Name=Turok - Rage Wars (U) (V1.0)
Cheat0="Player 1\Have All\Mini Game Icons",800FCB17 0024
Cheat1="Player 1\Infinite\Proximity Mines",8033653D 00FF
Cheat2="Player 1\Infinite\Metal Claws",80336541 00FF
Cheat3="Player 1\Infinite\Sentry Guns",8033653F 00FF
Cheat4="Player 1\Infinite\Cerebral Bores",8033653B 00FF
Cheat5="Player 1\Infinite\Health",81336526 6400,80692B86 0064
Cheat6="Player 1\Infinite Ammo",80336535 0063,80336537 0063,80336539 0063,80692B95 0063,80692B97 0063,80692B99 0063,80692B9B 0063,80692B9D 0063,80692B9F 0063,80692BA1 0063
Cheat7="Player 1\Play As",80140358 00??
Cheat7_O=$00 Turok,$01 Mantid,$02 Drone,$03 Fireborn,$04 Soldier,$05 Adon,$06 Lord Of The Dead,$07 Elite Guard,$08 Blind One,$09 Juggernaut,$0A Death Guard,$0B Bastile,$0C Syra,$0D Symbiont,$0E Tail Set,$0F Pur-Lin,$10 Symbiont,$11 Raptor,$12 Mites,$13 Monkey
Cheat8="Level Select\Proving Ground-Tightrope",8014BD9F 00??
Cheat8_N=Do Not use this with Level Select The Pit-Starlight. Only use One Level Select Option At A Time
Cheat8_O=$00 Proving Grounds,$01 Basic Training,$02 Crossroads,$03 Grim Retreat,$04 Cathedral,$05 Fall Out,$06 Boxed Set,$07 Dire Straight,$08 Prey,$09 Warehouse,$0A Water Temple,$0B Bomb Shelter,$0C Tempered,$0D Earth Temple,$0E Fire Temple,$0F Mystic,$10 Bottleneck,$11 Tightrope
Cheat9="Level Select\The Pit-Starlight",8014BD9F 00??
Cheat9_N=Do Not use this with Level Select Proving Ground-Tightrope. Only use One Level Select Option At A Time
Cheat9_O=$12 The Pit,$13 Leap Of Faith,$14 Wicked Dance,$15 Bunker,$16 Ampatheater,$17 Fire Walker,$18 Crypts,$19 Breakdown,$1A Retaliation,$1B Hopeless,$1C Matrix,$1D Fathom,$1E The Pedestal,$1F Defcon 5,$20 Spirit Temple,$21 Stronghold,$22 Courtyard,$23 Starlight
Cheat10="Player 1\Infinite\Time",811407F4 47AF,811407F6 C4B1
Cheat11="Player 1\Have All\Medals",810FCB4A FFFF,810FCB4C FFFF,810FCB4E FFFF,800FCB50 0003
Cheat12="Player 1\Start With Weapon",803366B0 00??
Cheat12_O=$00 Warhammer,$01 Boomerang,$02 Tek Crossbow,$03 Mag 60,$04 Shotgun,$05 Assault Rifle,$06 Mini Gun,$07 Plasma Rifle,$08 Freeze Gun,$09 Flaregun,$0A Grenade Launcher,$0B Scorpion Launcher,$0C Napalm Gel,$0D Emaciator,$0E Inflator,$0F Chest Burster,$10 Raptor Claw,$11 Mite Bite,$12 Cerebral Bore,$13 PFM Mine,$14 Iron Claw,$15 Sentry Turret