#include "stdafx.h" CRecompMemory::CRecompMemory() : m_RecompCode(NULL), m_RecompSize(0) { m_RecompPos = NULL; } CRecompMemory::~CRecompMemory() { if (m_RecompCode) { VirtualFree( m_RecompCode, 0 , MEM_RELEASE); m_RecompCode = NULL; } m_RecompPos = NULL; } bool CRecompMemory::AllocateMemory() { BYTE * RecompCodeBase = (BYTE *)VirtualAlloc( NULL, MaxCompileBufferSize + 4, MEM_RESERVE|MEM_TOP_DOWN, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE); if (RecompCodeBase==NULL) { WriteTrace(TraceError,"CRecompMemory::AllocateMemory: failed to allocate RecompCodeBase"); _Notify->DisplayError(MSG_MEM_ALLOC_ERROR); return FALSE; } m_RecompCode = (BYTE *)VirtualAlloc( RecompCodeBase, InitialCompileBufferSize, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE); if (m_RecompCode==NULL) { WriteTrace(TraceError,"CRecompMemory::AllocateMemory: failed to commit initial buffer"); VirtualFree( RecompCodeBase, 0 , MEM_RELEASE); _Notify->DisplayError(MSG_MEM_ALLOC_ERROR); return FALSE; } m_RecompSize = InitialCompileBufferSize; m_RecompPos = m_RecompCode; memset(m_RecompCode,0,InitialCompileBufferSize); return true; } void CRecompMemory::CheckRecompMem ( void ) { DWORD Size = (DWORD)((BYTE *)m_RecompPos - (BYTE *)m_RecompCode); if ((Size + 0x20000) < m_RecompSize) { return; } if (m_RecompSize == MaxCompileBufferSize) { _Recompiler->ResetRecompCode(); return; } LPVOID MemAddr = VirtualAlloc( m_RecompCode + m_RecompSize , IncreaseCompileBufferSize, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE); if (MemAddr == NULL) { WriteTrace(TraceError,"CRecompMemory::CheckRecompMem: failed to increase buffer"); _Notify->FatalError(MSG_MEM_ALLOC_ERROR); } m_RecompSize += IncreaseCompileBufferSize; } void CRecompMemory::Reset() { m_RecompPos = m_RecompCode; } void CRecompMemory::ShowMemUsed() { DWORD Size = m_RecompPos - m_RecompCode; DWORD MB = Size / 0x100000; Size -= MB * 0x100000; DWORD KB = Size / 1024; Size -= KB * 1024; DWORD TotalAvaliable = m_RecompSize / 0x100000; DisplayMessage(0,"Memory used: %d mb %-3d kb %-3d bytes Total Available: %d mb",MB,KB,Size, TotalAvaliable); }