// Project64 - A Nintendo 64 emulator
// https://www.pj64-emu.com/
// Copyright(C) 2001-2021 Project64
// Copyright(C) 2007 Hiroshi Morii
// Copyright(C) 2003 Rice1964
// GNU/GPLv2 licensed: https://gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html

// use power of 2 texture size
// (0:disable, 1:enable, 2:3dfx)
#define POW2_TEXTURES 0

// Check 8 bytes. Use a larger value if needed.
#define PNG_CHK_BYTES 8

#include "TxImage.h"
#include "TxReSample.h"
#include "TxDbg.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <Project64-video/Renderer/types.h>

bool TxImage::getPNGInfo(FILE *fp, png_structp *png_ptr, png_infop *info_ptr)
    unsigned char sig[PNG_CHK_BYTES];

    // Check for valid file pointer
    if (!fp)
        return 0;

    // Check if file is PNG
    if (fread(sig, 1, PNG_CHK_BYTES, fp) != PNG_CHK_BYTES)
        return 0;

    if (png_sig_cmp(sig, 0, PNG_CHK_BYTES) != 0)
        return 0;

    // Get PNG file info
    *png_ptr = png_create_read_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
    if (!*png_ptr)
        return 0;

    *info_ptr = png_create_info_struct(*png_ptr);
    if (!*info_ptr) {
        png_destroy_read_struct(png_ptr, nullptr, nullptr);
        return 0;

    if (setjmp(png_jmpbuf(*png_ptr))) {
        DBG_INFO(80, "Error reading PNG!\n");
        png_destroy_read_struct(png_ptr, info_ptr, nullptr);
        return 0;

    png_init_io(*png_ptr, fp);
    png_set_sig_bytes(*png_ptr, PNG_CHK_BYTES);
    png_read_info(*png_ptr, *info_ptr);

    return 1;

TxImage::readPNG(FILE* fp, int* width, int* height, uint16* format)
    // NOTE: Returned image format is GFX_TEXFMT_ARGB_8888

    png_structp png_ptr;
    png_infop info_ptr;
    uint8 *image = nullptr;
    int bit_depth, color_type, interlace_type, compression_type, filter_type,
        row_bytes, o_width, o_height, num_pas;

    // Initialize
    *width = 0;
    *height = 0;
    *format = 0;

    // Check if we have a valid PNG file
    if (!fp)
        return nullptr;

    if (!getPNGInfo(fp, &png_ptr, &info_ptr))
        INFO(80, "Error reading PNG file! PNG image is corrupt.\n");
        return nullptr;

    png_get_IHDR(png_ptr, info_ptr,
        (png_uint_32*)&o_width, (png_uint_32*)&o_height, &bit_depth, &color_type,
        &interlace_type, &compression_type, &filter_type);

    DBG_INFO(80, "PNG format %d x %d bitdepth:%d color:%x interlace:%x compression:%x filter:%x\n",
        o_width, o_height, bit_depth, color_type,
        interlace_type, compression_type, filter_type);

    // Transformations

    // Rice high resolution textures
    // _all.png
    // _rgb.png, _a.png
    // _ciByRGBA.png
    // _allciByRGBA.png

    // Strip if color channel is larger than 8-bit
    if (bit_depth > 8) {
        bit_depth = 8;

#if 1
    // These are not really required as per the Rice format specification,
    // but is done just in case someone uses them.

    // Convert palette color to RGB color
    if (color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE) {
        color_type = PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB;

    // Expand 1,2, and 4-bit grayscale to 8-bit grayscale
    if (color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY && bit_depth < 8)

    // Convert grayscale or grayscale + alpha to RGB color
    if (color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY ||
        color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY_ALPHA) {
        color_type = PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB;

    // Add alpha channel if any
    if (png_get_valid(png_ptr, info_ptr, PNG_INFO_tRNS)) {
        color_type = PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB_ALPHA;

    // Convert RGB to RGBA
    if (color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB) {
        png_set_filler(png_ptr, 0xff, PNG_FILLER_AFTER);
        color_type = PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB_ALPHA;

