/* XInput Controller support for N-Rage`s Dinput8 Plugin by tecnicors (C) 2009 Daniel Rehren - XInput Controller support Author's Email: rehren_007@hotmail.com This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ //code from http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee417014(VS.85).aspx #include #include #include #include #include #include "XInputController.h" #include "FileAccess.h" #include "resource.h" //We need to keep track of XInput control id's int iXinputControlId = 0; BOOL IsXInputDevice( const GUID* pGuidProductFromDirectInput ) { IWbemLocator* pIWbemLocator = NULL; IEnumWbemClassObject* pEnumDevices = NULL; IWbemClassObject* pDevices[20] = {0}; IWbemServices* pIWbemServices = NULL; BSTR bstrNamespace = NULL; BSTR bstrDeviceID = NULL; BSTR bstrClassName = NULL; DWORD uReturned = 0; bool bIsXinputDevice= false; UINT iDevice = 0; VARIANT var; HRESULT hr; // CoInit if needed hr = CoInitialize(NULL); bool bCleanupCOM = SUCCEEDED(hr); // Create WMI hr = CoCreateInstance( __uuidof(WbemLocator), NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, __uuidof(IWbemLocator), (LPVOID*) &pIWbemLocator); if( FAILED(hr) || pIWbemLocator == NULL ) goto LCleanup; bstrNamespace = SysAllocString( L"\\\\.\\root\\cimv2" );if( bstrNamespace == NULL ) goto LCleanup; bstrClassName = SysAllocString( L"Win32_PNPEntity" ); if( bstrClassName == NULL ) goto LCleanup; bstrDeviceID = SysAllocString( L"DeviceID" ); if( bstrDeviceID == NULL ) goto LCleanup; // Connect to WMI hr = pIWbemLocator->ConnectServer( bstrNamespace, NULL, NULL, 0L, 0L, NULL, NULL, &pIWbemServices ); if( FAILED(hr) || pIWbemServices == NULL ) goto LCleanup; // Switch security level to IMPERSONATE. CoSetProxyBlanket( pIWbemServices, RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT, RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE, NULL, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CALL, RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_IMPERSONATE, NULL, EOAC_NONE ); hr = pIWbemServices->CreateInstanceEnum( bstrClassName, 0, NULL, &pEnumDevices ); if( FAILED(hr) || pEnumDevices == NULL ) goto LCleanup; // Loop over all devices for( ;; ) { // Get 20 at a time hr = pEnumDevices->Next( 10000, 20, pDevices, &uReturned ); if( FAILED(hr) ) goto LCleanup; if( uReturned == 0 ) break; for( iDevice=0; iDeviceGet( bstrDeviceID, 0L, &var, NULL, NULL ); if( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { if(var.vt == VT_BSTR && var.bstrVal != NULL) { // Check if the device ID contains "IG_". If it does, then it's an XInput device // This information can not be found from DirectInput if( wcsstr( var.bstrVal, L"IG_" ) ) { // If it does, then get the VID/PID from var.bstrVal DWORD dwPid = 0, dwVid = 0; WCHAR* strVid = wcsstr( var.bstrVal, L"VID_" ); if (strVid && wscanf(strVid, L"VID_%4X", &dwVid) != 1) dwVid = 0; WCHAR* strPid = wcsstr( var.bstrVal, L"PID_" ); if (strPid && wscanf(strPid, L"PID_%4X", &dwPid) != 1) dwPid = 0; // Compare the VID/PID to the DInput device DWORD dwVidPid = MAKELONG( dwVid, dwPid ); if( dwVidPid == pGuidProductFromDirectInput->Data1 ) { bIsXinputDevice = true; goto LCleanup; } } } VariantClear(&var); } SAFE_RELEASE( pDevices[iDevice] ); } } LCleanup: if(bstrNamespace) SysFreeString(bstrNamespace); if(bstrDeviceID) SysFreeString(bstrDeviceID); if(bstrClassName) SysFreeString(bstrClassName); for( iDevice=0; iDevice<20; iDevice++ ) SAFE_RELEASE( pDevices[iDevice] ); SAFE_RELEASE( pEnumDevices ); SAFE_RELEASE( pIWbemLocator ); SAFE_RELEASE( pIWbemServices ); if( bCleanupCOM ) CoUninitialize(); return bIsXinputDevice; } void AxisDeadzone( SHORT &AxisValue, long lDeadZoneValue, float fDeadZoneRelation ) { short sign = AxisValue < 0 ? -1 : 1; float value = (float)(AxisValue < 0 ? -AxisValue : AxisValue); if(value < lDeadZoneValue) value = 0; else { value = (value - lDeadZoneValue) * fDeadZoneRelation; value = value > 32767.0f ? 