// ============ Glide RDB for PJ64 v2.2 ==================================== // UCODE: // These are ucode crcs used in the uCode detector. // If a crc is not found here, the plugin will ask you // to add it. All these values are in hexadecimal. // // uCodes: // -1 - Unknown, display error // 0 - RSP SW 2.0X (Super Mario 64) // 1 - F3DEX 1.XX (Star Fox 64) // 2 - F3DEX 2.XX (The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time) // 3 - F3DEX ? (WaveRace) // 4 - RSP SW 2.0D EXT (Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire) // 5 - RSP SW 2.0 (Diddy Kong Racing); // 6 - S2DEX 1.XX (Yoshi's Story - SimCity 2000) // 7 - RSP SW PD (Perfect Dark) // 8 - F3DEXBG 2.08 (Conker's Bad Fur Day) [ucode] 006bd77f=0 03044b84=2 030f4b84=2 05165579=1 05777c62=1 057e7c62=1 07200895=0 0bf36d36=9 0d7bbffb=-1 0d7cbffb=5 0ff79527=2 0ff795bf=-1 1118b3e0=1 1517a281=1 168e9cd5=2 1a1e18a0=2 1a1e1920=2 1a62dbaf=2 1a62dc2f=2 1de712ff=1 1ea9e30f=6 1f120bbb=21 21f91834=2 21f91874=2 22099872=2 24cd885b=1 26a7879a=1 299d5072=6 2b291027=2 2b5a89c2=6 2c7975d6=1 2d3fe3f1=1 2f71d1d5=2 2f7dd1d5=2 327b933d=1 339872a6=1 377359b6=2 3a1c2b34=0 3a1cbac3=0 3f7247fb=0 3ff1a4ca=1 4165e1fd=0 4340ac9b=1 440cfad6=1 47d46e86=7 485abff2=2 4fe6df78=1 5182f610=0 5257cd2a=1 5414030c=1 5414030d=1 559ff7d4=1 5b5d36e3=4 5b5d3763=3 5d1d6f53=0 5d3099f1=2 5df1408c=1 5ef4e34a=1 6075e9eb=1 60c1dcc4=1 6124a508=2 630a61fb=2 63be08b1=5 63be08b3=5 64ed27e5=1 65201989=2 65201a09=2 66c0b10a=1 679e1205=2 6bb745c9=6 6d8f8f8a=2 6e4d50af=0 6eaa1da8=1 72a4f34e=1 73999a23=1 74af0a74=6 753be4a5=2 794c3e28=6 7df75834=1 7f2d0a2e=1 82f48073=1 832fcb99=1 841ce10f=1 844b55b5=-1 863e1ca7=1 86b1593e=-1 8805ffea=1 8d5735b2=1 8d5735b3=1 8ec3e124=-1 93d11f7b=2 93d11ffb=2 93d1ff7b=2 9551177b=2 955117fb=2 95cd0062=2 97d1b58a=1 a2d0f88e=2 a346a5cc=1 aa86cb1d=2 aae4a5b9=2 ad0a6292=2 ad0a6312=2 ae08d5b9=0 b1821ed3=1 b4577b9c=1 b54e7f93=0 b62f900f=2 ba65ea1e=2 ba86cb1d=8 bc03e969=0 bc45382e=2 be78677c=1 bed8b069=1 c3704e41=1 c46dbc3d=1 c99a4c6c=1 c901ce73=2 c901cef3=2 cb8c9b6c=2 cee7920f=1 cfa35a45=2 d1663234=1 d20dedbf=6 d2a9f59c=1 d41db5f7=1 d5604971=0 d57049a5=1 d5c4dc96=-1 d5d68b1f=0 d67c2f8b=0 d802ec04=1 da13ab96=2 de7d67d4=2 e1290fa2=2 e41ec47e=0 e65cb4ad=2 e89c2b92=1 e9231df2=1 ec040469=1 ee47381b=1 ef54ee35=1 f9893f70=21 fb816260=1 ff372492=21 // ---- END OF HEADER, START OF ROM ENTRIES -------------------------- //================ 0-9 ================ [3B941695-F90A5EEB-C:50] Good Name=007 - The World is Not Enough (E) (M3) Internal Name=TWINE depthmode=0 filtering=1 [033F4C13-319EE7A7-C:45] Good Name=007 - The World is Not Enough (U) Internal Name=TWINE depthmode=0 filtering=1 [58FD3F25-D92EAA8D-C:50] Good Name=1080 Snowboarding (E) (M4) Internal Name=1080 SNOWBOARDING alt_tex_size=1 depthmode=0 fb_clear=1 fb_render=1 optimize_texrect=1 swapmode=2 [1FBAF161-2C1C54F1-C:41] Good Name=1080 Snowboarding (JU) (M2) Internal Name=1080 SNOWBOARDING depthmode=0 fb_clear=1 fb_render=1 optimize_texrect=1 swapmode=2 [B98BA456-5B2B76AF-C:4A] Good Name=64 de Hakken!! Tamagotchi - Minna de Tamagotchi World (J) Internal Name=ÐÝÅÃÞÀϺޯÁÜ°ÙÄÞ depthmode=0 fog=0 use_sts1_only=1 //================ A ================ [8F12C096-45DC17E1-C:50] Good Name=A Bug's Life (E) Internal Name=A Bug's Life depthmode=0 zmode_compare_less=1 [2B38AEC0-6350B810-C:46] Good Name=A Bug's Life (F) Internal Name=A Bug's Life depthmode=0 zmode_compare_less=1 [DFF227D9-0D4D8169-C:44] Good Name=A Bug's Life (G) Internal Name=A Bug's Life depthmode=0 zmode_compare_less=1 [F63B89CE-4582D57D-C:49] Good Name=A Bug's Life (I) Internal Name=A Bug's Life depthmode=0 zmode_compare_less=1 [82DC04FD-CF2D82F4-C:45] Good Name=A Bug's Life (U) Internal Name=A Bug's Life depthmode=0 zmode_compare_less=1 [62F6BE95-F102D6D6-C:50] Good Name=AeroFighters Assault (E) (M3) Internal Name=AERO FIGHTERS ASSAUL clip_zmin=1 [1B598BF1-ECA29B45-C:45] Good Name=AeroFighters Assault (U) Internal Name=AERO FIGHTERS ASSAUL clip_zmin=1 [2DC4FFCC-C8FF5A21-C:50] Good Name=Aidyn Chronicles - The First Mage (E) Internal Name=AIDYN_CHRONICLES depthmode=1 [E6A95A4F-BAD2EA23-C:45] Good Name=Aidyn Chronicles - The First Mage (U) (V1.0) Internal Name=AIDYN_CHRONICLES depthmode=1 [112051D2-68BEF8AC-C:45] Good Name=Aidyn Chronicles - The First Mage (U) (V1.1) Internal Name=AIDYN_CHRONICLES depthmode=1 [B6951A94-63C849AF-C:4A] Good Name=Akumajou Dracula Mokushiroku - Real Action Adventure (J) Internal Name=DRACULA MOKUSHIROKU depthmode=0 fb_clear=1 old_style_adither=1 [A5533106-B9F25E5B-C:4A] Good Name=Akumajou Dracula Mokushiroku Gaiden - Legend of Cornell (J) Internal Name=DRACULA MOKUSHIROKU2 depthmode=0 fb_clear=1 old_style_adither=1 [D9EDD54D-6BB8E274-C:50] Good Name=All-Star Baseball '99 (E) Internal Name=All-Star Baseball 99 buff_clear=0 depthmode=1 force_depth_compare=1 [C43E23A7-40B1681A-C:45] Good Name=All-Star Baseball '99 (U) Internal Name=All Star Baseball 99 buff_clear=0 depthmode=1 force_depth_compare=1 [A19F8089-77884B51-C:50] Good Name=All-Star Baseball 2000 (E) Internal Name=All-Star Baseball '0 depthmode=0 force_depth_compare=1 [5E547A4D-90E60795-C:45] Good Name=All-Star Baseball 2000 (U) Internal Name=All-Star Baseball '0 depthmode=0 force_depth_compare=1 [5446C6EF-E18E47BB-C:45] Good Name=All-Star Baseball 2001 (U) Internal Name=All-Star Baseball 20 force_depth_compare=1 [4C52BBB2-CEAB0F6B-C:45] Good Name=Army Men - Air Combat (U) Internal Name=ARMYMENAIRCOMBAT depthmode=1 increase_texrect_edge=1 [FC7797BF-4A95E83C-C:50] Good Name=Automobili Lamborghini (E) Internal Name=LAMBORGHINI use_sts1_only=1 [41B25DC4-1B726786-C:45] Good Name=Automobili Lamborghini (U) Internal Name=LAMBORGHINI use_sts1_only=1 //================ B ================ [E340A49C-74318D41-C:4A] Good Name=Baku Bomberman (J) Internal Name=BAKU-BOMBERMAN depthmode=0 [E73C7C4F-AF93B838-C:4A] Good Name=Baku Bomberman 2 (J) Internal Name=BAKUBOMB2 depthmode=0 filtering=1 [DF98B95D-58840978-C:4A] Good Name=Bakuretsu Muteki Bangaioh (J) Internal Name=BANGAIOH depthmode=1 [88CF980A-8ED52EB5-C:4A] Good Name=Bakushou Jinsei 64 - Mezase! Resort Ou (J) Internal Name=˞ؼγݞݾҶ4 depthmode=0 fb_info_disable=1 [5168D520-CA5FCD0D-C:4A] Good Name=Banjo to Kazooie no Daibouken (J) Internal Name=Banjo-Kazooie depthmode=1 filtering=1 [514B6900-B4B19881-C:4A] Good Name=Banjo to Kazooie no Daibouken 2 (J) Internal Name=BANJO KAZOOIE 2 depthmode=1 filtering=1 [733FCCB1-444892F9-C:50] Good Name=Banjo-Kazooie (E) (M3) Internal Name=Banjo-Kazooie depthmode=1 filtering=1 [A4BF9306-BF0CDFD1-C:45] Good Name=Banjo-Kazooie (U) (V1.0) Internal Name=Banjo-Kazooie depthmode=1 filtering=1 [CD7559AC-B26CF5AE-C:45] Good Name=Banjo-Kazooie (U) (V1.1) Internal Name=Banjo-Kazooie depthmode=1 filtering=1 [155B7CDF-F0DA7325-C:55] Good Name=Banjo-Tooie (A) Internal Name=BANJO TOOIE depthmode=1 filtering=1 [C9176D39-EA4779D1-C:50] Good Name=Banjo-Tooie (E) (M4) depthmode=1 filtering=1 [C2E9AA9A-475D70AA-C:45] Good Name=Banjo-Tooie (U) Internal Name=BANJO TOOIE depthmode=1 filtering=1 [B088FBB4-441E4B1D-C:50] Good Name=Bass Hunter 64 (E) Internal Name=BASS HUNTER 64 buff_clear=0 depthmode=1 fix_tex_coord=1 swapmode=2 [55D4C4CE-7753C78A-C:45] Good Name=Battlezone - Rise of the Black Dogs (U) Internal Name=BATTLEZONE depthmode=1 force_depth_compare=1 [9C7318D2-24AE0DC1-C:4A] Good Name=Beetle Adventure Racing (J) Internal Name=BEETLE ADVENTURE JP depthmode=1 filtering=1 n64_z_scale=1 wrap_big_tex=1 [A1B64A61-D014940B-C:50] Good Name=Beetle Adventure Racing! (E) (M3) Internal Name=Beetle Adventure Rac depthmode=1 filtering=1 n64_z_scale=1 wrap_big_tex=1 [EDF419A8-BF1904CC-C:45] Good Name=Beetle Adventure Racing! (U) (M3) Internal Name=Beetle Adventure Rac depthmode=1 filtering=1 n64_z_scale=1 wrap_big_tex=1 [08FFA4B7-01F453B6-C:45] Good Name=Big Mountain 2000 (U) Internal Name=Big Mountain 2000 depthmode=1 [AB7C101D-EC58C8B0-C:50] Good Name=Bio F.R.E.A.K.S. (E) Internal Name=BIOFREAKS buff_clear=0 depthmode=0 [08123595-0510F1DE-C:45] Good Name=Bio F.R.E.A.K.S. (U) Internal Name=BIOFREAKS buff_clear=0 depthmode=0 [7EAE2488-9D40A35A-C:4A] Good Name=Biohazard 2 (J) Internal Name=BioHazard II adjust_aspect=0 depthmode=0 detect_cpu_write=1 fix_tex_coord=128 n64_z_scale=1 swapmode=2 fb_render=1 [7C64E6DB-55B924DB-C:50] Good Name=Blast Corps (E) Internal Name=Blast Corps depthmode=1 fb_read_alpha=1 swapmode=0 [7C647C25-D9D901E6-C:45] Good Name=Blast Corps (U) (V1.0) Internal Name=Blast Corps depthmode=1 fb_read_alpha=1 swapmode=0 [7C647E65-1948D305-C:45] Good Name=Blast Corps (U) (V1.1) Internal Name=Blast Corps depthmode=1 fb_read_alpha=1 swapmode=0 [65234451-EBD3346F-C:4A] Good Name=Blast Dozer (J) Internal Name=Blastdozer depthmode=1 fb_read_alpha=1 swapmode=0 [0B58B8CD-B7B291D2-C:50] Good Name=Body Harvest (E) (M3) Internal Name=Body Harvest depthmode=1 [5326696F-FE9A99C3-C:45] Good Name=Body Harvest (U) Internal Name=BODY HARVEST depthmode=1 [B3D451C6-E1CB58E2-C:4A] Good Name=Bokujou Monogatari 2 (J) (V1.0) Internal Name=Ϟؼޮԓɶ߀ز depthmode=0 fb_smart=0 fog=0 zmode_compare_less=1 [7365D8F8-9ED9326F-C:4A] Good Name=Bokujou Monogatari 2 (J) (V1.1) //Harvest Moon 64 JAP Internal Name=Ϟؼޮԓɶ߀ز depthmode=0 fb_smart=0 fog=0 zmode_compare_less=1 [736657F6-3C88A702-C:4A] Good Name=Bokujou Monogatari 2 (J) (V1.2) //Harvest Moon 64 JAP Internal Name=Ϟؼޮԓɶ߀ز depthmode=0 fb_smart=0 fog=0 zmode_compare_less=1 [5A160336-BC7B37B0-C:50] Good Name=Bomberman 64 (E) Internal Name=BOMBERMAN64E