/* ** Copyright (c) 1995, 3Dfx Interactive, Inc. ** All Rights Reserved. ** ** This is UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE of 3Dfx Interactive, Inc.; ** the contents of this file may not be disclosed to third parties, copied or ** duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without the prior written ** permission of 3Dfx Interactive, Inc. ** ** RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND: ** Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions ** as set forth in subdivision (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data ** and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013, and/or in similar or ** successor clauses in the FAR, DOD or NASA FAR Supplement. Unpublished - ** rights reserved under the Copyright Laws of the United States. ** ** $Header: /devel/cvg/glide3/src/glideutl.h 4 7/24/98 1:41p Hohn $ ** $Log: /devel/cvg/glide3/src/glideutl.h $ ** ** 4 7/24/98 1:41p Hohn ** ** 3 1/30/98 4:27p Atai ** gufog* prototype ** ** 1 1/29/98 4:00p Atai * * 1 1/16/98 4:29p Atai * create glide 3 src * * 11 1/07/98 11:18a Atai * remove GrMipMapInfo and GrGC.mm_table in glide3 * * 10 1/06/98 6:47p Atai * undo grSplash and remove gu routines * * 9 1/05/98 6:04p Atai * move 3df gu related data structure from glide.h to glideutl.h * * 8 12/18/97 2:13p Peter * fogTable cataclysm * * 7 12/15/97 5:52p Atai * disable obsolete glide2 api for glide3 * * 6 8/14/97 5:32p Pgj * remove dead code per GMT * * 5 6/12/97 5:19p Pgj * Fix bug 578 * * 4 3/05/97 9:36p Jdt * Removed guFbWriteRegion added guEncodeRLE16 * * 3 1/16/97 3:45p Dow * Embedded fn protos in ifndef FX_GLIDE_NO_FUNC_PROTO */ /* Glide Utility routines */ #ifndef __GLIDEUTL_H__ #define __GLIDEUTL_H__ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* ** 3DF texture file structs */ typedef struct { FxU32 width, height; int small_lod, large_lod; GrAspectRatio_t aspect_ratio; GrTextureFormat_t format; } Gu3dfHeader; typedef struct { FxU8 yRGB[16]; FxI16 iRGB[4][3]; FxI16 qRGB[4][3]; FxU32 packed_data[12]; } GuNccTable; typedef struct { FxU32 data[256]; } GuTexPalette; typedef union { GuNccTable nccTable; GuTexPalette palette; } GuTexTable; typedef struct { Gu3dfHeader header; GuTexTable table; void *data; FxU32 mem_required; /* memory required for mip map in bytes. */ } Gu3dfInfo; #ifndef FX_GLIDE_NO_FUNC_PROTO /* ** Gamma functions */ FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL guGammaCorrectionRGB( FxFloat red, FxFloat green, FxFloat blue ); /* ** fog stuff */ FX_ENTRY float FX_CALL guFogTableIndexToW( int i ); FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL guFogGenerateExp( GrFog_t *fogtable, float density ); FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL guFogGenerateExp2( GrFog_t *fogtable, float density ); FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL guFogGenerateLinear(GrFog_t *fogtable, float nearZ, float farZ ); /* ** hi-level texture manipulation tools. */ FX_ENTRY FxBool FX_CALL gu3dfGetInfo( const char *filename, Gu3dfInfo *info ); FX_ENTRY FxBool FX_CALL gu3dfLoad( const char *filename, Gu3dfInfo *data ); #endif /* FX_GLIDE_NO_FUNC_PROTO */ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* __GLIDEUTL_H__ */