Name=Castlevania (U) (V1.2)

$Have All Items
50000501 0000
80389C4A 0001
50000301 0000
80389C51 0001
80389C5A 0001
80389C5B 0001
80389C5D 0001
50000E01 0000
80389C60 0001

$Have Exp Points
80389C49 0063

$Have Invincibility
80342BFE 000B

80389C3F 0064

80389C45 0001
81389C46 869F

81389C3E 0064

$Infinite\Red Jewels
80389C49 0063

$Infinite\Throwing Weapon
81389C48 0064

$Level Select
Note=You must use this code on a saved game, because the intro to the first level will mess up the game. Now select the saved game, and hold down the GS button until the level loads. Some of the boss stages will not let you fight the boss unless you re-enter the area. Also, with the part of stage modifier, the second code modifies the part of the level that you are in, and 0000 is the level's start.
89389C90 ????
89389C92 0000
0000 Forest of Silence
0002 Castle Wall
0003 Villa
0004 Inside Villa
0006 Garden Maze
0007 Tunnel
0008 Underground Waterway
0009 Castle Center
0010 Tower of Execution
0011 - Tower of Sorcery
0012 - Tower of Science
0013 - Duel Tower
0014 - Fight With Death/Actrise
0015 - Castle Keep
0016 - Intro (Glitch)
0017 - Clock Tower
0018 - Final Dracula
001A - Fight With Maze Boss
001B - Room of Clocks
001C - ??
001D - ??

$Max Power Up
80389CED 0002

$Never Get Poisoned
81389C88 0000

$Open All Doors and Gates,No Bosses
50002A02 0000
81389BD0 FFFF

$Press L To Levitate
D0387D7F 0020
81350810 3FCB

80389C88 00??
01 Good
08 Vamp
11 Poison
22 Good but depressed
66 Sto
1F V+P

$Switch From
Note=This Switch From Cheat lets you switch characters on a saved game For example, if you are Reindhart and you want to be Carrie in the middle of your game save it and then enable this Cheat and press F1. when you start your saved game back up you'll be Carrie instead of Reindhart.
80389C3D 00??
00 Carrie to Reindhart
01 Reindhart to Carrie

$Throwing Weapon Modifier
81389C42 00??
00 Nothing
01 Knives
02 Exploding Potions
03 Cross
04 Axes