[7AA65B36-FDCEE5AD-C:4A] Name=Doom 64 (J) Cheat0="Always Have\Gun",80063B33 0001 Cheat1="Always Have\Shotgun",80063B37 0001 Cheat2="Always Have\Double Shotgun",80063B3B 0001 Cheat3="Always Have\Chain Gun",80063B3F 0001 Cheat4="Always Have\Missile Launcher",80063B43 0001 Cheat5="Always Have\Chainsaw",80063B2B 0001 Cheat6="Always Have\Plasma Rifle",80063B47 0001 Cheat7="Always Have\BFG 9000",80063B4B 0001 Cheat8="Always Have\Have Rocket Launcher",80063B41 0001 Cheat9="Always Have\Laser Weapon",80063B4D 0001 Cheat10="Always Have\Bio Suite",80063AF3 00?? Cheat10_O=$FF On,$00 Off Cheat11="Infinite\Armor",80063ADF 00FF Cheat12="Always Have\Rapid Fire",81063BAA 0B94 Cheat13="Invincible",80063B7B 0002 Cheat14="Turn Map Markers On",80063B7B 0004 Cheat15="Invincible And Map Markers",80063B7B 0006 Cheat16="Berserk Mode",80063AEB 00FF Cheat17="[Max Brightness]",8005B598 0064 Cheat17_N=Enable this cheat on rom load to have Max Brightness (internal) and then put Jabo d3d8 on 160% Max for a extra brightness Boost. Cheat18="Have All\Weapons",50000A04 0000,81063B2A 0001 Cheat19="Infinite\Ammo All Weapons",50000404 0000,81063B52 013C Cheat20="Have All\Keys",50000504 0000,81063AFE FFFF Cheat21="Enable Cheat Menu",8005B043 0001