
//if (fbreads_back > 2) //&& (rdp.ci_width <= 320))
rdp.fb_drawn = TRUE;
if (!rdp.fb_drawn_front && (a >= rdp.maincimg[1].addr) && (a < rdp.maincimg[1].addr + rdp.ci_width*rdp.ci_height * 2))
//if (fbreads_front > 2)//&& (rdp.ci_width <= 320))
uint32_t cimg = rdp.cimg;
rdp.cimg = rdp.maincimg[1].addr;
if (g_settings->fb_emulation_enabled())
rdp.ci_width = rdp.maincimg[1].width;
rdp.ci_count = 0;
uint32_t h = rdp.frame_buffers[0].height;
rdp.frame_buffers[0].height = rdp.maincimg[1].height;
rdp.frame_buffers[0].height = h;
rdp.cimg = cimg;
rdp.fb_drawn_front = TRUE;
Function: FrameBufferWriteList
Purpose: This function is called to notify the dll that the
frame buffer has been modified by CPU at the given address.
input: FrameBufferModifyEntry *plist
size = size of the plist, max = 1024
output: none
EXPORT void CALL FBWList(FrameBufferModifyEntry* /*plist*/, uint32_t size)
WriteTrace(TraceGlide64, TraceDebug, "size: %d", size);
Function: FrameBufferWrite
Purpose: This function is called to notify the dll that the
frame buffer has been modified by CPU at the given address.
input: addr rdram address
val val
size 1 = uint8_t, 2 = uint16_t, 4 = uint32_t
output: none
EXPORT void CALL FBWrite(uint32_t addr, uint32_t /*size*/)
WriteTrace(TraceGlide64, TraceDebug, "-");
if (cpu_fb_ignore)
if (cpu_fb_read_called)
cpu_fb_ignore = TRUE;
cpu_fb_write = FALSE;
cpu_fb_write_called = TRUE;
uint32_t a = segoffset(addr);
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "FBWrite. addr: %08lx", a);
if (a < rdp.cimg || a > rdp.ci_end)
cpu_fb_write = TRUE;
uint32_t shift_l = (a - rdp.cimg) >> 1;
uint32_t shift_r = shift_l + 2;
d_ul_x = minval(d_ul_x, shift_l%rdp.ci_width);
d_ul_y = minval(d_ul_y, shift_l / rdp.ci_width);
d_lr_x = maxval(d_lr_x, shift_r%rdp.ci_width);
d_lr_y = maxval(d_lr_y, shift_r / rdp.ci_width);
Function: FBGetFrameBufferInfo
Purpose: This function is called by the emulator core to retrieve frame
buffer information from the video plugin in order to be able
to notify the video plugin about CPU frame buffer read/write
= 1 byte
= 2 word (16 bit) <-- this is N64 default depth buffer format
= 4 dword (32 bit)
when frame buffer information is not available yet, set all values
in the FrameBufferInfo structure to 0
input: FrameBufferInfo pinfo[6]
pinfo is pointed to a FrameBufferInfo structure which to be
filled in by this function
output: Values are return in the FrameBufferInfo structure
Plugin can return up to 6 frame buffer info
typedef struct
uint32_t addr;
uint32_t size;
uint32_t width;
uint32_t height;
} FrameBufferInfo;
EXPORT void CALL FBGetFrameBufferInfo(void *p)
WriteTrace(TraceGlide64, TraceDebug, "-");
FrameBufferInfo * pinfo = (FrameBufferInfo *)p;
memset(pinfo, 0, sizeof(FrameBufferInfo) * 6);
if (!g_settings->fb_get_info_enabled())
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "FBGetFrameBufferInfo ()");
if (g_settings->fb_emulation_enabled())
pinfo[0].addr = rdp.maincimg[1].addr;
pinfo[0].size = rdp.maincimg[1].size;
pinfo[0].width = rdp.maincimg[1].width;
pinfo[0].height = rdp.maincimg[1].height;
int info_index = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < rdp.num_of_ci && info_index < 6; i++)
