[62E957D0-7FC15A5D-C:50] Name=Mario Golf (E) $All Golf Courses Unlocked 80130FED 0001 $Always On 1st Stroke 801B74F3 0000 $Infinite Power Shots 801B74F8 0042 $Unlock all Characters and Birdy Badges Note=Unlocks Metal Mario, Maple, Luigi, Sonny, Wario, Harry, Bowser, Yoshi, Mario and DK 50006C01 0000 801304A4 0001 50000901 0000 80130518 0001 50000901 0000 80130521 0001 $Weather Select 800BACAB 00?? 00 Never Rains 01 Always Rains $Wind Speed Select 800BACA1 00?? 00 0 MPH 14 20 MPH