/* * RSP Compiler plug in for Project 64 (A Nintendo 64 emulator). * * (c) Copyright 2001 jabo (jabo@emulation64.com) and * zilmar (zilmar@emulation64.com) * * pj64 homepage: www.pj64.net * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute Project64 in both binary and * source form, for non-commercial purposes, is hereby granted without fee, * providing that this license information and copyright notice appear with * all copies and any derived work. * * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied * warranty. In no event shall the authors be held liable for any damages * arising from the use of this software. * * Project64 is freeware for PERSONAL USE only. Commercial users should * seek permission of the copyright holders first. Commercial use includes * charging money for Project64 or software derived from Project64. * * The copyright holders request that bug fixes and improvements to the code * should be forwarded to them so if they want them. * */ #pragma once #include "Types.h" #pragma warning(push) #pragma warning(disable : 4201) // nonstandard extension used : nameless struct/union typedef union tagOPCODE { unsigned long Hex; unsigned char Ascii[4]; struct { unsigned immediate : 16; unsigned rt : 5; unsigned rs : 5; unsigned op : 6; }; struct { unsigned offset : 16; unsigned : 5; unsigned base : 5; unsigned : 6; }; struct { unsigned target : 26; unsigned : 6; }; struct { unsigned funct : 6; unsigned sa : 5; unsigned rd : 5; unsigned : 5; unsigned : 5; unsigned : 6; }; struct { signed voffset : 7; unsigned del : 4; unsigned : 5; unsigned dest : 5; unsigned : 5; unsigned : 6; }; } OPCODE; #pragma warning(pop) //RSP OpCodes #define RSP_SPECIAL 0 #define RSP_REGIMM 1 #define RSP_J 2 #define RSP_JAL 3 #define RSP_BEQ 4 #define RSP_BNE 5 #define RSP_BLEZ 6 #define RSP_BGTZ 7 #define RSP_ADDI 8 #define RSP_ADDIU 9 #define RSP_SLTI 10 #define RSP_SLTIU 11 #define RSP_ANDI 12 #define RSP_ORI 13 #define RSP_XORI 14 #define RSP_LUI 15 #define RSP_CP0 16 #define RSP_CP2 18 #define RSP_LB 32 #define RSP_LH 33 #define RSP_LW 35 #define RSP_LBU 36 #define RSP_LHU 37 #define RSP_SB 40 #define RSP_SH 41 #define RSP_SW 43 #define RSP_LC2 50 #define RSP_SC2 58 /* RSP Special opcodes */ #define RSP_SPECIAL_SLL 0 #define RSP_SPECIAL_SRL 2 #define RSP_SPECIAL_SRA 3 #define RSP_SPECIAL_SLLV 4 #define RSP_SPECIAL_SRLV 6 #define RSP_SPECIAL_SRAV 7 #define RSP_SPECIAL_JR 8 #define RSP_SPECIAL_JALR 9 #define RSP_SPECIAL_BREAK 13 #define RSP_SPECIAL_ADD 32 #define RSP_SPECIAL_ADDU 33 #define RSP_SPECIAL_SUB 34 #define RSP_SPECIAL_SUBU 35 #define RSP_SPECIAL_AND 36 #define RSP_SPECIAL_OR 37 #define RSP_SPECIAL_XOR 38 #define RSP_SPECIAL_NOR 39 #define RSP_SPECIAL_SLT 42 #define RSP_SPECIAL_SLTU 43 /* RSP RegImm opcodes */ #define RSP_REGIMM_BLTZ 0 #define RSP_REGIMM_BGEZ 1 #define RSP_REGIMM_BLTZAL 16 #define RSP_REGIMM_BGEZAL 17 /* RSP COP0 opcodes */ #define RSP_COP0_MF 0 #define RSP_COP0_MT 4 /* RSP COP2 opcodes */ #define RSP_COP2_MF 0 #define RSP_COP2_CF 2 #define RSP_COP2_MT 4 #define RSP_COP2_CT 6 /* RSP Vector opcodes */ #define RSP_VECTOR_VMULF 0 #define RSP_VECTOR_VMULU 1 #define RSP_VECTOR_VRNDP 2 #define RSP_VECTOR_VMULQ 3 #define RSP_VECTOR_VMUDL 4 #define RSP_VECTOR_VMUDM 5 #define RSP_VECTOR_VMUDN 6 #define RSP_VECTOR_VMUDH 7 #define RSP_VECTOR_VMACF 8 #define RSP_VECTOR_VMACU 9 #define RSP_VECTOR_VRNDN 10 #define RSP_VECTOR_VMACQ 11 #define RSP_VECTOR_VMADL 12 #define RSP_VECTOR_VMADM 13 #define RSP_VECTOR_VMADN 14 #define RSP_VECTOR_VMADH 15 #define RSP_VECTOR_VADD 16 #define RSP_VECTOR_VSUB 17 #define RSP_VECTOR_VABS 19 #define RSP_VECTOR_VADDC 20 #define RSP_VECTOR_VSUBC 21 #define RSP_VECTOR_VSAW 29 #define RSP_VECTOR_VLT 32 #define RSP_VECTOR_VEQ 33 #define RSP_VECTOR_VNE 34 #define RSP_VECTOR_VGE 35 #define RSP_VECTOR_VCL 36 #define RSP_VECTOR_VCH 37 #define RSP_VECTOR_VCR 38 #define RSP_VECTOR_VMRG 39 #define RSP_VECTOR_VAND 40 #define RSP_VECTOR_VNAND 41 #define RSP_VECTOR_VOR 42 #define RSP_VECTOR_VNOR 43 #define RSP_VECTOR_VXOR 44 #define RSP_VECTOR_VNXOR 45 #define RSP_VECTOR_VRCP 48 #define RSP_VECTOR_VRCPL 49 #define RSP_VECTOR_VRCPH 50 #define RSP_VECTOR_VMOV 51 #define RSP_VECTOR_VRSQ 52 #define RSP_VECTOR_VRSQL 53 #define RSP_VECTOR_VRSQH 54 #define RSP_VECTOR_VNOOP 55 /* RSP LSC2 opcodes */ #define RSP_LSC2_BV 0 #define RSP_LSC2_SV 1 #define RSP_LSC2_LV 2 #define RSP_LSC2_DV 3 #define RSP_LSC2_QV 4 #define RSP_LSC2_RV 5 #define RSP_LSC2_PV 6 #define RSP_LSC2_UV 7 #define RSP_LSC2_HV 8 #define RSP_LSC2_FV 9 #define RSP_LSC2_WV 10 #define RSP_LSC2_TV 11