    // Check for invalid formatting
    if (color_type != PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB_ALPHA) {
        png_destroy_read_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr, nullptr);
        DBG_INFO(80, "Error: not PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB_ALPHA format!\n");
        return nullptr;

    /*png_color_8p sig_bit;
    if (png_get_sBIT(png_ptr, info_ptr, &sig_bit))
      png_set_shift(png_ptr, sig_bit);*/

    // Convert RGBA to BGRA

    // Turn on interlace handling to cope with the weirdness
    // of texture authors using interlaced format
    num_pas = png_set_interlace_handling(png_ptr);

    // Update info structure
    png_read_update_info(png_ptr, info_ptr);

    // We only get here if ARGB8888
    row_bytes = png_get_rowbytes(png_ptr, info_ptr);

    // Allocate memory to read in image
    image = (uint8*)malloc(row_bytes * o_height);

    // Read in image
    if (image) {
        int pas, i;
        uint8* tmpimage;

        for (pas = 0; pas < num_pas; pas++) { // Deal with interlacing
            tmpimage = image;

            for (i = 0; i < o_height; i++) {
                // Copy row
                png_read_rows(png_ptr, &tmpimage, nullptr, 1);
                tmpimage += row_bytes;

        // Read rest of the info structure
        png_read_end(png_ptr, info_ptr);

        *width = (row_bytes >> 2);
        *height = o_height;
        *format = GFX_TEXFMT_ARGB_8888;

        // Next power of 2 size conversions
        // NOTE: I can do this in the above loop for faster operations, but some
        // texture packs require a workaround. See HACKALERT in nextPow2().

        TxReSample txReSample = new TxReSample; // Temporary, move to a better place.

#if (POW2_TEXTURES == 2)
        if (!txReSample->nextPow2(&image, width, height, 32, 1)) {
        if (!txReSample->nextPow2(&image, width, height, 32, 0)) {
            if (image) {
                image = nullptr;
            *width = 0;
            *height = 0;
            *format = 0;

        delete txReSample;

#endif // POW2_TEXTURES

    // Clean up
    png_destroy_read_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr, nullptr);

#ifdef DEBUG
    if (!image) {
        DBG_INFO(80, "Error: Failed to load PNG image!\n");

    return image;

TxImage::writePNG(uint8* src, FILE* fp, int width, int height, int rowStride, uint16 format, uint8 *palette)
    png_structp png_ptr;
    png_infop info_ptr;
    png_color_8 sig_bit;
    png_colorp palette_ptr;
    png_bytep trans_ptr;//, tex_ptr;
    int bit_depth, color_type, row_bytes, num_palette;
    int i;
    //uint16 srcfmt, destfmt;

    if (!src || !fp)
        return 0;

    png_ptr = png_create_write_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
    if (png_ptr == nullptr)
        return 0;

    info_ptr = png_create_info_struct(png_ptr);
    if (info_ptr == nullptr) {
        png_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr, nullptr);
        return 0;

    /*if (setjmp(png_ptr->jmpbuf)) {
      png_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr);
      return 0;

    png_init_io(png_ptr, fp);

	TODO: Images must be converted to RGBA8888 or CI8,
    palettes need to be separated to A and RGB.