depthmode=0 [DF6FF0F4-29D14238-C:4A] Good Name=Bomberman 64 (J) Internal Name=BOMBERMAN64 depthmode=0 [F568D51E-7E49BA1E-C:45] Good Name=Bomberman 64 (U) Internal Name=BOMBERMAN64U depthmode=0 [237E73B4-D63B6B37-C:45] Good Name=Bomberman 64 - The Second Attack! (U) Internal Name=BOMBERMAN64U2 depthmode=0 filtering=1 [D72FD14D-1FED32C4-C:45] Good Name=Bottom of the 9th (U) Internal Name=Bottom of the 9th depthmode=0 filtering=1 optimize_texrect=0 [1E22CF2E-42AAC813-C:45] Good Name=Brunswick Circuit Pro Bowling (U) Internal Name=BRUNSWICKBOWLING buff_clear=0 depthmode=0 swapmode=0 [4222D89F-AFE0B637-C:45] Good Name=Bust-A-Move '99 (U) Internal Name=Bust A Move '99 depthmode=1 filtering=2 [CEDCDE1E-513A0502-C:50] Good Name=Bust-A-Move 2 - Arcade Edition (E) Internal Name=Bust A Move 2 depthmode=1 filtering=2 fix_tex_coord=1 fog=0 [8A86F073-CD45E54B-C:45] Good Name=Bust-A-Move 2 - Arcade Edition (U) Internal Name=Bust A Move 2 depthmode=1 filtering=2 fix_tex_coord=1 fog=0 [E328B4FA-004A28E1-C:50] Good Name=Bust-A-Move 3 DX (E) Internal Name=Bust A Move 3 DX depthmode=1 filtering=2 //================ C ================ [580162EC-E3108BF1-C:58] Good Name=Carmageddon 64 (E) (M4) (Eng-Spa-Fre-Ger) Internal Name=CARMAGEDDON64 depthmode=1 filtering=1 wrap_big_tex=1 [E48E01F5-E6E51F9B-C:59] Good Name=Carmageddon 64 (E) (M4) (Eng-Spa-Fre-Ita) Internal Name=CARMAGEDDON64 depthmode=1 filtering=1 wrap_big_tex=1 [F00F2D4E-340FAAF4-C:45] Good Name=Carmageddon 64 (U) Internal Name=CARMAGEDDON64 depthmode=1 filtering=1 wrap_big_tex=1 [64F1B7CA-71A23755-C:50] Good Name=Castlevania (E) (M3) Internal Name=CASTLEVANIA depthmode=0 fb_clear=1 old_style_adither=1 [F35D5F95-8AFE3D69-C:45] Good Name=Castlevania (U) (V1.0) Internal Name=CASTLEVANIA depthmode=0 fb_clear=1 old_style_adither=1 [F35D5335-B7667CB7-C:45] Good Name=Castlevania (U) (V1.1) Internal Name=CASTLEVANIA depthmode=0 fb_clear=1 old_style_adither=1 [4BCDFF47-AAA3AF8F-C:45] Good Name=Castlevania (U) (V1.2) Internal Name=CASTLEVANIA depthmode=0 fb_clear=1 old_style_adither=1 [A2C54BE7-6719CBB2-C:50] Good Name=Castlevania - Legacy of Darkness (E) (M3) Internal Name=CASTLEVANIA2 depthmode=0 fb_clear=1 old_style_adither=1 [1CC06338-87388926-C:45] Good Name=Castlevania - Legacy of Darkness (U) Internal Name=CASTLEVANIA2 depthmode=0 fb_clear=1 old_style_adither=1 [DCCF2134-9DD63578-C:50] Good Name=Centre Court Tennis (E) Internal Name=CENTRE COURT TENNIS depthmode=0 soft_depth_compare=1 [07A69D01-9A7D41A1-C:50] Good Name=Chameleon Twist 2 (E) Internal Name=Chameleon Twist2 depthmode=0 filtering=1 [0549765A-93B9D042-C:4A] Good Name=Chameleon Twist 2 (J) Internal Name=Chameleon Twist2 depthmode=0 filtering=1 [CD538CE4-618AFCF9-C:45] Good Name=Chameleon Twist 2 (U) Internal Name=Chameleon Twist2 depthmode=0 filtering=1 [2E359339-3FA5EDA6-C:50] Good Name=Chopper Attack (E) Internal Name=CHOPPER_ATTACK depthmode=0 filtering=1 [214CAD94-BE1A3B24-C:45] Good Name=Chopper Attack (U) Internal Name=CHOPPER_ATTACK depthmode=0 filtering=1 [A7941528-61F1199D-C:4A] Good Name=Chou Snobow Kids (J) Internal Name=Snobow Kids 2 filtering=1 swapmode=0 [F8009DB0-6B291823-C:4A] Good Name=City Tour Grandprix - Zennihon GT Senshuken (J) Internal Name=CITY TOUR GP depthmode=1 filtering=1 force_microcheck=1 [AE5B9465-C54D6576-C:50] Good Name=Command & Conquer (E) (M2) Internal Name=Command&Conquer aspect=2 depthmode=1 filtering=1 fix_tex_coord=1 fog=0 [B5025BAD-D32675FD-C:44] Good Name=Command & Conquer (G) Internal Name=Command&Conquer aspect=2 depthmode=1 filtering=1 fix_tex_coord=1 fog=0 [95286EB4-B76AD58F-C:45] Good Name=Command & Conquer (U) Internal Name=Command&Conquer aspect=2 depthmode=1 filtering=1 fix_tex_coord=1 fog=0 [373F5889-9A6CA80A-C:50] Good Name=Conker's Bad Fur Day (E) Internal Name=CONKER BFD depthmode=0 fb_clear=1 filtering=1 ignore_previous=1 optimize_texrect=1 [30C7AC50-7704072D-C:45] Good Name=Conker's Bad Fur Day (U) Internal Name=CONKER BFD depthmode=0 fb_clear=1 filtering=1 ignore_previous=1 optimize_texrect=1 [46A3F7AF-0F7591D0-C:45] Good Name=Cruis'n Exotica (U) Internal Name=CruisnExotica buff_clear=0 depthmode=1 filtering=1 swapmode=0 [503EA760-E1300E96-C:50] Good Name=Cruis'n USA (E) Internal Name=Cruis'n USA depthmode=1 fb_clear=1 filtering=1 [FF2F2FB4-D161149A-C:45] Good Name=Cruis'n USA (U) (V1.0) Internal Name=Cruis'n USA depthmode=1 fb_clear=1 filtering=1 [5306CF45-CBC49250-C:45] Good Name=Cruis'n USA (U) (V1.1) Internal Name=Cruis'n USA depthmode=1 fb_clear=1 filtering=1 [B3402554-7340C004-C:45] Good Name=Cruis'n USA (U) (V1.2) Internal Name=Cruis'n USA depthmode=1 fb_clear=1 filtering=1 [83CB0B87-7E325457-C:4A] Good Name=Custom Robo (J) Internal Name=custom robo depthmode=0 [079501B9-AB0232AB-C:4A] Good Name=Custom Robo V2 (J) Internal Name=CUSTOMROBOV2 depthmode=0 [D1A78A07-52A3DD3E-C:50] Good Name=CyberTiger (E) Internal Name=CyberTiger depthmode=0 fix_tex_coord=16 [E8FC8EA1-9F738391-C:45] Good Name=CyberTiger (U) Internal Name=CyberTiger depthmode=0 fix_tex_coord=16 //================ D ================ [7ED67CD4-B4415E6D-C:50] Good Name=Dark Rift (E) Internal Name=DARK RIFT force_microcheck=1 [A4A52B58-23759841-C:45] Good Name=Dark Rift (U) Internal Name=DARK RIFT force_microcheck=1 [F5363349-DBF9D21B-C:45] Good Name=Deadly Arts (U) Internal Name=DeadlyArts clip_zmin=1 depthmode=0 soft_depth_compare=1 [3F66A9D9-9BCB5B00-C:46] Good Name=Defi au Tetris Magique (F) Internal Name=MAGICAL TETRIS depthmode=1 fog=0 force_microcheck=1 [A5F667E1-DA1FBD1F-C:4A] Good Name=Derby Stallion 64 (J) Internal Name=DERBYSTALLION 64 depthmode=0 fix_tex_coord=1 [C16C421B-A21580F7-C:45] Good Name=Disney's Donald Duck - Goin' Quackers (U) (M4) Internal Name=Donald Duck Goin' Qu depthmode=0 detect_cpu_write=1 [3DF17480-193DED5A-C:50] Good Name=Donald Duck - Quack Attack (E) (M5) Internal Name=Donald Duck Quack At depthmode=0 detect_cpu_write=1 [11936D8C-6F2C4B43-C:50] Good Name=Donkey Kong 64 (E) Internal Name=DONKEY KONG 64 depth_bias=64 depthmode=1 fb_clear=1 fb_render=1 lodmode=1 [053C89A7-A5064302-C:4A] Good Name=Donkey Kong 64 (J) Internal Name=DONKEY KONG 64 depth_bias=64 depthmode=1 fb_clear=1 fb_render=1 lodmode=1 [EC58EABF-AD7C7169-C:45] Good Name=Donkey Kong 64 (U) Internal Name=DONKEY KONG 64 depth_bias=64 depthmode=1 fb_clear=1 fb_render=1 lodmode=1 [0DD4ABAB-B5A2A91E-C:45] Good Name=Donkey Kong 64 (U) (Kiosk Demo) Internal Name=D K DISPLAY depthmode=1 fb_clear=1 fb_render=1 [2C739EAC-9EF77726-C:50] Good Name=Doom 64 (E) Internal Name=Doom64 depthmode=1 fillcolor_fix=1 [7AA65B36-FDCEE5AD-C:4A] Good Name=Doom 64 (J) Internal Name=DOOM64 depthmode=1 fillcolor_fix=1 [A83E101A-E937B69D-C:45] Good Name=Doom 64 (U) (V1.0) Internal Name=Doom64 depthmode=1 fillcolor_fix=1 [423E96F4-CE88F05B-C:45] Good Name=Doom 64 (U) (V1.1) Internal Name=Doom64 depthmode=1 fillcolor_fix=1 [BFF7B1C2-AEBF148E-C:4A] Good Name=Doraemon - Nobita to 3tsu no Seireiseki (J) Internal Name=ÄÞ×´ÓÝ Ð¯Âɾ²Ú²¾· depthmode=1 read_back_to_screen=1 [A8275140-B9B056E8-C:4A] Good Name=Doraemon 3 - Nobita no Machi SOS! (J) Internal Name=ÄÞ×´ÓÝ3 ÉËÞÀÉÏÁSOS! clip_zmin=1 [769D4D13-DA233FFE-C:45] Good Name=Dr. Mario 64 (U) Internal Name=DR.MARIO 64 depthmode=1 fb_hires=0 fix_tex_coord=256 optimize_write=1 read_back_to_screen=1 [B6524461-ED6D04B1-C:50] Good Name=Dual Heroes (E) Internal Name=Dual heroes PAL depthmode=0 filtering=1 swapmode=0 [056EAB63-C215FCD5-C:4A] Good Name=Dual Heroes (J) Internal Name=Dual heroes JAPAN depthmode=0 filtering=1 swapmode=0 [A62230C3-F0834488-C:45] Good Name=Dual Heroes (U) Internal Name=Dual heroes USA depthmode=0 filtering=1 swapmode=0 [FBB9F1FA-6BF88689-C:45] Good Name=Duck Dodgers Starring Daffy Duck (U) (M3) Internal Name=LT DUCK DODGERS depthmode=1 wrap_big_tex=1 [57BFF74D-DE747743-C:50] Good Name=Duke Nukem 64 (E) Internal Name=DUKE NUKEM depthmode=0 increase_primdepth=1 [1E12883D-D3B92718-C:46] Good Name=Duke Nukem 64 (F) Internal Name=DUKE NUKEM depthmode=0 increase_primdepth=1 [A273AB56-DA33DB9A-C:45] Good Name=Duke Nukem 64 (U) Internal Name=DUKE NUKEM depthmode=0 increase_primdepth=1 //================ E ================ [492B9DE8-C6CCC81C-C:50] Good Name=Earthworm Jim 3D (E) (M6) Internal Name=EARTHWORM JIM 3D buff_clear=0 depthmode=0 filtering=1 increase_primdepth=1 [DF574191-9EB5123D-C:45] Good Name=Earthworm Jim 3D (U) Internal Name=EARTHWORM JIM 3D buff_clear=0 depthmode=0 filtering=1 increase_primdepth=1 [0DED0568-1502515E-C:4A] Good Name=Eikou no Saint Andrews (J) Internal Name=´²º³É¾ÝıÝÄÞØ­°½ correct_viewport=1 [E13AE2DC-4FB65CE8-C:4A] Good Name=Eltale Monsters (J) Internal Name=Eltail depthmode=1 filtering=2 [202A8EE4-83F88B89-C:50] Good Name=Excitebike 64 (E) Internal Name=EXCITEBIKE64 depthmode=0 fb_render=1 [861C3519-F6091CE5-C:4A] Good Name=Excitebike 64 (J) Internal Name=EXCITEBIKE64 depthmode=0 fb_render=1 [07861842-A12EBC9F-C:45] Good Name=Excitebike 64 (U) (V1.0) Internal Name=EXCITEBIKE64 depthmode=0 fb_render=1 [F9D411E3-7CB29BC0-C:45] Good Name=Excitebike 64 (U) (V1.1) Internal Name=EXCITEBIKE64 depthmode=0 fb_render=1 [AF754F7B-1DD17381-C:45] Good Name=Excitebike 64 (U) (Kiosk Demo) Internal Name=EXCITEBIKE64 depthmode=0 fb_render=1 [8E9D834E-1E8B29A9-C:50] Good Name=Extreme-G (E) (M5) depthmode=0 [EE802DC4-690BD57D-C:4A] Good Name=Extreme-G (J) Internal Name=EXTREME-G depthmode=0 [FDA245D2-A74A3D47-C:45] Good Name=Extreme-G (U) Internal Name=extremeg depthmode=0 [1185EC85-4B5A7731-C:50] Good Name=Extreme-G