
289 lines
10 KiB

* Glide64 - Glide video plugin for Nintendo 64 emulators.
* Copyright (c) 2002 Dave2001
* Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Sergey 'Gonetz' Lipski
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// Glide64 - Glide Plugin for Nintendo 64 emulators (tested mostly with Project64)
// Project started on December 29th, 2001
// Authors:
// Dave2001, original author, founded the project in 2001, left it in 2002
// Gugaman, joined the project in 2002, left it in 2002
// Sergey 'Gonetz' Lipski, joined the project in 2002, main author since fall of 2002
// Hiroshi 'KoolSmoky' Morii, joined the project in 2007
// To modify Glide64:
// * Write your name and (optional)email, commented by your work, so I know who did it, and so that you can find which parts you modified when it comes time to send it to me.
// * Do NOT send me the whole project or file that you modified. Take out your modified code sections, and tell me where to put them. If people sent the whole thing, I would have many different versions, but no idea how to combine them all.
// Glide64 dialogs
// Created by Gonetz, 2008
// -*- C++ -*- generated by wxGlade 0.6.3 on Wed Oct 08 18:56:23 2008
#pragma once
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <wx/wx.h>
#include <wx/image.h>
// begin wxGlade: ::dependencies
#include <wx/spinctrl.h>
#include <wx/notebook.h>
// end wxGlade
// begin wxGlade: ::extracode
// end wxGlade
class ConfigNotebook: public wxNotebook {
// begin wxGlade: ConfigNotebook::ids
enum {
wxID_VRAM = wxID_HIGHEST + 1000,
wxID_FBEnable = wxID_HIGHEST + 1002,
wxID_TexEdit = wxID_HIGHEST + 1004,
wxID_Performance = wxID_HIGHEST + 1006,
wxID_Quality = wxID_HIGHEST + 1008,
// end wxGlade
ConfigNotebook(wxWindow* parent, int id, const wxPoint& pos=wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size=wxDefaultSize, long style=0);
// begin wxGlade: ConfigNotebook::methods
void set_properties();
void do_layout();
// end wxGlade
// begin wxGlade: ConfigNotebook::attributes
wxStaticBox* BasicRenderingSizer_staticbox;
wxStaticBox* OnScreenDisplaySizer_staticbox;
wxStaticBox* SpeedSizer_staticbox;
wxStaticBox* TimeSizer_staticbox;
wxStaticText* lblResolution;
wxComboBox* cmbResolution;
wxCheckBox* cbxVSync;
wxCheckBox* cbxFPS;
wxCheckBox* cbxVIS;
wxCheckBox* cbxPercent;
wxCheckBox* cbxClockEnabled;
wxCheckBox* cbxClock24;
wxCheckBox* cbxTextTransparent;
wxStaticBox* WrapperSizer_staticbox;
wxStaticBox* WrapperFBOptionsSizer_staticbox;
wxStaticText* lblFSResolution;
wxComboBox* cmbFSResolution;
wxCheckBox* cbxAnisotropic;
wxCheckBox* cbxVRAM;
wxStaticText* lblVRAM;
wxSpinCtrl* spinVRAM;
wxStaticText* lblMb;
wxCheckBox* cbxFBO;
wxStaticBox* OtherSizer_staticbox;
wxCheckBox* cbxTextureSettings;
wxStaticText* lblScreenShotFormat;
wxComboBox* cmbScreenShotFormat;
wxPanel* BasicSettingsPanel;
wxStaticBox* EmuSettingsBoxSizer_staticbox;
wxStaticBox* EmuSettingsLeftSizer_staticbox;
wxStaticBox* DepthBufferSizer_staticbox;
wxStaticBox* FrameBufferSizer_staticbox;
wxStaticText* lbFiltering;
wxComboBox* cmbFiltering;
wxStaticText* lbBufferSwap;
wxComboBox* cmbBufferSwap;
wxStaticText* lblLOD;
wxComboBox* cmbLOD;
wxStaticText* lblAspect;
wxComboBox* cmbAspect;
wxCheckBox* cbxFog;
wxCheckBox* cbxBuffer;
wxCheckBox* cbxFBEnable;
wxCheckBox* cbxFBHWFBE;
wxCheckBox* cbxFBGetFBI;
wxCheckBox* cbxFBReadEveryFrame;
wxCheckBox* cbxFBasTex;
wxCheckBox* cbxDetect;
wxCheckBox* cbxFBDepthBuffer;
wxPanel* EmuSettingsPanel;
wxStaticBox* PresetsSizer_staticbox;
wxStaticBox* CommonSizer_staticbox;
wxStaticBox* TextureRightSizer_staticbox;
wxStaticBox* EnhTexSizer_staticbox;
wxStaticBox* HRTexPerfTweaksSizer_staticbox;
wxStaticBox* EnhTexPerfTweaksSizer_staticbox;
wxStaticText* lblFilter;
wxComboBox* cmbEnhFilter;
wxStaticText* lblEnhancement;
wxComboBox* cmbEnhEnhancement;
wxStaticText* lblTexCache;
wxSpinCtrl* spinEnhCacheSize;
wxStaticText* lblTexCacheMB;
wxCheckBox* cbxEnhIgnoreBG;
wxCheckBox* cbxEnhTexCompression;
wxCheckBox* cbxEnhCompressCache;
wxStaticText* lblHrsFormat;
wxComboBox* cmbHrsFormat;
wxCheckBox* cbxHrsTile;
wxCheckBox* cbxHrsForce16;
wxCheckBox* cbxHrsAltCRC;
wxCheckBox* cbxHrsTexCompression;
wxCheckBox* cbxHrsCompressCache;
wxCheckBox* cbxHrsLetFly;
wxCheckBox* cbxHrsTexEdit;
wxStaticText* lblTexCompression;
wxComboBox* cmbTextureCompression;
