[A08D0F77-6F82E38C-C:45] Name=Conker's Bad Fur Day (U) (ECTS Demo) (Fixed) $(Tap L Twice) To Skip Intro Note=On game start up, as soon as you see the N64 Logo, Tap the L Button twice letting go eachtime. D00A6289 0020 800A679F 0024 $Infinite 99 Lives 800B9B84 0063 $Infinite 99999 Cash 810B9B88 270F $Infinite Health\Player 1 800BCFD7 0006 $Infinite Health\Player 2 800B42CE 0006 $Infinite Health\Player 3 800B45F2 0006 $Infinite Health\Player 4 800B4916 0006 $Infinite Oxygen 810B3E9A 0000 $Infinite Time in Multi 810770DA 8C9E $Press L To Levitate\Player 1 D00D1055 0020 810B3E08 4200 $Start with Infinite 9 Granades or Bombs Note=This works for all Players, including player 1 in story mode. 800B9B70 0009 $Bypass locked menu 800D0BD3 00?? 01 Options 02 Chapters $Map Warp 800A679F 00?? 00 Bull boss fight - room has all the targets placed all in the middle, and lacks any other objects 01 Barn Boys interior - devoid of entities 02 Uga Buga - cutscene where the caveman gets squashed 03 Fish test room 04 D-Day beach - lacks assets 05 Black void 06 Windy, Ms bee is not present 07 Mrs catfish, lacks assets 0A Big, big guy boss fight. Map seems to be the same as final. 0B Bats tower. Lighting is different(?) Cannot do much since you spawn without the ability to swim underwater. Had a weird bug where all the cutscenes played. 0C Barn boys outside, had a funny bug where Conker would hold money forever. Missing a lot of assets. 0D Cheese test room. Lacks textures 0F Fangy Test room. 10 Haybot/water raising room. Dying will play all the cutscenes but will crash. Enabling the expansion pack shows weird broken red eye textures 11 strange maze room. Has a switch, and a random grate. 12 CRASHES GAME 13 War plane crash area. Devoid of almost anything 14 Bugga the Knuts arena. Doesn't have much in it. Is the hole normally there? 15 Inside the Windmill? 16 Tank test room 17 Battery water helmet room? Can't tell as you can't swim, and you raise up into a warp that crashes the game. 18 Panther King's throne 19 Room after the bluff. No dinosaurs are present 1A Heist multiplayer map 1B First room inside the Tediz base. Devoid of Teddiz 1C First room where you encounter Rodent. Devoid of anything, really. 1D CRASH 1E Upper floor of Teddiz Base UV and scripting issues. Devoid of almost anything 1F Test room. Purpose unknown. 20 Dupe of above 21 N64 Chainsaw cutscene 22 dying first time/meeting Gregg 23 Experiment boss map, devoid of anything 24 Tanks multiplayer map. Seems to be an asset dump for weird villager sprites. 25 another test map 26 Teddiz base turret room. Teddiz logo is different, as the turret sprite when using is is displaced (needs console proof this is a graphical error) 27 Inside Wasps' hive. Devoid of anything. 28 Teddiz base toxic waste room. Is filled with water for unknown reasons 29 training 2A Uga Bugga test room 2B Beach multiplayer, You can fall off and die by exiting the turrets 2C Inside the Poo Mountain cabin. Can't do much since there's no triggers/ability to escape. 2E training key room. Can't do much in here. 2F Causality Dept. Devoid of anything. 30 Capture the flag multiplayer. Teddiz symbol was changed. 31 Rock Solid. Devoid of anything 32 Lava race/mugged 33 Multiplayer race 34 Bunker multiplayer, Teddiz symbols changed again 35 Great Mighty Poo fight, devoid of anything 36 Matrix scene, devoid of anything 37 Bluff cutscene area, devoid of anything 38 Don weasel cutscene map 39 Outside the bank 3A Second room of Matrix bank 3B Windy at night 3C Spooky Mansion inside 3E CRASH 3F dinosaur multiplayer 40 final boss arena. Exiting will lead you into the vault where you can moonjump and find the Alien in the Matrix vault. 41 Spooky mansion outside, devoid of anything 42 Uga buga slime room, has some assets 43 Uga buga baby dinosaur room. Devoid of anything, and has some missing textures. $Access Multiplayer mode setup menu Note=Enables bypassing the lock by pressing Left on the D-Pad to access character select on the only locked map in Deathmatch: Temple. D00D1054 0001 800D0B60 0002 $Restore Unused Title Screen Note=Pressing Up on the D-Pad enables a semi-working version of a title screen D00D1054 0008 800D0D18 0002 $Enable Unused Cheats\BEELZEBUBSBUM Note="Hitler" Easter egg. 800DE623 0004 $Enable Unused Cheats\SPUNKJOCKEY Note=Slow motion kills with katana/chainsaw. 800DE623 0008 $Enable Unused Cheats\EASTEREGGSRUS Note=Unlock Neo Conker in multiplayer. 800DE623 0010 $Enable Unused Cheats\WELLYTOP Note=Unlock Conker in multiplayer. 800DE623 0020 $Enable Unused Cheats\NUTBINGCOEDS Note=Unlock weasel guard in multiplayer. 800DE623 0040 $Enable Unused Cheats\BAPHOMETSVAN Note=Unlock cavemen in multiplayer. 800DE623 0080 $Enable Unused Cheats\BEEFCURTAINS Note=Unlock zombies in multiplayer. 800DE622 0001 $Enable Unused Cheats\BOVRILBULLETHOLE Note=Conker with caveman afro. 800DE622 0002 $Enable Unused Cheats\DRACULASTEABAGS Note=Conker with caveman mohawk. 800DE622 0004 $Enable Unused Cheats\DUTCHOVENS Note=Conker with caveman spiky hair. 800DE622 0008 $Enable Unused Cheats\KOJACKSROLLNECK Note=1 Player Multiplayer Resolution Option. 800DE622 0010 $Enable Unused Cheats\WELDERSBENCH Note=Unlock all chapters. 800DE622 0080 $Enable Unused Cheats\RUSTYSHERIFFSBADGE Note=Unlock Squirrel Sergeant and Tediz Leader in multiplayer. 800DE621 0001 $Enable Unused Cheats\BILLYMILLROUNDABOUT Note=Unlock Gregg in multiplayer. 800DE621 0002