/**************************************************************************** * * * Project64 - A Nintendo 64 emulator. * * http://www.pj64-emu.com/ * * Copyright (C) 2012 Project64. All rights reserved. * * * * License: * * GNU/GPLv2 http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html * * * ****************************************************************************/ #include "stdafx.h" #include "DebuggerUI.h" #include "ScriptHook.h" #include "DMALog.h" #include "Symbols.h" CPj64Module _Module; CDebuggerUI::CDebuggerUI() : m_MemoryDump(NULL), m_MemoryView(NULL), m_MemorySearch(NULL), m_DebugTLB(NULL), m_CommandsView(NULL), m_Scripts(NULL), m_Symbols(NULL), m_Breakpoints(NULL), m_ScriptSystem(NULL), m_StackTrace(NULL), m_StackView(NULL), m_DMALogView(NULL), m_DMALog(NULL), m_StepEvent(false) { g_Debugger = this; m_Breakpoints = new CBreakpoints(); m_ScriptSystem = new CScriptSystem(this); m_DMALog = new CDMALog(); CSymbols::InitializeCriticalSection(); g_Settings->RegisterChangeCB(GameRunning_InReset, this, (CSettings::SettingChangedFunc)GameReset); g_Settings->RegisterChangeCB(Debugger_SteppingOps, this, (CSettings::SettingChangedFunc)SteppingOpsChanged); } CDebuggerUI::~CDebuggerUI(void) { g_Settings->UnregisterChangeCB(Debugger_SteppingOps, this, (CSettings::SettingChangedFunc)SteppingOpsChanged); g_Settings->UnregisterChangeCB(GameRunning_InReset, this, (CSettings::SettingChangedFunc)GameReset); Debug_Reset(); delete m_MemoryView; delete m_CommandsView; delete m_Scripts; delete m_ScriptSystem; delete m_Breakpoints; delete m_Symbols; delete m_MemorySearch; delete m_StackTrace; delete m_DMALogView; delete m_DMALog; CSymbols::DeleteCriticalSection(); } void CDebuggerUI::SteppingOpsChanged(CDebuggerUI * _this) { if (g_Settings->LoadBool(Debugger_SteppingOps)) { _this->OpenCommandWindow(); } } void CDebuggerUI::GameReset(CDebuggerUI * _this) { if (!g_Settings->LoadBool(GameRunning_InReset)) { return; } if (_this->m_CommandsView) { _this->m_CommandsView->Reset(); } if (_this->m_DMALog) { _this->m_DMALog->ClearEntries(); } if (_this->m_StackTrace) { _this->m_StackTrace->ClearEntries(); } CSymbols::EnterCriticalSection(); CSymbols::Load(); CSymbols::LeaveCriticalSection(); if (_this->m_Symbols) { _this->m_Symbols->Refresh(); } } void CDebuggerUI::Debug_Reset(void) { if (m_MemoryDump) { m_MemoryDump->HideWindow(); delete m_MemoryDump; m_MemoryDump = NULL; } if (m_MemorySearch) { m_MemorySearch->HideWindow(); delete m_MemorySearch; m_MemorySearch = NULL; } if (m_DebugTLB) { m_DebugTLB->HideWindow(); delete m_DebugTLB; m_DebugTLB = NULL; } if (m_MemoryView) { m_MemoryView->HideWindow(); delete m_MemoryView; m_MemoryView = NULL; } if (m_CommandsView) { m_CommandsView->HideWindow(); delete m_CommandsView; m_CommandsView = NULL; } if (m_Scripts) { m_Scripts->HideWindow(); delete m_Scripts; m_Scripts = NULL; } if (m_Symbols) { m_Symbols->HideWindow(); delete m_Symbols; m_Symbols = NULL; } if (m_DMALogView) { m_DMALogView->HideWindow(); delete m_DMALogView; m_DMALogView = NULL; } if (m_StackTrace) { m_StackTrace->HideWindow(); delete m_StackTrace; m_StackTrace = NULL; } if (m_StackView) { m_StackView->HideWindow(); delete m_StackView; m_StackView = NULL; } } void CDebuggerUI::OpenMemoryDump() { if (g_MMU == NULL) { return; } if (m_MemoryDump == NULL) { m_MemoryDump = new CDumpMemory(this); } if (m_MemoryDump) { m_MemoryDump->ShowWindow(); } } void CDebuggerUI::OpenMemoryWindow(void) { if (g_MMU == NULL) { return; } if (m_MemoryView == NULL) { m_MemoryView = new CDebugMemoryView(this); } if (m_MemoryView) { m_MemoryView->ShowWindow(); } } void