    N64 formats
    Format: 0 - RGBA, 1 - YUV, 2 - CI, 3 - IA, 4 - I
    Size:   0 - 4bit, 1 - 8bit, 2 - 16bit, 3 - 32 bit
    format = (Format << 8 | Size);
    Each channel is saved in 8-bit for consistency
    switch (format) {
    case 0x0002:// RGBA5551
        bit_depth = 8;
        sig_bit.red = 5;
        sig_bit.green = 5;
        sig_bit.blue = 5;
        sig_bit.alpha = 1;
        color_type = PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB_ALPHA;
    case 0x0003:// RGBA8888
    case 0x0302:// IA88
        bit_depth = 8;
        sig_bit.red = 8;
        sig_bit.green = 8;
        sig_bit.blue = 8;
        sig_bit.alpha = 8;
        color_type = PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB_ALPHA;
    case 0x0300:// IA31
        bit_depth = 8;
        sig_bit.red = 3;
        sig_bit.green = 3;
        sig_bit.blue = 3;
        sig_bit.alpha = 1;
        color_type = PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB_ALPHA;
    case 0x0301:// IA44
        bit_depth = 8;
        sig_bit.red = 4;
        sig_bit.green = 4;
        sig_bit.blue = 4;
        sig_bit.alpha = 4;
        color_type = PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB_ALPHA;
    case 0x0400:// I4
        bit_depth = 8;
        sig_bit.red = 4;
        sig_bit.green = 4;
        sig_bit.blue = 4;
        color_type = PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB;
    case 0x0401:// I8
    case 0x0402:// I16
        bit_depth = 8;
        sig_bit.red = 8;
        sig_bit.green = 8;
        sig_bit.blue = 8;
        color_type = PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB;
    case 0x0200:// CI4
        bit_depth = 8;
        num_palette = 16;
        color_type = PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE;
    case 0x0201:// CI8
        bit_depth = 8;
        num_palette = 256;
        color_type = PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE;
    case 0x0102:// YUV?
    case 0x0103:
        // Unsupported format
        png_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr);
        return 0;

    switch (color_type) {
        //row_bytes = (bit_depth * width) >> 1;
        row_bytes = rowStride;
        png_set_sBIT(png_ptr, info_ptr, &sig_bit);
        //row_bytes = (bit_depth * width) >> 3;
        row_bytes = rowStride;
        png_set_PLTE(png_ptr, info_ptr, palette_ptr, num_palette);
        png_set_tRNS(png_ptr, info_ptr, trans_ptr, num_palette, 0);

    //png_set_filter(png_ptr, 0, PNG_ALL_FILTERS);

    //if (bit_depth == 16)
    //  png_set_swap(png_ptr);

    //if (bit_depth < 8)
    //  png_set_packswap(png_ptr);

    png_set_IHDR(png_ptr, info_ptr, width, height,
        bit_depth, color_type, PNG_INTERLACE_NONE,

    //png_set_gAMA(png_ptr, info_ptr, 1.0);

    png_write_info(png_ptr, info_ptr);
    for (i = 0; i < height; i++) {
        png_write_row(png_ptr, (png_bytep)src);
        src += row_bytes;
    png_write_end(png_ptr, info_ptr);

    png_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr);

    //if (tex_ptr) delete [] tex_ptr;

    return 1;

TxImage::getBMPInfo(FILE* fp, BITMAPFILEHEADER* bmp_fhdr, BITMAPINFOHEADER* bmp_ihdr)

     // Is this a BMP file?
    if (fread(&bmp_fhdr->bfType, 2, 1, fp) != 1)
        return 0;

    if (memcmp(&bmp_fhdr->bfType, "BM", 2) != 0)
        return 0;

    // Get file size
    if (fread(&bmp_fhdr->bfSize, 4, 1, fp) != 1)
        return 0;

    // Reserved 1
    if (fread(&bmp_fhdr->bfReserved1, 2, 1, fp) != 1)
        return 0;

    // Reserved 2
    if (fread(&bmp_fhdr->bfReserved2, 2, 1, fp) != 1)
        return 0;

    // Offset to the image data
    if (fread(&bmp_fhdr->bfOffBits, 4, 1, fp) != 1)
        return 0;


    if (fread(&bmp_ihdr->biSize, 4, 1, fp) != 1)
        return 0;

    // Is this a Windows BMP?
    if (bmp_ihdr->biSize != 40)
        return 0;

    // Width of the bitmap in pixels
    if (fread(&bmp_ihdr->biWidth, 4, 1, fp) != 1)
        return 0;

    // Height of the bitmap in pixels
    if (fread(&bmp_ihdr->biHeight, 4, 1, fp) != 1)
        return 0;

    // Number of planes (always 1)
    if (fread(&bmp_ihdr->biPlanes, 2, 1, fp) != 1)
        return 0;

    // Number of bits-per-pixel (1, 4, 8, 16, 24, 32)
    if (fread(&bmp_ihdr->biBitCount, 2, 1, fp) != 1)
        return 0;

