952 lines
29 KiB
952 lines
29 KiB
* RSP Compiler plug in for Project 64 (A Nintendo 64 emulator).
* (c) Copyright 2001 jabo (jabo@emulation64.com) and
* zilmar (zilmar@emulation64.com)
* pj64 homepage: www.pj64.net
* Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute Project64 in both binary and
* source form, for non-commercial purposes, is hereby granted without fee,
* providing that this license information and copyright notice appear with
* all copies and any derived work.
* This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
* warranty. In no event shall the authors be held liable for any damages
* arising from the use of this software.
* Project64 is freeware for PERSONAL USE only. Commercial users should
* seek permission of the copyright holders first. Commercial use includes
* charging money for Project64 or software derived from Project64.
* The copyright holders request that bug fixes and improvements to the code
* should be forwarded to them so if they want them.
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <float.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "RSP.h"
#include "Cpu.h"
#include "Interpreter CPU.h"
#include "Recompiler CPU.h"
#include "Recompiler Ops.h"
#include "RSP registers.h"
#include "RSP Command.h"
#include "memory.h"
#include "opcode.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "Profiling.h"
#include "x86.h"
#define LINK_BRANCHES_VERBOSE /* no choice really */
DWORD CompilePC, JumpTableSize, BlockID = 0;
DWORD dwBuffer = MainBuffer;
BOOL ChangedPC;
RSP_BLOCK CurrentBlock;
BYTE * pLastSecondary = NULL, * pLastPrimary = NULL;
void BuildRecompilerCPU ( void ) {
RSP_Opcode[ 0] = Compile_SPECIAL;
RSP_Opcode[ 1] = Compile_REGIMM;
RSP_Opcode[ 2] = Compile_J;
RSP_Opcode[ 3] = Compile_JAL;
RSP_Opcode[ 4] = Compile_BEQ;
RSP_Opcode[ 5] = Compile_BNE;
RSP_Opcode[ 6] = Compile_BLEZ;
RSP_Opcode[ 7] = Compile_BGTZ;
RSP_Opcode[ 8] = Compile_ADDI;
RSP_Opcode[ 9] = Compile_ADDIU;
RSP_Opcode[10] = Compile_SLTI;
RSP_Opcode[11] = Compile_SLTIU;
RSP_Opcode[12] = Compile_ANDI;
RSP_Opcode[13] = Compile_ORI;
RSP_Opcode[14] = Compile_XORI;
RSP_Opcode[15] = Compile_LUI;
RSP_Opcode[16] = Compile_COP0;
RSP_Opcode[17] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Opcode[18] = Compile_COP2;
RSP_Opcode[19] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Opcode[20] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Opcode[21] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Opcode[22] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Opcode[23] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Opcode[24] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Opcode[25] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Opcode[26] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Opcode[27] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Opcode[28] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Opcode[29] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Opcode[30] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Opcode[31] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Opcode[32] = Compile_LB;
RSP_Opcode[33] = Compile_LH;
RSP_Opcode[34] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Opcode[35] = Compile_LW;
RSP_Opcode[36] = Compile_LBU;
RSP_Opcode[37] = Compile_LHU;
RSP_Opcode[38] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Opcode[39] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Opcode[40] = Compile_SB;
RSP_Opcode[41] = Compile_SH;
RSP_Opcode[42] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Opcode[43] = Compile_SW;
RSP_Opcode[44] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Opcode[45] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Opcode[46] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Opcode[47] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Opcode[48] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Opcode[49] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Opcode[50] = Compile_LC2;
RSP_Opcode[51] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Opcode[52] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Opcode[53] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Opcode[54] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Opcode[55] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Opcode[56] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Opcode[57] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Opcode[58] = Compile_SC2;