COLOR_IMAGE & cur_fb = rdp.frame_buffers[i];
if (cur_fb.status == ci_main || cur_fb.status == ci_copy_self ||
cur_fb.status == ci_old_copy)
pinfo[info_index].addr = cur_fb.addr;
pinfo[info_index].size = cur_fb.size;
pinfo[info_index].width = cur_fb.width;
pinfo[info_index].height = cur_fb.height;
pinfo[0].addr = rdp.maincimg[0].addr;
pinfo[0].size = rdp.ci_size;
pinfo[0].width = rdp.ci_width;
pinfo[0].height = rdp.ci_width * 3 / 4;
pinfo[1].addr = rdp.maincimg[1].addr;
pinfo[1].size = rdp.ci_size;
pinfo[1].width = rdp.ci_width;
pinfo[1].height = rdp.ci_width * 3 / 4;
#include "ucodeFB.h"
void DetectFrameBufferUsage()
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "DetectFrameBufferUsage");
uint32_t dlist_start = *(uint32_t*)(gfx.DMEM + 0xFF0);
uint32_t a;
int tidal = FALSE;
if (g_settings->hacks(CSettings::hack_PMario) && (rdp.copy_ci_index || rdp.frame_buffers[rdp.copy_ci_index].status == ci_copy_self))
tidal = TRUE;
uint32_t ci = rdp.cimg, zi = rdp.zimg;
uint32_t ci_height = rdp.frame_buffers[(rdp.ci_count > 0) ? rdp.ci_count - 1 : 0].height;
rdp.main_ci = rdp.main_ci_end = rdp.main_ci_bg = rdp.ci_count = 0;
rdp.main_ci_index = rdp.copy_ci_index = rdp.copy_zi_index = 0;
rdp.zimg_end = 0;
rdp.tmpzimg = 0;
rdp.motionblur = FALSE;
rdp.main_ci_last_tex_addr = 0;
int previous_ci_was_read = rdp.read_previous_ci;
rdp.read_previous_ci = FALSE;
rdp.read_whole_frame = FALSE;
rdp.swap_ci_index = rdp.black_ci_index = -1;
SwapOK = TRUE;
// Start executing at the start of the display list
rdp.pc_i = 0;
rdp.pc[rdp.pc_i] = dlist_start;
rdp.dl_count = -1;
rdp.halt = false;
rdp.scale_x_bak = rdp.scale_x;
rdp.scale_y_bak = rdp.scale_y;
do {
// Get the address of the next command
a = rdp.pc[rdp.pc_i] & BMASK;
// Load the next command and its input
rdp.cmd0 = ((uint32_t*)gfx.RDRAM)[a >> 2]; // \ Current command, 64 bit
rdp.cmd1 = ((uint32_t*)gfx.RDRAM)[(a >> 2) + 1]; // /
// Output the address before the command
// Go to the next instruction
rdp.pc[rdp.pc_i] = (a + 8) & BMASK;
if (uintptr_t(reinterpret_cast<void*>(gfx_instruction_lite[g_settings->ucode()][rdp.cmd0 >> 24])))
gfx_instruction_lite[g_settings->ucode()][rdp.cmd0 >> 24]();
// check DL counter
if (rdp.dl_count != -1)
if (rdp.dl_count == 0)
rdp.dl_count = -1;
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "End of DL");
} while (!rdp.halt);
SwapOK = TRUE;
if (rdp.ci_count > NUMTEXBUF) //overflow
rdp.cimg = ci;
rdp.zimg = zi;
rdp.num_of_ci = rdp.ci_count;
rdp.scale_x = rdp.scale_x_bak;
rdp.scale_y = rdp.scale_y_bak;
if (rdp.black_ci_index > 0 && rdp.black_ci_index < rdp.copy_ci_index)
rdp.frame_buffers[rdp.black_ci_index].status = ci_main;
if (rdp.frame_buffers[rdp.ci_count - 1].status == ci_unknown)
if (rdp.ci_count > 1)
rdp.frame_buffers[rdp.ci_count - 1].status = ci_aux;
rdp.frame_buffers[rdp.ci_count - 1].status = ci_main;
if ((rdp.frame_buffers[rdp.ci_count - 1].status == ci_aux) &&
(rdp.frame_buffers[rdp.main_ci_index].width < 320) &&
(rdp.frame_buffers[rdp.ci_count - 1].width > rdp.frame_buffers[rdp.main_ci_index].width))
for (int i = 0; i < rdp.ci_count; i++)
if (rdp.frame_buffers[i].status == ci_main)
rdp.frame_buffers[i].status = ci_aux;
else if (rdp.frame_buffers[i].addr == rdp.frame_buffers[rdp.ci_count - 1].addr)