wxCheckBox* cbxSaveTexCache;
wxButton* btnPerformance;
wxButton* btnQuality;
wxPanel* TexturePanel;
wxStaticBox* DebugSizer_staticbox;
wxStaticBox* DevSettingsSizer_staticbox;
wxCheckBox* cbxAutoUcode;
wxStaticText* lblForceUcode;
wxComboBox* cmbForceUcode;
wxCheckBox* cbxWireframe;
wxComboBox* cmbWireframe;
wxCheckBox* cbxLog;
wxCheckBox* cbxCombRed;
wxCheckBox* cbxLogClear;
wxCheckBox* cbxCmbLog;
wxCheckBox* cbxWindowLog;
wxCheckBox* cbxCmbLogClear;
wxCheckBox* cbxErrLog;
wxCheckBox* cbxBilinearTexCache;
wxPanel* DebugPanel;
// end wxGlade
virtual void OnClickVRAM(wxCommandEvent &event); // wxGlade: <event_handler>
virtual void OnClickFB(wxCommandEvent &event); // wxGlade: <event_handler>
virtual void onPerformace(wxCommandEvent &event); // wxGlade: <event_handler>
virtual void onQuality(wxCommandEvent &event); // wxGlade: <event_handler>
virtual void OnClickTexEdit(wxCommandEvent &event); // wxGlade: <event_handler>
// virtual void onPageChanged(wxNotebookEvent &event); // wxGlade: <event_handler>
// virtual void onPageChanging(wxNotebookEvent &event); // wxGlade: <event_handler>
void SaveSettings();
}; // wxGlade: end class
class Glide64ConfigDialog: public wxDialog {
// begin wxGlade: Glide64ConfigDialog::ids
// end wxGlade
Glide64ConfigDialog(wxWindow* parent, int id, const wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos=wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size=wxDefaultSize, long style=wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE);
void OnClose(wxCloseEvent& event);
// begin wxGlade: Glide64ConfigDialog::methods
void set_properties();
void do_layout();
// end wxGlade
// begin wxGlade: Glide64ConfigDialog::attributes
ConfigNotebook* Config;
wxButton* btnOK;
wxButton* btnCancel;
// end wxGlade
// virtual void onPageChanged(wxNotebookEvent &event); // wxGlade: <event_handler>
// virtual void onPageChanging(wxNotebookEvent &event); // wxGlade: <event_handler>
virtual void OnOK(wxCommandEvent &event); // wxGlade: <event_handler>
virtual void OnCancel(wxCommandEvent &event); // wxGlade: <event_handler>
}; // wxGlade: end class
class AboutDialog: public wxDialog {
// begin wxGlade: AboutDialog::ids
// end wxGlade
AboutDialog(wxWindow* parent, int id, const wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos=wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size=wxDefaultSize, long style=wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE);
// begin wxGlade: AboutDialog::methods
void set_properties();
void do_layout();
// end wxGlade
// begin wxGlade: AboutDialog::attributes
wxButton* button_ok;
// end wxGlade
}; // wxGlade: end class
enum {
// General Settings
Set_CardId, Set_Resolution, Set_vsync, Set_ssformat, Set_ShowFps, Set_clock,
Set_clock_24_hr, Set_texenh_options, Set_hotkeys, Set_wrpResolution, Set_wrpVRAM,
Set_wrpFBO, Set_wrpAnisotropic, Set_autodetect_ucode, Set_ucode, Set_wireframe,
Set_wfmode, Set_logging, Set_log_clear, Set_elogging, Set_run_in_window,
Set_filter_cache, Set_unk_as_red, Set_log_unk, Set_unk_clear, Set_ghq_fltr,
Set_ghq_cmpr, Set_ghq_enht, Set_ghq_hirs, Set_ghq_enht_cmpr, Set_ghq_enht_tile,
Set_ghq_enht_f16bpp, Set_ghq_enht_gz, Set_ghq_enht_nobg, Set_ghq_hirs_cmpr,
Set_ghq_hirs_tile, Set_ghq_hirs_f16bpp, Set_ghq_hirs_gz, Set_ghq_hirs_altcrc,
Set_ghq_cache_save, Set_ghq_cache_size, Set_ghq_hirs_let_texartists_fly,
//Game Settings
Set_alt_tex_size, Set_use_sts1_only, Set_force_calc_sphere, Set_correct_viewport,
Set_increase_texrect_edge, Set_decrease_fillrect_edge, Set_texture_correction,
Set_pal230, Set_stipple_mode, Set_stipple_pattern, Set_force_microcheck, Set_force_quad3d,
Set_clip_zmin, Set_clip_zmax, Set_fast_crc, Set_adjust_aspect, Set_zmode_compare_less,
Set_old_style_adither, Set_n64_z_scale, Set_optimize_texrect, Set_ignore_aux_copy,
Set_hires_buf_clear, Set_fb_read_alpha, Set_useless_is_useless, Set_fb_crc_mode,
Set_filtering, Set_fog, Set_buff_clear, Set_swapmode, Set_aspect, Set_lodmode,
Set_fb_smart, Set_fb_hires, Set_fb_read_always, Set_read_back_to_screen,
Set_detect_cpu_write, Set_fb_get_info, Set_fb_render,
//RDB Setting
extern short Set_basic_mode, Set_texture_dir;
extern void general_setting(short setting_ID, const char * name, unsigned int value);
extern void game_setting(short setting_ID, const char * name, unsigned int value);