RSP_Opcode[59] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Opcode[60] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Opcode[61] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Opcode[62] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Opcode[63] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Special[ 0] = Compile_Special_SLL;
RSP_Special[ 1] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Special[ 2] = Compile_Special_SRL;
RSP_Special[ 3] = Compile_Special_SRA;
RSP_Special[ 4] = Compile_Special_SLLV;
RSP_Special[ 5] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Special[ 6] = Compile_Special_SRLV;
RSP_Special[ 7] = Compile_Special_SRAV;
RSP_Special[ 8] = Compile_Special_JR;
RSP_Special[ 9] = Compile_Special_JALR;
RSP_Special[10] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Special[11] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Special[12] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Special[13] = Compile_Special_BREAK;
RSP_Special[14] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Special[15] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Special[16] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Special[17] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Special[18] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Special[19] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Special[20] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Special[21] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Special[22] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Special[23] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Special[24] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Special[25] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Special[26] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Special[27] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Special[28] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Special[29] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Special[30] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Special[31] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Special[32] = Compile_Special_ADD;
RSP_Special[33] = Compile_Special_ADDU;
RSP_Special[34] = Compile_Special_SUB;
RSP_Special[35] = Compile_Special_SUBU;
RSP_Special[36] = Compile_Special_AND;
RSP_Special[37] = Compile_Special_OR;
RSP_Special[38] = Compile_Special_XOR;
RSP_Special[39] = Compile_Special_NOR;
RSP_Special[40] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Special[41] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Special[42] = Compile_Special_SLT;
RSP_Special[43] = Compile_Special_SLTU;
RSP_Special[44] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Special[45] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Special[46] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Special[47] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Special[48] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Special[49] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Special[50] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Special[51] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Special[52] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Special[53] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Special[54] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Special[55] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Special[56] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Special[57] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Special[58] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Special[59] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Special[60] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Special[61] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Special[62] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Special[63] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_RegImm[ 0] = Compile_RegImm_BLTZ;
RSP_RegImm[ 1] = Compile_RegImm_BGEZ;
