[399B9B81-D533AD11-C:4A] Name=Extreme-G XG2 (J) Cheat0="Max Points",E86E9425 59B6 Cheat1="Infinite\Nitros",E96B6256 595B,E96B625A 595B Cheat2="Infinite\Shield",E96B6284 9B22 Cheat3="Access\All Tracks",50000BD8 0000,10183327 0001 Cheat4="Access\All Superbikes",50000304 0000,10183D6F 0001 Cheat5="Access\All Secret Characters",50000C04 0000,10183D6F 0001 Cheat6="Always 1st",E86B67B5 5959 Cheat7="[Screen Hud Clear]",E85D846D 5956 Cheat7_N=This Fixes the Problem on all Plugins that have Hud covering the Screen.Let the game load 1st before Putting this code on,Or it will give an error and Freeze