CDebuggerUI::Debug_ShowMemoryLocation(uint32_t Address, bool VAddr) { OpenMemoryWindow(); if (m_MemoryView) { m_MemoryView->ShowAddress(Address, VAddr); } } void CDebuggerUI::OpenTLBWindow(void) { if (g_MMU == NULL) { return; } if (m_DebugTLB == NULL) { m_DebugTLB = new CDebugTlb(this); } if (m_DebugTLB) { m_DebugTLB->ShowWindow(); } } void CDebuggerUI::Debug_RefreshTLBWindow(void) { if (m_DebugTLB) { m_DebugTLB->RefreshTLBWindow(); } } void CDebuggerUI::OpenMemorySearch() { if (m_MemorySearch == NULL) { m_MemorySearch = new CDebugMemorySearch(this); } if (m_MemorySearch) { m_MemorySearch->ShowWindow(); } } void CDebuggerUI::OpenCommandWindow() { if (m_CommandsView == NULL) { m_CommandsView = new CDebugCommandsView(this, m_StepEvent); } m_CommandsView->ShowWindow(); } void CDebuggerUI::Debug_ShowCommandsLocation(uint32_t address, bool top) { OpenCommandWindow(); if (m_CommandsView) { m_CommandsView->ShowAddress(address, top); } } void CDebuggerUI::OpenScriptsWindow() { if (m_Scripts == NULL) { m_Scripts = new CDebugScripts(this); } m_Scripts->ShowWindow(); } void CDebuggerUI::Debug_RefreshScriptsWindow() { if (m_Scripts != NULL) { m_Scripts->RefreshList(); } } void CDebuggerUI::Debug_LogScriptsWindow(const char* text) { if (m_Scripts != NULL) { m_Scripts->ConsolePrint(text); } } void CDebuggerUI::Debug_ClearScriptsWindow() { if (m_Scripts != NULL) { m_Scripts->ConsoleClear(); } } void CDebuggerUI::OpenSymbolsWindow() { if (m_Symbols == NULL) { m_Symbols = new CDebugSymbols(this); } m_Symbols->ShowWindow(); } void CDebuggerUI::Debug_RefreshSymbolsWindow() { if (m_Symbols != NULL) { m_Symbols->Refresh(); } } void CDebuggerUI::OpenDMALogWindow(void) { if (m_DMALogView == NULL) { m_DMALogView = new CDebugDMALogView(this); } m_DMALogView->ShowWindow(); } void CDebuggerUI::OpenStackTraceWindow(void) { if (m_StackTrace == NULL) { m_StackTrace = new CDebugStackTrace(this); } m_StackTrace->ShowWindow(); } void CDebuggerUI::OpenStackViewWindow(void) { if (m_StackView == NULL) { m_StackView = new CDebugStackView(this); } m_StackView->ShowWindow(); } void CDebuggerUI::Debug_RefreshStackWindow(void) { if (m_StackView != NULL) { m_StackView->Refresh(); } } void CDebuggerUI::Debug_RefreshStackTraceWindow(void) { if (m_StackTrace != NULL && m_StackTrace->m_hWnd != NULL) { m_StackTrace->Refresh(); } } CBreakpoints* CDebuggerUI::Breakpoints() { return m_Breakpoints; } CScriptSystem* CDebuggerUI::ScriptSystem() { return m_ScriptSystem; } CDebugScripts* CDebuggerUI::ScriptConsole() { return m_Scripts; } CDMALog* CDebuggerUI::DMALog() { return m_DMALog; } // CDebugger implementation void CDebuggerUI::TLBChanged() { Debug_RefreshTLBWindow(); } // Called from the interpreter core at the beginning of every CPU step // Returns false when the instruction should be skipped void CDebuggerUI::CPUStepStarted() { uint32_t PROGRAM_COUNTER = g_Reg->m_PROGRAM_COUNTER; uint32_t JumpToLocation = R4300iOp::m_JumpToLocation; m_ScriptSystem->HookCPUExec()->InvokeByParamInRange(PROGRAM_COUNTER); // Memory breakpoints COpInfo opInfo(R4300iOp::m_Opcode); if (opInfo.IsLoadStoreCommand()) // Read and write instructions { uint32_t memoryAddress = opInfo.GetLoadStoreAddress(); if (opInfo.IsLoadCommand()) // Read instructions { m_ScriptSystem->HookCPURead()->InvokeByParamInRange(memoryAddress); } else // Write instructions { m_ScriptSystem->HookCPUWrite()->InvokeByParamInRange(memoryAddress); // Catch cart -> rdram dma if (memoryAddress == 0xA460000C) // PI_WR_LEN_REG { uint32_t dmaRomAddr = g_Reg->PI_CART_ADDR_REG & 0x0FFFFFFF; uint32_t dmaRamAddr = g_Reg->PI_DRAM_ADDR_REG | 0x80000000; uint32_t