RSP_RegImm[ 2] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_RegImm[ 3] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_RegImm[ 4] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_RegImm[ 5] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_RegImm[ 6] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_RegImm[ 7] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_RegImm[ 8] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_RegImm[ 9] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_RegImm[10] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_RegImm[11] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_RegImm[12] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_RegImm[13] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_RegImm[14] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_RegImm[15] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_RegImm[16] = Compile_RegImm_BLTZAL;
RSP_RegImm[17] = Compile_RegImm_BGEZAL;
RSP_RegImm[18] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_RegImm[19] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_RegImm[20] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_RegImm[21] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_RegImm[22] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_RegImm[23] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_RegImm[24] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_RegImm[25] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_RegImm[26] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_RegImm[27] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_RegImm[28] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_RegImm[29] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_RegImm[30] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_RegImm[31] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Cop0[ 0] = Compile_Cop0_MF;
RSP_Cop0[ 1] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Cop0[ 2] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Cop0[ 3] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Cop0[ 4] = Compile_Cop0_MT;
RSP_Cop0[ 5] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Cop0[ 6] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Cop0[ 7] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Cop0[ 8] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Cop0[ 9] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Cop0[10] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Cop0[11] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Cop0[12] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Cop0[13] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Cop0[14] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Cop0[15] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Cop0[16] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Cop0[17] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Cop0[18] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Cop0[19] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Cop0[20] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Cop0[21] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Cop0[22] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Cop0[23] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Cop0[24] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Cop0[25] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Cop0[26] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Cop0[27] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Cop0[28] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Cop0[29] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Cop0[30] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Cop0[31] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Cop2[ 0] = Compile_Cop2_MF;
RSP_Cop2[ 1] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Cop2[ 2] = Compile_Cop2_CF;
RSP_Cop2[ 3] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Cop2[ 4] = Compile_Cop2_MT;
RSP_Cop2[ 5] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Cop2[ 6] = Compile_Cop2_CT;
RSP_Cop2[ 7] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Cop2[ 8] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Cop2[ 9] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Cop2[10] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Cop2[11] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Cop2[12] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Cop2[13] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Cop2[14] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Cop2[15] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Cop2[16] = Compile_COP2_VECTOR;
RSP_Cop2[17] = Compile_COP2_VECTOR;
