/**************************************************************************** * * * Project64 - A Nintendo 64 emulator. * * http://www.pj64-emu.com/ * * Copyright (C) 2012 Project64. All rights reserved. * * * * License: * * GNU/GPLv2 http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html * * * ****************************************************************************/ #include "stdafx.h" #include "N64DiskClass.h" #include "SystemGlobals.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include CN64Disk::CN64Disk() : m_DiskImage(NULL), m_DiskImageBase(NULL), m_DiskHeader(NULL), m_DiskHeaderBase(NULL), m_ErrorMsg(EMPTY_STRING), m_DiskBufAddress(0), m_DiskSysAddress(0), m_DiskIDAddress(0), m_DiskRomAddress(0) { } CN64Disk::~CN64Disk() { } bool CN64Disk::LoadDiskImage(const char * FileLoc) { UnallocateDiskImage(); m_ErrorMsg = EMPTY_STRING; //Assume the file extension is *.ndd or *.d64 stdstr ext = CPath(FileLoc).GetExtension(); stdstr ShadowFile = FileLoc; ShadowFile[ShadowFile.length() - 1] = 'r'; WriteTrace(TraceN64System, TraceDebug, "Attempt to load shadow file."); if (!AllocateAndLoadDiskImage(ShadowFile.c_str())) { WriteTrace(TraceN64System, TraceDebug, "Loading Shadow file failed"); UnallocateDiskImage(); if (!AllocateAndLoadDiskImage(FileLoc)) { return false; } } char RomName[5]; m_FileName = FileLoc; uint32_t crc1 = CalculateCrc(); uint32_t crc2 = ~crc1; m_DiskIdent.Format("%08X-%08X-C:%X", crc1, crc2, GetDiskAddressID()[0]); //Get the disk ID from the disk image if (*(uint32_t *)(&GetDiskAddressID()[0]) != 0) { //if not 0x00000000 RomName[0] = (char)*(GetDiskAddressID() + 3); RomName[1] = (char)*(GetDiskAddressID() + 2); RomName[2] = (char)*(GetDiskAddressID() + 1); RomName[3] = (char)*(GetDiskAddressID() + 0); RomName[4] = '\0'; } else { //if 0x00000000 then use a made up one RomName[0] = m_DiskIdent[12]; RomName[1] = m_DiskIdent[11]; RomName[2] = m_DiskIdent[10]; RomName[3] = m_DiskIdent[9]; RomName[4] = '\0'; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 8; i++) { m_DiskHeader[0x20 + (i ^ 3)] = (uint8_t)m_DiskIdent[9 + i]; } } m_RomName = RomName; m_Country = GetDiskCountryCode(); m_DiskType = GetDiskAddressSys()[5 ^ 3] & 0x0F; GenerateLBAToPhysTable(); InitSysDataD64(); if (g_Disk == this) { g_Settings->SaveBool(GameRunning_LoadingInProgress, false); SaveDiskSettingID(false); } return true; } bool CN64Disk::SaveDiskImage() { DeinitSysDataD64(); //NO NEED TO SAVE IF DISK TYPE IS 6 if (m_DiskType == 6) { m_DiskFile.Close(); WriteTrace(TraceN64System, TraceDebug, "Loaded Disk Type is 6. No RAM area. Shadow file is not needed."); return true; } //Assume the file extension is *.ndd (it is the only case where it is loaded) stdstr ShadowFile = m_FileName; ShadowFile[ShadowFile.length() - 1] = 'r'; WriteTrace(TraceN64System, TraceDebug, "Trying to open %s (Shadow File)", ShadowFile.c_str()); m_DiskFile.Close(); if (!m_DiskFile.Open(ShadowFile.c_str(), CFileBase::modeWrite | CFileBase::modeCreate | CFileBase::modeNoTruncate)) { WriteTrace(TraceN64System, TraceError, "Failed to open %s (Shadow File)", ShadowFile.c_str()); return false; } m_DiskFile.SeekToBegin(); ForceByteSwapDisk(); if (m_DiskFormat == DiskFormatMAME) { //If original file was MAME format, just copy WriteTrace(TraceN64System, TraceDebug, "64DD disk is MAME format"); } else if (m_DiskFormat == DiskFormatSDK) { //If