/* N-Rage`s Dinput8 Plugin (C) 2002, 2006 Norbert Wladyka Author`s Email: norbert.wladyka@chello.at Website: http://go.to/nrage This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #ifndef _FILEACCESS_H_ #define _FILEACCESS_H_ #include "NRagePluginV2.h" #include "Version.h" #include <string> using std::string; bool GetDirectory( LPTSTR pszDirectory, WORD wDirID ); bool CheckFileExists( LPCTSTR FileName ); void GetAbsoluteFileName( LPTSTR szAbsolute, LPCTSTR szFileName, const WORD wDirID ); BOOL SendFilestoList( HWND hDlgItem, WORD wType ); bool StoreConfigToINI(); bool LoadConfigFromINI(); LANGID GetLanguageFromINI(); bool LoadProfileFile( LPCTSTR pszFileName, int iController, LPTSTR pszGameDevice, LPBYTE bGameDeviceNr ); bool LoadShortcutsFile( LPCTSTR pszFileName ); void FormatProfileBlock( FILE * fFile, const int iController ); void FormatShortcutsBlock( FILE * fFile, bool bIsINI ); bool BrowseFolders( HWND hwndParent, LPTSTR pszHeader, LPTSTR pszDirectory ); bool BrowseFile( HWND hDlg, LPTSTR pszFileName, DWORD dwType, bool fSave ); bool ReadMemPakFile( LPTSTR pszMemPakFile, BYTE *aMemPak, bool fCreate ); bool WriteMemPakFile( LPTSTR pszMemPakFile, BYTE *aMemPak, bool fCreate ); bool LoadProfileFromResource( int indexController, bool bIsInterface ); bool LoadShortcutsFromResource( bool bIsInterface ); inline void GUIDtoStringA( char * szGUIDbuf, const GUID guid ); inline bool StringtoGUIDA( LPGUID guid, const char * szGUIDbuf ); unsigned long djbHash(const char *str); #ifdef _UNICODE #define TCHAR_TO_CHAR(x,y,z) wcstombs(x,y,z) #define CHAR_TO_TCHAR(x,y,z) mbstowcs(x,y,z) #else #define TCHAR_TO_CHAR(x,y,z) strncpy(x,y,z) #define CHAR_TO_TCHAR(x,y,z) strncpy(x,y,z) #endif #define STRING_DEF_MEMPAKFILE _T("MemPaks") #define STRING_DEF_GBROMFILE _T("GBxRoms") #define STRING_DEF_GBROMSAVE _T("GBxSaves") #define STRING_INI_HEADER "# Generated by NRage input plugin V2 version " VER_FILE_VERSION_STR "\n" // We use these names for loading from INI files and NRage config files #define STRING_INI_GENERAL "General" #define STRING_INI_CONTROLLER "Controller" #define STRING_INI_FOLDERS "Folders" #define STRING_INI_BROWSER "lastBrowserDir" #define STRING_INI_CONTROLS "Controls" #define STRING_INI_SHORTCUTS "Shortcuts" #define STRING_INI_MODIFIERS "Modifiers" #define STRING_INI_LANGUAGE "Language" #define STRING_INI_SHOWMESSAGES "ShowMessages" #define STRING_INI_BRPROFILE "Profile" #define STRING_INI_BRNOTE "Note" #define STRING_INI_BRMEMPAK "Mempak" #define STRING_INI_BRGBROM "GBxRom" #define STRING_INI_BRGBSAVE "GBxSave" // #define STRING_INI_BRSHORTCUTS STRING_INI_SHORTCUTS #define STRING_INI_PLUGGED "Plugged" #define STRING_INI_XINPUT "xInput" #define STRING_INI_N64MOUSE "N64Mouse" #define STRING_INI_RAWDATA "RawData" #define STRING_INI_PAKTYPE "PakType" #define STRING_INI_REALN64RANGE "RealN64Range" #define STRING_INI_RAPIDFIREENABLED "RapidFireEnabled" #define STRING_INI_RAPIDFIRERATE "RapidFireRate" #define STRING_INI_STICKRANGE "StickRange" #define STRING_INI_MOUSEMOVEX "MouseMoveX" #define STRING_INI_MOUSEMOVEY "MouseMoveY" #define STRING_INI_AXISSET "AxisSet" #define STRING_INI_KEYABSOLUTEX "KeyAbsoluteX" #define STRING_INI_KEYABSOLUTEY "KeyAbsoluteY" #define STRING_INI_PADDEADZONE "PadDeadZone" #define STRING_INI_MOUSESENSX "MouseSensitivityX" #define STRING_INI_MOUSESENSY "MouseSensitivityY" #define STRING_INI_RUMBLETYPE "RumbleType" #define STRING_INI_RUMBLESTRENGTH "RumbleStrength" #define STRING_INI_VISUALRUMBLE "VisualRumble" #define STRING_INI_FFDEVICEGUID "FFDeviceGUID" #define STRING_INI_MEMPAKFILE "MemPakFile" #define STRING_INI_GBROMFILE "GBRomFile" #define STRING_INI_GBROMSAVE "GBRomSave" #define STRING_INI_DINPUTGUID "DInputGUID" #define STRING_INI_BUTTON "Button" #define STRING_INI_MODIFIER "Modifier" // The following are not found in INI files; only profile and shortcuts files #define STRING_PROFILEVERSION22 "Controller Profile 2.2" #define STRING_PROFILEVERSION STRING_PROFILEVERSION22 #define STRING_INI_FFDEVICENAME "FFDeviceName" #define STRING_INI_FFDEVICENR "FFDeviceNr" #define STRING_INI_DINPUTNAME "DInputName" #define STRING_INI_DINPUTNR "DInputNr" // the following are hashes for the string values above // version strings, including the @ in front #define CHK_PROFILEVERSION20 2278962538 #define CHK_PROFILEVERSION21 2278962539 #define CHK_PROFILEVERSION22 2278962540 // categories #define CHK_GENERAL 63249731 #define CHK_FOLDERS 3455681620 #define CHK_LASTBROWSERDIR 2659654652 #define CHK_CONTROLLER_1 3910856026 #define CHK_CONTROLLER_2 3910856027 #define CHK_CONTROLLER_3 3910856028 #define CHK_CONTROLLER_4 3910856029 #define CHK_CONTROLS 3459743001 #define CHK_SHORTCUTS 2945387732 #define CHK_MODIFIERS 95935975 // assignments (to the left of the '=' sign) #define CHK_LANGUAGE 3857633481 #define CHK_SHOWMESSAGES 638097246 #define CHK_MEMPAK 3230166560 #define CHK_GBXROM 2992194388 #define CHK_GBXSAVE 4253155349 #define CHK_PROFILE 3606499382 #define CHK_NOTE 2089365563 #define CHK_PLUGGED 3378836077 #define CHK_XINPUT 3665436173 #define CHK_N64MOUSE 863329606 #define CHK_RAWDATA 1238573385 #define CHK_PAKTYPE 2936974691 #define CHK_REALN64RANGE 1279831790 #define CHK_RAPIDFIREENABLED 1491009894 #define CHK_RAPIDFIRERATE 1576165031 #define CHK_STICKRANGE 4145501776 #define CHK_MOUSEMOVEX 1825694205 #define CHK_MOUSEMOVEY 1825694206 #define CHK_AXISSET 1642523718 #define CHK_KEYABSOLUTEX 958566277 #define CHK_KEYABSOLUTEY 958566278 #define CHK_PADDEADZONE 2913910084 #define CHK_MOUSESENSITIVITYX 1513071697 #define CHK_MOUSESENSITIVITYY 1513071698 #define CHK_RUMBLETYPE 3440038446 #define CHK_RUMBLESTRENGTH 3038086267 #define CHK_VISUALRUMBLE 1795686016 #define CHK_FFDEVICEGUID 2645316746 #define CHK_MEMPAKFILE 2373591360 #define CHK_GBROMFILE 2409678172 #define CHK_GBROMSAVE 2410136971 #define CHK_DINPUTGUID 1452894242 #define CHK_BUTTON 2818908353 #define CHK_MODIFIER 4037573396 // The following are not found in INI files; only profile and shortcuts files #define CHK_FFDEVICENAME 2645546658 #define CHK_FFDEVICENR 2037510273 #define CHK_DINPUTNAME 1453124154 #define CHK_DINPUTNR 3965009433 // If any of the following values conflict with djbHash return values (such as a blank string), there will be problems! // nothing #define PL_NOHIT 0 // [Category] #define PL_CATEGORY 1 // @STRING_PROFILEVERSION #define PL_VERSIONSTRING 10 // resets the static vars in ProcessKey #define PL_RESET 200 #define DIRECTORY_MEMPAK 0 #define DIRECTORY_GBROMS 1 #define DIRECTORY_GBSAVES 2 #define DIRECTORY_CONFIG 252 #define DIRECTORY_LOG 253 #define DIRECTORY_DLL 254 #define DIRECTORY_APPLICATION 255 #define DIRECTORY_INVALID 256 #define FILIST_MEM 1 #define FILIST_TRANSFER 2 #define BF_LOAD false #define BF_SAVE true #define BF_MEMPAK 0 #define BF_GBROM 1 #define BF_GBSAVE 2 #define BF_PROFILE 3 #define BF_NOTE 4 #define BF_SHORTCUTS 5 // 32 hex characters, 4 hyphens, 2 end braces #define GUID_STRINGLENGTH 32+4+2 #endif // #ifndef _FILEACCESS_H_