RSP_Cop2[18] = Compile_COP2_VECTOR;
RSP_Cop2[19] = Compile_COP2_VECTOR;
RSP_Cop2[20] = Compile_COP2_VECTOR;
RSP_Cop2[21] = Compile_COP2_VECTOR;
RSP_Cop2[22] = Compile_COP2_VECTOR;
RSP_Cop2[23] = Compile_COP2_VECTOR;
RSP_Cop2[24] = Compile_COP2_VECTOR;
RSP_Cop2[25] = Compile_COP2_VECTOR;
RSP_Cop2[26] = Compile_COP2_VECTOR;
RSP_Cop2[27] = Compile_COP2_VECTOR;
RSP_Cop2[28] = Compile_COP2_VECTOR;
RSP_Cop2[29] = Compile_COP2_VECTOR;
RSP_Cop2[30] = Compile_COP2_VECTOR;
RSP_Cop2[31] = Compile_COP2_VECTOR;
RSP_Vector[ 0] = Compile_Vector_VMULF;
RSP_Vector[ 1] = Compile_Vector_VMULU;
RSP_Vector[ 2] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Vector[ 3] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Vector[ 4] = Compile_Vector_VMUDL;
RSP_Vector[ 5] = Compile_Vector_VMUDM;
RSP_Vector[ 6] = Compile_Vector_VMUDN;
RSP_Vector[ 7] = Compile_Vector_VMUDH;
RSP_Vector[ 8] = Compile_Vector_VMACF;
RSP_Vector[ 9] = Compile_Vector_VMACU;
RSP_Vector[10] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Vector[11] = Compile_Vector_VMACQ;
RSP_Vector[12] = Compile_Vector_VMADL;
RSP_Vector[13] = Compile_Vector_VMADM;
RSP_Vector[14] = Compile_Vector_VMADN;
RSP_Vector[15] = Compile_Vector_VMADH;
RSP_Vector[16] = Compile_Vector_VADD;
RSP_Vector[17] = Compile_Vector_VSUB;
RSP_Vector[18] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Vector[19] = Compile_Vector_VABS;
RSP_Vector[20] = Compile_Vector_VADDC;
RSP_Vector[21] = Compile_Vector_VSUBC;
RSP_Vector[22] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Vector[23] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Vector[24] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Vector[25] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Vector[26] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Vector[27] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Vector[28] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Vector[29] = Compile_Vector_VSAW;
RSP_Vector[30] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Vector[31] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Vector[32] = Compile_Vector_VLT;
RSP_Vector[33] = Compile_Vector_VEQ;
RSP_Vector[34] = Compile_Vector_VNE;
RSP_Vector[35] = Compile_Vector_VGE;
RSP_Vector[36] = Compile_Vector_VCL;
RSP_Vector[37] = Compile_Vector_VCH;
RSP_Vector[38] = Compile_Vector_VCR;
RSP_Vector[39] = Compile_Vector_VMRG;
RSP_Vector[40] = Compile_Vector_VAND;
RSP_Vector[41] = Compile_Vector_VNAND;
RSP_Vector[42] = Compile_Vector_VOR;
RSP_Vector[43] = Compile_Vector_VNOR;
RSP_Vector[44] = Compile_Vector_VXOR;
RSP_Vector[45] = Compile_Vector_VNXOR;
RSP_Vector[46] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Vector[47] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Vector[48] = Compile_Vector_VRCP;
RSP_Vector[49] = Compile_Vector_VRCPL;
RSP_Vector[50] = Compile_Vector_VRCPH;
RSP_Vector[51] = Compile_Vector_VMOV;
RSP_Vector[52] = Compile_Vector_VRSQ;
RSP_Vector[53] = Compile_Vector_VRSQL;
RSP_Vector[54] = Compile_Vector_VRSQH;
RSP_Vector[55] = Compile_Vector_VNOOP;
RSP_Vector[56] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Vector[57] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Vector[58] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Vector[59] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Vector[60] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Vector[61] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Vector[62] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Vector[63] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Lc2[ 0] = Compile_Opcode_LBV;
RSP_Lc2[ 1] = Compile_Opcode_LSV;
RSP_Lc2[ 2] = Compile_Opcode_LLV;
RSP_Lc2[ 3] = Compile_Opcode_LDV;
RSP_Lc2[ 4] = Compile_Opcode_LQV;
RSP_Lc2[ 5] = Compile_Opcode_LRV;
RSP_Lc2[ 6] = Compile_Opcode_LPV;
RSP_Lc2[ 7] = Compile_Opcode_LUV;
RSP_Lc2[ 8] = Compile_Opcode_LHV;
RSP_Lc2[ 9] = Compile_Opcode_LFV;
RSP_Lc2[10] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Lc2[11] = Compile_Opcode_LTV;
