487 lines
16 KiB
487 lines
16 KiB
* Meta Information *
//About DLL
#1 # "English" // LANGUAGE ID
#2 # "Tooie" // Author
#3 # "2.2" // Version
#4 # "March, 2015" // Date
//About DLL Dialog
#5 # "Current Language"
#6 # "Author"
#7 # "Version"
#8 # "Date"
#9 # "Visit Home Page"
#10 # "ROM Database (.RDB)"
#11 # "Cheat Code file (.CHT)"
#12 # "Extended Rom Info (.RDX)"
//About INI title
#20 # "About INI Files"
* Menu *
//File Menu
#100# "&File"
#101# "&Open Rom"
#102# "Rom &Info...."
#103# "Start Emulation"
#104# "&End Emulation"
#105# "Choose Rom Directory..."
#106# "Refresh Rom List"
#107# "Recent Rom"
#108# "Recent Rom Directories"
#109# "E&xit"
//System Menu
#120# "&System"
#121# "&Reset"
#122# "&Pause"
#123# "Generate Bitmap"
#124# "Limit FPS"
#125# "&Save"
#126# "Save As..."
#127# "&Restore"
#128# "Load..."
#129# "Current Save S&tate"
#130# "Cheats..."
#131# "GS Button"
#132# "R&esume"
#133# "&Soft Reset"
#134# "&Hard Reset"
//Options Menu
#140# "&Options"
#141# "&Full Screen"
#142# "&Always On &Top"
#143# "Configure Graphics Plugin..."
#144# "Configure Audio Plugin..."
#145# "Configure Controller Plugin..."
#146# "Configure RSP Plugin..."
#147# "Show CPU usage %"
#148# "&Settings..."
//Debugger Menu
#160# "&Debugger"
//Language Menu
#175# "&Language"
//Help Menu
#180# "&Help"
#181# "About &INI Files"
#182# "&About Project 64"
#183# "Support &Forum"
#184# "&Homepage"
//Current Save Slot menu
#190# "Default"
#191# "Slot 1"
#192# "Slot 2"
#193# "Slot 3"
#194# "Slot 4"
#195# "Slot 5"
#196# "Slot 6"
#197# "Slot 7"
#198# "Slot 8"
#199# "Slot 9"
#200# "Slot 10"
//Pop up Menu
#210# "Play Game"
#211# "Rom Information"
#212# "Edit Game Settings"
#213# "Edit Cheats"
#214# "GFX Plugin"
//Alternate Name to save Slot
#220# "Default"
#221# "Save Slot - 1"
#222# "Save Slot - 2"
#223# "Save Slot - 3"
#224# "Save Slot - 4"
#225# "Save Slot - 5"
#226# "Save Slot - 6"
#227# "Save Slot - 7"
#228# "Save Slot - 8"
#229# "Save Slot - 9"
#230# "Save Slot - 10"
// Menu Descriptions
#250# "Open a N64 rom image"
#251# "Display Information about the loaded image"
#252# "Start Emulation of the loaded rom image"
#253# "Stop Emulation of the loaded rom image"
#254# "Select Rom Directory"
#255# "Refresh Current list of ROMs in the ROM Browser"
#256# "Exit this application"
#257# "Reboot the current rom image (reload any settings changes)"
#258# "Pause/Resume emulation of the current running rom"
#259# "Generate a Bitmap image of the current Screen"
#260# "Limit FPS to the correct speed of the n64"
#261# "Create a instant of the current system for quick save"
#262# "Create a instant of the current system with selecting file location"
#263# "Load a quick instant save"
#264# "Choose an instant save file to load"
#265# "Enable/Disable Game shark cheats"
#266# "Game shark button is used with specific cheats"
#267# "Change emulation from window mode to full screen"
#268# "Make window stay on top of all other windows"
#269# "Change settings inside the Graphics plugin"
#270# "Change settings inside the Audio plugin"
#271# "Change settings inside the Controller plugin (i.e. set keys)"