XG2 (E) (M5) depthmode=0 fb_clear=1 [399B9B81-D533AD11-C:4A] Good Name=Extreme-G XG2 (J) Internal Name=´¸½ÄØ°ÑG2 depthmode=0 fb_clear=1 [5CD4150B-470CC2F1-C:45] Good Name=Extreme-G XG2 (U) Internal Name=Extreme G 2 depthmode=0 fb_clear=1 //================ F ================ [FDD248B2-569A020E-C:50] Good Name=F-1 Pole Position 64 (E) (M3) Internal Name=F1 POLE POSITION 64 clip_zmin=1 depthmode=1 filtering=2 [AE82687A-9A3F388D-C:45] Good Name=F-1 Pole Position 64 (U) (M3) Internal Name=F1 POLE POSITION 64 clip_zmin=1 depthmode=1 filtering=2 [C006E3C0-A67B4BBB-C:50] Good Name=F-1 World Grand Prix (E) Internal Name=F1 WORLD GRAND PRIX buff_clear=0 depthmode=0 soft_depth_compare=1 wrap_big_tex=1 [CC3CC8B3-0EC405A4-C:50] Good Name=F-1 World Grand Prix (E) (beta) Internal Name=F1 WORLD GRAND PRIX buff_clear=0 depthmode=0 soft_depth_compare=1 wrap_big_tex=1 [B70BAEE5-3A5005A8-C:46] Good Name=F-1 World Grand Prix (F) Internal Name=F1 WORLD GRAND PRIX buff_clear=0 depthmode=0 soft_depth_compare=1 wrap_big_tex=1 [38442634-66B3F060-C:44] Good Name=F-1 World Grand Prix (G) Internal Name=F1 WORLD GRAND PRIX buff_clear=0 depthmode=0 soft_depth_compare=1 wrap_big_tex=1 [64BF47C4-F4BD22BA-C:4A] Good Name=F-1 World Grand Prix (J) Internal Name=F1 WORLD GRAND PRIX buff_clear=0 depthmode=0 soft_depth_compare=1 wrap_big_tex=1 [CC3CC8B3-0EC405A4-C:45] Good Name=F-1 World Grand Prix (U) Internal Name=F1 WORLD GRAND PRIX buff_clear=0 depthmode=0 soft_depth_compare=1 wrap_big_tex=1 [07C1866E-5775CCDE-C:50] Good Name=F-1 World Grand Prix II (E) (M4) Internal Name=F1 WORLD GRAND PRIX2 buff_clear=0 depthmode=0 soft_depth_compare=1 wrap_big_tex=1 [776646F6-06B9AC2B-C:50] Good Name=F-ZERO X (E) Internal Name=F-ZERO X depthmode=1 [4D3E622E-9B828B4E-C:4A] Good Name=F-ZERO X (J) Internal Name=F-ZERO X depthmode=1 [B30ED978-3003C9F9-C:45] Good Name=F-ZERO X (U) Internal Name=F-ZERO X depthmode=1 [3CECBCB8-6126BF07-C:50] Good Name=F1 Racing Championship (E) (M5) Internal Name=F1RacingChampionship buff_clear=0 depthmode=0 swapmode=0 [53CCAD28-AEA6EDA2-C:45] Good Name=F1 Racing Championship (U) Internal Name=F1RacingChampionship buff_clear=0 depthmode=0 swapmode=0 [66CF0FFE-AD697F9C-C:50] Good Name=Fighting Force 64 (E) Internal Name=Fighting Force depthmode=1 [32EFC7CB-C3EA3F20-C:45] Good Name=Fighting Force 64 (U) Internal Name=Fighting Force depthmode=1 [F774EAEE-F0D8B13E-C:4A] Good Name=Fushigi no Dungeon - Fuurai no Shiren 2 - Oni Shuurai! Shiren Jou! (J) Internal Name=F3 ̳ײɼÚÝ2 decrease_fillrect_edge=1 depthmode=0 //================ G ================ [68FCF726-49658CBC-C:50] Good Name=G.A.S.P!! Fighters' NEXTream (E) Internal Name=G.A.S.P!!Fighters'NE clip_zmin=1 depthmode=0 soft_depth_compare=1 [AF8679B6-5E1011BF-C:4A] Good Name=G.A.S.P!! Fighters' NEXTream (J) Internal Name=G.A.S.P!!Fighters'NE clip_zmin=1 depthmode=0 soft_depth_compare=1 [457B9CD9-09C55352-C:4A] Good Name=Ganbare Goemon - Derodero Douchuu Obake Tenkomori (J) Internal Name=GOEMON2 DERODERO depthmode=1 filtering=1 [832C168B-56A2CDAE-C:4A] Good Name=Ganbare Goemon - Neo Momoyama Bakufu no Odori (J) Internal Name=GANBAKE GOEMON alt_tex_size=1 depthmode=1 filtering=1 optimize_texrect=0 [D543BCD6-2BA5E256-C:50] Good Name=Gauntlet Legends (E) Internal Name=GAUNTLET LEGENDS depthmode=1 swapmode=2 [70B0260E-6716D04C-C:4A] Good Name=Gauntlet Legends (J) Internal Name=GAUNTLET LEGENDS depthmode=1 swapmode=2 [729B5E32-B728D980-C:45] Good Name=Gauntlet Legends (U) Internal Name=GAUNTLET LEGENDS depthmode=1 swapmode=2 [489C84E6-4C6E49F9-C:4A] Good Name=Getter Love!! - Cho Ren-ai Party Game (J) Internal Name=Getter Love!! depthmode=1 filtering=2 texrect_compare_less=1 zmode_compare_less=1 [874733A4-A823745A-C:58] Good Name=Gex 3 - Deep Cover Gecko (E) (M2) (Fre-Ger) Internal Name=Gex 3 Deep Cover Gec depthmode=0 filtering=1 [99179359-2FE7EBC3-C:50] Good Name=Gex 3 - Deep Cover Gecko (E) (M3) (Eng-Spa-Ita) Internal Name=Gex 3 Deep Cover Gec depthmode=0 filtering=1 [3EDC7E12-E26C1CC9-C:45] Good Name=Gex 3 - Deep Cover Gecko (U) Internal Name=Gex 3 Deep Cover Gec depthmode=0 filtering=1 [E68A000E-639166DD-C:50] Good Name=Gex 64 - Enter the Gecko (E) Internal Name=GEX: ENTER THE GECKO depthmode=0 filtering=1 [89FED774-CAAFE21B-C:45] Good Name=Gex 64 - Enter the Gecko (U) Internal Name=GEX: ENTER THE GECKO depthmode=0 filtering=1 [F5237301-99E3EE93-C:50] Good Name=Glover (E) (M3) Internal Name=Glover depthmode=0 filtering=1 [25414DCA-FD553293-C:0] Good Name=Glover (U) (Beta) Internal Name=whack 'n' roll depthmode=0 filtering=1 [8E6E01FF-CCB4F948-C:45] Good Name=Glover (U) Internal Name=Glover depthmode=0 filtering=1 [4252A5AD-AE6FBF4E-C:45] Good Name=Goemon's Great Adventure (U) Internal Name=GOEMONS GREAT ADV depthmode=1 filtering=1 [4690FB1C-4CD56D44-C:45] Good Name=Golden Nugget 64 (U) Internal Name=GOLDEN NUGGET 64 depthmode=1 filtering=2 [0414CA61-2E57B8AA-C:50] Good Name=GoldenEye 007 (E) Internal Name=GOLDENEYE depth_bias=40 depthmode=0 filtering=1 lodmode=1 [A24F4CF1-A82327BA-C:4A] Good Name=GoldenEye 007 (J) Internal Name=GOLDENEYE depth_bias=40 depthmode=0 filtering=1 lodmode=1 [DCBC50D1-09FD1AA3-C:45] Good Name=GoldenEye 007 (U) Internal Name=GOLDENEYE depth_bias=40 depthmode=0 filtering=1 lodmode=1 [EE4A0E33-8FD588C9-C:50] Good Name=GT 64 - Championship Edition (E) (M3) Internal Name=GT64 depthmode=1 filtering=1 force_microcheck=1 [C49ADCA2-F1501B62-C:45] Good Name=GT 64 - Championship Edition (U) Internal Name=GT64 depthmode=1 filtering=1 force_microcheck=1 //================ H ================ [95A80114-E0B72A7F-C:4A] Good Name=Hamster Monogatari 64 (J) Internal Name=ÊѽÀ°ÓɶÞÀØ64 depthmode=0 force_microcheck=1 [09AE57B1-182A5637-C:4A] Good Name=Harukanaru Augusta - Masters '98 (J) Internal Name=MASTERS'98 depthmode=0 wrap_big_tex=1 [98DF9DFC-6606C189-C:45] Good Name=Harvest Moon 64 (U) Internal Name=HARVESTMOON64 depthmode=0 fb_smart=0 fog=0 zmode_compare_less=1 [3E70E866-4438BAE8-C:4A] Good Name=Heiwa Pachinko World 64 (J) Internal Name=HEIWA ÊßÁݺ Ü°ÙÄÞ64 depthmode=0 fog=0 swapmode=2 [95B2B30B-2B6415C1-C:50] Good Name=Hexen (E) Internal Name=HEXEN buff_clear=0 depthmode=1 detect_cpu_write=1 filtering=1 swapmode=2 [5C1B5FBD-7E961634-C:46] Good Name=Hexen (F) Internal Name=HEXEN buff_clear=0 depthmode=1 detect_cpu_write=1 filtering=1 swapmode=2 [9AB3B50A-BC666105-C:44] Good Name=Hexen (G) Internal Name=HEXEN buff_clear=0 depthmode=1 detect_cpu_write=1 filtering=1 swapmode=2 [66751A57-54A29D6E-C:4A] Good Name=Hexen (J) Internal Name=HEXEN buff_clear=0 depthmode=1 detect_cpu_write=1 filtering=1 swapmode=2 [9CAB6AEA-87C61C00-C:45] Good Name=Hexen (U) Internal Name=HEXEN buff_clear=0 depthmode=1 detect_cpu_write=1 filtering=1 swapmode=2 [277B129D-DD3879FF-C:50] Good Name=Holy Magic Century (E) Internal Name=Holy Magic Century depthmode=1 filtering=2 [B35FEBB0-7427B204-C:46] Good Name=Holy Magic Century (F) Internal Name=Holy Magic Century depthmode=1 filtering=2 [75FA0E14-C9B3D105-C:44] Good Name=Holy Magic Century (G) Internal Name=Holy Magic Century depthmode=1 filtering=2 [C1D702BD-6D416547-C:4A] Good Name=Hoshi no Kirby 64 (J) (V1.0) Internal Name=Kirby64 buff_clear=0 depthmode=0 filtering=1 swapmode=0 [0C581C7A-3D6E20E4-C:4A] Good Name=Hoshi no Kirby 64 (J) (V1.2) Internal Name=Kirby64 buff_clear=0 depthmode=0 filtering=1 swapmode=0 [BCB1F89F-060752A2-C:4A] Good Name=Hoshi no Kirby 64 (J) (V1.3) Internal Name=Kirby64 buff_clear=0 depthmode=0 filtering=1 swapmode=0 [72611D7D-9919BDD2-C:58] Good Name=HSV Adventure Racing (A) Internal Name=HSV ADVENTURE RACING depthmode=1 filtering=1 n64_z_scale=1 wrap_big_tex=1 [5535972E-BD8E3295-C:4A] Good Name=Human Grand Prix - New Generation (J) Internal Name=HUMAN GRAND PRIX depthmode=0 filtering=2 //================ I ================ [D692CC5E-EC58D072-C:50] Good Name=Iggy's Reckin' Balls (E) Internal Name=Iggy's Reckin' Balls depthmode=0 fix_tex_coord=512 [E616B5BC-C9658B88-C:45] Good Name=Iggy's Reckin' Balls (U) Internal Name=Iggy's Reckin' Balls depthmode=0 fix_tex_coord=512 [69458B9E-FC95F936-C:4A] Good Name=Iggy-kun no Bura Bura Poyon (J) Internal Name=BURABURA POYON depthmode=0 fix_tex_coord=1 [8C138BE0-95700E46-C:45] Good Name=In-Fisherman Bass Hunter 64 (U) Internal Name=BASS HUNTER 64 buff_clear=0 depthmode=1 fix_tex_coord=1 swapmode=2 [E436467A-82DE8F9B-C:45] Good Name=Indy Racing 2000 (U) Internal Name=INDY RACING 2000 fb_smart=0 [336364A0-06C8D5BF-C:58] Good Name=International Superstar Soccer 2000 (E) (M2) (Eng-Ger) Internal Name=I.S.S.2000 depthmode=1 [BAE8E871-35FF944E-C:59] Good Name=International Superstar Soccer 2000 (E) (M2) (Fre-Ita) Internal Name=I.S.S.2000 depthmode=1 [8E835437-CD5748B4-C:45] Good Name=International Superstar Soccer 2000 (U) (M2) Internal Name=I.S.S.2000 depthmode=1 [E2D37CF0-F57E4EAE-C:50] Good Name=International Superstar Soccer 64 (E) Internal Name=I S S 64 depthmode=1 old_style_adither=1 swapmode=2 [5F2763C4-62412AE5-C:45] Good Name=International Superstar Soccer 64 (U) Internal Name=I S S 64 depthmode=1 old_style_adither=1 swapmode=2 [20073BC7-5E3B0111-C:45] Good Name=International Track & Field 2000 (U) Internal Name=ITF 2000 depthmode=1 filtering=1 [6712C779-3B72781D-C:50] Good Name=International Track & Field Summer Games (E) (M3) Internal Name=IT&F SUMMERGAMES depthmode=1 filtering=1 //================ J ================ [4FBFA429-6920BB15-C:4A] Good Name=J.League Eleven Beat 1997 (J) Internal Name=J_league 1997 depthmode=1 fix_tex_coord=1 