RSP_Lc2[12] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Lc2[13] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Lc2[14] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Lc2[15] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Lc2[16] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Lc2[17] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Lc2[18] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Lc2[19] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Lc2[20] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Lc2[21] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Lc2[22] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Lc2[23] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Lc2[24] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Lc2[25] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Lc2[26] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Lc2[27] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Lc2[28] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Lc2[29] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Lc2[30] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Lc2[31] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Sc2[ 0] = Compile_Opcode_SBV;
RSP_Sc2[ 1] = Compile_Opcode_SSV;
RSP_Sc2[ 2] = Compile_Opcode_SLV;
RSP_Sc2[ 3] = Compile_Opcode_SDV;
RSP_Sc2[ 4] = Compile_Opcode_SQV;
RSP_Sc2[ 5] = Compile_Opcode_SRV;
RSP_Sc2[ 6] = Compile_Opcode_SPV;
RSP_Sc2[ 7] = Compile_Opcode_SUV;
RSP_Sc2[ 8] = Compile_Opcode_SHV;
RSP_Sc2[ 9] = Compile_Opcode_SFV;
RSP_Sc2[10] = Compile_Opcode_SWV;
RSP_Sc2[11] = Compile_Opcode_STV;
RSP_Sc2[12] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Sc2[13] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Sc2[14] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Sc2[15] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Sc2[16] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Sc2[17] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Sc2[18] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Sc2[19] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Sc2[20] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Sc2[21] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Sc2[22] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Sc2[23] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Sc2[24] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Sc2[25] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Sc2[26] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Sc2[27] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Sc2[28] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Sc2[29] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Sc2[30] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
RSP_Sc2[31] = Compile_UnknownOpcode;
BlockID = 0;
ChangedPC = FALSE;
#ifdef Log_x86Code
** ReOrderSubBlock
** Desc:
** this can be done, but will be interesting to put
** between branches labels, and actual branches, whichever
** occurs first in code
void ReOrderInstructions(DWORD StartPC, DWORD EndPC) {
DWORD InstructionCount = EndPC - StartPC;
DWORD Count, ReorderedOps, CurrentPC;
OPCODE PreviousOp, CurrentOp, RspOp;
PreviousOp.Hex = *(DWORD*)(RSPInfo.IMEM + StartPC);
if (TRUE == IsOpcodeBranch(StartPC, PreviousOp)) {
/* the sub block ends here anyway */
if (IsOpcodeNop(StartPC) && IsOpcodeNop(StartPC + 4) && IsOpcodeNop(StartPC + 8)) {
/* Dont even bother */
CPU_Message("***** Doing reorder (%X to %X) *****", StartPC, EndPC);
if (InstructionCount < 0x0010) { return; }
if (InstructionCount > 0x0A00) { return; }
CPU_Message(" Before:");
for (Count = StartPC; Count < EndPC; Count += 4) {
RSP_LW_IMEM(Count, &RspOp.Hex);
CPU_Message(" %X %s",Count,RSPOpcodeName(RspOp.Hex,Count));
for (Count = 0; Count < InstructionCount; Count += 4) {
CurrentPC = StartPC;
PreviousOp.Hex = *(DWORD*)(RSPInfo.IMEM + CurrentPC);
ReorderedOps = 0;
for (;;) {
CurrentPC += 4;
if (CurrentPC >= EndPC) { break; }
CurrentOp.Hex = *(DWORD*)(RSPInfo.IMEM + CurrentPC);
if (TRUE == CompareInstructions(CurrentPC, &PreviousOp, &CurrentOp)) {
/* Move current opcode up */
*(DWORD*)(RSPInfo.IMEM + CurrentPC - 4) = CurrentOp.Hex;
*(DWORD*)(RSPInfo.IMEM + CurrentPC) = PreviousOp.Hex;
CPU_Message("Swapped %X and %X", CurrentPC - 4, CurrentPC);
PreviousOp.Hex = *(DWORD*)(RSPInfo.IMEM + CurrentPC);
if (IsOpcodeNop(CurrentPC) && IsOpcodeNop(CurrentPC + 4) && IsOpcodeNop(CurrentPC + 8)) {
CurrentPC = EndPC;
if (ReorderedOps == 0) {
Count = InstructionCount;
CPU_Message(" After:");
for (Count = StartPC; Count < EndPC; Count += 4) {
RSP_LW_IMEM(Count, &RspOp.Hex);
CPU_Message(" %X %s",Count,RSPOpcodeName(RspOp.Hex,Count));
void ReOrderSubBlock(RSP_BLOCK * Block) {
DWORD end = 0x0ffc;
DWORD count;
if (!Compiler.bReOrdering) {
if (Block->CurrPC > 0xFF0) {
/* find the label or jump closest to us */