dmaLen = opInfo.GetStoreValueUnsigned() + 1; m_DMALog->AddEntry(dmaRomAddr, dmaRamAddr, dmaLen); if (m_Breakpoints->WriteBPExistsInChunk(dmaRamAddr, dmaLen)) { goto breakpoint_hit; } } if (m_Breakpoints->MemLockExists(memoryAddress, opInfo.NumBytesToStore())) { g_Settings->SaveBool(Debugger_SkipOp, true); } } } if (!isStepping()) { return; } if (R4300iOp::m_NextInstruction != JUMP) { goto breakpoint_hit; } if (JumpToLocation == PROGRAM_COUNTER + 4) { // Only pause on delay slots when branch isn't taken goto breakpoint_hit; } return; breakpoint_hit: g_Settings->SaveBool(Debugger_SteppingOps, true); } void CDebuggerUI::CPUStep() { OPCODE Opcode = R4300iOp::m_Opcode; uint32_t op = Opcode.op; uint32_t funct = Opcode.funct; if (m_StackTrace == NULL) { m_StackTrace = new CDebugStackTrace(this); } if (op == R4300i_JAL || ((op == R4300i_SPECIAL) && (funct == R4300i_SPECIAL_JALR) && (Opcode.rd == 31))) // JAL or JALR RA, x { m_StackTrace->PushEntry(R4300iOp::m_JumpToLocation, g_Reg->m_PROGRAM_COUNTER); } else if (funct == R4300i_SPECIAL_JR && Opcode.rs == 31) // JR RA { m_StackTrace->PopEntry(); } else if (op == R4300i_CP0 && funct == R4300i_COP0_CO_ERET) // TODO may need more work { m_StackTrace->ClearEntries(); } } void CDebuggerUI::FrameDrawn() { static HWND hMainWnd = NULL; static HFONT monoFont = CreateFont(-11, 0, 0, 0, FW_DONTCARE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, DEFAULT_CHARSET, OUT_TT_PRECIS, CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS, PROOF_QUALITY, FF_DONTCARE, "Consolas" ); if (hMainWnd == NULL) { RenderWindow* mainWindow = g_Plugins->MainWindow(); if (mainWindow == NULL) { return; } hMainWnd = (HWND)mainWindow->GetWindowHandle(); } HDC hdc = GetDC(hMainWnd); CRect rt; GetClientRect(hMainWnd, &rt); SetBkColor(hdc, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SelectObject(hdc, monoFont); SetTextColor(hdc, RGB(255, 255, 255)); SetBkColor(hdc, RGB(0, 0, 0)); m_ScriptSystem->SetScreenDC(hdc); m_ScriptSystem->HookFrameDrawn()->InvokeAll(); ReleaseDC(hMainWnd, hdc); } void CDebuggerUI::WaitForStep(void) { g_Settings->SaveBool(Debugger_WaitingForStep, true); m_StepEvent.IsTriggered(SyncEvent::INFINITE_TIMEOUT); g_Settings->SaveBool(Debugger_WaitingForStep, false); } bool CDebuggerUI::ExecutionBP(uint32_t address) { return m_Breakpoints != NULL && m_Breakpoints->ExecutionBPExists(address, true) != CBreakpoints::BP_NOT_SET; } bool CDebuggerUI::ReadBP8(uint32_t address) { return m_Breakpoints != NULL && m_Breakpoints->ReadBPExists8(address) != CBreakpoints::BP_NOT_SET; } bool CDebuggerUI::ReadBP16(uint32_t address) { return m_Breakpoints != NULL && m_Breakpoints->ReadBPExists16(address) != CBreakpoints::BP_NOT_SET; } bool CDebuggerUI::ReadBP32(uint32_t address) { return m_Breakpoints != NULL && m_Breakpoints->ReadBPExists32(address) != CBreakpoints::BP_NOT_SET; } bool CDebuggerUI::ReadBP64(uint32_t address) { return m_Breakpoints != NULL && m_Breakpoints->ReadBPExists64(address) != CBreakpoints::BP_NOT_SET; } bool CDebuggerUI::WriteBP8(uint32_t address) { return m_Breakpoints != NULL && m_Breakpoints->WriteBPExists8(address) != CBreakpoints::BP_NOT_SET; } bool CDebuggerUI::WriteBP16(uint32_t address) { return m_Breakpoints != NULL && m_Breakpoints->WriteBPExists16(address) != CBreakpoints::BP_NOT_SET; } bool CDebuggerUI::WriteBP32(uint32_t address) { return m_Breakpoints != NULL && m_Breakpoints->WriteBPExists32(address) != CBreakpoints::BP_NOT_SET; } bool CDebuggerUI::WriteBP64(uint32_t address) { return m_Breakpoints != NULL && m_Breakpoints->WriteBPExists64(address) != CBreakpoints::BP_NOT_SET; }