[D571C883-822D3FCF-C:50] Name=Blues Brothers 2000 (E) Cheat0="Have All\Keys",E85F35C0 594F,E85F35C3 594F,E85F35C2 594F Cheat0_N=This will give you the Grey & Red,Green & Gold Keys Cheat1="Have All\Music Notes",50000A01 0000,100BE3A0 0001 Cheat1_N=This will give you all 10 Music Notes Cheat2="Infinite\Lives",E85F35E5 5961 Cheat3="Infinite\Health",E85F35F9 595C Cheat4="Press L to Levitate",D017E975 0020,E96114E0 9523 Cheat4_N=Press L to levitate & let go to come back down Cheat5="Max Money",E95F35EA 5C37