#include "..\..\N64 System.h" #pragma warning(disable:4355) // Disable 'this' : used in base member initializer list CBlockInfo::CBlockInfo(DWORD VAddr, BYTE * RecompPos) : StartVAddr(VAddr), EndVAddr(VAddr), CompiledLocation(RecompPos), NoOfSections(1), ParentSection(this, VAddr,1) { ParentSection.AddParent(NULL); ParentSection.LinkAllowed = false; } CJumpInfo::CJumpInfo() { TargetPC = (DWORD)-1; BranchLabel = ""; LinkLocation = NULL; LinkLocation2 = NULL; FallThrough = false; PermLoop = false; DoneDelaySlot = false; } CBlockSection::CBlockSection( CBlockInfo * _BlockInfo, DWORD StartAddr, DWORD ID) : BlockInfo(_BlockInfo) { JumpSection = NULL; ContinueSection = NULL; CompiledLocation = NULL; SectionID = ID; Test = 0; Test2 = 0; InLoop = false; LinkAllowed = true; DelaySlotSection = false; StartPC = StartAddr; CompilePC = StartAddr; } bool CBlockSection::IsAllParentLoops(CBlockSection * Parent, bool IgnoreIfCompiled, DWORD Test) { if (IgnoreIfCompiled && Parent->CompiledLocation != NULL) { return true; } if (!InLoop) { return false; } if (!Parent->InLoop) { return false; } if (Parent->ParentSection.empty()) { return false; } if (this == Parent) { return true; } if (Parent->Test == Test) { return true; } Parent->Test = Test; for (SECTION_LIST::iterator iter = Parent->ParentSection.begin(); iter != Parent->ParentSection.end(); iter++) { CBlockSection * ParentSection = *iter; if (!IsAllParentLoops(ParentSection,IgnoreIfCompiled,Test)) { return false; } } return true; } void CBlockSection::UnlinkParent( CBlockSection * Parent, bool AllowDelete, bool ContinueSection ) { if (this == NULL) { return; } SECTION_LIST::iterator iter = ParentSection.begin(); while ( iter != ParentSection.end()) { CBlockSection * ParentIter = *iter; if (ParentIter == Parent && (Parent->ContinueSection != this || Parent->JumpSection != this)) { ParentSection.erase(iter); iter = ParentSection.begin(); } else { iter++; } } // if (Parent->ContinueSection != Parent->JumpSection) // { // if (!ContinueSection && Parent->ContinueSection == this) // { // Notify().BreakPoint(__FILE__,__LINE__); // } // } if (ContinueSection && Parent->ContinueSection == this) { Parent->ContinueSection = NULL; } // if (Parent->ContinueSection != Parent->JumpSection) // { // if (ContinueSection && Parent->JumpSection == this) // { // Notify().BreakPoint(__FILE__,__LINE__); // } // } if (!ContinueSection && Parent->JumpSection == this) { Parent->JumpSection = NULL; } if (AllowDelete) { bool KillMe = true; for (SECTION_LIST::iterator iter = ParentSection.begin(); iter != ParentSection.end(); iter++) { if (!IsAllParentLoops(*iter,false,GetNewTestValue())) { KillMe = false; break; } } if (KillMe) { delete this; } } } CBlockSection::~CBlockSection ( void ) { while (ParentSection.size() > 0) { CBlockSection * Parent = *ParentSection.begin(); if (Parent->ContinueSection == this) { UnlinkParent(Parent, false, true); } if (Parent->JumpSection == this) { UnlinkParent(Parent, false, false); } } if (ContinueSection) { ContinueSection->UnlinkParent(this, true, true); if (ContinueSection) { Notify().BreakPoint(__FILE__,__LINE__); } ContinueSection = NULL; } if (JumpSection) { JumpSection->UnlinkParent(this, true, false); if (JumpSection) { Notify().BreakPoint(__FILE__,__LINE__); } JumpSection = NULL; } } DWORD CBlockSection::GetNewTestValue(void) { static DWORD LastTest = 0; if (LastTest == 0xFFFFFFFF) { LastTest = 0; } LastTest += 1; return LastTest; } void CBlockSection::TestRegConstantStates( CRegInfo & Base, CRegInfo & Reg ) { for (int count = 