project64/Config/Cheats/Zelda no Densetsu - Mujura ...

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Name=Zelda no Densetsu - Mujura no Kamen - Zelda Collection Version (J) (GC)
$All Equipment Upgrades
801ED88D 0023
811ED8DA 201B
801ED86C 004F
$Beta World 1
Note=Put on the code on load up,After the Nintendo logo you will be in that place of can also choose another place & then press F1 (reset) to go to that place this is for beta interest only it will not assist you in playing the game.
D03E4CAB 0000
801ED822 00??
00 Mama's House non Beta
01 Fearful Spider House
02 Beneaf the Graveyard
03 Southern Swamp Mr Tingle Entry
06 Outside Tourist Information Southern Swamp
08 Outside Magic Hag's Potion Shop
0A Southern Swamp Woods Of Mystery Entry
24 Counter Of The Tresure Chest Shop
2E Woodfall Temple non Beta
32 Spider Hand
35 Statue outside Gorman Track
36 Statue outside Lair Of The Temples Boss
38 Path to Romani Ranch non Beta
4A outside The Royal Palace of the Deku Kingdom
4C Ledge in The Royal Palace of the Deku Kingdom
4E inside The Royal Palace of the Deku Kingdom 1
71 Green Blobs
74 Cave Portal to Last Boss Field
7F Waterfall Sothern Swamp
8A Giant Turtle In the Temple non beta
8B Room of Miau & Tijo Zora Great Hall
94 Recieving Gorans Mask non Beta
95 ?
96 Hungry Goran in the Snow
A2 Statue in Stone Tower
A6 Stone Tower non Beta
B9 Recieving Deku Mask non Beta
D9 Giant Lizards in a Cave
DA Cave with Steaming Water
FF Vamps House In Ikana Canyon
$Event Item\Modifier 1
801ED895 00??
28 Moon's Tear
29 Land Title Deed
2A Swap Title Deed
2B Mountain Title Deed
2C Ocean Title Deed
2D Room Key
2E Special Delivery To Mama
2F Letter To Kafei
30 Pendant Of Memories
$Event Item\Modifier 2
801ED89B 00??
28 Moon's Tear
29 Land Title Deed
2A Swap Title Deed
2B Mountain Title Deed
2C Ocean Title Deed
2D Room Key
2E Special Delivery To Mama
2F Letter To Kafei
30 Pendant Of Memories
$Event Item\Modifier 3
801ED8A1 00??
28 Moon's Tear
29 Land Title Deed
2A Swap Title Deed
2B Mountain Title Deed
2C Ocean Title Deed
2D Room Key
2E Special Delivery To Mama
2F Letter To Kafei
30 Pendant Of Memories
$Have Bottle\Modifier 1
801ED8A2 00??
12 Empty Bottle
13 Red Potion
14 Green Potion
15 Blue Potion
16 Fairy
17 Deku Princess
18 Milk
19 Milk (1/2)
1A Fish
1B Bug
1C Blue Fire
1D Poe
1E Big Poe
1F Spring Water
20 Hot Spring Water
21 Zora Egg
22 Gold Dust
23 Magical Mushroom
24 Sea Horse
25 Chateau Romani
26 Japanese Bottle?
27 Empty Japanese Bottle?
$Have Bottle\Modifier 2
801ED8A3 00??
12 Empty Bottle
13 Red Potion
14 Green Potion
15 Blue Potion
16 Fairy
17 Deku Princess
18 Milk
19 Milk (1/2)
1A Fish
1B Bug
1C Blue Fire
1D Poe
1E Big Poe
1F Spring Water
20 Hot Spring Water
21 Zora Egg
22 Gold Dust
23 Magical Mushroom
24 Sea Horse
25 Chateau Romani
26 Japanese Bottle?
27 Empty Japanese Bottle?
$Have Bottle\Modifier 3
801ED8A4 00??
12 Empty Bottle
13 Red Potion
14 Green Potion
15 Blue Potion
16 Fairy
17 Deku Princess
18 Milk
19 Milk (1/2)
1A Fish
1B Bug
1C Blue Fire
1D Poe
1E Big Poe
1F Spring Water
20 Hot Spring Water
21 Zora Egg
22 Gold Dust
23 Magical Mushroom
24 Sea Horse
25 Chateau Romani
26 Japanese Bottle?
27 Empty Japanese Bottle?
$Have Bottle\Modifier 4
801ED8A5 00??
12 Empty Bottle
13 Red Potion
14 Green Potion
15 Blue Potion
16 Fairy
17 Deku Princess
18 Milk
19 Milk (1/2)
1A Fish
1B Bug
1C Blue Fire
1D Poe
1E Big Poe
1F Spring Water
20 Hot Spring Water
21 Zora Egg
22 Gold Dust
23 Magical Mushroom
24 Sea Horse
25 Chateau Romani
26 Japanese Bottle?
27 Empty Japanese Bottle?
$Have Bottle\Modifier 5
801ED8A6 00??