original file was SDK format, we need to convert it back WriteTrace(TraceN64System, TraceDebug, "64DD disk is SDK format"); } if (!m_DiskFile.Write(m_DiskImage, m_DiskFileSize)) { m_DiskFile.Close(); WriteTrace(TraceN64System, TraceError, "Failed to write file"); return false; } m_DiskFile.Close(); return true; } void CN64Disk::SwapDiskImage(const char * FileLoc) { g_Reg->ASIC_STATUS &= ~DD_STATUS_DISK_PRES; LoadDiskImage(FileLoc); } bool CN64Disk::IsValidDiskImage(uint8_t Test[0x20]) { //Basic System Data Check (first 0x20 bytes is enough) //Disk Type if ((Test[0x05] & 0xEF) > 6) return false; //IPL Load Block uint16_t ipl_load_blk = ((Test[0x06] << 16) | Test[0x07]); if (ipl_load_blk > 0x10C3 || ipl_load_blk == 0x0000) return false; //IPL Load Address uint32_t ipl_load_addr = (Test[0x1C] << 32) | (Test[0x1D] << 24) | (Test[0x1E] << 16) | Test[0x1F]; if (ipl_load_addr < 0x80000000 && ipl_load_addr >= 0x80800000) return false; //Country Code if (*((uint32_t *)&Test[0]) == 0x16D348E8) { return true; } else if (*((uint32_t *)&Test[0]) == 0x56EE6322) { return true; } else if (*((uint32_t *)&Test[0]) == 0x00000000) { return true; } return false; } //Save the settings of the loaded rom, so all loaded settings about rom will be identified with //this rom void CN64Disk::SaveDiskSettingID(bool temp) { g_Settings->SaveBool(Game_TempLoaded, temp); g_Settings->SaveString(Game_GameName, m_RomName.c_str()); g_Settings->SaveString(Game_IniKey, m_DiskIdent.c_str()); //g_Settings->SaveString(Game_UniqueSaveDir, stdstr_f("%s-%s", m_RomName.c_str(), m_MD5.c_str()).c_str()); switch (GetCountry()) { case Germany: case french: case Italian: case Europe: case Spanish: case Australia: case X_PAL: case Y_PAL: g_Settings->SaveDword(Game_SystemType, SYSTEM_PAL); break; default: g_Settings->SaveDword(Game_SystemType, SYSTEM_NTSC); break; } } void CN64Disk::ClearDiskSettingID() { g_Settings->SaveString(Game_GameName, ""); g_Settings->SaveString(Game_IniKey, ""); } bool CN64Disk::AllocateDiskImage(uint32_t DiskFileSize) { WriteTrace(TraceN64System, TraceDebug, "Allocating memory for disk"); AUTO_PTR ImageBase(new uint8_t[DiskFileSize + 0x1000]); if (ImageBase.get() == NULL) { SetError(MSG_MEM_ALLOC_ERROR); WriteTrace(TraceN64System, TraceError, "Failed to allocate memory for disk (size: 0x%X)", DiskFileSize); return false; } uint8_t * Image = (uint8_t *)(((uint64_t)ImageBase.get() + 0xFFF) & ~0xFFF); // start at begining of memory page WriteTrace(TraceN64System, TraceDebug, "Allocated disk memory (%p)", Image); //save information about the disk loaded m_DiskImageBase = ImageBase.release(); m_DiskImage = Image; m_DiskFileSize = DiskFileSize; return true; } bool CN64Disk::AllocateDiskHeader() { WriteTrace(TraceN64System, TraceDebug, "Allocating memory for disk header forge"); AUTO_PTR HeaderBase(new uint8_t[0x40 + 0x1000]); if (HeaderBase.get() == NULL) { SetError(MSG_MEM_ALLOC_ERROR); WriteTrace(TraceN64System, TraceError, "Failed to allocate memory for disk header forge (size: 0x40)"); return false; } uint8_t * Header = (uint8_t *)(((uint64_t)HeaderBase.get() + 0xFFF) & ~0xFFF); // start at begining of memory page WriteTrace(TraceN64System, TraceDebug, "Allocated disk memory (%p)", Header); //save information about the disk loaded m_DiskHeaderBase = HeaderBase.release(); m_DiskHeader = Header; return true; } bool