if (RspCode.LabelCount) {
for (count = 0; count < RspCode.LabelCount; count++) {
if (RspCode.BranchLabels[count] < end && RspCode.BranchLabels[count] > Block->CurrPC) {
end = RspCode.BranchLabels[count];
if (RspCode.BranchCount) {
for (count = 0; count < RspCode.BranchCount; count++) {
if (RspCode.BranchLocations[count] < end && RspCode.BranchLocations[count] > Block->CurrPC) {
end = RspCode.BranchLocations[count];
/* it wont actually re-order the op at the end */
ReOrderInstructions(Block->CurrPC, end);
** DetectGPRConstants
** Desc:
** this needs to be called on a sub-block basis, like
** after every time we hit a branch and delay slot
void DetectGPRConstants(RSP_CODE * code) {
DWORD Count, Constant = 0;
memset(&code->bIsRegConst, 0, sizeof(BOOL) * 0x20);
memset(&code->MipsRegConst, 0, sizeof(DWORD) * 0x20);
if (!Compiler.bGPRConstants) {
CPU_Message("***** Detecting constants *****");
/* R0 is constant zero, R31 or RA is not constant */
code->bIsRegConst[0] = TRUE;
code->MipsRegConst[0] = 0;
/* Do your global search for them */
for (Count = 1; Count < 31; Count++) {
if (IsRegisterConstant(Count, &Constant) == TRUE) {
CPU_Message("Global: %s is a constant of: %08X", GPR_Name(Count), Constant);
code->bIsRegConst[Count] = TRUE;
code->MipsRegConst[Count] = Constant;
** CompilerToggleBuffer and ClearX86Code
** Desc:
** 1> toggles the compiler buffer, useful for poorly
** taken branches like alignment
** 2> clears all the x86 code, jump tables etc
void CompilerToggleBuffer(void) {
if (dwBuffer == MainBuffer) {
dwBuffer = SecondaryBuffer;
pLastPrimary = RecompPos;
if (pLastSecondary == NULL) {
pLastSecondary = RecompCodeSecondary;
RecompPos = pLastSecondary;
CPU_Message(" (Secondary Buffer Active 0x%08X)", pLastSecondary);
} else {
dwBuffer = MainBuffer;
pLastSecondary = RecompPos;
if (pLastPrimary == NULL) {
pLastPrimary = RecompCode;
RecompPos = pLastPrimary;
CPU_Message(" (Primary Buffer Active 0x%08X)", pLastPrimary);
void ClearAllx86Code (void) {
extern DWORD NoOfMaps, MapsCRC[32];
extern BYTE *JumpTables;
memset(&MapsCRC, 0, sizeof(DWORD) * 0x20);
NoOfMaps = 0;
RecompPos = RecompCode;
pLastPrimary = NULL;
pLastSecondary = NULL;
** Link Branches
** Desc:
** resolves all the collected branches, x86 style
void LinkBranches(RSP_BLOCK * Block) {
DWORD OrigPrgCount = *PrgCount;
DWORD Count, Target;
DWORD * JumpWord;
BYTE * X86Code;
if (!CurrentBlock.ResolveCount) {
CPU_Message("***** Linking branches (%i) *****", CurrentBlock.ResolveCount);
for (Count = 0; Count < CurrentBlock.ResolveCount; Count++) {
Target = CurrentBlock.BranchesToResolve[Count].TargetPC;
X86Code = *(JumpTable + (Target >> 2));
if (!X86Code) {
*PrgCount = Target;
CPU_Message("===== (Generate Code: %04X) =====", Target);
Save = *Block;
/* compile this block and link */
*Block = Save;
CPU_Message("===== (End Generate Code: %04X) =====", Target);
X86Code = *(JumpTable + (Target >> 2));
JumpWord = CurrentBlock.BranchesToResolve[Count].X86JumpLoc;
x86_SetBranch32b(JumpWord, (DWORD*)X86Code);
CPU_Message("Linked RSP branch from x86: %08X, to RSP: %X / x86: %08X",
JumpWord, Target, X86Code);
*PrgCount = OrigPrgCount;
CPU_Message("***** Done Linking Branches *****");
** BuildBranchLabels
** Desc:
** Branch labels are used to start and stop re-ordering
** sections as well as set the jump table to points
** within a block that are safe
void BuildBranchLabels(void) {
DWORD i, Dest;
CPU_Message("***** Building branch labels *****");
for (i = 0; i < 0x1000; i += 4) {
RspOp.Hex = *(DWORD*)(RSPInfo.IMEM + i);
if (TRUE == IsOpcodeBranch(i, RspOp)) {
if (RspCode.LabelCount >= (sizeof(RspCode.BranchLabels) / sizeof(RspCode.BranchLabels[0])) - 1) {
CompilerWarning("Out of space for Branch Labels");
if (RspCode.BranchCount >= (sizeof(RspCode.BranchLocations) / sizeof(RspCode.BranchLocations[0])) - 1) {
CompilerWarning("Out of space for Branch Locations");
RspCode.BranchLocations[RspCode.BranchCount++] = i;
if (RspOp.op == RSP_SPECIAL) {
/* register jump not predictable */
} else if (RspOp.op == RSP_J || RspOp.op == RSP_JAL) {
/* for JAL its a sub-block for returns */
Dest = (RspOp.target << 2) & 0xFFC;
RspCode.BranchLabels[RspCode.LabelCount] = Dest;
RspCode.LabelCount += 1;
CPU_Message("[%02i] Added branch at %X to %X", RspCode.LabelCount, i, Dest);
} else {
Dest = (i + ((short)RspOp.offset << 2) + 4) & 0xFFC;
RspCode.BranchLabels[RspCode.LabelCount] = Dest;