rdp.frame_buffers[i].status = ci_main;
// WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "rdp.frame_buffers[%d].status = %d", i, rdp.frame_buffers[i].status);
rdp.main_ci_index = rdp.ci_count - 1;
int all_zimg = TRUE;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < rdp.ci_count; i++)
if (rdp.frame_buffers[i].status != ci_zimg)
all_zimg = FALSE;
if (all_zimg)
for (i = 0; i < rdp.ci_count; i++)
rdp.frame_buffers[i].status = ci_main;
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "detect fb final results: ");
for (i = 0; i < rdp.ci_count; i++)
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "rdp.frame_buffers[%d].status = %s, addr: %08lx, height: %d", i, CIStatus[rdp.frame_buffers[i].status], rdp.frame_buffers[i].addr, rdp.frame_buffers[i].height);
rdp.cimg = ci;
rdp.zimg = zi;
rdp.num_of_ci = rdp.ci_count;
if (rdp.read_previous_ci && previous_ci_was_read)
if (!g_settings->fb_hwfbe_enabled() || !rdp.copy_ci_index)
rdp.motionblur = TRUE;
if (rdp.motionblur || g_settings->fb_hwfbe_enabled() || (rdp.frame_buffers[rdp.copy_ci_index].status == ci_aux_copy))
rdp.scale_x = rdp.scale_x_bak;
rdp.scale_y = rdp.scale_y_bak;
if ((rdp.read_previous_ci || previous_ci_was_read) && !rdp.copy_ci_index)
rdp.read_whole_frame = TRUE;
if (rdp.read_whole_frame)
if (g_settings->fb_hwfbe_enabled())
if (rdp.read_previous_ci && !previous_ci_was_read && (g_settings->swapmode() != CSettings::SwapMode_Hybrid) && (g_settings->ucode() != CSettings::ucode_PerfectDark))
int ind = (rdp.ci_count > 0) ? rdp.ci_count - 1 : 0;
uint32_t height = rdp.frame_buffers[ind].height;
rdp.frame_buffers[ind].height = ci_height;
rdp.frame_buffers[ind].height = height;
if (rdp.swap_ci_index < 0)
rdp.texbufs[0].clear_allowed = rdp.texbufs[1].clear_allowed = TRUE;
if (rdp.motionblur)
if (g_settings->fb_motionblur_enabled())
memset(gfx.RDRAM + rdp.cimg, 0, rdp.ci_width*rdp.ci_height*rdp.ci_size);
else //if (ci_width == rdp.frame_buffers[rdp.main_ci_index].width)
if (rdp.maincimg[0].height > 65) //for 1080
rdp.cimg = rdp.maincimg[0].addr;
rdp.ci_width = rdp.maincimg[0].width;
rdp.ci_count = 0;
uint32_t h = rdp.frame_buffers[0].height;
rdp.frame_buffers[0].height = rdp.maincimg[0].height;
rdp.frame_buffers[0].height = h;
else //conker
if (g_settings->fb_hwfbe_enabled())
for (i = 0; i < (nbTextureUnits > 2 ? 2 : 1); i++)
rdp.texbufs[i].clear_allowed = TRUE;
for (int j = 0; j < 256; j++)
rdp.texbufs[i].images[j].drawn = FALSE;
rdp.texbufs[i].images[j].clear = TRUE;
if (tidal)
//WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "Tidal wave!");
rdp.copy_ci_index = rdp.main_ci_index;
rdp.ci_count = 0;
if (g_settings->hacks(CSettings::hack_Banjo2))
rdp.cur_tex_buf = 0;
rdp.maincimg[0] = rdp.frame_buffers[rdp.main_ci_index];
// rdp.scale_x = rdp.scale_x_bak;
// rdp.scale_y = rdp.scale_y_bak;
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "DetectFrameBufferUsage End");
* ProcessRDPList *
* based on sources of ziggy's z64 *
static uint32_t rdp_cmd_ptr = 0;
static uint32_t rdp_cmd_cur = 0;
static uint32_t rdp_cmd_data[0x1000];
void lle_triangle(uint32_t w1, uint32_t w2, int shade, int texture, int zbuffer,
uint32_t * rdp_cmd)
rdp.cur_tile = (w1 >> 16) & 0x7;
int j;