swapmode=0 [54554A42-E4985FFB-C:4A] Good Name=J.League Live 64 (J) Internal Name=J LEAGUE LIVE 64 depthmode=1 wrap_big_tex=1 [21F7ABFB-6A8AA7E8-C:50] Good Name=Jeremy McGrath Supercross 2000 (E) Internal Name=Jeremy McGrath Super depthmode=0 swapmode=0 [BB30B1A5-FCF712CE-C:45] Good Name=Jeremy McGrath Supercross 2000 (U) Internal Name=Jeremy McGrath Super depthmode=0 swapmode=0 [68D7A1DE-0079834A-C:50] Good Name=Jet Force Gemini (E) (M4) Internal Name=JET FORCE GEMINI alt_tex_size=1 decrease_fillrect_edge=1 depthmode=1 read_back_to_screen=1 swapmode=2 [8A6009B6-94ACE150-C:45] Good Name=Jet Force Gemini (U) Internal Name=JET FORCE GEMINI alt_tex_size=1 decrease_fillrect_edge=1 depthmode=1 read_back_to_screen=1 swapmode=2 [DFD8AB47-3CDBEB89-C:45] Good Name=Jet Force Gemini (U) (Kiosk Demo) Internal Name=J F G DISPLAY alt_tex_size=1 decrease_fillrect_edge=1 depthmode=1 read_back_to_screen=1 swapmode=2 [63112A53-A29FA88F-C:4A] Good Name=Jikkyou J.League 1999 - Perfect Striker 2 (J) (V1.0) Internal Name=PERFECT STRIKER2 depthmode=1 [6309FC17-1D4F5EF3-C:4A] Good Name=Jikkyou J.League 1999 - Perfect Striker 2 (J) (V1.1) Internal Name=PERFECT STRIKER2 depthmode=1 [146C4366-72A6DEB3-C:4A] Good Name=Jikkyou J.League Perfect Striker (J) Internal Name=PERFECT STRIKER depthmode=1 swapmode=2 [E0A79F8C-32CC97FA-C:4A] Good Name=Jikkyou World Soccer 3 (J) Internal Name=J WORLD SOCCER3 depthmode=1 swapmode=2 //================ K ================ [36281F23-009756CF-C:45] Good Name=Ken Griffey Jr.'s Slugfest (U) Internal Name=KEN GRIFFEY SLUGFEST depthmode=1 read_back_to_screen=2 swapmode=0 [979B263E-F8470004-C:50] Good Name=Killer Instinct Gold (E) Internal Name=Killer Instinct Gold buff_clear=0 depthmode=0 filtering=1 fog=0 [9E8FE2BA-8B270770-C:45] Good Name=Killer Instinct Gold (U) (V1.0) Internal Name=KILLER INSTINCT GOLD buff_clear=0 depthmode=0 filtering=1 fog=0 [9E8FCDFA-49F5652B-C:45] Good Name=Killer Instinct Gold (U) (V1.1) Internal Name=KILLER INSTINCT GOLD buff_clear=0 depthmode=0 filtering=1 fog=0 [F908CA4C-36464327-C:45] Good Name=Killer Instinct Gold (U) (V1.2) Internal Name=Killer Instinct Gold buff_clear=0 depthmode=0 filtering=1 fog=0 [75BC6AD6-78552BC9-C:4A] Good Name=Kiratto Kaiketsu! 64 Tanteidan (J) Internal Name=·×¯Ä¶²¹Â 64ÀÝòÀÞÝ buff_clear=0 depthmode=0 filtering=1 [0D93BA11-683868A6-C:50] Good Name=Kirby 64 - The Crystal Shards (E) Internal Name=Kirby64 buff_clear=0 depthmode=0 filtering=1 swapmode=0 [46039FB4-0337822C-C:45] Good Name=Kirby 64 - The Crystal Shards (U) Internal Name=Kirby64 buff_clear=0 depthmode=0 filtering=1 swapmode=0 [4A997C74-E2087F99-C:50] Good Name=Knife Edge - Nose Gunner (E) Internal Name=KNIFE EDGE depthmode=1 fast_crc=0 filtering=1 wrap_big_tex=1 [931AEF3F-EF196B90-C:4A] Good Name=Knife Edge - Nose Gunner (J) Internal Name=KNIFE EDGE depthmode=1 fast_crc=0 filtering=1 wrap_big_tex=1 [FCE0D799-65316C54-C:45] Good Name=Knife Edge - Nose Gunner (U) Internal Name=KNIFE EDGE depthmode=1 fast_crc=0 filtering=1 wrap_big_tex=1 [E3D6A795-2A1C5D3C-C:50] Good Name=Knockout Kings 2000 (E) Internal Name=Knockout Kings 2000 depthmode=1 fb_clear=1 fb_info_disable=1 fb_read_alpha=1 [0894909C-DAD4D82D-C:45] Good Name=Knockout Kings 2000 (U) Internal Name=Knockout Kings 2000 depthmode=1 fb_clear=1 fb_info_disable=1 fb_read_alpha=1 //================ L ================ [F478D8B3-9716DD6D-C:50] Good Name=LEGO Racers (E) (M10) Internal Name=LEGORacers buff_clear=0 depthmode=1 detect_cpu_write=1 fb_read_alpha=1 [096A40EA-8ABE0A10-C:45] Good Name=LEGO Racers (U) (M10) Internal Name=LEGORacers buff_clear=0 depthmode=1 detect_cpu_write=1 fb_read_alpha=1 [3D67C62B-31D03150-C:4A] Good Name=Let's Smash (J) Internal Name=LET'S SMASH depthmode=0 soft_depth_compare=1 [60460680-305F0E72-C:50] Good Name=Lode Runner 3-D (E) (M5) Internal Name=Lode Runner 3D swapmode=0 [964ADD0B-B29213DB-C:4A] Good Name=Lode Runner 3-D (J) Internal Name=Lode Runner 3D swapmode=0 [255018DF-57D6AE3A-C:45] Good Name=Lode Runner 3-D (U) Internal Name=Lode Runner 3D swapmode=0 [0AA0055B-7637DF65-C:50] Good Name=Looney Tunes - Duck Dodgers (E) (M6) Internal Name=DAFFY DUCK STARRING depthmode=1 wrap_big_tex=1 //================ M ================ [1145443D-11610EDB-C:50] Good Name=Mace - The Dark Age (E) Internal Name=MACE depthmode=1 filtering=1 fix_tex_coord=8 [6B700750-29D621FE-C:45] Good Name=Mace - The Dark Age (U) Internal Name=MACE depthmode=1 filtering=1 fix_tex_coord=8 [E4906679-9F243F05-C:50] Good Name=Magical Tetris Challenge (E) Internal Name=MAGICAL TETRIS depthmode=1 fog=0 force_microcheck=1 [E1EF93F7-14908B0B-C:44] Good Name=Magical Tetris Challenge (G) Internal Name=MAGICAL TETRIS depthmode=1 fog=0 force_microcheck=1 [75B61647-7ADABF78-C:45] Good Name=Magical Tetris Challenge (U) Internal Name=MAGICAL TETRIS depthmode=1 fog=0 force_microcheck=1 [80C8564A-929C65AB-C:4A] Good Name=Magical Tetris Challenge featuring Mickey (J) Internal Name=MAGICAL TETRIS depthmode=1 fog=0 force_microcheck=1 [0FC42C70-8754F1CD-C:4A] Good Name=Mahjong Master (J) Internal Name=Ï°¼Þ¬Ý ϽÀ° n64_z_scale=1 texrect_compare_less=1 zmode_compare_less=1 [CDB998BE-1024A5C8-C:50] Good Name=Major League Baseball Featuring Ken Griffey Jr. (E) Internal Name=MLB FEATURING K G JR depthmode=1 read_back_to_screen=2 [62E957D0-7FC15A5D-C:50] Good Name=Mario Golf (E) Internal Name=MarioGolf64 buff_clear=0 depthmode=0 fb_clear=1 fb_info_disable=1 ignore_aux_copy=1 [664BA3D4-678A80B7-C:45] Good Name=Mario Golf (U) Internal Name=MarioGolf64 buff_clear=0 depthmode=0 fb_clear=1 fb_info_disable=1 ignore_aux_copy=1 [D48944D1-B0D93A0E-C:4A] Good Name=Mario Golf 64 (J) (V1.0) Internal Name=MarioGolf64 buff_clear=0 depthmode=0 fb_clear=1 fb_info_disable=1 ignore_aux_copy=1 [734F816B-C6A6EB67-C:4A] Good Name=Mario Golf 64 (J) (V1.1) Internal Name=MarioGolf64 buff_clear=0 depthmode=0 fb_clear=1 fb_info_disable=1 ignore_aux_copy=1 [C3B6DE9D-65D2DE76-C:50] Good Name=Mario Kart 64 (E) (V1.0) Internal Name=MARIOKART64 depthmode=1 fast_crc=0 stipple_mode=1 stipple_pattern=4286595040 [2577C7D4-D18FAAAE-C:50] Good Name=Mario Kart 64 (E) (V1.1) Internal Name=MARIOKART64 depthmode=1 fast_crc=0 stipple_mode=1 stipple_pattern=4286595040 [6BFF4758-E5FF5D5E-C:4A] Good Name=Mario Kart 64 (J) (V1.0) Internal Name=MARIOKART64 depthmode=1 fast_crc=0 stipple_mode=1 stipple_pattern=4286595040 [C9C3A987-5810344C-C:4A] Good Name=Mario Kart 64 (J) (V1.1) Internal Name=MARIOKART64 depthmode=1 fast_crc=0 stipple_mode=1 stipple_pattern=4286595040 [3E5055B6-2E92DA52-C:45] Good Name=Mario Kart 64 (U) Internal Name=MARIOKART64 depthmode=1 fast_crc=0 stipple_mode=1 stipple_pattern=4286595040 [9C663069-80F24A80-C:50] Good Name=Mario Party (E) (M3) Internal Name=MarioParty clip_zmin=1 depthmode=0 swapmode=2 [ADA815BE-6028622F-C:4A] Good Name=Mario Party (J) Internal Name=MarioParty clip_zmin=1 depthmode=0 swapmode=2 [2829657E-A0621877-C:45] Good Name=Mario Party (U) Internal Name=MarioParty clip_zmin=1 depthmode=0 swapmode=2 [82380387-DFC744D9-C:50] Good Name=Mario Party 2 (E) (M5) Internal Name=MarioParty2 depthmode=0 swapmode=2 [ED567D0F-38B08915-C:4A] Good Name=Mario Party 2 (J) Internal Name=MarioParty2 depthmode=0 swapmode=2 [9EA95858-AF72B618-C:45] Good Name=Mario Party 2 (U) Internal Name=MarioParty2 depthmode=0 swapmode=2 [C5674160-0F5F453C-C:50] Good Name=Mario Party 3 (E) (M4) Internal Name=MarioParty3 depthmode=0 fix_tex_coord=1 [0B0AB4CD-7B158937-C:4A] Good Name=Mario Party 3 (J) Internal Name=MarioParty3 depthmode=0 fix_tex_coord=1 [7C3829D9-6E8247CE-C:45] Good Name=Mario Party 3 (U) Internal Name=MarioParty3 depthmode=0 fix_tex_coord=1 [3BA7CDDC-464E52A0-C:4A] Good Name=Mario Story (J) Internal Name=MARIO STORY depthmode=1 fb_read_alpha=1 filtering=1 hires_buf_clear=0 optimize_texrect=0 swapmode=2 useless_is_useless=1 [0EC158F5-FB3E6896-C:45] Good Name=Mega Man 64 (U) Internal Name=Mega Man 64 depthmode=1 increase_texrect_edge=1 [1001F10C-3D51D8C1-C:45] Good Name=Mia Hamm Soccer 64 (U) (M2) Internal Name=Mia Hamm Soccer 64 buff_clear=0 [E36166C2-8613A2E5-C:58] Good Name=Michael Owens WLS 2000 (E) Internal Name=MO WORLD LEAGUE SOCC buff_clear=0 [736AE6AF-4117E9C7-C:4A] Good Name=Mickey no Racing Challenge USA (J) Internal Name=MICKEY USA alt_tex_size=1 depthmode=1 fb_clear=1 [DED0DD9A-E78225A7-C:50] Good Name=Mickey's Speedway USA (E) (M5) Internal Name=MICKEY USA PAL alt_tex_size=1 depthmode=1 fb_clear=1 [FA8C4571-BBE7F9C0-C:45] Good Name=Mickey's Speedway USA (U) Internal Name=MICKEY USA alt_tex_size=1 depthmode=1 fb_clear=1 [2A49018D-D0034A02-C:50] Good Name=Micro Machines 64 Turbo (E) (M5) Internal Name=MICROMACHINES64TURBO depthmode=0 [F1850C35-ACE07912-C:45] Good Name=Micro Machines 64 Turbo (U) Internal Name=MICROMACHINES64TURBO depthmode=0 [E4B35E4C-1AC45CC9-C:45] Good Name=Midway's Greatest Arcade Hits Volume 1 (U) Internal Name=MGAH VOL1 depthmode=1 force_microcheck=1 zmode_compare_less=1 [418BDA98-248A0F58-C:50] Good Name=Mischief Makers (E) Internal Name=MISCHIEF MAKERS depthmode=1 fog=0 tex_wrap_hack=0 [0B93051B-603D81F9-C:45] Good Name=Mischief Makers (U) (V1.0) Internal Name=MISCHIEF MAKERS depthmode=1 fog=0 tex_wrap_hack=0 [BFA526B4-0691E430-C:45] Good Name=Mischief Makers (U) (V1.1) Internal Name=MISCHIEF MAKERS depthmode=1 fog=0 tex_wrap_hack=0 [28768D6D-B379976C-C:45] Good Name=Monaco Grand Prix (U) Internal Name=Monaco Grand Prix buff_clear=0 depthmode=0 [28705FA5-B509690E-C:50] Good Name=Monaco Grand Prix - Racing