RspCode.LabelCount += 1;
CPU_Message("[%02i] Added branch at %X to %X", RspCode.LabelCount, i, Dest);
CPU_Message("***** End branch labels *****");
BOOL IsJumpLabel(DWORD PC) {
DWORD Count;
if (!RspCode.LabelCount) {
return FALSE;
for (Count = 0; Count < RspCode.LabelCount; Count++) {
if (PC == RspCode.BranchLabels[Count]) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
void CompilerLinkBlocks(void) {
BYTE * KnownCode = *(JumpTable + (CompilePC >> 2));
CPU_Message("***** Linking block to X86: %08X *****", KnownCode);
NextInstruction = FINISH_BLOCK;
/* block linking scenario */
JmpLabel32("Linked block", 0);
x86_SetBranch32b(RecompPos - 4, KnownCode);
void CompilerRSPBlock ( void ) {
DWORD Count, Padding, X86BaseAddress = (DWORD)RecompPos;
BYTE * IMEM_SAVE = (BYTE *)malloc(0x1000);
NextInstruction = NORMAL;
CompilePC = *PrgCount;
memset(&CurrentBlock, 0, sizeof(CurrentBlock));
CurrentBlock.StartPC = CompilePC;
CurrentBlock.CurrPC = CompilePC;
/* Align the block to a boundary */
if (X86BaseAddress & 7) {
Padding = (8 - (X86BaseAddress & 7)) & 7;
for (Count = 0; Count < Padding; Count++) {
CPU_Message("%08X: nop", RecompPos);
*(RecompPos++) = 0x90;
CPU_Message("====== block %d ======", BlockID++);
CPU_Message("x86 code at: %X",RecompPos);
CPU_Message("Jumpt Table: %X",Table );
CPU_Message("Start of Block: %X",CurrentBlock.StartPC );
CPU_Message("====== recompiled code ======");
if (Compiler.bReOrdering == TRUE) {
memcpy(IMEM_SAVE, RSPInfo.IMEM, 0x1000);
/* this is for the block about to be compiled */
*(JumpTable + (CompilePC >> 2)) = RecompPos;
do {
* Re-Ordering is setup to allow us to have loop labels
* so here we see if this is one and put it in the jump table
if (NextInstruction == NORMAL && IsJumpLabel(CompilePC)) {
/* jumps come around twice */
if (NULL == *(JumpTable + (CompilePC >> 2))) {
CPU_Message("***** Adding Jump Table Entry for PC: %04X at X86: %08X *****", CompilePC, RecompPos);
*(JumpTable + (CompilePC >> 2)) = RecompPos;
/* reorder from here to next label or branch */
CurrentBlock.CurrPC = CompilePC;
} else if (NextInstruction != DELAY_SLOT_DONE) {
* we could link the blocks here, but performance
* wise it might be better to just let it run
if (Compiler.bSections == TRUE) {
if (TRUE == RSP_DoSections()) {
if (FALSE == IsOpcodeNop(CompilePC)) {
CPU_Message("X86 Address: %08X", RecompPos);
RSP_LW_IMEM(CompilePC, &RSPOpC.Hex);
if (LogRDP && NextInstruction != DELAY_SLOT_DONE){
char str[40];
AddConstToX86Reg(x86_ESP, 4);
if (RSPOpC.Hex == 0xFFFFFFFF) {
/* i think this pops up an unknown op dialog */
/* NextInstruction = FINISH_BLOCK; */
} else {
((void (*)()) RSP_Opcode[ RSPOpC.op ])();
switch (NextInstruction) {
case NORMAL:
CompilePC += 4;
NextInstruction = DELAY_SLOT;
CompilePC += 4;
NextInstruction = DELAY_SLOT_DONE;
CompilePC -= 4;
NextInstruction = DELAY_SLOT_EXIT_DONE;
CompilePC -= 4;
NextInstruction = NORMAL;
CompilePC += 8;
if (CompilePC >= 0x1000) {
NextInstruction = FINISH_BLOCK;
} else if (NULL == *(JumpTable + (CompilePC >> 2))) {
/* this is for the new block being compiled now */
CPU_Message("**** Continuing static SubBlock (jump table entry added for PC: %04X at X86: %08X) *****", CompilePC, RecompPos);
*(JumpTable + (CompilePC >> 2)) = RecompPos;
CurrentBlock.CurrPC = CompilePC;
/* reorder from after delay to next label or branch */
} else {
case FINISH_BLOCK: break;
DisplayError("Rsp Main loop\n\nWTF NextInstruction = %d",NextInstruction);
CompilePC += 4;
} while (NextInstruction != FINISH_BLOCK && (CompilePC < 0x1000 || NextInstruction == DELAY_SLOT));
CPU_Message("==== end of recompiled code ====");
if (Compiler.bReOrdering == TRUE) {
memcpy(RSPInfo.IMEM, IMEM_SAVE, 0x1000);
DWORD RunRecompilerCPU ( DWORD Cycles ) {
BYTE * Block;
RSP_Running = TRUE;
while (RSP_Running)
Block = *(JumpTable + (*PrgCount >> 2));
if (Block == NULL) {
if (Profiling && !IndvidualBlock) {
__try {
memset(&RspCode, 0, sizeof(RspCode));
DisplayError("Error CompilePC = %08X", CompilePC);
Block = *(JumpTable + (*PrgCount >> 2));
** we are done compiling, but we may have references
** to fill in still either from this block, or jumps
** that go out of it, let's rock
if (Profiling && !IndvidualBlock) {
if (Profiling && IndvidualBlock) {
_asm {
call Block
if (Profiling && IndvidualBlock) {
if (RSP_NextInstruction == SINGLE_STEP)
RSP_Running = FALSE;
if (IsMmxEnabled == TRUE) {
_asm emms
return Cycles;
} |