#include "RSPDebuggerUI.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include void UpdateRSPRegistersScreen(void); void RDP_LogLoc(DWORD /*PC*/); void RSPDebuggerUI::ResetTimerList(void) { ::ResetTimerList(); } void RSPDebuggerUI::StartingCPU(void) { Enable_RSP_Commands_Window(); } void RSPDebuggerUI::RspCyclesStart(void) { uint32_t TaskType = *(uint32_t *)(RSPInfo.DMEM + 0xFC0); Compiler.bAudioUcode = (TaskType == 2) ? true : false; if (Profiling && !IndvidualBlock) { StartTimer((uint32_t)Timer_RSP_Running); } if (BreakOnStart) { Enter_RSP_Commands_Window(); } } void RSPDebuggerUI::RspCyclesStop(void) { if (Profiling && !IndvidualBlock) { StartTimer((DWORD)Timer_R4300_Running); } } void RSPDebuggerUI::BeforeExecuteOp(void) { if (NoOfBpoints != 0) { if (CheckForRSPBPoint(*RSPInfo.SP_PC_REG)) { if (InRSPCommandsWindow) { Enter_RSP_Commands_Window(); if (Stepping_Commands) { DisplayError("Encountered an R4300i breakpoint"); } else { DisplayError("Encountered an R4300i breakpoint\n\nNow stepping"); SetRSPCommandViewto(*RSPInfo.SP_PC_REG); SetRSPCommandToStepping(); } } else { DisplayError("Encountered an RSP breakpoint\n\nEntering command window"); Enter_RSP_Commands_Window(); } } } if (Stepping_Commands) { WaitingForStep = true; SetRSPCommandViewto(*RSPInfo.SP_PC_REG); UpdateRSPRegistersScreen(); while (WaitingForStep != 0) { Sleep(20); if (!Stepping_Commands) { WaitingForStep = false; } } } RDP_LogLoc(*PrgCount); } void RSPDebuggerUI::UnknownOpcode(void) { char Message[200]; int response; if (InRSPCommandsWindow) { SetRSPCommandViewto(*RSPInfo.SP_PC_REG); DisplayError("Unhandled Opcode\n%s\n\nStopping emulation", RSPInstruction(*RSPInfo.SP_PC_REG, RSPOpC.Value).NameAndParam().c_str()); } else { sprintf(Message, "Unhandled Opcode\n%s\n\nStopping emulation.\n\nWould you like to open the debugger?", RSPInstruction(*RSPInfo.SP_PC_REG, RSPOpC.Value).NameAndParam().c_str()); response = MessageBoxA(NULL, Message, "Error", MB_YESNO | MB_ICONERROR); if (response == IDYES) { Enter_RSP_Commands_Window(); } } ExitThread(0); } void RSPDebuggerUI::RDP_LogMF0(uint32_t PC, uint32_t Reg) { if (LogRDP && g_CPUCore == InterpreterCPU) { ::RDP_LogMF0(PC, Reg); } }