#272# "Change settings inside the RSP plugin"
#273# "Show the CPU usage of the emulator split over different resources"
#274# "View/Change settings for this application"
#275# "View Manual for application"
#276# "View FAQ for application"
#278# "About the application and Authors"
#277# "About the Authors of the support files"
#279# "Open this previous opened ROM image"
#280# "Choose this directory as your rom directory"
#281# "Change Application to using this language"
#282# "Choose this quick save location"
#283# "Play selected game"
#284# "Information about selected game"
#285# "Edit Settings for selected game"
#286# "Edit cheats for selected game"
* Rom Browser *
//Rom Browser Fields
#300# "File Name"
#301# "Internal Name"
#302# "Good Name"
#303# "Status"
#304# "Rom Size"
#305# "Notes (Core)"
#306# "Notes (default plugins)"
#307# "Notes (User)"
#308# "Cartridge ID"
#309# "Manufacturer"
#310# "Country"
#311# "Developer"
#312# "CRC1"
#313# "CRC2"
#314# "CIC Chip"
#315# "Release Date"
#316# "Genre"
#317# "Players"
#318# "Force Feedback"
#319# "File Format"
//Select Rom
#320# "Select current Rom Directory"
#340# "Bad ROM? Use GoodN64 & check for updated INI"
* Options *
//Options Title
#400# "Settings"
#401# "Plugins"
#402# "Directories"
#403# "Options"
#404# "Rom Selection"
#405# "Advanced"
#406# "General Settings"
#407# "Shell Integration"
#408# "Notes"
#409# "Keyboard Shortcuts"
#410# "Status"
#411# "Recompiler"
//Plugin Dialog
#420# "About"
#421# " RSP (reality signal processor) plugin: "
#422# " Video (graphics) plugin: "
#423# " Audio (sound) plugin: "
#424# " Input (controller) plugin: "
#425# "Use High Level GFX?"
#426# "Use High Level Audio?"
#427# "** Use System Plugin **"
//Directory Dialog
#440# " Plugin Directory:: "
#441# " Rom Directory: "
#442# " N64 Auto saves: "
#443# " Instant saves: "
#444# " Screen Shots: "
#445# "Last folder that a rom was open from."
#446# "Select plugin directory"
#447# "Select rom directory"
#448# "Select automatic save directory"
#449# "Select instant save directory"
#450# "Select snap shot directory"
#451# " Texture Directory: "
#452# "Select texture pack directory"
//Options (general) Tab
#460# "Pause emulation when window is not active?"
#461# "On loading a ROM go to full screen"
#462# "Hide Advanced Settings"
#463# "Remember selected cheats"
#464# "Disable Screen Saver when running rom"
#465# "Display Frame Rate"
#466# "Change Frame Rate Display Type"
//Rom Browser Tab
#480# "Max # of Roms Remembered (Max 10):"
#481# "roms"
#482# "Max # of Rom Dirs Remembered (Max 10):"
#483# "dirs"
#484# "Use Rom Browser"
#485# "Use Directory recursion"
#486# "Available fields:"
#487# "Show fields in this order:"
#488# "Add ->"
#489# "<- Remove"
#490# "Up"
#491# "Down"
#492# "Automatically refresh browser"
//Advanced Options
#500# "Most of these changes will not take effect till a new rom is opened or current rom is reset."
#501# "Core Defaults"
#502# "CPU core style:"
#503# "Self-mod code method:"
#504# "Default Memory Size:"
#505# "Advanced Block Linking:"
#506# "Start Emulation when rom is opened?"
#507# "Always overwrite default settings with ones from ini?"
