[A08D0F77-6F82E38C-C:45] Name=Conker's Bad Fur Day (U) (Demo) (V_ECTS_Decrypted) $(Tap L Twice) To Skip Intro Note=On game start up, as soon as you see the N64 Logo, Tap the L Button twice letting go eachtime. D00A6289 0020 800A679F 0024 $Infinite 99 Lives 800B9B84 0063 $Infinite 99999 Cash 810B9B88 270F $Infinite Health\Player 1 800BCFD7 0006 $Infinite Health\Player 2 800B42CE 0006 $Infinite Health\Player 3 800B45F2 0006 $Infinite Health\Player 4 800B4916 0006 $Infinite Oxygen 810B3E9A 0000 $Infinite Time in Multi 810770DA 8C9E $Press L To Levitate\Player 1 D00D1055 0020 810B3E08 4200 $Start with Infinite 9 Granades or Bombs Note=This works for all Players, including player 1 in story mode. 800B9B70 0009