[4EAA3D0E-74757C24-C:4A] Name=Super Mario 64 (J) Cheat0="Mario's Cap\Off Options",80339E07 00?? Cheat0_N=Here you can Choose Options with Mario without His Cap on,Do not use with any other Mario with/without Options,Use only one at a time Cheat0_O=$01 Mario No Cap,$02 Invisible Mario,$04 Metal Mario,$08 Flying Mario,$0A Invisible Flying Mario,$0D Metal Flying Mario,$0F Invisible Metal Flying Mario Cheat1="Mario's Cap\On Options",80339E07 00?? Cheat1_N=Here you can Choose Options with Mario with His Cap on,Do not use with any other Mario with/without Options,Use only one at a time Cheat1_O=$12 Invisible Mario,$15 Metal Mario,$16 Invisible Metal Mario,$19 Flying Mario Cheat2="Funny Mario Options\Mario's Cap\Off & in His Hand",80339E07 00?? Cheat2_N=Here you can Choose Options with Mario with His Cap off & in His Hand,Do not use with any other Mario with/without Options,Use only one at a time Cheat2_O=$20 Cap In Hand,$22 Invisible Mario Cap In Hand,$24 Metal Mario Cap In Hand,$26 Invisible Metal Mario Cap In Hand,$28 Flying Mario Cap In Hand Cheat3="Funny Mario Options\Mario's Cap\On & An Extra in His Hand",80339E07 00?? Cheat3_N=Here you can Choose Options with Mario with His Cap on & An Extra in His Hand,Do not use with any other Mario with/without Options,Use only one at a time Cheat3_O=$30 Cap In Hand,$32 Invisible Mario Cap In Hand,$34 Metal Mario Cap In Hand,$36 Invisible Metal Mario Cap In Hand,$38 Flying Mario Cap In Hand Cheat4="Infinite\Energy & Breath",80339EAE 0008 Cheat5="Infinite\Lives",80339EAD 0064 Cheat6="Have\Level Select",8032C64C 0001 Cheat7="Don't Hurt Mario\Monsters",A0339E27 0001 Cheat8="Have\Debug Mode",8032C658 00?? Cheat8_O=$01 On,$00 Off Cheat9="Press F9 for 255 Coins",89339EA8 00FF Cheat10="Press L To Levitate",D0339C31 0020,81339E4C 4220,D0339E4D 0020,81339E0C 0300,D0339E4D 0020,81339E0E 0880 Cheat10_N=Press L to levitate & Let go to land Cheat11="Have All\175 Stars",80207B0B 00FF,50000D02 0000,81207B0C FFFF Cheat11_N=I have Managed to put a Have 175 Stars Option in for you,once the Code is activated, you will see it as a new option in Save Slot A. Cheat12="Have All\Maxed Out Coin Records For All Levels",80207B25 00FF,81207B26 FFFF,81207B28 FFFF,81207B2A FFFF,81207B2C FFFF,81207B2E FFFF,81207B30 FFFF,81207B32 FFFF