#508# "Automatically compress instant saves"
#509# "Enable Debugger"
#510# "Cache"
#511# "PI DMA"
#512# "Start Changed"
#513# "Protect Memory"
#514# "TLB Unmapping"
//Rom Options
#520# "CPU core style:"
#522# "Memory Size:"
#523# "Advanced Block Linking:"
#524# "Default Save type:"
#525# "Counter Factor:"
#526# "Larger Compile Buffer"
#527# "Use TLB"
#528# "Register caching"
#529# "Delay SI Interrupt"
#530# "Fast SP"
#531# "Default"
#532# "RSP Audio Signal"
#533# "Fixed Audio Timing"
#534# "Function lookup method:"
#535# "Custom Self Mod Method"
#536# "Sync using Audio"
//Core Styles
#540# "Interpreter"
#541# "Recompiler"
#542# "Synchronise Cores"
//Self Mod Methods
#560# "None"
#561# "Cache"
#562# "Protect Memory"
#563# "Check Memory & Cache"
#564# "Change Memory & Cache"
#565# "Check Memory Advance"
#566# "Clear Code on Cache"
//Function Lookup memthod
#570# "Physical Lookup Table"
#571# "Virtual Lookup Table"
#572# "Change Memory"
//RDRAM Size
#580# "4 MB"
#581# "8 MB"
//Advanced Block Linking
#600# "On"
#601# "Off"
//Save Type
#620# "Use First Used Save Type"
#621# "4kbit Eeprom"
#622# "16kbit Eeprom"
#623# "32kbytes SRAM"
#624# "Flashram"
//Shell Integration Tab
#640# "File extension association:"
//Rom Notes
#660# "Rom Status:"
#661# "Core Note:"
#662# "Plugin Note:"
// Accelerator Selector
#680# "CPU State:"
#681# "Menu Item:"
#682# "Current Keys:"
#683# "Select New Shortcut Key:"
#684# "Currently Assigned To:"
#685# "Assign"
#686# "Remove"
#687# "Reset All"
#688# "Game not playing"
#689# "Game playing"
#690# "Game playing (windowed)"
#691# "Game playing (Fullscreen)"
// Frame Rate Option
#700# "Vertical Interupts per second"
#701# "Display Lists per second"
#702# "Percent of Speed"
// Increase speed
#710# "Increase Game Speed"
#711# "Decrease Game Speed"
* ROM Information *
//Rom Info Title
#800# "Rom Information"
//Rom Info Text
#801# "ROM Name:"
#802# "File Name:"
#803# "Location:"
#804# "Rom Size:"
#805# "Cartridge ID:"
#806# "Manufacturer:"
#807# "Country:"
#808# "CRC1:"
#809# "CRC2:"
#810# "CIC Chip:"
#811# "MD5:"
* Cheats *
//Cheat List
#1000# "Cheats"
#1001# "Cheats:"
#1002# " Notes: "
#1003# "Mark All"
#1004# "Unmark All"
//Add Cheat
#1005# "Add Cheat"
#1006# "Name:"
#1007# "Code:"
#1008# "Insert"
#1009# "Clear"
#1010# " Cheat Notes: "
#1011# "Add to DB"
//Code extension
#1012# "Code Extensions"
#1013# "Please choose a value to be used for:"
#1014# "OK"
#1015# "Cancel"
//Digital Value
#1016# "Quantity Digit"
#1017# "Please choose a value for:"
#1018# "&Value"
#1019# "from"
#1020# "to"
#1021# "&Notes:"
#1022# "Add Cheat"
#1023# "New Cheat"
#1024# "<address> <value>"
#1025# "Options:"
#1026# "<value> <label>"
//Edit Cheat
#1027# "Edit Cheat"
#1028# "Update Cheat"
#1029# "Cheat has been changed do you want to update?"
#1030# "Cheat Updated"
//Cheat Popup Menu
#1040# "Add New Cheat..."
#1041# "Edit"
#1042# "Delete"
// short cut editor
#1100# "Reset Short Cuts"
#1101# "Are you sure you want to reset the short cuts?\n\nThis action cannot be undone."
#1102# "File Menu"
#1103# "System Menu"
#1104# "Options"
#1105# "Save Slots"
* Messages *
#2000# "*** CPU PAUSED ***"
#2001# "CPU Resumed"
#2002# "In a permanent loop that cannot be exited. \nEmulation will now stop. \n\nVerify ROM and ROM Settings."