    /* Compression for a compressed bottom-up bitmap
     *   0: Uncompressed format
     *   1: Run-length encoded 4 bpp format
     *   2: Run-length encoded 8 bpp format
     *   3: Bitfield
    if (fread(&bmp_ihdr->biCompression, 4, 1, fp) != 1)
        return 0;

    // Size of the image in bytes
    if (fread(&bmp_ihdr->biSizeImage, 4, 1, fp) != 1)
        return 0;

    // Horizontal resolution in pixels-per-meter
    if (fread(&bmp_ihdr->biXPelsPerMeter, 4, 1, fp) != 1)
        return 0;

    // Vertical resolution in pixels-per-meter
    if (fread(&bmp_ihdr->biYPelsPerMeter, 4, 1, fp) != 1)
        return 0;

    // Number of color indexes in the color table that are actually used
    if (fread(&bmp_ihdr->biClrUsed, 4, 1, fp) != 1)
        return 0;

    // The number of color indexes that are required for displaying
    if (fread(&bmp_ihdr->biClrImportant, 4, 1, fp) != 1)
        return 0;

    return 1;

TxImage::readBMP(FILE* fp, int* width, int* height, uint16* format)
    /* NOTE: Returned image format;
     *       4, 8-bit palette bmp -> GFX_TEXFMT_P_8
     *       24, 32-bit bmp -> GFX_TEXFMT_ARGB_8888

    uint8 *image = nullptr;
    uint8 *image_row = nullptr;
    uint8 *tmpimage = nullptr;
    unsigned int row_bytes, pos;
    int i, j;
    /* Windows bitmap */

    // Initialize
    *width = 0;
    *height = 0;
    *format = 0;

    // Check if we have a valid BMP file
    if (!fp)
        return nullptr;

    if (!getBMPInfo(fp, &bmp_fhdr, &bmp_ihdr)) {
        INFO(80, "Error reading bitmap file! Bitmap image is corrupt.\n");
        return nullptr;

    DBG_INFO(80, "BMP format %d x %d bitdepth:%d compression:%x offset:%d\n",
        bmp_ihdr.biWidth, bmp_ihdr.biHeight, bmp_ihdr.biBitCount,
        bmp_ihdr.biCompression, bmp_fhdr.bfOffBits);

    // rowStride in bytes
    row_bytes = (bmp_ihdr.biWidth * bmp_ihdr.biBitCount) >> 3;
    // Align to 4 bytes boundary
    row_bytes = (row_bytes + 3) & ~3;

    // Rice high resolution textures
    if (!(bmp_ihdr.biBitCount == 8 || bmp_ihdr.biBitCount == 4 || bmp_ihdr.biBitCount == 32 || bmp_ihdr.biBitCount == 24) ||
        bmp_ihdr.biCompression != 0) {
        DBG_INFO(80, "Error: Incompatible bitmap format!\n");
        return nullptr;