Simulation 2 (E) (M4) Internal Name=Monaco GP Racing 2 buff_clear=0 depthmode=0 [E8E8DD70-415DD198-C:4A] Good Name=Morita Shougi 64 (J) Internal Name=ÓØÀ¼®³·Þ64 correct_viewport=1 [FF44EDC4-1AAE9213-C:50] Good Name=Mortal Kombat Mythologies - Sub-Zero (E) Internal Name=MK_MYTHOLOGIES depthmode=1 [C34304AC-2D79C021-C:45] Good Name=Mortal Kombat Mythologies - Sub-Zero (U) Internal Name=MK_MYTHOLOGIES depthmode=1 [8C3D1192-BEF172E1-C:50] Good Name=Mortal Kombat Trilogy (E) Internal Name=MortalKombatTrilogy depthmode=1 filtering=2 [D9F75C12-A8859B59-C:45] Good Name=Mortal Kombat Trilogy (U) (V1.0) Internal Name=MortalKombatTrilogy depthmode=1 filtering=2 [19F55D46-73A27B34-C:45] Good Name=Mortal Kombat Trilogy (U) (V1.1) Internal Name=MortalKombatTrilogy depthmode=1 filtering=2 [83F33AA9-A901D40D-C:45] Good Name=Mortal Kombat Trilogy (U) (V1.2) Internal Name=MortalKombatTrilogy depthmode=1 filtering=2 [1938525C-586E9656-C:45] Good Name=Ms. Pac-Man Maze Madness (U) Internal Name=MS. PAC-MAN MM depthmode=1 detect_cpu_write=1 [7F9345D3-841ECADE-C:50] Good Name=Mystical Ninja 2 Starring Goemon (E) (M3) Internal Name=MYSTICAL NINJA2 SG alt_tex_size=1 depthmode=1 filtering=1 optimize_texrect=0 [F5360FBE-2BF1691D-C:50] Good Name=Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon (E) Internal Name=MYSTICAL NINJA alt_tex_size=1 depthmode=1 filtering=1 optimize_texrect=0 //================ N ================ [DF331A18-5FD4E044-C:45] Good Name=NASCAR 2000 (U) Internal Name=NASCAR 2000 buff_clear=0 depthmode=0 swapmode=0 [AE4992C9-9253B253-C:50] Good Name=NASCAR 99 (E) (M3) Internal Name=NASCAR 99 buff_clear=0 depthmode=0 swapmode=0 [23749578-80DC58FD-C:45] Good Name=NASCAR 99 (U) Internal Name=NASCAR 99 buff_clear=0 depthmode=0 swapmode=0 [916852D8-73DBEAEF-C:45] Good Name=NBA Courtside 2 - Featuring Kobe Bryant (U) Internal Name=NBA Courtside 2 buff_clear=0 depthmode=0 swapmode=0 [B6D0CAA0-E3F493C8-C:50] Good Name=NBA Jam 2000 (E) Internal Name=NBA JAM 2000 buff_clear=0 [EBEEA8DB-F2ECB23C-C:45] Good Name=NBA Jam 2000 (U) Internal Name=NBA JAM 2000 buff_clear=0 [E600831E-59F422A8-C:50] Good Name=NBA Jam 99 (E) Internal Name=NBA JAM 99 buff_clear=0 [810729F6-E03FCFC1-C:45] Good Name=NBA Jam 99 (U) Internal Name=NBA JAM 99 buff_clear=0 [EB499C8F-CD4567B6-C:50] Good Name=NBA Live 2000 (E) (M4) Internal Name=NBA LIVE 2000 adjust_aspect=0 [5F25B0EE-6227C1DB-C:45] Good Name=NBA Live 2000 (U) (M4) Internal Name=NBA LIVE 2000 adjust_aspect=0 [CF84F45F-00E4F6EB-C:50] Good Name=NBA Live 99 (E) (M5) Internal Name=NBA Live 99 adjust_aspect=0 swapmode=0 [57F81C9B-1133FA35-C:45] Good Name=NBA Live 99 (U) (M5) Internal Name=NBA Live 99 adjust_aspect=0 swapmode=0 [147E0EDB-36C5B12C-C:4A] Good Name=Neon Genesis Evangelion (J) Internal Name=EVANGELION depthmode=1 [D094B170-D7C4B5CC-C:45] Good Name=NFL Blitz (U) Internal Name=NFL BLITZ lodmode=2 [30EAD54F-31620BF6-C:45] Good Name=NFL Blitz - Special Edition (U) Internal Name=NFL BLITZ SPECIAL ED lodmode=2 [15A00969-34E5A285-C:45] Good Name=NFL Blitz 2000 (U) (V1.0) Internal Name=blitz2k lodmode=2 [5B755842-6CA39C7A-C:45] Good Name=NFL Blitz 2000 (U) (V1.1) Internal Name=blitz2k lodmode=2 [36FA35EB-E85E2E36-C:45] Good Name=NFL Blitz 2001 (U) Internal Name=NFL BLITZ 2001 lodmode=2 [88BD5A9E-E81FDFBF-C:50] Good Name=NFL Quarterback Club 2000 (E) Internal Name=NFL QBC 2000 depthmode=0 swapmode=0 wrap_big_tex=1 [E3AB4ED0-83040DD2-C:45] Good Name=NFL Quarterback Club 2000 (U) Internal Name=NFL QBC 2000 depthmode=0 swapmode=0 wrap_big_tex=1 [28784622-FFB22985-C:45] Good Name=NFL Quarterback Club 2001 (U) Internal Name=NFL Quarterback Club depthmode=0 swapmode=0 wrap_big_tex=1 [4B629EF4-99B21D9B-C:50] Good Name=NFL Quarterback Club 98 (E) Internal Name=quarterback_club_98 buff_clear=0 depthmode=1 fb_read_alpha=1 filtering=1 hires_buf_clear=0 optimize_texrect=0 swapmode=0 [D89BE2F8-99C97ADF-C:45] Good Name=NFL Quarterback Club 98 (U) Internal Name=quarterback_club_98 buff_clear=0 depthmode=1 fb_read_alpha=1 filtering=1 hires_buf_clear=0 optimize_texrect=0 swapmode=0 [52A3CF47-4EC13BFC-C:50] Good Name=NFL Quarterback Club 99 (E) Internal Name=NFL QBC '99 depthmode=0 force_depth_compare=1 wrap_big_tex=1 [BE76EDFF-20452D09-C:45] Good Name=NFL Quarterback Club 99 (U) Internal Name=NFL QBC '99 depthmode=0 force_depth_compare=1 wrap_big_tex=1 [CD3C3CDF-317793FA-C:4A] Good Name=Nintama Rantarou 64 Game Gallery (J) Internal Name=NINTAMAGAMEGALLERY64 depthmode=0 fb_smart=0 force_microcheck=1 [8A97A197-272DF6C1-C:50] Good Name=Nuclear Strike 64 (E) (M2) Internal Name=NUCLEARSTRIKE64 buff_clear=0 [8F50B845-D729D22F-C:44] Good Name=Nuclear Strike 64 (G) Internal Name=NUCLEARSTRIKE64 buff_clear=0 [4998DDBB-F7B7AEBC-C:45] Good Name=Nuclear Strike 64 (U) Internal Name=NUCLEARSTRIKE64 buff_clear=0 [C5F1DE79-5D4BEB6E-C:4A] Good Name=Nushi Duri 64 (J) (V1.1) Internal Name=ǼÂÞØ64 buff_clear=0 depthmode=0 force_microcheck=1 wrap_big_tex=0 //================ O ================ [0375CF67-56A93FAA-C:4A] Good Name=Ogre Battle 64 - Person of Lordly Caliber (J) (V1.1) Internal Name=OgreBattle64 depthmode=1 fb_info_disable=1 force_depth_compare=1 [E6419BC5-69011DE3-C:45] Good Name=Ogre Battle 64 - Person of Lordly Caliber (U) (V1.0) Internal Name=OgreBattle64 depthmode=1 fb_info_disable=1 force_depth_compare=1 [0ADAECA7-B17F9795-C:45] Good Name=Ogre Battle 64 - Person of Lordly Caliber (U) (V1.1) Internal Name=OgreBattle64 depthmode=1 fb_info_disable=1 force_depth_compare=1 //================ P ================ [74554B3B-F4AEBCB5-C:4A] Good Name=Pachinko 365 Nichi (J) Internal Name=PACHINKO365NICHI correct_viewport=1 [19AB29AF-C71BCD28-C:50] Good Name=Paper Mario (E) (M4) Internal Name=PAPER MARIO depthmode=1 fb_read_alpha=1 filtering=1 hires_buf_clear=0 optimize_texrect=0 swapmode=2 useless_is_useless=1 [65EEE53A-ED7D733C-C:45] Good Name=Paper Mario (U) Internal Name=PAPER MARIO depthmode=1 fb_read_alpha=1 filtering=1 hires_buf_clear=0 optimize_texrect=0 swapmode=2 useless_is_useless=1 [CFE2CB31-4D6B1E1D-C:4A] Good Name=Parlor! Pro 64 - Pachinko Jikki Simulation Game (J) Internal Name=Parlor PRO 64 depthmode=1 filtering=1 force_microcheck=1 [F468118C-E32EE44E-C:4A] Good Name=PD Ultraman Battle Collection 64 (J) Internal Name=Ultraman Battle JAPA depthmode=0 fb_smart=0 [E4B08007-A602FF33-C:50] Good Name=Perfect Dark (E) (M5) Internal Name=Perfect Dark decrease_fillrect_edge=1 depthmode=1 fb_clear=1 fb_render=1 filtering=1 optimize_texrect=0 useless_is_useless=1 [96747EB4-104BB243-C:4A] Good Name=Perfect Dark (J) Internal Name=PERFECT DARK decrease_fillrect_edge=1 depthmode=1 fb_clear=1 fb_render=1 filtering=1 optimize_texrect=0 useless_is_useless=1 [DDF460CC-3CA634C0-C:45] Good Name=Perfect Dark (U) (V1.0) Internal Name=Perfect Dark decrease_fillrect_edge=1 depthmode=1 fb_clear=1 fb_render=1 filtering=1 optimize_texrect=0 useless_is_useless=1 [41F2B98F-B458B466-C:45] Good Name=Perfect Dark (U) (V1.1) Internal Name=Perfect Dark decrease_fillrect_edge=1 depthmode=1 fb_clear=1 fb_render=1 filtering=1 optimize_texrect=0 useless_is_useless=1 [1AA05AD5-46F52D80-C:50] Good Name=Pilotwings 64 (E) (M3) Internal Name=Pilot Wings64 buff_clear=0 depthmode=1 [09CC4801-E42EE491-C:4A] Good Name=Pilotwings 64 (J) Internal Name=Pilot Wings64 buff_clear=0 depthmode=1 [C851961C-78FCAAFA-C:45] Good Name=Pilotwings 64 (U) Internal Name=Pilot Wings64 buff_clear=0 depthmode=1 [4A1CD153-D830AEF8-C:50] Good Name=Pokemon Puzzle League (E) Internal Name=PUZZLE LEAGUE N64 PPL=1 buff_clear=0 depthmode=1 fb_hires=0 fb_read_alpha=1 filtering=2 fix_tex_coord=1 fog=0 force_microcheck=1 [3EB2E6F3-062F9EFE-C:46] Good Name=Pokemon Puzzle League (F) Internal Name=PUZZLE LEAGUE N64 PPL=1 buff_clear=0 depthmode=1 fb_hires=0 fb_read_alpha=1 filtering=2 fix_tex_coord=1 fog=0 force_microcheck=1 [7A4747AC-44EEEC23-C:44] Good Name=Pokemon Puzzle League (G) Internal Name=PUZZLE LEAGUE N64 PPL=1 buff_clear=0 depthmode=1 fb_hires=0 fb_read_alpha=1 filtering=2 fix_tex_coord=1 fog=0 force_microcheck=1 [19C553A7-A70F4B52-C:45] Good Name=Pokemon Puzzle League (U) Internal Name=PUZZLE LEAGUE N64 PPL=1 buff_clear=0 depthmode=1 fb_hires=0 fb_read_alpha=1 filtering=2 fix_tex_coord=1 fog=0 force_microcheck=1 [7BB18D40-83138559-C:55] Good Name=Pokemon Snap (A) Internal Name=POKEMON SNAP depthmode=1 fast_crc=0 fb_clear=1 fb_hires=0 [4FF5976F-ACF559D8-C:50] Good Name=Pokemon Snap (E) Internal Name=POKEMON SNAP depthmode=1 fast_crc=0 fb_clear=1 fb_hires=0 [BA6C293A-9FAFA338-C:46] Good Name=Pokemon Snap (F) Internal Name=POKEMON SNAP depthmode=1 fast_crc=0 fb_clear=1 fb_hires=0 [5753720D-2A8A884D-C:44] Good Name=Pokemon Snap (G) Internal Name=POKEMON SNAP depthmode=1 fast_crc=0 fb_clear=1 fb_hires=0 [C0C85046-61051B05-C:49] Good Name=Pokemon Snap (I) Internal Name=POKEMON SNAP depthmode=1 fast_crc=0 fb_clear=1 fb_hires=0 [EC0F690D-32A7438C-C:4A] Good Name=Pokemon Snap (J) (V1.0) Internal Name=POKEMON SNAP depthmode=1 fast_crc=0 fb_clear=1 fb_hires=0 [E0044E9E-CD659D0D-C:4A] Good Name=Pokemon Snap (J) (V1.1) Internal Name=POKEMON SNAP depthmode=1 fast_crc=0 fb_clear=1 fb_hires=0 [817D286A-EF417416-C:53] Good Name=Pokemon Snap (S) Internal Name=POKEMON SNAP depthmode=1 fast_crc=0 fb_clear=1 fb_hires=0 [CA12B547-71FA4EE4-C:45] Good Name=Pokemon Snap (U) Internal Name=POKEMON SNAP depthmode=1 fast_crc=0 fb_clear=1 fb_hires=0 [39119872-07722E9F-C:45] Good Name=Pokemon Snap Station (U) Internal Name=POKEMON SNAP depthmode=1 fast_crc=0 