int xleft, xright, xleft_inc, xright_inc;
int r, g, b, a, z, s, t, w;
int drdx = 0, dgdx = 0, dbdx = 0, dadx = 0, dzdx = 0, dsdx = 0, dtdx = 0, dwdx = 0;
int drde = 0, dgde = 0, dbde = 0, dade = 0, dzde = 0, dsde = 0, dtde = 0, dwde = 0;
int flip = (w1 & 0x800000) ? 1 : 0;
int32_t yl, ym, yh;
int32_t xl, xm, xh;
int32_t dxldy, dxhdy, dxmdy;
uint32_t w3, w4, w5, w6, w7, w8;
uint32_t * shade_base = rdp_cmd + 8;
uint32_t * texture_base = rdp_cmd + 8;
uint32_t * zbuffer_base = rdp_cmd + 8;
if (shade)
texture_base += 16;
zbuffer_base += 16;
if (texture)
zbuffer_base += 16;
w3 = rdp_cmd[2];
w4 = rdp_cmd[3];
w5 = rdp_cmd[4];
w6 = rdp_cmd[5];
w7 = rdp_cmd[6];
w8 = rdp_cmd[7];
yl = (w1 & 0x3fff);
ym = ((w2 >> 16) & 0x3fff);
yh = ((w2 >> 0) & 0x3fff);
xl = (int32_t)(w3);
xh = (int32_t)(w5);
xm = (int32_t)(w7);
dxldy = (int32_t)(w4);
dxhdy = (int32_t)(w6);
dxmdy = (int32_t)(w8);
if (yl & (0x800 << 2)) yl |= 0xfffff000 << 2;
if (ym & (0x800 << 2)) ym |= 0xfffff000 << 2;
if (yh & (0x800 << 2)) yh |= 0xfffff000 << 2;
yh &= ~3;
r = 0xff; g = 0xff; b = 0xff; a = 0xff; z = 0xffff0000; s = 0; t = 0; w = 0x30000;
if (shade)
r = (shade_base[0] & 0xffff0000) | ((shade_base[+4] >> 16) & 0x0000ffff);
g = ((shade_base[0] << 16) & 0xffff0000) | (shade_base[4] & 0x0000ffff);
b = (shade_base[1] & 0xffff0000) | ((shade_base[5] >> 16) & 0x0000ffff);
a = ((shade_base[1] << 16) & 0xffff0000) | (shade_base[5] & 0x0000ffff);
drdx = (shade_base[2] & 0xffff0000) | ((shade_base[6] >> 16) & 0x0000ffff);
dgdx = ((shade_base[2] << 16) & 0xffff0000) | (shade_base[6] & 0x0000ffff);
dbdx = (shade_base[3] & 0xffff0000) | ((shade_base[7] >> 16) & 0x0000ffff);
dadx = ((shade_base[3] << 16) & 0xffff0000) | (shade_base[7] & 0x0000ffff);
drde = (shade_base[8] & 0xffff0000) | ((shade_base[12] >> 16) & 0x0000ffff);
dgde = ((shade_base[8] << 16) & 0xffff0000) | (shade_base[12] & 0x0000ffff);
dbde = (shade_base[9] & 0xffff0000) | ((shade_base[13] >> 16) & 0x0000ffff);
dade = ((shade_base[9] << 16) & 0xffff0000) | (shade_base[13] & 0x0000ffff);
if (texture)
s = (texture_base[0] & 0xffff0000) | ((texture_base[4] >> 16) & 0x0000ffff);
t = ((texture_base[0] << 16) & 0xffff0000) | (texture_base[4] & 0x0000ffff);
w = (texture_base[1] & 0xffff0000) | ((texture_base[5] >> 16) & 0x0000ffff);
// w = abs(w);
dsdx = (texture_base[2] & 0xffff0000) | ((texture_base[6] >> 16) & 0x0000ffff);
dtdx = ((texture_base[2] << 16) & 0xffff0000) | (texture_base[6] & 0x0000ffff);
dwdx = (texture_base[3] & 0xffff0000) | ((texture_base[7] >> 16) & 0x0000ffff);
dsde = (texture_base[8] & 0xffff0000) | ((texture_base[12] >> 16) & 0x0000ffff);
dtde = ((texture_base[8] << 16) & 0xffff0000) | (texture_base[12] & 0x0000ffff);
dwde = (texture_base[9] & 0xffff0000) | ((texture_base[13] >> 16) & 0x0000ffff);
if (zbuffer)
z = zbuffer_base[0];
dzdx = zbuffer_base[1];
dzde = zbuffer_base[2];
xh <<= 2; xm <<= 2; xl <<= 2;
r <<= 2; g <<= 2; b <<= 2; a <<= 2;
dsde >>= 2; dtde >>= 2; dsdx >>= 2; dtdx >>= 2;
dzdx >>= 2; dzde >>= 2;
dwdx >>= 2; dwde >>= 2;
#define XSCALE(x) (float(x)/(1<<18))
#define YSCALE(y) (float(y)/(1<<2))
#define ZSCALE(z) ((rdp.zsrc == 1)? float(rdp.prim_depth) : float(uint32_t(z))/0xffff0000)
