Name=Extreme-G XG2 (U)

$[Screen Hud Clear]
Note=If you are using a Plugin other then Jabos and can not see through the Thick Hud then Let the game load 1st before Putting this code on,Or it will give an error and Freeze
80092B8B 0004

$Access\All Secret Characters
Note=This code is Fantastic, You have 12 characters to choose from to you race without any bike, just on foot
50000C04 0000
801839CF 0001

$Access\All Superbikes
50000304 0000
801839CF 0001

$Access\All Tracks
50000BD8 0000
80182F87 0001

$Infinite Lasers\Player 1
80170B99 00C8

$Infinite Lasers\Player 2
80171241 00C8

$Infinite Lasers\Player 3
80171869 00C8

$Infinite Lasers\Player 4
80171ED1 00C8

$Infinite Nitros\Player 2
801711CB 0004
801711CF 0004

$Infinite Nitros\Player 3
80171833 0004
80171837 0004

$Infinite Nitros\Player 4
80171E9B 0004
80171E9F 0004

$Infinite Shield\Player 2
801711F5 00C8

$Infinite Shield\Player 3
8017185D 00C8

$Infinite Shield\Player 4
80171EC5 00C8

$Infinite\Nitros\Player 1
80170B63 0004
80170B67 0004

$Infinite\Shield\Player 1
80170B8D 00C8