fb_clear=1 fb_hires=0 [84077275-57315B9C-C:50] Good Name=Pokemon Stadium (E) (V1.0) Internal Name=POKEMON STADIUM buff_clear=0 depthmode=1 fast_crc=0 fb_crc_mode=2 fb_hires=0 fb_read_alpha=1 optimize_texrect=0 [91C9E05D-AD3AAFB9-C:50] Good Name=Pokemon Stadium (E) (V1.1) Internal Name=POKEMON STADIUM buff_clear=0 depthmode=1 fast_crc=0 fb_crc_mode=2 fb_hires=0 fb_read_alpha=1 optimize_texrect=0 [A23553A3-42BF2D39-C:46] Good Name=Pokemon Stadium (F) Internal Name=POKEMON STADIUM buff_clear=0 depthmode=1 fast_crc=0 fb_crc_mode=2 fb_hires=0 fb_read_alpha=1 optimize_texrect=0 [42011E1B-E3552DB5-C:44] Good Name=Pokemon Stadium (G) Internal Name=POKEMON STADIUM buff_clear=0 depthmode=1 fast_crc=0 fb_crc_mode=2 fb_hires=0 fb_read_alpha=1 optimize_texrect=0 [A53FA82D-DAE2C15D-C:49] Good Name=Pokemon Stadium (I) Internal Name=POKEMON STADIUM buff_clear=0 depthmode=1 fast_crc=0 fb_crc_mode=2 fb_hires=0 fb_read_alpha=1 optimize_texrect=0 [665E8259-D098BD1D-C:4A] Good Name=Pokemon Stadium (J) Internal Name=POKEMON STADIUM buff_clear=0 depthmode=1 fast_crc=0 fb_crc_mode=2 fb_hires=0 fb_read_alpha=1 optimize_texrect=0 [B6E549CE-DC8134C0-C:53] Good Name=Pokemon Stadium (S) Internal Name=POKEMON STADIUM buff_clear=0 depthmode=1 fast_crc=0 fb_crc_mode=2 fb_hires=0 fb_read_alpha=1 optimize_texrect=0 [90F5D9B3-9D0EDCF0-C:45] Good Name=Pokemon Stadium (U) (V1.0) Internal Name=POKEMON STADIUM buff_clear=0 depthmode=1 fast_crc=0 fb_crc_mode=2 fb_hires=0 fb_read_alpha=1 optimize_texrect=0 [1A122D43-C17DAF0F-C:45] Good Name=Pokemon Stadium - Kiosk (U) (V1.1) Internal Name=POKEMON STADIUM buff_clear=0 depthmode=1 fast_crc=0 fb_crc_mode=2 fb_hires=0 fb_read_alpha=1 optimize_texrect=0 [9C8FB2FA-9B84A09B-C:45] Good Name=Pokemon Stadium (U) (V1.2) Internal Name=POKEMON STADIUM buff_clear=0 depthmode=1 fast_crc=0 fb_crc_mode=2 fb_hires=0 fb_read_alpha=1 optimize_texrect=0 [2952369C-B6E4C3A8-C:50] Good Name=Pokemon Stadium 2 (E) Internal Name=POKEMON STADIUM 2 buff_clear=0 depthmode=1 fast_crc=0 fb_crc_mode=2 fb_read_alpha=1 optimize_texrect=0 swapmode=2 [AC5AA5C7-A9B0CDC3-C:46] Good Name=Pokemon Stadium 2 (F) Internal Name=POKEMON STADIUM 2 buff_clear=0 depthmode=1 fast_crc=0 fb_crc_mode=2 fb_read_alpha=1 optimize_texrect=0 swapmode=2 [439B7E7E-C1A1495D-C:44] Good Name=Pokemon Stadium 2 (G) Internal Name=POKEMON STADIUM 2 buff_clear=0 depthmode=1 fast_crc=0 fb_crc_mode=2 fb_read_alpha=1 optimize_texrect=0 swapmode=2 [EFCEAF00-22094848-C:49] Good Name=Pokemon Stadium 2 (I) Internal Name=POKEMON STADIUM 2 buff_clear=0 depthmode=1 fast_crc=0 fb_crc_mode=2 fb_read_alpha=1 optimize_texrect=0 swapmode=2 [63775886-5FB80E7B-C:4A] Good Name=Pokemon Stadium 2 (J) Internal Name=POKEMON STADIUM 2 buff_clear=0 depthmode=1 fast_crc=0 fb_crc_mode=2 fb_read_alpha=1 optimize_texrect=0 swapmode=2 [D0A1FC5B-2FB8074B-C:53] Good Name=Pokemon Stadium 2 (S) Internal Name=POKEMON STADIUM 2 buff_clear=0 depthmode=1 fast_crc=0 fb_crc_mode=2 fb_read_alpha=1 optimize_texrect=0 swapmode=2 [03571182-892FD06D-C:45] Good Name=Pokemon Stadium 2 (U) Internal Name=POKEMON STADIUM 2 buff_clear=0 depthmode=1 fast_crc=0 fb_crc_mode=2 fb_read_alpha=1 optimize_texrect=0 swapmode=2 [EE4FD7C2-9CF1D938-C:4A] Good Name=Pokemon Stadium Kin Gin (J) Internal Name=POKEMON STADIUM G&S buff_clear=0 depthmode=1 fast_crc=0 fb_crc_mode=2 fb_hires=0 fb_read_alpha=1 optimize_texrect=0 [41380792-A167E045-C:45] Good Name=Polaris SnoCross (U) Internal Name=POLARISSNOCROSS depthmode=1 fix_tex_coord=5 [D7A6DCFA-CCFEB6B7-C:4A] Good Name=Power League 64 (J) Internal Name=PowerLeague64 force_quad3d=1 [1BDCB30F-A132D876-C:4A] Good Name=Pro Mahjong Tsuwamono 64 - Jansou Battle ni Chousen (J) Internal Name=TSUWAMONO64 depthmode=0 force_microcheck=1 //================ Q ================ [16931D74-65DC6D34-C:50] Good Name=Quake 64 (E) Internal Name=Quake buff_clear=0 force_microcheck=1 swapmode=2 [9F5BF79C-D2FE08A0-C:45] Good Name=Quake 64 (U) Internal Name=Quake buff_clear=0 force_microcheck=1 swapmode=2 [7433D9D7-2C4322D0-C:50] Good Name=Quake II (E) Internal Name=QUAKE II [BDA8F143-B1AF2D62-C:45] Good Name=Quake II (U) Internal Name=QUAKE II [C8BB4DD9-CC5F430B-C:45] Good Name=Quest 64 (U) Internal Name=Quest 64 depthmode=1 //================ R ================ [2877AC2D-C3DC139A-C:44] Good Name=Racing Simulation 2 (G) Internal Name=Racing Simulation 2 buff_clear=0 depthmode=0 [35D9BA0C-DF485586-C:4A] Good Name=Rally '99 (J) Internal Name=Rally'99 buff_clear=0 depthmode=1 filtering=1 [73A88E3D-3AC5C571-C:45] Good Name=Rally Challenge 2000 (U) Internal Name=RALLY CHALLENGE buff_clear=0 depthmode=1 filtering=1 [60D5E10B-8BEDED46-C:50] Good Name=Rayman 2 - The Great Escape (E) (M5) Internal Name=Rayman 2 depthmode=0 detect_cpu_write=1 [F3C5BF9B-160F33E2-C:45] Good Name=Rayman 2 - The Great Escape (U) (M5) Internal Name=Rayman 2 depthmode=0 detect_cpu_write=1 [C3E7E29E-5D7251CC-C:50] Good Name=Re-Volt (E) (M4) Internal Name=Re-Volt depthmode=1 texture_correction=0 [0F1FA987-BFC1AFA6-C:45] Good Name=Re-Volt (U) Internal Name=Re-Volt depthmode=1 texture_correction=0 [8BD4A334-1E138B05-C:50] Good Name=Ready 2 Rumble Boxing (E) (M3) Internal Name=READY 2 RUMBLE depthmode=0 fix_tex_coord=64 [EAB7B429-BAC92C57-C:45] Good Name=Ready 2 Rumble Boxing (U) Internal Name=READY 2 RUMBLE depthmode=0 fix_tex_coord=64 [E9219533-13FBAFBD-C:45] Good Name=Ready 2 Rumble Boxing Round 2 (U) Internal Name=Ready to Rumble depthmode=0 fix_tex_coord=1 [9B500E8E-E90550B3-C:50] Good Name=Resident Evil 2 (E) (M2) Internal Name=Resident Evil II adjust_aspect=0 depthmode=0 detect_cpu_write=1 fix_tex_coord=128 n64_z_scale=1 swapmode=2 fb_render=1 [2F493DD0-2E64DFD9-C:45] Good Name=Resident Evil 2 (U) (V1.0) Internal Name=Resident Evil II adjust_aspect=0 depthmode=0 detect_cpu_write=1 fix_tex_coord=128 n64_z_scale=1 swapmode=2 fb_render=1 [AA18B1A5-07DB6AEB-C:45] Good Name=Resident Evil 2 (U) (V1.1) adjust_aspect=0 depthmode=0 detect_cpu_write=1 fix_tex_coord=128 n64_z_scale=1 swapmode=2 fb_render=1 [02D8366A-6CABEF9C-C:50] Good Name=Road Rash 64 (E) Internal Name=ROAD RASH 64 depthmode=0 swapmode=2 [F050746C-247B820B-C:45] Good Name=Road Rash 64 (U) Internal Name=ROAD RASH 64 depthmode=0 swapmode=2 [272B690F-AD0A7A77-C:4A] Good Name=Robot Ponkottsu 64 - 7tsu no Umi no Caramel (J) Internal Name=Robopon64 depthmode=0 [9FD375F8-45F32DC8-C:50] Good Name=Rocket - Robot on Wheels (M3) Internal Name=ROCKETROBOTONWHEELS clip_zmin=1 [0C5EE085-A167DD3E-C:45] Good Name=Rocket - Robot on Wheels (U) Internal Name=ROCKETROBOTONWHEELS clip_zmin=1 [D666593B-D7A25C07-C:4A] Good Name=Rockman Dash - Hagane no Boukenshin (J) Internal Name=RockMan Dash depthmode=1 increase_texrect_edge=1 [FEE97010-4E94A9A0-C:50] Good Name=RR64 - Ridge Racer 64 (E) Internal Name=RIDGE RACER 64 depthmode=0 force_calc_sphere=1 [2500267E-2A7EC3CE-C:45] Good Name=RR64 - Ridge Racer 64 (U) Internal Name=RIDGE RACER 64 depthmode=0 force_calc_sphere=1 [658F8F37-1813D28D-C:44] Good Name=RTL World League Soccer 2000 (G) Internal Name=RTL WLS2000 buff_clear=0 [0AC61D39-ABFA03A6-C:50] Good Name=Rugrats in Paris - The Movie (E) Internal Name=RUGRATS IN PARIS depthmode=1 [1FC21532-0B6466D4-C:45] Good Name=Rugrats in Paris - The Movie (U) Internal Name=RUGRATS IN PARIS depthmode=1 //================ S ================ [918E2D60-F865683E-C:50] Good Name=S.C.A.R.S. (E) (M3) Internal Name=SCARS depthmode=0 filtering=1 [769147F3-2033C10E-C:45] Good Name=S.C.A.R.S. (U) Internal Name=SCARS depthmode=0 filtering=1 [51D29418-D5B46AE3-C:50] Good Name=San Francisco Rush 2049 (E) (M6) Internal Name=RUSH 2049 depthmode=0 filtering=1 force_texrect_zbuf=1 [B9A9ECA2-17AAE48E-C:45] Good Name=San Francisco Rush 2049 (U) Internal Name=Rush 2049 depthmode=0 filtering=1 force_texrect_zbuf=1 [EBF5F6B7-C956D739-C:4A] Good Name=SD Hiryuu no Ken Densetsu (J) Internal Name=SD HIRYU STADIUM depthmode=0 force_microcheck=1 [93A625B9-2D6022E6-C:42] Good Name=Shadow Man (B) Internal Name=Shadowman depthmode=0 [60C437E5-A2251EE3-C:50] Good Name=Shadow Man (E) (M3) [!] Internal Name=Shadowman depthmode=0 [EA06F8C3-07C2DEED-C:46] Good Name=Shadow Man (F) Internal Name=Shadowman depthmode=0 [84D5FD75-BBFD3CDF-C:44] Good Name=Shadow Man (G) Internal Name=Shadowman depthmode=0 [3A4760B5-2D74D410-C:45] Good Name=Shadow Man (U) Internal Name=Shadowman depthmode=0 [B73AB6F6-296267DD-C:45] Good Name=Sin & Punishment (J) [T] Internal Name=Sin and Punishment depthmode=1 fb_clear=1 filtering=1 [C2751D1A-F8C19BFF-C:50] Good Name=Snowboard Kids 2 (E) Internal Name=SNOWBOARD KIDS2 filtering=1 swapmode=0 [930C29EA-939245BF-C:45] Good Name=Snowboard Kids 2 (U) Internal Name=SNOWBOARD KIDS2 filtering=1 swapmode=0 [C00CA948-8E60D34B-C:50] Good Name=South Park - Chef's Luv Shack (E) Internal Name=South Park Chef's Lu buff_clear=0 depthmode=1 filtering=1 fix_tex_coord=4 fog=0 [C00CA948-8E60D34B-C:45] Good Name=South Park - Chef's Luv Shack (U) Internal Name=South Park: Chef's L buff_clear=0 depthmode=1 filtering=2 fix_tex_coord=4 fog=0 [37463412-EAC5388D-C:4A] Good Name=Space Dynamites (J) Internal Name=SPACE DYNAMITES force_microcheck=1 [FC70E272-08FFE7AA-C:50] Good Name=Space Station Silicon Valley (E) (M7) Internal Name=Silicon Valley depthmode=0 filtering=1 [BFE23884-EF48EAAF-C:4A] Good Name=Space Station Silicon Valley (J) Internal Name=Silicon Valley depthmode=0 filtering=1 [BFE23884-EF48EAAF-C:45] Good Name=Space Station Silicon Valley (U) Internal Name=Silicon Valley depthmode=0 filtering=1 [A60ED171-3D85D06E-C:45] Good Name=Spider-Man (U) Internal Name=SPIDERMAN fast_crc=0 [B703EB23-28AAE53A-C:4A] Good Name=Star Soldier - Vanishing Earth (J) Internal Name=STAR SOLDIER depthmode=1 filtering=1 force_microcheck=1 swapmode=0 [DDD93C85-DAE381E8-C:45] Good Name=Star Soldier - Vanishing Earth (U) Internal Name=STAR SOLDIER depthmode=1 filtering=1 force_microcheck=1 swapmode=0 [F163A242-F2449B3B-C:4A] Good Name=Star Twins (J) Internal Name=STAR TWINS alt_tex_size=1 decrease_fillrect_edge=1 depthmode=1 read_back_to_screen=1 swapmode=2 [4D486681-AB7D9245-C:50] Good Name=Star Wars - Shadows of the Empire (E) Internal Name=Shadow of the Empire swapmode=2 [264D7E5C-18874622-C:45] Good Name=Star Wars - Shadows of the Empire (U) (V1.0) Internal Name=Shadow of the Empire swapmode=2 [4147B091-63251060-C:45] Good Name=Star Wars - Shadows of the Empire (U) (V1.1) Internal Name=Shadow of the Empire swapmode=2 [4DD7ED54-74F9287D-C:45] Good Name=Star Wars - Shadows of the Empire (U) (V1.2) Internal Name=Shadow of the Empire swapmode=2 [FE24AC63-1B41AA17-C:4A] Good Name=Star Wars - Teikoku no Kage (J) Internal Name=Shadow of the Empire swapmode=2 [53ED2DC4-06258002-C:50] Good Name=Star Wars Episode I - Racer (E) (M3) Internal Name=STAR WARS EP1 RACER fb_render=1 swapmode=2 [61F5B152-046122AB-C:4A] Good Name=Star Wars Episode I - Racer (J) Internal Name=STAR WARS EP1 RACER fb_render=1 swapmode=2 [72F70398-6556A98B-C:45] Good Name=Star Wars Episode I - Racer (U) Internal Name=STAR WARS EP1 RACER fb_render=1 swapmode=2 [42CF5EA3-9A1334DF-C:50] Good Name=StarCraft 64 (E) Internal Name=STARCRAFT 64 aspect=2 depthmode=1 detect_cpu_write=1 filtering=2 fog=0 [FD6907F0-83CBC160-C:44] Good Name=StarCraft 64 (G) (Beta) Internal Name=STARCRAFT 64 aspect=2 depthmode=1 detect_cpu_write=1 filtering=2 fog=0 [BC9B2CC3-4ED04DA5-C:37] Good Name=StarCraft 64 (U) (Beta) Internal Name=Á2فE8y)±tU…y7àÕ]¹9 aspect=2 depthmode=1 detect_cpu_write=1 filtering=2 fog=0 [0684FBFB-5D3EA8A5-C:45] Good Name=StarCraft 64 (U) Internal Name=STARCRAFT 64 aspect=2 depthmode=1 detect_cpu_write=1 filtering=2 fog=0 [A03CF036-BCC1C5D2-C:50] Good Name=Super Mario 64 (E) (M3) Internal Name=SUPER MARIO 64 depth_bias=32 depthmode=1 filtering=0 lodmode=1 [4EAA3D0E-74757C24-C:4A] Good Name=Super Mario 64 (J) Internal Name=SUPER MARIO 64 depth_bias=32 depthmode=1 filtering=0 lodmode=1 [635A2BFF-8B022326-C:45] Good Name=Super Mario 64 (U) Internal Name=SUPER MARIO 64 depth_bias=32 depthmode=1 filtering=0 lodmode=1 [D6FBA4A8-6326AA2C-C:4A] Good Name=Super Mario 64 - Shindou Edition (J) Internal Name=SUPERMARIO64 depth_bias=32 depthmode=1 filtering=0 lodmode=1 [66572080-28E348E1-C:4A] Good Name=Super Robot Spirits (J) Internal Name=SUPERROBOTSPIRITS aspect=2 [1649D810-F73AD6D2-C:4A] Good Name=Super Robot Taisen 64 (J) Internal Name=½°Êß°ÛÎÞ¯ÄÀ²¾Ý64 fast_crc=0 use_sts1_only=1 [2CBB127F-09C2BFD8-C:50] Good Name=Supercross 2000 (E) (M3) Internal Name=Supercross buff_clear=0 depthmode=1 [C1452553-5D7B24D9-C:45] Good Name=Supercross 2000 (U) Internal Name=Supercross buff_clear=0 depthmode=1 [B44CAB74-07029A29-C:50] Good Name=Superman (E) (M6) Internal Name=SUPERMAN detect_cpu_write=1 [A2E8F35B-C9DC87D9-C:45] Good Name=Superman (U) (M3) Internal Name=SUPERMAN detect_cpu_write=1 [35E811F3-99792724-C:4A] Good Name=Susume! Taisen Puzzle Dama - Toukon! Marutama Chou (J) Internal Name=½½Ò!À²¾ÝÊß½ÞÙÀÞÏ depthmode=1 fog=0 force_microcheck=1 swapmode=0 //================ T ================ [AEBCDD54-15FF834A-C:50] Good Name=Taz Express (E) (M6) Internal Name=Taz Express buff_clear=0 depthmode=0 filtering=1 [6C2C6C49-9BE5CA66-C:45] Good Name=Taz Express (U) (Unreleased) Internal Name=Taz Express buff_clear=0 depthmode=0 filtering=1 [D9042FBB-FCFF997C-C:46] Good Name=Telefoot Soccer 2000 (F) Internal Name=TELEFOOT SOCCER 2000 buff_clear=0 [0FE684A9-8BB77AC4-C:50] Good Name=Tetrisphere (E) Internal Name=TETRISPHERE alt_tex_size=1 depthmode=1 fb_crc_mode=2 increase_texrect_edge=1 use_sts1_only=1 [3C1FDABE-02A4E0BA-C:45] Good Name=Tetrisphere (U) Internal Name=TETRISPHERE alt_tex_size=1 depthmode=1 fb_crc_mode=2 increase_texrect_edge=1 use_sts1_only=1 [F82DD377-8C3FB347-C:58] Good Name=TG Rally 2 (E) Internal Name=TG RALLY 2 buff_clear=0 depthmode=1 filtering=1 swapmode=2 [9FC385E5-3ECC05C7-C:50] Good Name=The Legend of Zelda - Majora's Mask (E) (M4) (Debug Version) Internal Name=ZELDA MAJORA'S MASK depthmode=1 fb_clear=1 fb_crc_mode=0 fb_render=1 filtering=1 wrap_big_tex=1 [E97955C6-BC338D38-C:50] Good Name=The Legend of Zelda - Majora's Mask (E) (M4) (V1.0) Internal Name=ZELDA MAJORA'S MASK depthmode=1 fb_clear=1 fb_crc_mode=0 fb_render=1 filtering=1 wrap_big_tex=1 [0A5D8F83-98C5371A-C:50] Good Name=The Legend of Zelda - Majora's Mask (E) (M4) (V1.1) Internal Name=ZELDA MAJORA'S MASK depthmode=1 fb_clear=1 fb_crc_mode=0 fb_render=1 filtering=1 wrap_big_tex=1 [5354631C-03A2DEF0-C:45] Good Name=The Legend of Zelda - Majora's Mask (U) Internal Name=ZELDA MAJORA'S MASK depthmode=1 fb_clear=1 fb_crc_mode=0 fb_render=1 filtering=1 wrap_big_tex=1 [6AECEC4F-F0924814-C:50] Good Name=The Legend of Zelda - Majora's Mask - Collector's Edition (E) (M4) (GC) Internal Name=ZELDA MAJORA'S MASK depthmode=1 fb_clear=1 fb_crc_mode=0 fb_render=1 filtering=1 wrap_big_tex=1 [B443EB08-4DB31193-C:45] Good Name=The Legend of Zelda - Majora's Mask - Collector's Edition (U) (GC) Internal Name=ZELDA MAJORA'S MASK depthmode=1 fb_clear=1 fb_crc_mode=0 fb_render=1 filtering=1 wrap_big_tex=1 [BF799345-39FF7A02-C:45] Good Name=The Legend of Zelda - Majora's Mask - Preview Demo (U) Internal Name=MAJORA'S MASK depthmode=1 fb_clear=1 fb_crc_mode=0 fb_render=1 filtering=1 wrap_big_tex=1 [09465AC3-F8CB501B-C:50] Good Name=The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time (E) (GC) Internal Name=THE LEGEND OF ZELDA depth_bias=60 depthmode=1 fb_clear=1 fb_render=1 filtering=1 [B044B569-373C1985-C:50] Good Name=The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time (E) (M3) (V1.0) Internal Name=THE LEGEND OF ZELDA depth_bias=60 depthmode=1 fb_clear=1 fb_render=1 filtering=1 [B2055FBD-0BAB4E0C-C:50] Good Name=The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time (E) (M3) (V1.1) Internal Name=THE LEGEND OF ZELDA depth_bias=60 depthmode=1 fb_clear=1 fb_render=1 filtering=1 [F3DD35BA-4152E075-C:45] Good Name=The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time (U) (GC) Internal Name=THE LEGEND OF ZELDA depth_bias=60 depthmode=1 fb_clear=1 fb_render=1 filtering=1 [EC7011B7-7616D72B-C:45] Good Name=The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time (U) (V1.0) Internal Name=THE LEGEND OF ZELDA depth_bias=60 depthmode=1 fb_clear=1 fb_render=1 filtering=1 [D43DA81F-021E1E19-C:45] Good Name=The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time (U) (V1.1) Internal Name=THE LEGEND OF ZELDA depth_bias=60 depthmode=1 fb_clear=1 fb_render=1 filtering=1 [693BA2AE-B7F14E9F-C:45] Good Name=The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time (U) (V1.2) Internal Name=THE LEGEND OF ZELDA depth_bias=60 depthmode=1 fb_clear=1 fb_render=1 filtering=1 [1D4136F3-AF63EEA9-C:50] Good Name=The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time - Master Quest (E) (GC) Internal Name=THE LEGEND OF ZELDA depth_bias=60 depthmode=1 fb_clear=1 fb_render=1 filtering=1 [27A3831D-B505A533-C:45] Good Name=The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time - Master Quest (E) [f1] (NTSC) Internal Name=ZELDA MASTER QUEST depth_bias=60 depthmode=1 fb_clear=1 fb_render=1 filtering=1 [1D4136F3-AF63EEA9-C:45] Good Name=The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time - Master Quest (E) [h1C] Internal Name=ZELDA MASTER QUEST depth_bias=60 depthmode=1 fb_clear=1 fb_render=1 filtering=1 [917D18F6-69BC5453-C:45] Good Name=The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time - Master Quest (U) (Debug Version) Internal Name=THE LEGEND OF ZELDA depth_bias=60 depthmode=1 fb_clear=1 fb_render=1 filtering=1 [F034001A-AE47ED06-C:45] Good Name=The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time - Master Quest (U) (GC) Internal Name=THE LEGEND OF ZELDA depth_bias=60 depthmode=1 fb_clear=1 fb_render=1 filtering=1 [E61CFF0A-CE1C0D71-C:50] Good Name=The New Tetris (E) Internal Name=NEWTETRIS depthmode=0 fix_tex_coord=1 fog=0 increase_texrect_edge=1 pal230=1 [2153143F-992D6351-C:45] Good Name=The New Tetris (U) Internal Name=NEWTETRIS depthmode=0 fix_tex_coord=1 fog=0 increase_texrect_edge=1 pal230=1 [E0C4F72F-769E1506-C:50] Good Name=Tigger's Honey Hunt (E) (M7) Internal Name=Tigger's Honey Hunt buff_clear=0 depthmode=0 zmode_compare_less=1 [4EBFDD33-664C9D84-C:45] Good Name=Tigger's Honey Hunt (U) Internal Name=Tigger's Honey Hunt buff_clear=0 depthmode=0 zmode_compare_less=1 [2B4F4EFB-43C511FE-C:50] Good Name=Tom and Jerry in Fists of Furry (E) (M6) Internal Name=TOM AND JERRY depth_bias=2 depthmode=0 filtering=1 [63E7391C-E6CCEA33-C:45] Good Name=Tom and Jerry in Fists of Furry (U) Internal Name=TOM AND JERRY depth_bias=2 depthmode=0 filtering=1 [4875AF3D-9A66D3A2-C:50] Good Name=Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six (E) Internal Name=RAINBOW SIX depthmode=1 increase_texrect_edge=1 [486BF335-034DCC81-C:46] Good Name=Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six (F) Internal Name=RAINBOW SIX depthmode=1 increase_texrect_edge=1 [8D412933-588F64DB-C:44] Good Name=Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six (G) Internal Name=RAINBOW SIX depthmode=1 increase_texrect_edge=1 [392A0C42-B790E77D-C:45] Good Name=Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six (U) Internal Name=RAINBOW SIX depthmode=1 increase_texrect_edge=1 [093F916E-4408B698-C:50] Good Name=Tonic Trouble (E) (M5) Internal Name=Tonic Trouble depthmode=0 detect_cpu_write=1 [EF9E9714-C03B2C7D-C:45] Good Name=Tonic Trouble (U) (V1.1) Internal Name=Tonic Trouble depthmode=0 detect_cpu_write=1 [9F8926A5-0587B409-C:50] Good Name=Tony Hawk's Pro Skater (E) Internal Name=TONY HAWK SKATEBOARD depthmode=0 filtering=1 [204EC022-B119D185-C:45] Good Name=Tony Hawk's Pro Skater (U) (V1.0) Internal Name=TONY HAWK PRO SKATER depthmode=0 filtering=1 [E0144180-650B78C9-C:45] Good Name=Tony Hawk's Pro Skater (U) (V1.1) Internal Name=TONY HAWK PRO SKATER depthmode=0 filtering=1 [84EAB557-C88A190F-C:50] Good Name=Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 (E) Internal Name=THPS2 depthmode=0 filtering=1 [99150E18-1266E6A5-C:45] Good Name=Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 (U) Internal Name=THPS2 depthmode=0 filtering=1 [1A7F70B5-00B7B9FD-C:45] Good Name=Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 (U) Internal Name=THPS3 depthmode=0 filtering=1 [5F3F49C6-0DC714B0-C:50] Good Name=Top Gear Hyper Bike (E) Internal Name=Top Gear Hyper Bike depthmode=0 fb_clear=1 fb_info_disable=1 swapmode=2 [845B0269-57DE9502-C:4A] Good Name=Top Gear Hyper Bike (J) Internal Name=Top Gear Hyper Bike depthmode=0 fb_clear=1 fb_info_disable=1 swapmode=2 [8ECC02F0-7F8BDE81-C:45] Good Name=Top Gear Hyper Bike (U) Internal Name=Top Gear Hyper Bike depthmode=0 fb_clear=1 fb_info_disable=1 swapmode=2 [D09BA538-1C1A5489-C:50] Good Name=Top Gear Overdrive (E) Internal Name=Top Gear Overdrive buff_clear=0 depthmode=0 fb_info_disable=1 [0578F24F-9175BF17-C:4A] Good Name=Top Gear Overdrive (J) Internal Name=Top Gear Overdrive buff_clear=0 depthmode=0 fb_info_disable=1 [D741CD80-ACA9B912-C:45] Good Name=Top Gear Overdrive (U) Internal Name=Top Gear Overdrive buff_clear=0 depthmode=0 fb_info_disable=1 [7F43E701-536328D1-C:50] Good Name=Top Gear Rally (E) Internal Name=TOP GEAR RALLY depth_bias=64 depthmode=0 fillcolor_fix=1 [0E596247-753D4B8B-C:4A] Good Name=Top Gear Rally (J) Internal Name=TOP GEAR RALLY depth_bias=64 depthmode=0 fillcolor_fix=1 [62269B3D-FE11B1E8-C:45] Good Name=Top Gear Rally (U) Internal Name=TOP GEAR RALLY depth_bias=64 depthmode=0 fillcolor_fix=1 [BEBAB677-51B0B5E4-C:50] Good Name=Top Gear Rally 2 (E) Internal Name=TOP GEAR RALLY 2 buff_clear=0 depthmode=1 filtering=1 swapmode=2 [CFEF2CD6-C9E973E6-C:4A] Good Name=Top Gear Rally 2 (J) Internal Name=TOP GEAR RALLY 2 buff_clear=0 depthmode=1 filtering=1 swapmode=2 [BE5973E0-89B0EDB8-C:45] Good Name=Top Gear Rally 2 (U) Internal Name=TOP GEAR RALLY 2 buff_clear=0 depthmode=1 filtering=1 swapmode=2 [CCEB3858-26952D97-C:50] Good Name=Toy Story 2 (E) zmode_compare_less=1 [CB93DB97-7F5C63D5-C:46] Good Name=Toy Story 2 (F) zmode_compare_less=1 [782A9075-E552631D-C:44] Good Name=Toy Story 2 (G) zmode_compare_less=1 [BC4F2AB8-AA99E32E-C:44] Good Name=Toy Story 2 (G) (V1.1) zmode_compare_less=1 [A150743E-CF2522CD-C:45] Good Name=Toy Story 2 (U) zmode_compare_less=1 [C151AD61-280FFF22-C:45] Good Name=Toy Story 2 (U) (V1.1) zmode_compare_less=1 [FE4B6B43-081D29A7-C:45] Good Name=Triple Play 2000 (U) Internal Name=TRIPLE PLAY 2000 depthmode=0 wrap_big_tex=1 [B6BC0FB0-E3812198-C:4A] Good Name=Tsumi to Batsu - Hoshi no Keishousha (J) Internal Name=TSUMI TO BATSU depthmode=1 fb_clear=1 filtering=1 [E688A5B8-B14B3F18-C:50] Good Name=Twisted Edge Extreme Snowboarding (E) Internal Name=TWISTED EDGE depthmode=1 fb_clear=1 fb_render=1 [BBC99D32-117DAA80-C:45] Good Name=Twisted Edge Extreme Snowboarding (U) Internal Name=TWISTED EDGE depthmode=1 fb_clear=1 //================ V ================ [636E6B19-E57DDC5F-C:50] Good Name=V-Rally Edition 99 (E) (M3) Internal Name=V-RALLY buff_clear=0 depthmode=0 filtering=1 fix_tex_coord=3 swapmode=0 [4D0224A5-1BEB5794-C:4A] Good Name=V-Rally Edition 99 (J) Internal Name=V-RALLY buff_clear=0 depthmode=0 filtering=1 fix_tex_coord=3 swapmode=0 [3C059038-C8BF2182-C:45] Good Name=V-Rally Edition 99 (U) Internal Name=V-RALLY buff_clear=0 depthmode=0 filtering=1 fix_tex_coord=3 swapmode=0 [98F9F2D0-03D9F09C-C:50] Good Name=Virtual Pool 64 (E) Internal Name=Virtual Pool 64 buff_clear=0 depthmode=1 [4E4A7643-A37439D7-C:45] Good Name=Virtual Pool 64 (U) Internal Name=Virtual Pool 64 buff_clear=0 depthmode=1 //================ W ================ [93053075-261E0F43-C:50] Good Name=Waialae Country Club - True Golf Classics (E) (M4) (V1.0) Internal Name=Waialae Country Club depthmode=0 fb_smart=0 wrap_big_tex=1 [0C5057AD-046E126E-C:50] Good Name=Waialae Country Club - True Golf Classics (E) (M4) (V1.1) Internal Name=Waialae Country Club depthmode=0 fb_smart=0 wrap_big_tex=1 [8066D58A-C3DECAC1-C:45] Good Name=Waialae Country Club - True Golf Classics (U) (V1.0) Internal Name=Waialae Country Club depthmode=0 fb_smart=0 wrap_big_tex=1 [DD318CE2-B73798BA-C:45] Good Name=Waialae Country Club - True Golf Classics (U) (V1.1) Internal Name=Waialae Country Club depthmode=0 fb_smart=0 wrap_big_tex=1 [650EFA96-30DDF9A7-C:50] Good Name=Wave Race 64 (E) (M2) Internal Name=WAVE RACE 64 pal230=1 [5C9191D6-B30AC306-C:4A] Good Name=Wave Race 64 (J) (V1.0) Internal Name=WAVE RACE 64 pal230=1 [44995484-20A5FC5E-C:4A] Good Name=Wave Race 64 (J) (V1.1) Internal Name=WAVE RACE 64 pal230=1 [7DE11F53-74872F9D-C:45] Good Name=Wave Race 64 (U) (V1.0) Internal Name=WAVE RACE 64 pal230=1 [492F4B61-04E5146A-C:45] Good Name=Wave Race 64 (U) (V1.1) Internal Name=WAVE RACE 64 pal230=1 [535DF3E2-609789F1-C:4A] Good Name=Wave Race 64 - Shindou Edition (J) (V1.2) Internal Name=WAVE RACE 64 pal230=1 [D4C45A1A-F425B25E-C:45] Good Name=WCW Nitro (U) Internal Name=NITRO64 [0CEBC4C7-0C9CE932-C:4A] Good Name=Wild Choppers (J) Internal Name=WILD CHOPPERS depthmode=0 filtering=1 [54310E7D-6B5430D8-C:50] Good Name=Wipeout 64 (E) Internal Name=Wipeout 64 depthmode=0 filtering=1 swapmode=2 [132D2732-C70E9118-C:45] Good Name=Wipeout 64 (U) Internal Name=Wipeout 64 depthmode=0 filtering=1 swapmode=2 [E43C9765-05B1C1BE-C:4A] Good Name=Wonder Project J2 - Corlo no Mori no Josette (J) Internal Name=WONDER PROJECT J2 buff_clear=0 depthmode=0 swapmode=0 [F9FC3090-FF014EC2-C:50] Good Name=World Cup 98 (E) (M8) Internal Name=World Cup 98 depthmode=0 swapmode=0 [BD636D6A-5D1F54BA-C:45] Good Name=World Cup 98 (U) (M8) Internal Name=World Cup 98 depthmode=0 swapmode=0 [90A59003-31089864-C:45] Good Name=WWF WrestleMania 2000 (U) Internal Name=WRESTLEMANIA 2000 depthmode=0 //================ Y ================ [9F8B96C3-A01194DC-C:4A] Good Name=Yakouchuu II - Satsujin Kouro (J) Internal Name=YAKOUTYUU2 depthmode=0 [2DCFCA60-8354B147-C:4A] Good Name=Yoshi Story (J) Internal Name=YOSHI STORY depthmode=1 fb_smart=0 filtering=1 fix_tex_coord=32 fog=0 [D3F97D49-6924135B-C:50] Good Name=Yoshi's Story (E) (M3) Internal Name=YOSHI STORY depthmode=1 fb_smart=0 filtering=1 fix_tex_coord=32 fog=0 [2337D8E8-6B8E7CEC-C:45] Good Name=Yoshi's Story (U) (M2) Internal Name=YOSHI STORY depthmode=1 fb_smart=0 filtering=1 fix_tex_coord=32 fog=0 [9FE6162D-E97E4037-C:4A] Good Name=Yuke Yuke!! Trouble Makers (J) Internal Name=TROUBLE MAKERS depthmode=1 fog=0 mischief_tex_hack=0 //================ Z ================ [EC417312-EB31DE5F-C:4A] Good Name=Zelda no Densetsu - Mujura no Kamen (J) (V1.0) Internal Name=THE MASK OF MUJURA depthmode=1 fb_clear=1 fb_crc_mode=0 fb_render=1 filtering=1 wrap_big_tex=1 [69AE0438-2C63F3F3-C:4A] Good Name=Zelda no Densetsu - Mujura no Kamen (J) (V1.1) Internal Name=THE MASK OF MUJURA depthmode=1 fb_clear=1 fb_crc_mode=0 fb_render=1 filtering=1 wrap_big_tex=1 [8473D0C1-23120666-C:4A] Good Name=Zelda no Densetsu - Mujura no Kamen - Zelda Collection Version (J) (GC) Internal Name=ZELDA MAJORA'S MASK depthmode=1 fb_clear=1 fb_crc_mode=0 fb_render=1 filtering=1 wrap_big_tex=1 [EC7011B7-7616D72B-C:4A] Good Name=Zelda no Densetsu - Toki no Ocarina (J) (V1.0) Internal Name=THE LEGEND OF ZELDA depth_bias=60 depthmode=1 fb_clear=1 fb_render=1 filtering=1 [D43DA81F-021E1E19-C:4A] Good Name=Zelda no Densetsu - Toki no Ocarina (J) (V1.1) Internal Name=THE LEGEND OF ZELDA depth_bias=60 depthmode=1 fb_clear=1 fb_render=1 filtering=1 [693BA2AE-B7F14E9F-C:4A] Good Name=Zelda no Densetsu - Toki no Ocarina (J) (V1.2) Internal Name=THE LEGEND OF ZELDA depth_bias=60 depthmode=1 fb_clear=1 fb_render=1 filtering=1 [F7F52DB8-2195E636-C:4A] Good Name=Zelda no Densetsu - Toki no Ocarina - Zelda Collection Version (J) (GC) Internal Name=THE LEGEND OF ZELDA depth_bias=60 depthmode=1 fb_clear=1 fb_render=1 filtering=1 [F611F4BA-C584135C-C:4A] Good Name=Zelda no Densetsu - Toki no Ocarina GC (J) (GC) Internal Name=THE LEGEND OF ZELDA depth_bias=60 depthmode=1 fb_clear=1 fb_render=1 filtering=1 [F43B45BA-2F0E9B6F-C:4A] Good Name=Zelda no Densetsu - Toki no Ocarina GC URA (J) (GC) Internal Name=THE LEGEND OF ZELDA depth_bias=60 depthmode=1 fb_clear=1 fb_render=1 filtering=1 //================ PD ================ // // ROMs below are PD/Intros/Emus and other Non Commercial [F828DF21-C5E83F66-C:0] Good Name=LCARS Demo by WT Riker (PD) Internal Name=LCARS - WT_Riker depthmode=1 [21548CA9-9059F32C-C:0] Good Name=Mini Racers (Unreleased) Internal Name=Mini Racers buff_clear=0 force_microcheck=1 swapmode=0