CN64Disk::AllocateAndLoadDiskImage(const char * FileLoc) { WriteTrace(TraceN64System, TraceDebug, "Trying to open %s", FileLoc); if (!m_DiskFile.Open(FileLoc, CFileBase::modeRead)) { WriteTrace(TraceN64System, TraceError, "Failed to open %s", FileLoc); return false; } //Make sure it is a valid disk image uint8_t Test[0x20]; bool isValidDisk = false; const uint8_t blocks[8] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11 }; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { m_DiskFile.Seek(0x4D08 * blocks[i], CFileBase::SeekPosition::begin); if (m_DiskFile.Read(Test, sizeof(Test)) != sizeof(Test)) { m_DiskFile.Close(); WriteTrace(TraceN64System, TraceError, "Failed to read ident bytes"); return false; } isValidDisk = IsValidDiskImage(Test); if (isValidDisk) break; } if (!isValidDisk) { m_DiskFile.Close(); WriteTrace(TraceN64System, TraceError, "invalid disk image file"); return false; } uint32_t DiskFileSize = m_DiskFile.GetLength(); stdstr ext = CPath(FileLoc).GetExtension(); WriteTrace(TraceN64System, TraceDebug, "Successfully Opened, size: 0x%X", DiskFileSize); //Check Disk File Format if (((DiskFileSize == MameFormatSize) || (DiskFileSize == SDKFormatSize)) && (ext.compare("ndr") || ext.compare("ndd"))) { if (DiskFileSize == MameFormatSize) { //If Disk is MAME Format (size is constant, it should be the same for every file), then continue m_DiskFormat = DiskFormatMAME; WriteTrace(TraceN64System, TraceDebug, "Disk File is MAME Format"); } else { //If Disk is SDK format (made with SDK based dumpers like LuigiBlood's, or Nintendo's, size is also constant) m_DiskFormat = DiskFormatSDK; WriteTrace(TraceN64System, TraceDebug, "Disk File is SDK Format"); } if (!AllocateDiskImage(DiskFileSize)) { m_DiskFile.Close(); return false; } //Load the n64 disk to the allocated memory g_Notify->DisplayMessage(5, MSG_LOADING); m_DiskFile.SeekToBegin(); uint32_t count, TotalRead = 0; for (count = 0; count < (int)DiskFileSize; count += ReadFromRomSection) { uint32_t dwToRead = DiskFileSize - count; if (dwToRead > ReadFromRomSection) { dwToRead = ReadFromRomSection; } if (m_DiskFile.Read(&m_DiskImage[count], dwToRead) != dwToRead) { m_DiskFile.Close(); SetError(MSG_FAIL_IMAGE); WriteTrace(TraceN64System, TraceError, "Failed to read file (TotalRead: 0x%X)", TotalRead); return false; } TotalRead += dwToRead; //Show Message of how much % wise of the rom has been loaded g_Notify->DisplayMessage(0, stdstr_f("%s: %.2f%c", GS(MSG_LOADED), ((float)TotalRead / (float)DiskFileSize) * 100.0f, '%').c_str()); } if (DiskFileSize != TotalRead) { m_DiskFile.Close(); SetError(MSG_FAIL_IMAGE); WriteTrace(TraceN64System, TraceError, "Expected to read: 0x%X, read: 0x%X", TotalRead, DiskFileSize); return false; } DetectSystemArea(); g_Notify->DisplayMessage(5, MSG_BYTESWAP); ByteSwapDisk(); } else if ((DiskFileSize > 0x4F08) && (ext.compare("d6r") || ext.compare("d64"))) { m_DiskFormat = DiskFormatD64; WriteTrace(TraceN64System, TraceDebug, "Disk File is D64 Format"); if (!AllocateDiskImage(DiskFileSize)) { m_DiskFile.Close(); return false; } //Load the n64 disk to the allocated memory g_Notify->DisplayMessage(5, MSG_LOADING); m_DiskFile.SeekToBegin(); uint32_t count, TotalRead = 0; for (count = 0; count < (int)DiskFileSize; count += ReadFromRomSection) { uint32_t dwToRead = DiskFileSize - count; if (dwToRead > ReadFromRomSection) { dwToRead = ReadFromRomSection; } if (m_DiskFile.Read(&m_DiskImage[count], dwToRead) != dwToRead) { m_DiskFile.Close(); SetError(MSG_FAIL_IMAGE); WriteTrace(TraceN64System, TraceError, "Failed to read file (TotalRead: 0x%X)", TotalRead); return false; } TotalRead += dwToRead; //Show Message of how much % wise of the rom has been loaded g_Notify->DisplayMessage(0, stdstr_f("%s: %.2f%c", GS(MSG_LOADED), ((float)TotalRead / (float)DiskFileSize) * 100.0f, '%').c_str()); } if (DiskFileSize != TotalRead) { m_DiskFile.Close(); SetError(MSG_FAIL_IMAGE); WriteTrace(TraceN64System, TraceError, "Expected to read: 0x%X, read: 0x%X", TotalRead, DiskFileSize); return false; } DetectSystemArea(); g_Notify->DisplayMessage(5, MSG_BYTESWAP); ForceByteSwapDisk(); } else { //Else the disk file is invalid m_DiskFile.Close(); WriteTrace(TraceN64System, TraceError, "Disk File is invalid, unexpected size"); return false; } ProtectMemory(m_DiskImage, m_DiskFileSize, MEM_READWRITE); AllocateDiskHeader(); memcpy(m_DiskHeader, GetDiskAddressSys(), 0x20); memcpy(m_DiskHeader + 0x20, GetDiskAddressID(), 0x20); memcpy(m_DiskHeader + 0x3B, GetDiskAddressID(), 5); return true; } void CN64Disk::ByteSwapDisk() { uint32_t count; switch (*((uint32_t *)&GetDiskAddressSys()[8])) { case 0x281E140A: case 0x3024180C: for (count = 0; count < m_DiskFileSize; count += 4) { m_DiskImage[count] ^= m_DiskImage[count + 3]; m_DiskImage[count + 3] ^= m_DiskImage[count]; m_DiskImage[count] ^= m_DiskImage[count + 3]; m_DiskImage[count + 1] ^= m_DiskImage[count + 2]; m_DiskImage[count + 2] ^= m_DiskImage[count + 1]; m_DiskImage[count + 1] ^= m_DiskImage[count + 2]; } break; case 0x0A141E28: break; case 0x0C182430: break; default: g_Notify->DisplayError(stdstr_f("ByteSwapDisk: %08X - %08X", *((uint32_t *)&GetDiskAddressSys()[8]), m_DiskSysAddress).c_str()); } } void CN64Disk::ForceByteSwapDisk() { uint32_t count; for (count = 0; count < m_DiskFileSize; count += 4) { m_DiskImage[count] ^= m_DiskImage[count + 3]; m_DiskImage[count + 3] ^= m_DiskImage[count]; m_DiskImage[count] ^= m_DiskImage[count + 3]; m_DiskImage[count + 1] ^= m_DiskImage[count + 2]; m_DiskImage[count + 2] ^= m_DiskImage[count + 1]; m_DiskImage[count + 1] ^= m_DiskImage[count + 2]; } } void CN64Disk::SetError(LanguageStringID ErrorMsg) { m_ErrorMsg = ErrorMsg; } void CN64Disk::UnallocateDiskImage() { m_DiskFile.Close(); if (m_DiskHeaderBase) { ProtectMemory(m_DiskHeader, 0x40, MEM_READWRITE); delete[] m_DiskHeaderBase; m_DiskHeaderBase = NULL; } m_DiskHeader = NULL; if (m_DiskImageBase) { ProtectMemory(m_DiskImage, m_DiskFileSize, MEM_READWRITE); delete[] m_DiskImageBase; m_DiskImageBase = NULL; } m_DiskImage = NULL; } uint32_t CN64Disk::CalculateCrc() { //Custom CRC int crc = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 0x200; i += 4) { crc += *(uint32_t*)(&GetDiskAddressRom()[i]); } return crc; } uint32_t CN64Disk::GetDiskAddressBlock(uint16_t head, uint16_t track, uint16_t block, uint16_t sector, uint16_t sectorsize) { uint32_t offset = 0; if (m_DiskFormat == DiskFormatMAME) { //MAME uint32_t tr_off = 0; uint16_t dd_zone = 0; if (track >= 0x425) { dd_zone = 7 + head; tr_off = track - 0x425; } else if (track >= 0x390) { dd_zone = 6 + head; tr_off = track - 0x390; } else if (track >= 0x2FB) { dd_zone = 5 + head; tr_off = track - 0x2FB; } else if (track >= 0x266) { dd_zone = 4 + head; tr_off = track - 0x266; } else if (track >= 0x1D1) { dd_zone = 3 + head; tr_off = track - 0x1D1; } else if (track >= 0x13C) { dd_zone = 2 + head; tr_off = track - 0x13C; } else if (track >= 0x9E) { dd_zone = 1 + head; tr_off = track - 0x9E; } else { dd_zone = 0 + head; tr_off = track; } offset = MAMEStartOffset[dd_zone] + tr_off * TRACKSIZE(dd_zone) + block * BLOCKSIZE(dd_zone) + sector * sectorsize; } else if (m_DiskFormat == DiskFormatSDK) { //SDK offset = LBAToByte(0, PhysToLBA(head, track, block)) + sector * sectorsize; } else { //D64 uint16_t ROM_LBA_END = *(uint16_t*)(&GetDiskAddressSys()[0xE2]); uint16_t RAM_LBA_START = *(uint16_t*)(&GetDiskAddressSys()[0xE0]); uint16_t RAM_LBA_END = *(uint16_t*)(&GetDiskAddressSys()[0xE6]); uint16_t LBA = PhysToLBA(head, track, block); if (LBA < DISKID_LBA) { offset = m_DiskSysAddress; } else if ((LBA >= DISKID_LBA) && (LBA < SYSTEM_LBAS)) { offset = m_DiskIDAddress; } else if (LBA <= (ROM_LBA_END + SYSTEM_LBAS)) { offset = 0x200 + LBAToByte(SYSTEM_LBAS, LBA - SYSTEM_LBAS) + (sector * sectorsize); } else if (((LBA - SYSTEM_LBAS) <= RAM_LBA_END) && ((LBA - SYSTEM_LBAS) >= RAM_LBA_START)) { offset = 0x200 + LBAToByte(SYSTEM_LBAS, ROM_LBA_END + 1); offset += LBAToByte(RAM_LBA_START + SYSTEM_LBAS, LBA - RAM_LBA_START - SYSTEM_LBAS) + (sector * sectorsize); } else { offset = 0xFFFFFFFF; } } if (sector == 0) { WriteTrace(TraceN64System, TraceDebug, "Head %d Track %d Block %d - LBA %d - Address %08X", head, track, block, PhysToLBA(head, track, block), offset); } return offset; } void CN64Disk::DetectSystemArea() { if ((m_DiskFormat == DiskFormatMAME) || (m_DiskFormat == DiskFormatSDK)) { //MAME / SDK (System Area can be handled identically) m_DiskSysAddress = 0; m_DiskIDAddress = DISKID_LBA * 0x4D08; m_DiskRomAddress = SYSTEM_LBAS * 0x4D08; //Handle System Data const uint16_t sysblocks[4] = { 9, 8, 1, 0 }; //Check if Disk is development disk bool isDevDisk = false; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (IsSysSectorGood(sysblocks[i] + 2, 0xC0)) { m_DiskSysAddress = ((sysblocks[i] + 2) * 0x4D08); isDevDisk = true; } } if (!isDevDisk) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (IsSysSectorGood(sysblocks[i], 0xE8)) { m_DiskSysAddress = (sysblocks[i] * 0x4D08); } } } //Handle Disk ID for (int i = 2; i > 0; i--) { //There are two Disk ID Blocks if (IsSysSectorGood(DISKID_LBA + i, 0xE8)) { m_DiskIDAddress = ((DISKID_LBA + i) * 0x4D08); } } } else //if (m_DiskFormat == DiskFormatD64) { //D64 (uses fixed addresses) m_DiskSysAddress = 0x000; m_DiskIDAddress = 0x100; m_DiskRomAddress = 0x200; } } bool CN64Disk::IsSysSectorGood(uint32_t block, uint32_t sectorsize) { //Checks if all sectors are identical (meant only to be used for System Area for MAME and SDK formats) for (int j = 1; j < SECTORS_PER_BLOCK; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < sectorsize; k++) { if (m_DiskImage[(block * 0x4D08) + (j * sectorsize) + k] != m_DiskImage[(block * 0x4D08) + k]) { return false; } } } if (block < DISKID_LBA) { //Check System Data //System Format if (m_DiskImage[(block * 0x4D08) + 4] != 0x10) return false; //Disk Format if ((m_DiskImage[(block * 0x4D08) + 5] & 0xF0) != 0x10) return false; //Always 0xFFFFFFFF if (*(uint32_t*)&m_DiskImage[(block * 0x4D08) + 0x18] != 0xFFFFFFFF) return false; uint8_t alt = 0xC; //Retail if ((block & 2) != 0) alt = 0xA; //Development //Alternate Tracks Offsets (always the same) for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { if (m_DiskImage[(block * 0x4D08) + 8 + i] != ((i + 1) * alt)) return false; } } return true; } Country CN64Disk::GetDiskCountryCode() { switch (*(uint32_t*)&GetDiskAddressSys()[0]) { case DISK_COUNTRY_JPN: return Country::Japan; case DISK_COUNTRY_USA: return Country::USA; case DISK_COUNTRY_DEV: default: return Country::UnknownCountry; } } void CN64Disk::InitSysDataD64() { //Else the disk will not work properly. if (m_DiskFormat != DiskFormatD64) return; GetDiskAddressSys()[4^3] = 0x10; GetDiskAddressSys()[5^3] |= 0x10; } void CN64Disk::DeinitSysDataD64() { //Restore the data if (m_DiskFormat != DiskFormatD64) return; GetDiskAddressSys()[4^3] = 0x00; GetDiskAddressSys()[5^3] &= 0x0F; } void CN64Disk::GenerateLBAToPhysTable() { for (uint32_t lba = 0; lba < SIZE_LBA; lba++) { LBAToPhysTable[lba] = LBAToPhys(lba); } } uint32_t CN64Disk::LBAToVZone(uint32_t lba) { for (uint32_t vzone = 0; vzone < 16; vzone++) { if (lba < VZONE_LBA_TBL[m_DiskType][vzone]) { return vzone; } } }; uint32_t CN64Disk::LBAToByte(uint32_t lba, uint32_t nlbas) { bool init_flag = true; uint32_t totalbytes = 0; uint32_t blocksize = 0; uint32_t vzone, pzone = 0; if (nlbas != 0) { for (; nlbas != 0; nlbas--) { if ((init_flag == true) || (VZONE_LBA_TBL[m_DiskType][vzone] == lba)) { vzone = LBAToVZone(lba); pzone = VZoneToPZone(vzone, m_DiskType); if (7 < pzone) { pzone -= 7; } blocksize = SECTORSIZE_P[pzone] * SECTORS_PER_BLOCK; } totalbytes += blocksize; lba++; init_flag = false; if ((nlbas != 0) && (lba > MAX_LBA)) { return 0xFFFFFFFF; } } } return totalbytes; } uint16_t CN64Disk::LBAToPhys(uint32_t lba) { uint8_t * sys_data = GetDiskAddressSys(); //Get Block 0/1 on Disk Track uint8_t block = 1; if (((lba & 3) == 0) || ((lba & 3) == 3)) block = 0; //Get Virtual & Physical Disk Zones uint16_t vzone = LBAToVZone(lba); uint16_t pzone = VZoneToPZone(vzone, m_DiskType); //Get Disk Head uint16_t head = (7 < pzone); //Get Disk Zone uint16_t disk_zone = pzone; if (disk_zone != 0) disk_zone = pzone - 7; //Get Virtual Zone LBA start, if Zone 0, it's LBA 0 uint16_t vzone_lba = 0; if (vzone != 0) vzone_lba = VZONE_LBA_TBL[m_DiskType][vzone - 1]; //Calculate Physical Track uint16_t track = (lba - vzone_lba) >> 1; //Get the start track from current zone uint16_t track_zone_start = SCYL_ZONE_TBL[0][pzone]; if (head != 0) { //If Head 1, count from the other way around track = -track; track_zone_start = OUTERCYL_TBL[disk_zone - 1]; } track += SCYL_ZONE_TBL[0][pzone]; //Get the relative offset to defect tracks for the current zone (if Zone 0, then it's 0) uint16_t defect_offset = 0; if (pzone != 0) defect_offset = sys_data[(8 + pzone - 1) ^ 3]; //Get amount of defect tracks for the current zone uint16_t defect_amount = sys_data[(8 + pzone) ^ 3] - defect_offset; //Skip defect tracks while ((defect_amount != 0) && ((sys_data[(0x20 + defect_offset) ^ 3] + track_zone_start) <= track)) { track++; defect_offset++; defect_amount--; } return track | (head * 0x1000) | (block * 0x2000); } uint16_t CN64Disk::PhysToLBA(uint16_t head, uint16_t track, uint16_t block) { uint16_t expectedvalue = track | (head * 0x1000) | (block * 0x2000); for (uint16_t lba = 0; lba < SIZE_LBA; lba++) { if (LBAToPhysTable[lba] == expectedvalue) { return lba; } } return 0xFFFF; }