//#define WSCALE(w) (rdp.Persp_en? (float(uint32_t(w) + 0x10000)/0xffff0000) : 1.0f)
//#define WSCALE(w) (rdp.Persp_en? 4294901760.0/(w + 65536) : 1.0f)
#define WSCALE(w) (rdp.Persp_en? 65536.0f/float((w+ 0xffff)>>16) : 1.0f)
#define CSCALE(c) (((c)>0x3ff0000? 0x3ff0000:((c)<0? 0 : (c)))>>18)
#define _PERSP(w) ( w )
#define PERSP(s, w) ( ((int64)(s) << 20) / (_PERSP(w)? _PERSP(w):1) )
#define SSCALE(s, _w) (rdp.Persp_en? float(PERSP(s, _w))/(1 << 10) : float(s)/(1<<21))
#define TSCALE(s, w) (rdp.Persp_en? float(PERSP(s, w))/(1 << 10) : float(s)/(1<<21))
int nbVtxs = 0;
VERTEX vtxbuf[12];
VERTEX * vtx = &vtxbuf[nbVtxs++];
xleft = xm;
xright = xh;
xleft_inc = dxmdy;
xright_inc = dxhdy;
while (yh < ym &&
!((!flip && xleft < xright + 0x10000) ||
(flip && xleft > xright - 0x10000))) {
xleft += xleft_inc;
xright += xright_inc;
s += dsde; t += dtde; w += dwde;
r += drde; g += dgde; b += dbde; a += dade;
z += dzde;
j = ym - yh;
if (j > 0)
int dx = (xleft - xright) >> 16;
if ((!flip && xleft < xright) ||
(flip/* && xleft > xright*/))
if (shade) {
vtx->r = CSCALE(r + drdx*dx);
vtx->g = CSCALE(g + dgdx*dx);
vtx->b = CSCALE(b + dbdx*dx);
vtx->a = CSCALE(a + dadx*dx);
if (texture) {
vtx->ou = SSCALE(s + dsdx*dx, w + dwdx*dx);
vtx->ov = TSCALE(t + dtdx*dx, w + dwdx*dx);
vtx->x = XSCALE(xleft);
vtx->y = YSCALE(yh);
vtx->z = ZSCALE(z + dzdx*dx);
vtx->w = WSCALE(w + dwdx*dx);
vtx = &vtxbuf[nbVtxs++];
if ((!flip/* && xleft < xright*/) ||
(flip && xleft > xright))
if (shade) {
vtx->r = CSCALE(r);
vtx->g = CSCALE(g);
vtx->b = CSCALE(b);
vtx->a = CSCALE(a);
if (texture) {
vtx->ou = SSCALE(s, w);
vtx->ov = TSCALE(t, w);
vtx->x = XSCALE(xright);
vtx->y = YSCALE(yh);
vtx->z = ZSCALE(z);
vtx->w = WSCALE(w);
vtx = &vtxbuf[nbVtxs++];
xleft += xleft_inc*j; xright += xright_inc*j;
s += dsde*j; t += dtde*j;
if (w + dwde*j) w += dwde*j;
else w += dwde*(j - 1);
r += drde*j; g += dgde*j; b += dbde*j; a += dade*j;
z += dzde*j;
// render ...
if (xl != xh)
xleft = xl;
//if (yl-ym > 0)
int dx = (xleft - xright) >> 16;
if ((!flip && xleft <= xright) ||
(flip/* && xleft >= xright*/))
if (shade) {
vtx->r = CSCALE(r + drdx*dx);
vtx->g = CSCALE(g + dgdx*dx);
vtx->b = CSCALE(b + dbdx*dx);
vtx->a = CSCALE(a + dadx*dx);
if (texture) {
vtx->ou = SSCALE(s + dsdx*dx, w + dwdx*dx);
vtx->ov = TSCALE(t + dtdx*dx, w + dwdx*dx);
vtx->x = XSCALE(xleft);
vtx->y = YSCALE(ym);
vtx->z = ZSCALE(z + dzdx*dx);
vtx->w = WSCALE(w + dwdx*dx);
vtx = &vtxbuf[nbVtxs++];
if ((!flip/* && xleft <= xright*/) ||
(flip && xleft >= xright))
if (shade) {
vtx->r = CSCALE(r);
vtx->g = CSCALE(g);
vtx->b = CSCALE(b);
vtx->a = CSCALE(a);
if (texture) {
vtx->ou = SSCALE(s, w);
vtx->ov = TSCALE(t, w);
vtx->x = XSCALE(xright);
vtx->y = YSCALE(ym);
vtx->z = ZSCALE(z);
vtx->w = WSCALE(w);
vtx = &vtxbuf[nbVtxs++];
xleft_inc = dxldy;
xright_inc = dxhdy;
j = yl - ym;
//j--; // ?
xleft += xleft_inc*j; xright += xright_inc*j;
s += dsde*j; t += dtde*j; w += dwde*j;
r += drde*j; g += dgde*j; b += dbde*j; a += dade*j;
z += dzde*j;
while (yl > ym &&
!((!flip && xleft < xright + 0x10000) ||
(flip && xleft > xright - 0x10000))) {
xleft -= xleft_inc; xright -= xright_inc;
s -= dsde; t -= dtde; w -= dwde;
r -= drde; g -= dgde; b -= dbde; a -= dade;
z -= dzde;
// render ...
