project64/Source/Project64/N64 System/Recompiler/Code Block.h

35 lines
1.4 KiB

class CCodeBlock :
private CRecompilerOps
CCodeBlock(DWORD VAddrEnter, BYTE * RecompPos, bool bDelaySlot );
bool Compile ( void );
inline DWORD VAddrEnter ( void ) const { return m_VAddrEnter; }
inline DWORD VAddrFirst ( void ) const { return m_VAddrFirst; }
inline DWORD VAddrLast ( void ) const { return m_VAddrLast; }
inline BYTE * CompiledLocation ( void ) const { return m_CompiledLocation; }
inline int NoOfSections ( void ) const { return m_NoOfSections; }
inline const CCodeSection & EnterSection ( void ) const { return m_EnterSection; }
inline DWORD NextTest ( void ) const { return m_EnterSection.m_Test + 1; }
inline bool bDelaySlot ( void ) const { return m_bDelaySlot; }
inline void SetVAddrFirst ( DWORD VAddr ) { m_VAddrFirst = VAddr; }
inline void SetVAddrLast ( DWORD VAddr ) { m_VAddrLast = VAddr; }
EXIT_LIST m_ExitInfo;
void AnalyseBlock ( void );
void CompileExitCode ( void );
DWORD m_VAddrEnter;
DWORD m_VAddrFirst; // the address of the first opcode in the block
DWORD m_VAddrLast; // the address of the first opcode in the block
BYTE * m_CompiledLocation; // What address is this compiled at
int m_NoOfSections; // The number of sections this block uses
bool m_bDelaySlot;
CCodeSection m_EnterSection;