    switch (bmp_ihdr.biBitCount) {
    case 8:
    case 32:
        // 8-bit, 32-bit bitmap
        image = (uint8*)malloc(row_bytes * bmp_ihdr.biHeight);
        if (image) {
            tmpimage = image;
            pos = bmp_fhdr.bfOffBits + row_bytes * (bmp_ihdr.biHeight - 1);
            for (i = 0; i < bmp_ihdr.biHeight; i++) {
                // Read in image
                fseek(fp, pos, SEEK_SET);
                fread(tmpimage, row_bytes, 1, fp);
                tmpimage += row_bytes;
                pos -= row_bytes;
    case 4:
        // 4-bit bitmap
        image = (uint8*)malloc((row_bytes * bmp_ihdr.biHeight) << 1);
        image_row = (uint8*)malloc(row_bytes);
        if (image && image_row) {
            tmpimage = image;
            pos = bmp_fhdr.bfOffBits + row_bytes * (bmp_ihdr.biHeight - 1);
            for (i = 0; i < bmp_ihdr.biHeight; i++) {
                // Read in image
                fseek(fp, pos, SEEK_SET);
                fread(image_row, row_bytes, 1, fp);
                // Expand 4bpp to 8bpp, stuff 4-bit values into 8-bit comps
                for (j = 0; j < (int)row_bytes; j++) {
                    tmpimage[j << 1] = image_row[j] & 0x0f;
                    tmpimage[(j << 1) + 1] = (image_row[j] & 0xf0) >> 4;
                tmpimage += (row_bytes << 1);
                pos -= row_bytes;
        else {
            if (image_row) free(image_row);
            if (image) free(image);
            image = nullptr;
    case 24:
        // 24-bit bitmap
        image = (uint8*)malloc((bmp_ihdr.biWidth * bmp_ihdr.biHeight) << 2);
        image_row = (uint8*)malloc(row_bytes);
        if (image && image_row) {
            tmpimage = image;
            pos = bmp_fhdr.bfOffBits + row_bytes * (bmp_ihdr.biHeight - 1);
            for (i = 0; i < bmp_ihdr.biHeight; i++) {
                // Read in image
                fseek(fp, pos, SEEK_SET);
                fread(image_row, row_bytes, 1, fp);
                // Convert 24bpp to 32bpp
                for (j = 0; j < bmp_ihdr.biWidth; j++) {
                    tmpimage[(j << 2)] = image_row[j * 3];
                    tmpimage[(j << 2) + 1] = image_row[j * 3 + 1];
                    tmpimage[(j << 2) + 2] = image_row[j * 3 + 2];
                    tmpimage[(j << 2) + 3] = 0xFF;
                tmpimage += (bmp_ihdr.biWidth << 2);
                pos -= row_bytes;
        else {
            if (image_row) free(image_row);
            if (image) free(image);
            image = nullptr;

    if (image) {
        *width = (row_bytes << 3) / bmp_ihdr.biBitCount;
        *height = bmp_ihdr.biHeight;

        switch (bmp_ihdr.biBitCount) {
        case 8:
        case 4:
            *format = GFX_TEXFMT_P_8;
        case 32:
        case 24:
            *format = GFX_TEXFMT_ARGB_8888;

        // Next power of 2 size conversions
        // NOTE: I can do this in the above loop for faster operations, but some
        // texture packs require a workaround. See HACKALERT in nextPow2().

        TxReSample txReSample = new TxReSample; // Temporary, move to a better place.

#if (POW2_TEXTURES == 2)
        if (!txReSample->nextPow2(&image, width, height, 8, 1)) {
        if (!txReSample->nextPow2(&image, width, height, 8, 0)) {
            if (image) {
                image = nullptr;
            *width = 0;
            *height = 0;
            *format = 0;

        delete txReSample;

#endif // POW2_TEXTURES

#ifdef DEBUG
    if (!image) {
        DBG_INFO(80, "Error: Failed to load BMP image!\n");

    return image;

TxImage::getDDSInfo(FILE *fp, DDSFILEHEADER *dds_fhdr)
    // Read in DDSFILEHEADER

    // Is this a DDS file?
    if (fread(&dds_fhdr->dwMagic, 4, 1, fp) != 1)
        return 0;

    if (memcmp(&dds_fhdr->dwMagic, "DDS ", 4) != 0)
        return 0;

    if (fread(&dds_fhdr->dwSize, 4, 1, fp) != 1)
        return 0;

    // Get file flags
    if (fread(&dds_fhdr->dwFlags, 4, 1, fp) != 1)
        return 0;

    // Height of DDS in pixels
    if (fread(&dds_fhdr->dwHeight, 4, 1, fp) != 1)
        return 0;

    // Width of DDS in pixels
    if (fread(&dds_fhdr->dwWidth, 4, 1, fp) != 1)
        return 0;

    if (fread(&dds_fhdr->dwLinearSize, 4, 1, fp) != 1)
        return 0;

    if (fread(&dds_fhdr->dwDepth, 4, 1, fp) != 1)
        return 0;

    if (fread(&dds_fhdr->dwMipMapCount, 4, 1, fp) != 1)
        return 0;

    if (fread(&dds_fhdr->dwReserved1, 4 * 11, 1, fp) != 1)
        return 0;

    if (fread(&dds_fhdr->ddpf.dwSize, 4, 1, fp) != 1)
        return 0;