if (j >= 0) {
int dx = (xleft - xright) >> 16;
if ((!flip && xleft <= xright) ||
(flip/* && xleft >= xright*/))
if (shade) {
vtx->r = CSCALE(r + drdx*dx);
vtx->g = CSCALE(g + dgdx*dx);
vtx->b = CSCALE(b + dbdx*dx);
vtx->a = CSCALE(a + dadx*dx);
if (texture) {
vtx->ou = SSCALE(s + dsdx*dx, w + dwdx*dx);
vtx->ov = TSCALE(t + dtdx*dx, w + dwdx*dx);
vtx->x = XSCALE(xleft);
vtx->y = YSCALE(yl);
vtx->z = ZSCALE(z + dzdx*dx);
vtx->w = WSCALE(w + dwdx*dx);
vtx = &vtxbuf[nbVtxs++];
if ((!flip/* && xleft <= xright*/) ||
(flip && xleft >= xright))
if (shade) {
vtx->r = CSCALE(r);
vtx->g = CSCALE(g);
vtx->b = CSCALE(b);
vtx->a = CSCALE(a);
if (texture) {
vtx->ou = SSCALE(s, w);
vtx->ov = TSCALE(t, w);
vtx->x = XSCALE(xright);
vtx->y = YSCALE(yl);
vtx->z = ZSCALE(z);
vtx->w = WSCALE(w);
vtx = &vtxbuf[nbVtxs++];
for (int k = 0; k < nbVtxs - 1; k++)
VERTEX * v = &vtxbuf[k];
v->x = v->x * rdp.scale_x + rdp.offset_x;
v->y = v->y * rdp.scale_y + rdp.offset_y;
// v->z = 1.0f;///v->w;
v->q = 1.0f / v->w;
v->u1 = v->u0 = v->ou;
v->v1 = v->v0 = v->ov;
if (rdp.tex >= 1 && rdp.cur_cache[0])
if (rdp.tiles(rdp.cur_tile).shift_s)
if (rdp.tiles(rdp.cur_tile).shift_s > 10)
v->u0 *= (float)(1 << (16 - rdp.tiles(rdp.cur_tile).shift_s));
v->u0 /= (float)(1 << rdp.tiles(rdp.cur_tile).shift_s);
if (rdp.tiles(rdp.cur_tile).shift_t)
if (rdp.tiles(rdp.cur_tile).shift_t > 10)
v->v0 *= (float)(1 << (16 - rdp.tiles(rdp.cur_tile).shift_t));
v->v0 /= (float)(1 << rdp.tiles(rdp.cur_tile).shift_t);
v->u0 -= rdp.tiles(rdp.cur_tile).f_ul_s;
v->v0 -= rdp.tiles(rdp.cur_tile).f_ul_t;
v->u0 = rdp.cur_cache[0]->c_off + rdp.cur_cache[0]->c_scl_x * v->u0;
v->v0 = rdp.cur_cache[0]->c_off + rdp.cur_cache[0]->c_scl_y * v->v0;
v->u0 /= v->w;
v->v0 /= v->w;
if (rdp.tex >= 2 && rdp.cur_cache[1])
if (rdp.tiles(rdp.cur_tile + 1).shift_s)
if (rdp.tiles(rdp.cur_tile + 1).shift_s > 10)
v->u1 *= (float)(1 << (16 - rdp.tiles(rdp.cur_tile + 1).shift_s));
v->u1 /= (float)(1 << rdp.tiles(rdp.cur_tile + 1).shift_s);
if (rdp.tiles(rdp.cur_tile + 1).shift_t)
if (rdp.tiles(rdp.cur_tile + 1).shift_t > 10)
v->v1 *= (float)(1 << (16 - rdp.tiles(rdp.cur_tile + 1).shift_t));
v->v1 /= (float)(1 << rdp.tiles(rdp.cur_tile + 1).shift_t);
v->u1 -= rdp.tiles(rdp.cur_tile + 1).f_ul_s;
v->v1 -= rdp.tiles(rdp.cur_tile + 1).f_ul_t;
v->u1 = rdp.cur_cache[1]->c_off + rdp.cur_cache[1]->c_scl_x * v->u1;
v->v1 = rdp.cur_cache[1]->c_off + rdp.cur_cache[1]->c_scl_y * v->v1;
v->u1 /= v->w;
v->v1 /= v->w;
ConvertCoordsConvert(vtxbuf, nbVtxs);
grDrawVertexArrayContiguous(GR_TRIANGLE_STRIP, nbVtxs - 1, vtxbuf, sizeof(VERTEX));
void rdp_triangle(int shade, int texture, int zbuffer)
lle_triangle(rdp.cmd0, rdp.cmd1, shade, texture, zbuffer, rdp_cmd_data + rdp_cmd_cur);
void rdp_trifill()
rdp_triangle(0, 0, 0);
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "trifill");
void rdp_trishade()
rdp_triangle(1, 0, 0);
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "trishade");
void rdp_tritxtr()
rdp_triangle(0, 1, 0);
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "tritxtr");
void rdp_trishadetxtr()
rdp_triangle(1, 1, 0);
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "trishadetxtr");
void rdp_trifillz()
rdp_triangle(0, 0, 1);
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "trifillz");
void rdp_trishadez()
rdp_triangle(1, 0, 1);
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "trishadez");
void rdp_tritxtrz()
rdp_triangle(0, 1, 1);
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "tritxtrz");
void rdp_trishadetxtrz()
rdp_triangle(1, 1, 1);
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "trishadetxtrz");
static rdp_instr rdp_command_table[64] =
/* 0x00 */
spnoop, undef, undef, undef,
undef, undef, undef, undef,
rdp_trifill, rdp_trifillz, rdp_tritxtr, rdp_tritxtrz,
rdp_trishade, rdp_trishadez, rdp_trishadetxtr, rdp_trishadetxtrz,
/* 0x10 */
undef, undef, undef, undef,
undef, undef, undef, undef,
undef, undef, undef, undef,
undef, undef, undef, undef,
/* 0x20 */
undef, undef, undef, undef,
rdp_texrect, rdp_texrect, rdp_loadsync, rdp_pipesync,
rdp_tilesync, rdp_fullsync, rdp_setkeygb, rdp_setkeyr,
rdp_setconvert, rdp_setscissor, rdp_setprimdepth, rdp_setothermode,
/* 0x30 */
rdp_loadtlut, undef, rdp_settilesize, rdp_loadblock,
rdp_loadtile, rdp_settile, rdp_fillrect, rdp_setfillcolor,
rdp_setfogcolor, rdp_setblendcolor, rdp_setprimcolor, rdp_setenvcolor,
rdp_setcombine, rdp_settextureimage, rdp_setdepthimage, rdp_setcolorimage
static const uint32_t rdp_command_length[64] =
8, // 0x00, No Op
8, // 0x01, ???