12 Empty Bottle
13 Red Potion
14 Green Potion
15 Blue Potion
16 Fairy
17 Deku Princess
18 Milk
19 Milk (1/2)
1A Fish
1B Bug
1C Blue Fire
1D Poe
1E Big Poe
1F Spring Water
20 Hot Spring Water
21 Zora Egg
22 Gold Dust
23 Magical Mushroom
24 Sea Horse
25 Chateau Romani
26 Japanese Bottle?
27 Empty Japanese Bottle?
$Have Bottle\Modifier 6
801ED8A7 00??
12 Empty Bottle
13 Red Potion
14 Green Potion
15 Blue Potion
16 Fairy
17 Deku Princess
18 Milk
19 Milk (1/2)
1A Fish
1B Bug
1C Blue Fire
1D Poe
1E Big Poe
1F Spring Water
20 Hot Spring Water
21 Zora Egg
22 Gold Dust
23 Magical Mushroom
24 Sea Horse
25 Chateau Romani
26 Japanese Bottle?
27 Empty Japanese Bottle?
$Have Item Modifier
801ED8A0 00??
05 Japanese Flute?
0B Japanese Item?
10 Great Fairy's Sword
11 Japanese Hookshot?
31 Japanese Scroll?
4A Japanese Bow?
$Have\All Masks
811ED8A8 3E39
811ED8AA 4745
811ED8AC 4032
811ED8AE 3A46
811ED8B0 3842
811ED8B2 4833
811ED8B4 3C3D
811ED8B6 373F
811ED8B8 3634
811ED8BA 4341
811ED8BC 3B44
811ED8BE 4935
801ED897 0007
801ED896 0006
$Have\Deku Nuts
801ED899 0009
$Have\Deku Sticks
801ED898 0008
$Have\Fire Arrow
801ED892 0002
$Have\Great Fairy's Sword
801ED8A0 0010
$Have\Have\Ocarina of Time
801ED890 0000
$Have\Hero's Bow
801ED891 0001
801ED89F 000F
$Have\Ice Arrow
801ED893 0003
$Have\Lens of Truth
801ED89E 000E
$Have\Light Arrow
801ED894 0004
$Have\Magic Beans
801ED89A 000A
801ED89D 000D
$Have\Powder Kegs
801ED89C 000C
$Have\QuestStatus Items
801ED8DD 0005
811ED856 03E7
$Infinite\Hearts Options
Note=If you need to clear the Infinite Max Hearts from the screen just choose the 6 or 4 Heart Options, take off the cheat & then make a save.
811ED854 ????
0140 Max Hearts
0063 6 Hearts
0043 4 Hearts
Note=This is Infinite use of Bombs,Bombchus,Deku Sticks,Deku Nuts,Magic Beans,& Powder Kegs. But you must also put it's Have on to work.
801ED8C1 0063
50000801 0000
801ED8C6 0063
$Infinite\Max & Double Magic Meter
801ED859 0060
811ED860 0101
811ED85A 03E7
$Play As
801ED840 00??
00 Fierce Deity Link
01 Goron Link
02 Zora Link
03 Deku Link
04 Normal Link
$Replace Sword With
Note=Only put the Deity Link's Sword on, if using The Play As Fierce Deity Link Code, if not it will turn Fierce Deity Link into a crazed slashing Machine. You have been warned.
801ED86C 00??
4A Fire Arrow w/ Bow
4B Ice Arrow w/ Bow
4C Light Arrow w/ Bow
4D Kokiri Sword
4E Razor Sword
4F Guilded Sword
50 Deity Link's Sword
$Use all C Buttons
811F1738 0000
811F173A 0000
$Warp Modifier
Note=Put this code on and it will now take where you wanted to go, turn it back off or it will infinite loop entering all the time.
803E4CAA 0000
803FD505 0001
813FD50A ????
0010 Mayors Residence
0008 Magic Hags Potion Shop
000A Romani Ranch Barn
000B Mama's House
000E Honey & Darlings Shop
0015 Final Boss Arena
001F Beneath the Graveyard (left entrance)
002F Beneath the Graveyard (right entrance)
0030 Southern Swamp (Reg Entrance)
004F Southern Swamp (from tour house)
006E Southern Swamp (from Woodfall)
006F Southern Swamp (from Deku Palace)
0078 Path to Ikana Canyon
009E Southern Swamp (from Deku Place 2)
009F Southern Swamp (From Potion Shop)
00AF Boat Cruise (picture taking)
00CD Southern Swamp (From Woods of Mystery)
00CE Southern Swamp (From Spider House)
00CF Southern Swamp (From Ikana Canyon)
00FE Southern Swamp (From Owl Warp)
0E00 Curiosity Shop
0E38 Ikana Canyon Entrance
1500 Lens of Truth Cave (get it)
2600 Stone Tower Temple (Upside down)
2609 Stone Tower Temple (Boss Room Entrance)
2604 Treasure Chest Shop
2605 Treausre Chest Shop (counter)
260E Clock Tower (w/ skull kid - silent)
2610 Stone Tower Temple (endless fall)
6214 Romani Ranch
9214 Zora Shop
B214 Snowhead (Path to temple - warp in)
D214 East Clock Down
$Time Control
Note=Control the speed of time with the D-pad. Up stops the time, left enables double time, and down restores the notmal speed.
D01F8836 0008
811ED836 FFFD
D01F8836 0004
811ED836 0000
D01F8836 0002
811ED836 FFFE