/* * RSP Compiler plug in for Project 64 (A Nintendo 64 emulator). * * (c) Copyright 2001 jabo (jabo@emulation64.com) and * zilmar (zilmar@emulation64.com) * * pj64 homepage: www.pj64.net * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute Project64 in both binary and * source form, for non-commercial purposes, is hereby granted without fee, * providing that this license information and copyright notice appear with * all copies and any derived work. * * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied * warranty. In no event shall the authors be held liable for any damages * arising from the use of this software. * * Project64 is freeware for PERSONAL USE only. Commercial users should * seek permission of the copyright holders first. Commercial use includes * charging money for Project64 or software derived from Project64. * * The copyright holders request that bug fixes and improvements to the code * should be forwarded to them so if they want them. * */ #include "opcode.h" #define NORMAL 0 #define DO_DELAY_SLOT 1 #define DELAY_SLOT 2 #define DELAY_SLOT_DONE 3 #define FINISH_BLOCK 4 #define FINISH_SUB_BLOCK 5 extern DWORD CompilePC, NextInstruction; extern BOOL ChangedPC; #define CompilerWarning if (ShowErrors) DisplayError #define High16BitAccum 1 #define Middle16BitAccum 2 #define Low16BitAccum 4 #define EntireAccum (Low16BitAccum|Middle16BitAccum|High16BitAccum) BOOL WriteToAccum (int Location, int PC); BOOL WriteToVectorDest (DWORD DestReg, int PC); BOOL UseRspFlags (int PC); BOOL DelaySlotAffectBranch(DWORD PC); BOOL CompareInstructions(DWORD PC, OPCODE * Top, OPCODE * Bottom); BOOL IsOpcodeBranch(DWORD PC, OPCODE RspOp); BOOL IsOpcodeNop(DWORD PC); BOOL IsNextInstructionMmx(DWORD PC); BOOL IsRegisterConstant (DWORD Reg, DWORD * Constant); void RSP_Element2Mmx(int MmxReg); void RSP_MultiElement2Mmx(int MmxReg1, int MmxReg2); #define MainBuffer 0 #define SecondaryBuffer 1 DWORD RunRecompilerCPU ( DWORD Cycles ); void BuildRecompilerCPU ( void ); void CompilerRSPBlock ( void ); void CompilerToggleBuffer (void); BOOL RSP_DoSections(void); typedef struct { DWORD StartPC, CurrPC; /* block start */ struct { DWORD TargetPC; /* Target for this unknown branch */ DWORD * X86JumpLoc; /* Our x86 dword to fill */ } BranchesToResolve[200]; /* Branches inside or outside block */ DWORD ResolveCount; /* Branches with NULL jump table */ } RSP_BLOCK; extern RSP_BLOCK CurrentBlock; typedef struct { BOOL bIsRegConst[32]; /* BOOLean toggle for constant */ DWORD MipsRegConst[32]; /* Value of register 32-bit */ DWORD BranchLabels[250]; DWORD LabelCount; DWORD BranchLocations[250]; DWORD BranchCount; } RSP_CODE; extern RSP_CODE RspCode; #define IsRegConst(i) (RspCode.bIsRegConst[i]) #define MipsRegConst(i) (RspCode.MipsRegConst[i]) typedef struct { BOOL mmx, mmx2, sse; /* CPU specs and compiling */ BOOL bFlags; /* RSP Flag Analysis */ BOOL bReOrdering; /* Instruction reordering */ BOOL bSections; /* Microcode sections */ BOOL bDest; /* Vector destionation toggle */ BOOL bAccum; /* Accumulator toggle */ BOOL bGPRConstants; /* Analyze GPR constants */ BOOL bAlignVector; /* Align known vector loads */ BOOL bAudioUcode; /* Audio ucode analysis */ } RSP_COMPILER; extern RSP_COMPILER Compiler; #define IsMmxEnabled (Compiler.mmx) #define IsMmx2Enabled (Compiler.mmx2) #define IsSseEnabled (Compiler.sse)