8, // 0x02, ???
8, // 0x03, ???
8, // 0x04, ???
8, // 0x05, ???
8, // 0x06, ???
8, // 0x07, ???
32, // 0x08, Non-Shaded Triangle
32 + 16, // 0x09, Non-Shaded, Z-Buffered Triangle
32 + 64, // 0x0a, Textured Triangle
32 + 64 + 16, // 0x0b, Textured, Z-Buffered Triangle
32 + 64, // 0x0c, Shaded Triangle
32 + 64 + 16, // 0x0d, Shaded, Z-Buffered Triangle
32 + 64 + 64, // 0x0e, Shaded+Textured Triangle
32 + 64 + 64 + 16,// 0x0f, Shaded+Textured, Z-Buffered Triangle
8, // 0x10, ???
8, // 0x11, ???
8, // 0x12, ???
8, // 0x13, ???
8, // 0x14, ???
8, // 0x15, ???
8, // 0x16, ???
8, // 0x17, ???
8, // 0x18, ???
8, // 0x19, ???
8, // 0x1a, ???
8, // 0x1b, ???
8, // 0x1c, ???
8, // 0x1d, ???
8, // 0x1e, ???
8, // 0x1f, ???
8, // 0x20, ???
8, // 0x21, ???
8, // 0x22, ???
8, // 0x23, ???
16, // 0x24, Texture_Rectangle
16, // 0x25, Texture_Rectangle_Flip
8, // 0x26, Sync_Load
8, // 0x27, Sync_Pipe
8, // 0x28, Sync_Tile
8, // 0x29, Sync_Full
8, // 0x2a, Set_Key_GB
8, // 0x2b, Set_Key_R
8, // 0x2c, Set_Convert
8, // 0x2d, Set_Scissor
8, // 0x2e, Set_Prim_Depth
8, // 0x2f, Set_Other_Modes
8, // 0x30, Load_TLUT
8, // 0x31, ???
8, // 0x32, Set_Tile_Size
8, // 0x33, Load_Block
8, // 0x34, Load_Tile
8, // 0x35, Set_Tile
8, // 0x36, Fill_Rectangle
8, // 0x37, Set_Fill_Color
8, // 0x38, Set_Fog_Color
8, // 0x39, Set_Blend_Color
8, // 0x3a, Set_Prim_Color
8, // 0x3b, Set_Env_Color
8, // 0x3c, Set_Combine
8, // 0x3d, Set_Texture_Image
8, // 0x3e, Set_Mask_Image
8 // 0x3f, Set_Color_Image
#define rdram ((uint32_t*)gfx.RDRAM)
#define rsp_dmem ((uint32_t*)gfx.DMEM)
#define dp_start (*(uint32_t*)gfx.DPC_START_REG)
#define dp_end (*(uint32_t*)gfx.DPC_END_REG)
#define dp_current (*(uint32_t*)gfx.DPC_CURRENT_REG)
#define dp_status (*(uint32_t*)gfx.DPC_STATUS_REG)
inline uint32_t READ_RDP_DATA(uint32_t address)
if (dp_status & 0x1) // XBUS_DMEM_DMA enabled
return rsp_dmem[(address & 0xfff) >> 2];
return rdram[address >> 2];
void rdphalf_1()
uint32_t cmd = rdp.cmd1 >> 24;
if (cmd >= 0xc8 && cmd <= 0xcf) //triangle command
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "rdphalf_1 - lle triangle");
rdp_cmd_ptr = 0;
rdp_cmd_cur = 0;
uint32_t a;
rdp_cmd_data[rdp_cmd_ptr++] = rdp.cmd1;
// check DL counter
if (rdp.dl_count != -1)
if (rdp.dl_count == 0)
rdp.dl_count = -1;
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "End of DL");
// Get the address of the next command
a = rdp.pc[rdp.pc_i] & BMASK;
// Load the next command and its input
rdp.cmd0 = ((uint32_t*)gfx.RDRAM)[a >> 2]; // \ Current command, 64 bit
rdp.cmd1 = ((uint32_t*)gfx.RDRAM)[(a >> 2) + 1]; // /
// Go to the next instruction
rdp.pc[rdp.pc_i] = (a + 8) & BMASK;
} while ((rdp.cmd0 >> 24) != 0xb3);
rdp_cmd_data[rdp_cmd_ptr++] = rdp.cmd1;
cmd = (rdp_cmd_data[rdp_cmd_cur] >> 24) & 0x3f;
rdp.cmd0 = rdp_cmd_data[rdp_cmd_cur + 0];
rdp.cmd1 = rdp_cmd_data[rdp_cmd_cur + 1];
uint32_t cmd3 = ((uint32_t*)gfx.RDRAM)[(a>>2)+2];
if ((cmd3>>24) == 0xb4)
rglSingleTriangle = TRUE;
rglSingleTriangle = FALSE;
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "rdphalf_1 - IGNORED");
void rdphalf_2()
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceWarning, "rdphalf_2 - IGNORED");
void rdphalf_cont()
WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceWarning, "rdphalf_cont - IGNORED");
Function: ProcessRDPList
Purpose: This function is called when there is a Dlist to be
processed. (Low level GFX list)
input: none
output: none
void CALL ProcessRDPList(void)
#ifdef _WIN32
CGuard guard(*g_ProcessDListCS);
WriteTrace(TraceGlide64, TraceDebug, "-");
no_dlist = false;
update_screen_count = 0;
// Switch to fullscreen?
