Name=Kirby 64 - The Crystal Shards (E)

$Access all crystals
50000701 0000
800D6EC0 0001
50001701 0000
800D6EC8 0007

$Access all difficulty levels
Note=100 yard hop, bumper crop bump & checkerboard chase
50000301 0000
800D6E69 0003

$Access all enemy info
50005101 0000
800D6F10 0002

$All Levels completed
Note=You must still beat boss's to continue onto next level
50002B01 0000
800D6EE0 0002

$All Save Slots 100% Completed\Save slot 1
800ECD18 0064

$All Save Slots 100% Completed\Save slot 2
800ECD70 0064

$All Save Slots 100% Completed\Save slot 3
800ECDC8 0064

$Infinite Max Health
800D718F 0006
800D7151 00C0

$Infinite Max Lives
800D714F 0064

$Kirkby can fly unlimited
8012EADF 00F0