Name=Turok - Rage Wars (U) (V1.1)

$Level Select\Proving Ground-Tightrope
Note=Do Not use this with Level Select The Pit-Starlight. Only use One Level Select Option At A Time
8014BD9F 00??
00 Proving Grounds
01 Basic Training
02 Crossroads
03 Grim Retreat
04 Cathedral
05 Fall Out
06 Boxed Set
07 Dire Straight
08 Prey
09 Warehouse
0A Water Temple
0B Bomb Shelter
0C Tempered
0D Earth Temple
0E Fire Temple
0F Mystic
10 Bottleneck
11 Tightrope

$Level Select\The Pit-Starlight
Note=Do Not use this with Level Select Proving Ground-Tightrope. Only use One Level Select Option At A Time
8014BD9F 00??
12 The Pit
13 Leap Of Faith
14 Wicked Dance
15 Bunker
16 Ampatheater
17 Fire Walker
18 Crypts
19 Breakdown
1A Retaliation
1B Hopeless
1C Matrix
1D Fathom
1E The Pedestal
1F Defcon 5
20 Spirit Temple
21 Stronghold
22 Courtyard
23 Starlight

$Player 1\Have All\Medals
800FCB50 0003

$Player 1\Have All\Mini Game Icons
800FCB17 0024

$Player 1\Infinite Ammo
80336535 0063
80336537 0063
80336539 0063
80692B95 0063
80692B97 0063
80692B99 0063
80692B9B 0063
80692B9D 0063
80692B9F 0063
80692BA1 0063

$Player 1\Infinite\Cerebral Bores
8033653B 00FF

$Player 1\Infinite\Health
81336526 6400
80692B86 0064

$Player 1\Infinite\Metal Claws
80336541 00FF

$Player 1\Infinite\Proximity Mines
8033653D 00FF

$Player 1\Infinite\Sentry Guns
8033653F 00FF

$Player 1\Infinite\Time
811407F4 47AF
811407F6 C4B1

$Player 1\Play As
80140358 00??
00 Turok
01 Mantid
02 Drone
03 Fireborn
04 Soldier
05 Adon
06 Lord Of The Dead
07 Elite Guard
08 Blind One
09 Juggernaut
0A Death Guard
0B Bastile
0C Syra
0D Symbiont
0E Tail Set
0F Pur-Lin
10 Symbiont
11 Raptor
12 Mites
13 Monkey

$Player 1\Start With Weapon
803366B0 00??
00 Warhammer
01 Boomerang
02 Tek Crossbow
03 Mag 60
04 Shotgun
05 Assault Rifle
06 Mini Gun
07 Plasma Rifle
08 Freeze Gun
09 Flaregun
0A Grenade Launcher
0B Scorpion Launcher
0C Napalm Gel
0D Emaciator
0E Inflator
0F Chest Burster
10 Raptor Claw
11 Mite Bite
12 Cerebral Bore
13 PFM Mine
14 Iron Claw
15 Sentry Turret