// Project64 - A Nintendo 64 emulator // http://www.pj64-emu.com/ // Copyright(C) 2001-2021 Project64 // Copyright(C) 2007 Hiroshi Morii // Copyright(C) 2003 Rice1964 // GNU/GPLv2 licensed: https://gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html #ifdef WIN32 #pragma warning(disable: 4786) #endif #include /* memcpy, memset */ #include /* malloc, free */ #include "TxCache.h" #include "TxDbg.h" #include #include #include #include TxCache::~TxCache() { /* free memory, clean up, etc */ clear(); delete _txUtil; } TxCache::TxCache(int options, int cachesize, const char *path, const char *ident, dispInfoFuncExt callback) { _txUtil = new TxUtil(); _options = options; _cacheSize = cachesize; _callback = callback; _totalSize = 0; /* save path name */ if (path) { _path.assign(path); } /* save ROM name */ if (ident) { _ident.assign(ident); } /* zlib memory buffers to (de)compress hires textures */ if (_options & (GZ_TEXCACHE | GZ_HIRESTEXCACHE)) { _gzdest0 = TxMemBuf::getInstance()->get(0); _gzdest1 = TxMemBuf::getInstance()->get(1); _gzdestLen = (TxMemBuf::getInstance()->size_of(0) < TxMemBuf::getInstance()->size_of(1)) ? TxMemBuf::getInstance()->size_of(0) : TxMemBuf::getInstance()->size_of(1); if (!_gzdest0 || !_gzdest1 || !_gzdestLen) { _options &= ~(GZ_TEXCACHE | GZ_HIRESTEXCACHE); _gzdest0 = nullptr; _gzdest1 = nullptr; _gzdestLen = 0; } } } bool TxCache::add(uint64_t checksum, GHQTexInfo *info, int dataSize) { /* NOTE: dataSize must be provided if info->data is zlib compressed. */ if (!checksum || !info->data) return 0; uint8 *dest = info->data; uint16 format = info->format; if (!dataSize) { dataSize = _txUtil->sizeofTx(info->width, info->height, info->format); if (!dataSize) return 0; if (_options & (GZ_TEXCACHE | GZ_HIRESTEXCACHE)) { /* zlib compress it. compression level:1 (best speed) */ uLongf destLen = _gzdestLen; dest = (dest == _gzdest0) ? _gzdest1 : _gzdest0; if (compress2(dest, &destLen, info->data, dataSize, 1) != Z_OK) { dest = info->data; DBG_INFO(80, "Error: zlib compression failed!\n"); } else { DBG_INFO(80, "zlib compressed: %.02fkb->%.02fkb\n", (float)dataSize / 1000, (float)destLen / 1000); dataSize = destLen; format |= GFX_TEXFMT_GZ; } } } /* if cache size exceeds limit, remove old cache */ if (_cacheSize > 0) { _totalSize += dataSize; if ((_totalSize > _cacheSize) && !_cachelist.empty()) { /* _cachelist is arranged so that frequently used textures are in the back */ std::list::iterator itList = _cachelist.begin(); while (itList != _cachelist.end()) { /* find it in _cache */ std::map::iterator itMap = _cache.find(*itList); if (itMap != _cache.end()) { /* yep we have it. remove it. */ _totalSize -= (*itMap).second->size; free((*itMap).second->info.data); delete (*itMap).second; _cache.erase(itMap); } itList++; /* check if memory cache has enough space */ if (_totalSize <= _cacheSize) break; } /* remove from _cachelist */ _cachelist.erase(_cachelist.begin(), itList); DBG_INFO(80, "+++++++++\n"); } _totalSize -= dataSize; } /* cache it */ uint8 *tmpdata = (uint8*)malloc(dataSize); if (tmpdata) { TXCACHE *txCache = new TXCACHE; if (txCache) { /* we can directly write as we filter, but for now we get away * with doing memcpy after all the filtering is done. */ memcpy(tmpdata, dest, dataSize); /* copy it */ memcpy(&txCache->info, info, sizeof(GHQTexInfo)); txCache->info.data = tmpdata; txCache->info.format = format; txCache->size = dataSize; /* add to cache */ if (_cacheSize > 0) { _cachelist.push_back(checksum); txCache->it = --(_cachelist.end()); } /* _cache[checksum] = txCache; */ _cache.insert(std::map::value_type(checksum, txCache)); #ifdef DEBUG DBG_INFO(80, "[%5d] added!! crc:%08X %08X %d x %d gfmt:%x total:%.02fmb\n", _cache.size(), (uint32)(checksum >> 32), (uint32)(checksum & 0xffffffff), info->width, info->height, info->format, (float)_totalSize / 1000000); DBG_INFO(80, "smalllodlog2:%d largelodlog2:%d aspectratiolog2:%d\n", txCache->info.smallLodLog2, txCache->info.largeLodLog2, txCache->info.aspectRatioLog2); if (info->tiles) { DBG_INFO(80, "tiles:%d un-tiled size:%d x %d\n", info->tiles, info->untiled_width, info->untiled_height); } if (_cacheSize > 0) { DBG_INFO(80, "cache max config:%.02fmb\n", (float)_cacheSize / 1000000); if (_cache.size() != _cachelist.size()) { DBG_INFO(80, "Error: cache/cachelist mismatch! (%d/%d)\n", _cache.size(), _cachelist.size()); } } #endif /* total cache size */ _totalSize += dataSize; return 1; } free(tmpdata); } return 0; } bool TxCache::get(uint64_t checksum, GHQTexInfo *info) { if (!checksum || _cache.empty()) return 0; /* find a match in cache */ std::map::iterator itMap = _cache.find(checksum); if (itMap != _cache.end()) { /* yep, we've got it. */ memcpy(info, &(((*itMap).second)->info), sizeof(GHQTexInfo)); /* push it to the back of the list */ if (_cacheSize > 0) { _cachelist.erase(((*itMap).second)->it); _cachelist.push_back(checksum); ((*itMap).second)->it = --(_cachelist.end()); } /* zlib decompress it */ if (info->format & GFX_TEXFMT_GZ) { uLongf destLen = _gzdestLen; uint8 *dest = (_gzdest0 == info->data) ? _gzdest1 : _gzdest0; if (uncompress(dest, &destLen, info->data, ((*itMap).second)->size) != Z_OK) { DBG_INFO(80, "Error: zlib decompression failed!\n"); return 0; } info->data = dest; info->format &= ~GFX_TEXFMT_GZ; DBG_INFO(80, "zlib decompressed: %.02fkb->%.02fkb\n", (float)(((*itMap).second)->size) / 1000, (float)destLen / 1000); } return 1; } return 0; } bool TxCache::save(const char *path, const char *filename, int config) { if (!_cache.empty()) { CPath(path, "").DirectoryCreate(); gzFile gzfp = gzopen(CPath(path, filename), "wb1"); DBG_INFO(80, "gzfp:%x file:%ls\n", gzfp, filename); if (gzfp) { /* write header to determine config match */ gzwrite(gzfp, &config, 4); std::map::iterator itMap = _cache.begin(); while (itMap != _cache.end()) { uint8 *dest = (*itMap).second->info.data; uint32 destLen = (*itMap).second->size; uint16 format = (*itMap).second->info.format; /* to keep things simple, we save the texture data in a zlib uncompressed state. */ /* sigh... for those who cannot wait the extra few seconds. changed to keep * texture data in a zlib compressed state. if the GZ_TEXCACHE or GZ_HIRESTEXCACHE * option is toggled, the cache will need to be rebuilt. */ /*if (format & GFX_TEXFMT_GZ) { dest = _gzdest0; destLen = _gzdestLen; if (dest && destLen) { if (uncompress(dest, &destLen, (*itMap).second->info.data, (*itMap).second->size) != Z_OK) { dest = nullptr; destLen = 0; } format &= ~GFX_TEXFMT_GZ; } }*/ if (dest && destLen) { /* texture checksum */ gzwrite(gzfp, &((*itMap).first), 8); /* other texture info */ gzwrite(gzfp, &((*itMap).second->info.width), 4); gzwrite(gzfp, &((*itMap).second->info.height), 4); gzwrite(gzfp, &format, 2); gzwrite(gzfp, &((*itMap).second->info.smallLodLog2), 4); gzwrite(gzfp, &((*itMap).second->info.largeLodLog2), 4); gzwrite(gzfp, &((*itMap).second->info.aspectRatioLog2), 4); gzwrite(gzfp, &((*itMap).second->info.tiles), 4); gzwrite(gzfp, &((*itMap).second->info.untiled_width), 4); gzwrite(gzfp, &((*itMap).second->info.untiled_height), 4); gzwrite(gzfp, &((*itMap).second->info.is_hires_tex), 1); gzwrite(gzfp, &destLen, 4); gzwrite(gzfp, dest, destLen); } itMap++; /* not ready yet */ /*if (_callback) (*_callback)("Total textures saved to HDD: %d\n", std::distance(itMap, _cache.begin()));*/ } gzclose(gzfp); } } return _cache.empty(); } bool TxCache::load(const char *path, const char *filename, int config) { /* find it on disk */ CPath cbuf(path, filename); gzFile gzfp = gzopen(cbuf, "rb"); DBG_INFO(80, "gzfp:%x file:%ls\n", gzfp, filename); if (gzfp) { /* yep, we have it. load it into memory cache. */ int dataSize; uint64_t checksum; GHQTexInfo tmpInfo; int tmpconfig; /* read header to determine config match */ gzread(gzfp, &tmpconfig, 4); if (tmpconfig == config) { do { memset(&tmpInfo, 0, sizeof(GHQTexInfo)); gzread(gzfp, &checksum, 8); gzread(gzfp, &tmpInfo.width, 4); gzread(gzfp, &tmpInfo.height, 4); gzread(gzfp, &tmpInfo.format, 2); gzread(gzfp, &tmpInfo.smallLodLog2, 4); gzread(gzfp, &tmpInfo.largeLodLog2, 4); gzread(gzfp, &tmpInfo.aspectRatioLog2, 4); gzread(gzfp, &tmpInfo.tiles, 4); gzread(gzfp, &tmpInfo.untiled_width, 4); gzread(gzfp, &tmpInfo.untiled_height, 4); gzread(gzfp, &tmpInfo.is_hires_tex, 1); gzread(gzfp, &dataSize, 4); tmpInfo.data = (uint8*)malloc(dataSize); if (tmpInfo.data) { gzread(gzfp, tmpInfo.data, dataSize); /* add to memory cache */ add(checksum, &tmpInfo, (tmpInfo.format & GFX_TEXFMT_GZ) ? dataSize : 0); free(tmpInfo.data); } else { gzseek(gzfp, dataSize, SEEK_CUR); } /* skip in between to prevent the loop from being tied down to vsync */ if (_callback && (!(_cache.size() % 100) || gzeof(gzfp))) (*_callback)("[%d] total mem:%.02fmb - %ls\n", _cache.size(), (float)_totalSize / 1000000, filename); } while (!gzeof(gzfp)); gzclose(gzfp); } } return !_cache.empty(); } bool TxCache::del(uint64_t checksum) { if (!checksum || _cache.empty()) return 0; std::map::iterator itMap = _cache.find(checksum); if (itMap != _cache.end()) { /* for texture cache (not hi-res cache) */ if (!_cachelist.empty()) _cachelist.erase(((*itMap).second)->it); /* remove from cache */ free((*itMap).second->info.data); _totalSize -= (*itMap).second->size; delete (*itMap).second; _cache.erase(itMap); DBG_INFO(80, "removed from cache: checksum = %08X %08X\n", (uint32)(checksum & 0xffffffff), (uint32)(checksum >> 32)); return 1; } return 0; } bool TxCache::is_cached(uint64_t checksum) { std::map::iterator itMap = _cache.find(checksum); if (itMap != _cache.end()) return 1; return 0; } void TxCache::clear() { if (!_cache.empty()) { std::map::iterator itMap = _cache.begin(); while (itMap != _cache.end()) { free((*itMap).second->info.data); delete (*itMap).second; itMap++; } _cache.clear(); } if (!_cachelist.empty()) _cachelist.clear(); _totalSize = 0; }