#2003# "Failed to allocate Memory"
#2004# "The default or selected video plugin is missing or invalid. \n\nYou need to go into Settings and select a video (graphics) plugin.\nCheck that you have at least one compatible plugin file in your plugin folder."
#2005# "The default or selected audio plugin is missing or invalid. \n\nYou need to go into Settings and select a audio (sound) plugin.\nCheck that you have at least one compatible plugin file in your plugin folder."
#2006# "The default or selected RSP plugin is missing or invalid. \n\nYou need to go into Settings and select a RSP (reality signal processor) plugin.\nCheck that you have at least one compatible plugin file in your plugin folder."
#2007# "The default or selected input plugin is missing or invalid. \n\nYou need to go into Settings and select an input (controller) plugin.\nCheck that you have at least one compatible plugin file in your plugin folder."
#2008# "Failed to load plugin:"
#2009# "Failed to load word\n\nVerify ROM and ROM Settings."
#2010# "Failed to open Save File"
#2011# "Failed to open Eeprom"
#2012# "Failed to open Flashram"
#2013# "Failed to open mempak"
#2014# "Attempt to open zip file failed. \n\nProbably a corrupt zip file - try unzipping ROM manually."
#2015# "Attempt to open file failed."
#2016# "Error occurred when trying to open zip file."
#2017# "File loaded does not appear to be a valid Nintendo64 ROM. \n\nVerify your ROMs with GoodN64."
#2018# "Unknown country"
#2019# "Unknown Cic Chip"
#2020# "Unknown file format"
#2021# "Unknown memory action\n\nEmulation stop"
#2022# "Unhandled R4300i OpCode at"
#2023# "Executing from non-mapped space.\n\nVerify ROM and ROM Settings."
#2024# "State save does not appear to match the running ROM. \n\nState saves must be saved & loaded between 100% identical ROMs, \nin particular the REGION and VERSION need to be the same. \nLoading this state is likely to cause the game and/or emulator to crash. \n\nAre you sure you want to continue loading?"
#2025# "Error"
#2026# "Copyright sequence not found in LUT. Game will no longer function."
#2027# "Copy Protection Failure"
#2028# "Changing a plugin requires Project64 to reset a running ROM. \nIf you don't want to lose your place, answer No and make a state save first. \n\nChange plugins and restart game now?"
#2029# "Change Plugins"
#2030# "Emulation ended"
#2031# "Emulation started"
#2032# "Unable to load save state"
#2033# "Loaded save state"
#2034# "Saved current state to"
#2035# "Save state slot"
#2036# "Byte swapping image"
#2037# "Choosing N64 image"
#2038# "Loaded"
#2039# "Loading image"
#2040# "Cannot open a rom because plugins have not successfully initialised"
#2041# "Are you sure you really want to delete this?"
#2042# "Delete Cheat"
#2043# "Cheat Name is already in use"
#2044# "You Have reached the Maximum amount of cheats for this rom"
#2045# "Plug-in Initializing"
#2046# "You have not selected a virtual key to assign to the menu item"
#2047# "You need to select a menu item to assign this key to"
#2048# "Short cut has already been assigned to another menu item"
#2049# "No shortcut has been selected to be removed"
#2050# "Rom Loaded. Waiting for emulation to start."
#2051# "project64 beta is for members only.\n\nif you have an account at pj64.net, you should not be seeing this error!!\nplease contact us on the site"
#2052# "Program Error"
#2053# "Failed to find filename in 7z file"
#2054# "Use Low Level Graphics"
#2055# "Low Level Graphics are not for general use!!!\nIt is advisable that you only use this for testing, not for playing any games with\n\nChange to LLE GFX?"
#2056# "Use High Level Audio"
#2057# "High level Audio requires a 3rd party plugin!!!\nIf you do not use a 3rd party plugin that supports high level audio then you will hear no sound.\n\nUse high level audio?"