
77 lines
3.0 KiB

#pragma once
#include <Common/md5.h>
#include <Project64-core/N64System/Recompiler/RecompilerOps.h>
#include <Project64-core/N64System/Recompiler/CodeSection.h>
#if !defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(_Printf_format_string_)
#define _Printf_format_string_
class CMipsMemoryVM;
class CCodeBlock
CCodeBlock(CMipsMemoryVM & MMU, uint32_t VAddrEnter, uint8_t * CompiledLocation);
bool Compile();
uint32_t VAddrEnter() const { return m_VAddrEnter; }
uint32_t VAddrFirst() const { return m_VAddrFirst; }
uint32_t VAddrLast() const { return m_VAddrLast; }
uint8_t * CompiledLocation() const { return m_CompiledLocation; }
uint8_t * CompiledLocationEnd() const { return m_CompiledLocationEnd; }
int32_t NoOfSections() const { return (int32_t)m_Sections.size() - 1; }
const CCodeSection & EnterSection() const { return *m_EnterSection; }
const MD5Digest & Hash() const { return m_Hash; }
CRecompilerOps *& RecompilerOps() { return m_RecompilerOps; }
const std::string & CodeLog() const { return m_CodeLog; }
void SetVAddrFirst(uint32_t VAddr) { m_VAddrFirst = VAddr; }
void SetVAddrLast(uint32_t VAddr) { m_VAddrLast = VAddr; }
CCodeSection * ExistingSection(uint32_t Addr) { return m_EnterSection->ExistingSection(Addr, NextTest()); }
bool SectionAccessible(uint32_t m_SectionID) { return m_EnterSection->SectionAccessible(m_SectionID, NextTest()); }
uint64_t MemContents(int32_t i) const { return m_MemContents[i]; }
uint64_t * MemLocation(int32_t i) const { return m_MemLocation[i]; }
uint32_t NextTest();
void Log(_Printf_format_string_ const char * Text, ...);
CCodeBlock(const CCodeBlock&);
CCodeBlock& operator=(const CCodeBlock&);
bool AnalyseBlock();
bool CreateBlockLinkage(CCodeSection * EnterSection);
void DetermineLoops();
void LogSectionInfo();
bool SetSection(CCodeSection * & Section, CCodeSection * CurrentSection, uint32_t TargetPC, bool LinkAllowed, uint32_t CurrentPC);
bool AnalyzeInstruction(uint32_t PC, uint32_t & TargetPC, uint32_t & ContinuePC, bool & LikelyBranch, bool & IncludeDelaySlot, bool & EndBlock, bool & PermLoop);
uint32_t m_VAddrEnter;
uint32_t m_VAddrFirst; // The address of the first opcode in the block
uint32_t m_VAddrLast; // The address of the first opcode in the block
uint8_t * m_CompiledLocation; // What address is this compiled at?
uint8_t * m_CompiledLocationEnd; // What address is this compiled at?
typedef std::map<uint32_t, CCodeSection *> SectionMap;
typedef std::list<CCodeSection *> SectionList;
CMipsMemoryVM & m_MMU;
SectionMap m_SectionMap;
SectionList m_Sections;
CCodeSection * m_EnterSection;
int32_t m_Test;
MD5Digest m_Hash;
uint64_t m_MemContents[2];
uint64_t * m_MemLocation[2];
CRecompilerOps * m_RecompilerOps;
std::string m_CodeLog;