0; count < 32; count++) { if (Reg.MipsRegState(count) != Base.MipsRegState(count)) { Reg.MipsRegState(count) = CRegInfo::STATE_UNKNOWN; } if (Reg.IsConst(count)) { if (Reg.Is32Bit(count)) { if (Reg.MipsRegLo(count) != Base.MipsRegLo(count)) { Reg.MipsRegState(count) = CRegInfo::STATE_UNKNOWN; } } else { if (Reg.MipsReg(count) != Base.MipsReg(count)) { Reg.MipsRegState(count) = CRegInfo::STATE_UNKNOWN; } } } } } void CBlockSection::AddParent(CBlockSection * Parent ) { if (this == NULL) { return; } if (Parent == NULL) { RegStart.Initilize(); RegWorking = RegStart; return; } // check to see if we already have the parent in the list for (SECTION_LIST::iterator iter = ParentSection.begin(); iter != ParentSection.end(); iter++) { if (*iter == Parent) { return; } } ParentSection.push_back(Parent); if (ParentSection.size() == 1) { if (Parent->ContinueSection == this) { RegStart = Parent->Cont.RegSet; } else if (Parent->JumpSection == this) { RegStart = Parent->Jump.RegSet; } else { Notify().DisplayError("How are these sections joined?????"); } RegWorking = RegStart; } else { if (Parent->ContinueSection == this) { TestRegConstantStates(Parent->Cont.RegSet,RegStart); } if (Parent->JumpSection == this) { TestRegConstantStates(Parent->Jump.RegSet,RegStart); } RegWorking = RegStart; } } void CBlockSection::ResetX86Protection (void) { for (int count = 1; count < 10; count ++) { RegWorking.x86Protected(count) = false; } } void CRegInfo::Initilize ( void ) { int count; MIPS_RegState[0] = STATE_CONST_32; MIPS_RegVal[0].DW = 0; for (count = 1; count < 32; count ++ ) { MIPS_RegState[count] = STATE_UNKNOWN; MIPS_RegVal[count].DW = 0; } for (count = 0; count < 10; count ++ ) { x86reg_MappedTo[count] = NotMapped; x86reg_Protected[count] = false; x86reg_MapOrder[count] = 0; } CycleCount = 0; RandomModifier = 0; Stack_TopPos = 0; for (count = 0; count < 8; count ++ ) { x86fpu_MappedTo[count] = -1; x86fpu_State[count] = FPU_Unkown; x86fpu_RoundingModel[count] = RoundDefault; } Fpu_Used = false; RoundingModel = RoundUnknown; } CRegInfo::REG_STATE CRegInfo::ConstantsType (__int64 Value) { if (((Value >> 32) == -1) && ((Value & 0x80000000) != 0)) { return STATE_CONST_32; } if (((Value >> 32) == 0) && ((Value & 0x80000000) == 0)) { return STATE_CONST_32; } return STATE_CONST_64; } bool CRegInfo::compare(const CRegInfo& right) const { int count; for (count = 0; count < 32; count ++ ) { if (MIPS_RegState[count] != right.MIPS_RegState[count]) { return false; } if (MIPS_RegState[count] == STATE_UNKNOWN) { continue; } if (MIPS_RegVal[count].DW != right.MIPS_RegVal[count].DW) { return false; } } for (count = 0; count < 10; count ++ ) { if (x86reg_MappedTo[count] != right.x86reg_MappedTo[count]) { return false; } if (x86reg_Protected[count] != right.x86reg_Protected[count]) { return false; } if (x86reg_MapOrder[count] != right.x86reg_MapOrder[count]) { return false; } } if (CycleCount != right.CycleCount) { return false; } if (RandomModifier != right.RandomModifier) { return false; } if (Stack_TopPos != right.Stack_TopPos) { return false; } for (count = 0; count < 8; count ++ ) { if (x86fpu_MappedTo[count] != right.x86fpu_MappedTo[count]) { return false; } if (x86fpu_State[count] != right.x86fpu_State[count]) { return false; } if (x86fpu_RoundingModel[count] != right.x86fpu_RoundingModel[count]) { return false; } } if (Fpu_Used != right.Fpu_Used) { return false; } if (RoundingModel != right.RoundingModel) { return false; } return true; } bool CRegInfo::operator!=(const CRegInfo& right) const { return !compare(right); }