if (to_fullscreen)
//* Set states *//
if (g_settings->swapmode() != CSettings::SwapMode_Old)
SwapOK = TRUE;
rdp.updatescreen = 1;
rdp.tri_n = 0; // 0 triangles so far this frame
rdp.debug_n = 0;
rdp.model_i = 0; // 0 matrices so far in stack
//stack_size can be less then 32! Important for Silicon Vally. Thanks Orkin!
rdp.model_stack_size = minval(32, (*(uint32_t*)(gfx.DMEM + 0x0FE4)) >> 6);
if (rdp.model_stack_size == 0)
rdp.model_stack_size = 32;
rdp.Persp_en = TRUE;
rdp.fb_drawn = rdp.fb_drawn_front = FALSE;
rdp.update = 0x7FFFFFFF; // All but clear cache
rdp.geom_mode = 0;
rdp.acmp = 0;
rdp.maincimg[1] = rdp.maincimg[0];
rdp.skip_drawing = FALSE;
rdp.s2dex_tex_loaded = FALSE;
rdp.bg_image_height = 0xFFFF;
fbreads_front = fbreads_back = 0;
rdp.fog_multiplier = rdp.fog_offset = 0;
rdp.zsrc = 0;
if (rdp.vi_org_reg != *gfx.VI_ORIGIN_REG)
rdp.tlut_mode = 0; //is it correct?
rdp.scissor_set = FALSE;
ucode5_texshiftaddr = ucode5_texshiftcount = 0;
cpu_fb_write = FALSE;
cpu_fb_read_called = FALSE;
cpu_fb_write_called = FALSE;
cpu_fb_ignore = FALSE;
d_ul_x = 0xffff;
d_ul_y = 0xffff;
d_lr_x = 0;
d_lr_y = 0;
depth_buffer_fog = TRUE;
const uint32_t length = dp_end - dp_current;
dp_status &= ~0x0002;
if (dp_end <= dp_current) return;
rdp.LLE = TRUE;
// load command data
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < length; i += 4)
rdp_cmd_data[rdp_cmd_ptr] = READ_RDP_DATA(dp_current + i);
rdp_cmd_ptr = (rdp_cmd_ptr + 1) & maxCMDMask;
bool setZero = true;
while (rdp_cmd_cur != rdp_cmd_ptr)
uint32_t cmd = (rdp_cmd_data[rdp_cmd_cur] >> 24) & 0x3f;
if ((((rdp_cmd_ptr - rdp_cmd_cur)&maxCMDMask) * 4) < rdp_command_length[cmd]) {
setZero = false;
if (rdp_cmd_cur + rdp_command_length[cmd] / 4 > MAXCMD)
::memcpy(rdp_cmd_data + MAXCMD, rdp_cmd_data, rdp_command_length[cmd] - (MAXCMD - rdp_cmd_cur) * 4);
// execute the command
rdp.cmd0 = rdp_cmd_data[rdp_cmd_cur + 0];
rdp.cmd1 = rdp_cmd_data[rdp_cmd_cur + 1];
rdp.cmd2 = rdp_cmd_data[rdp_cmd_cur + 2];
rdp.cmd3 = rdp_cmd_data[rdp_cmd_cur + 3];
//RSP.cmd = cmd;
rdp_cmd_cur = (rdp_cmd_cur + rdp_command_length[cmd] / 4) & maxCMDMask;
if (setZero)
rdp_cmd_ptr = 0;
rdp_cmd_cur = 0;
rdp.LLE = FALSE;
dp_start = dp_current = dp_end;
} |