    if (fread(&dds_fhdr->ddpf.dwFlags, 4, 1, fp) != 1)
        return 0;

    if (fread(&dds_fhdr->ddpf.dwFourCC, 4, 1, fp) != 1)
        return 0;

    if (fread(&dds_fhdr->ddpf.dwRGBBitCount, 4, 1, fp) != 1)
        return 0;

    if (fread(&dds_fhdr->ddpf.dwRBitMask, 4, 1, fp) != 1)
        return 0;

    if (fread(&dds_fhdr->ddpf.dwGBitMask, 4, 1, fp) != 1)
        return 0;

    if (fread(&dds_fhdr->ddpf.dwBBitMask, 4, 1, fp) != 1)
        return 0;

    if (fread(&dds_fhdr->ddpf.dwRGBAlphaBitMask, 4, 1, fp) != 1)
        return 0;

    if (fread(&dds_fhdr->dwCaps1, 4, 1, fp) != 1)
        return 0;

    if (fread(&dds_fhdr->dwCaps2, 4, 1, fp) != 1)
        return 0;

    return 1;

TxImage::readDDS(FILE* fp, int* width, int* height, uint16* format)
    uint8 *image = nullptr;
    DDSFILEHEADER dds_fhdr;
    uint16 tmpformat = 0;

    // Initialize
    *width = 0;
    *height = 0;
    *format = 0;

    // Check if we have a valid DDS file
    if (!fp)
        return nullptr;

    if (!getDDSInfo(fp, &dds_fhdr)) {
        INFO(80, "Error reading DDS file! DDS image is corrupt.\n");
        return nullptr;

    DBG_INFO(80, "DDS format %d x %d HeaderSize %d LinearSize %d\n",
        dds_fhdr.dwWidth, dds_fhdr.dwHeight, dds_fhdr.dwSize, dds_fhdr.dwLinearSize);

        DBG_INFO(80, "Error: Incompatible DDS format!\n");
        return nullptr;

    if ((dds_fhdr.dwFlags & DDSD_MIPMAPCOUNT) && dds_fhdr.dwMipMapCount != 1) {
        DBG_INFO(80, "Error: Mipmapped DDS not supported!\n");
        return nullptr;

    if (!((dds_fhdr.ddpf.dwFlags & DDPF_FOURCC) && dds_fhdr.dwCaps2 == 0)) {
        DBG_INFO(80, "Error: Not fourcc standard texture!\n");
        return nullptr;

    if (memcmp(&dds_fhdr.ddpf.dwFourCC, "DXT1", 4) == 0) {
        DBG_INFO(80, "DXT1 format\n");
        // Compensate for missing LinearSize
        dds_fhdr.dwLinearSize = (dds_fhdr.dwWidth * dds_fhdr.dwHeight) >> 1;
        tmpformat = GFX_TEXFMT_ARGB_CMP_DXT1;
    else if (memcmp(&dds_fhdr.ddpf.dwFourCC, "DXT3", 4) == 0) {
        DBG_INFO(80, "DXT3 format\n");
        dds_fhdr.dwLinearSize = dds_fhdr.dwWidth * dds_fhdr.dwHeight;
        tmpformat = GFX_TEXFMT_ARGB_CMP_DXT3;
    else if (memcmp(&dds_fhdr.ddpf.dwFourCC, "DXT5", 4) == 0) {
        DBG_INFO(80, "DXT5 format\n");
        dds_fhdr.dwLinearSize = dds_fhdr.dwWidth * dds_fhdr.dwHeight;
        tmpformat = GFX_TEXFMT_ARGB_CMP_DXT5;
    else {
        DBG_INFO(80, "Error: Not DXT1 or DXT3 or DXT5 format!\n");
        return nullptr;

    // Read in image
    image = (uint8*)malloc(dds_fhdr.dwLinearSize);
    if (image) {
        *width = dds_fhdr.dwWidth;
        *height = dds_fhdr.dwHeight;
        *format = tmpformat;

        fseek(fp, 128, SEEK_SET); // Size of header is 128 bytes
        fread(image, dds_fhdr.dwLinearSize, 1, fp);

    return image;