[62F6BE95-F102D6D6-C:50] Name=AeroFighters Assault (E) (M3) $99 Accuracy 80131530 0063 $99 Bonus 80131537 0063 $All Boss Attack levels unlocked Note=Unlocks all planes in death match 80355701 003F $Always Have\F-15J Eagle 8027D69C 0010 $Always Have\X-29A A.T.D. 8027D69D 0020 $Extra Planes 8127D69C FFFF $F-15J Eagle & X-29A A.T.D. planes unlocked 8035575C 00?? 10 F-15J Eagle 20 X-29A A.T.D. 3F Both of the above planes $Gun Select 8027E9D3 00?? 00 Chaff 01 Jammings 02 Air Mines 03 Mahibishi 0A 22mm BB Shot 0B 22mm 0C Hunai Shot 0D Fireball 0E Sabre 14 Fire 15 Tomahawk 16 Ninja Glitch 17 Fire Wave 1E Rocket 1F Phoenix 20 Star 21 Fire Arrow 28 Ninjabeam $Infinite\99 Lives 80355748 0063 $Infinite\Armor 8127D9A4 44A0 8127D9A8 44A0 $Infinite\Chaffs 8027E9C7 000A $Infinite\Gun 8027EAC0 0001 $Infinite\Health 8027D9A5 00C8 8027D9A9 00C8 $Infinite\Special Weapons 8027EE82 0002 $Stage Select screen unlocked Note=Hold L + R at the Game Mode screen and it will unlock every single level in the game; from Tokyo to Space. Do not hold L + R on any other screen, as this may cause game to freeze D0281691 0030 8027D5C0 000A D0281691 0030 8027D5DA 000A