32767.0f : value; } AxisValue = (SHORT)(value * sign); } void GetXInputControllerKeys( const int indexController, LPDWORD Keys ) { if (fnXInputGetState == NULL) { return; } using namespace N64_BUTTONS; LPCONTROLLER pcController = &g_pcControllers[indexController]; LPXCONTROLLER gController = &g_pcControllers[indexController].xiController; *Keys = 0; if ( !gController->bConfigured ) return; DWORD result; XINPUT_STATE state; result = fnXInputGetState(gController->nControl, &state); if( result != ERROR_SUCCESS ) return; DWORD wButtons = state.Gamepad.wButtons; if( pcController->bPadDeadZone > 0 ) { const int RANGERELATIVE = 32767; long lDeadZoneValue = pcController->bPadDeadZone * RANGERELATIVE / 100; float fDeadZoneRelation = (float)RANGERELATIVE / (float)( RANGERELATIVE - lDeadZoneValue ); AxisDeadzone(state.Gamepad.sThumbLX, lDeadZoneValue, fDeadZoneRelation); AxisDeadzone(state.Gamepad.sThumbLY, lDeadZoneValue, fDeadZoneRelation); AxisDeadzone(state.Gamepad.sThumbRX, lDeadZoneValue, fDeadZoneRelation); AxisDeadzone(state.Gamepad.sThumbRY, lDeadZoneValue, fDeadZoneRelation); } short LY = state.Gamepad.sThumbLY * N64_ANALOG_MAX / XC_ANALOG_MAX; short LX = state.Gamepad.sThumbLX * N64_ANALOG_MAX / XC_ANALOG_MAX; short RY = state.Gamepad.sThumbRY * N64_ANALOG_MAX / XC_ANALOG_MAX; short RX = state.Gamepad.sThumbRX * N64_ANALOG_MAX / XC_ANALOG_MAX; short XAx = 0, XAxc = 0; short YAx = 0, YAxc = 0; WORD valButtons = 0; valButtons |= ( wButtons & gController->stButtons.iDRight ) ? DRight : 0; valButtons |= ( wButtons & gController->stButtons.iDLeft ) ? DLeft : 0; valButtons |= ( wButtons & gController->stButtons.iDDown ) ? DDown : 0; valButtons |= ( wButtons & gController->stButtons.iDUp ) ? DUp : 0; valButtons |= ( wButtons & gController->stButtons.iStart ) ? Start : 0; valButtons |= ( wButtons & gController->stButtons.iZ ) ? Z : 0; valButtons |= ( wButtons & gController->stButtons.iB ) ? B : 0; valButtons |= ( wButtons & gController->stButtons.iA ) ? A : 0; valButtons |= ( wButtons & gController->stButtons.iCRight ) ? CRight : 0; valButtons |= ( wButtons & gController->stButtons.iCLeft ) ? CLeft : 0; valButtons |= ( wButtons & gController->stButtons.iCDown ) ? CDown : 0; valButtons |= ( wButtons & gController->stButtons.iCUp ) ? CUp : 0; valButtons |= ( wButtons & gController->stButtons.iR ) ? R : 0; valButtons |= ( wButtons & gController->stButtons.iL ) ? L : 0; valButtons |= state.Gamepad.bLeftTrigger > 30 ? gController->stAnalogs.iLeftTrigger : 0; valButtons |= state.Gamepad.bRightTrigger > 30 ? gController->stAnalogs.iRightTrigger : 0; if (LX >= BUTTON_ANALOG_VALUE) valButtons |= gController->stAnalogs.iLXAxis & ((CRight | DRight) << 16) ? gController->stAnalogs.iLXAxis >> 16 : 0; if (LX <= -BUTTON_ANALOG_VALUE) valButtons |= gController->stAnalogs.iLXAxis & (CLeft | DLeft) ? gController->stAnalogs.iLXAxis : 0; if (LY >= BUTTON_ANALOG_VALUE) valButtons |= gController->stAnalogs.iLYAxis & ((CUp | DUp) << 16) ? gController->stAnalogs.iLYAxis >> 16 : 0; if (LY <= -BUTTON_ANALOG_VALUE) valButtons |= gController->stAnalogs.iLYAxis & (CDown | DDown) ? gController->stAnalogs.iLYAxis : 0; if (RX >= BUTTON_ANALOG_VALUE) valButtons |= gController->stAnalogs.iRXAxis & ((CRight | DRight) << 16) ? gController->stAnalogs.iRXAxis >> 16 : 0; if (RX <= -BUTTON_ANALOG_VALUE) valButtons |= gController->stAnalogs.iRXAxis & (CLeft | DLeft) ? gController->stAnalogs.iRXAxis : 0; if (RY >= BUTTON_ANALOG_VALUE) valButtons |= gController->stAnalogs.iRYAxis & ((CUp | DUp) << 16) ? gController->stAnalogs.iRYAxis >> 16 : 0; if (RY <= -BUTTON_ANALOG_VALUE) valButtons |= gController->stAnalogs.iRYAxis & (CDown | DDown) ? gController->stAnalogs.iRYAxis : 0; if (gController->stAnalogs.iLXAxis == XAxis) { XAx += LX; XAxc += LX > 0 ? 1 : 0; } if (gController->stAnalogs.iRXAxis == XAxis) { XAx += RX; XAxc += RX > 0 ? 1 : 0; } if( XAxc ) XAx /= XAxc; if (gController->stAnalogs.iLYAxis == YAxis) { YAx += LY; YAxc += LY > 0 ? 1 : 0; } if (gController->stAnalogs.iRYAxis == YAxis) { YAx += RY; YAxc += RY > 0 ? 1 : 0; } if( YAxc ) YAx /= YAxc; *Keys = MAKELONG(valButtons, MAKEWORD(XAx, YAx)); } void DefaultXInputControllerKeys( LPXCONTROLLER gController) { using namespace N64_BUTTONS; gController->stButtons.iA = XINPUT_GAMEPAD_A | XINPUT_GAMEPAD_Y; gController->stButtons.iB = XINPUT_GAMEPAD_B | XINPUT_GAMEPAD_X; gController->stButtons.iStart = XINPUT_GAMEPAD_START | XINPUT_GAMEPAD_BACK; gController->stButtons.iDDown = XINPUT_GAMEPAD_DPAD_DOWN; gController->stButtons.iDLeft = XINPUT_GAMEPAD_DPAD_LEFT; gController->stButtons.iDRight = XINPUT_GAMEPAD_DPAD_RIGHT; gController->stButtons.iDUp = XINPUT_GAMEPAD_DPAD_UP; gController->stButtons.iL = XINPUT_GAMEPAD_LEFT_SHOULDER; gController->stButtons.iR = XINPUT_GAMEPAD_RIGHT_SHOULDER; gController->stAnalogs.iLeftTrigger = Z; gController->stAnalogs.iRightTrigger = R; gController->stAnalogs.iRXAxis = (CRight << 16) | CLeft; gController->stAnalogs.iRYAxis = (CUp << 16) | CDown; gController->stAnalogs.iLXAxis = XAxis; gController->stAnalogs.iLYAxis = YAxis; gController->bConfigured = true; } void VibrateXInputController( DWORD nController, int LeftMotorVal, int RightMotorVal ) { if (fnXInputSetState == NULL) { return; } XINPUT_VIBRATION vibration; ZeroMemory( &vibration, sizeof( XINPUT_VIBRATION ) ); vibration.wLeftMotorSpeed = LeftMotorVal; vibration.wRightMotorSpeed = RightMotorVal; fnXInputSetState(nController, &vibration); } bool InitXinput() { //Lets dynamically load in the XInput library if (g_hXInputDLL == NULL) g_hXInputDLL = LoadLibrary(L"Xinput1_4.dll"); if (g_hXInputDLL == NULL) { //Ok since 1.4 is present, try 9.1.0 as its present on Vista and newer g_hXInputDLL = LoadLibrary(L"Xinput9_1_0.dll"); } if (g_hXInputDLL == NULL) { return false; } //Prepare the functions where going to use, nice and simple for XInput fnXInputSetState = (DWORD(WINAPI *) (DWORD, XINPUT_VIBRATION*))GetProcAddress(g_hXInputDLL, "XInputSetState"); fnXInputGetState = (DWORD(WINAPI *) (DWORD, XINPUT_STATE*))GetProcAddress(g_hXInputDLL, "XInputGetState"); return true; } void FreeXinput() { //Unload the Library if (g_hXInputDLL != NULL) { FreeLibrary(g_hXInputDLL); g_hXInputDLL = NULL; } } bool InitiateXInputController( LPXCONTROLLER gController, int nControl ) { if (fnXInputGetState == NULL || fnXInputSetState == NULL) { return false; } gController->nControl = iXinputControlId; iXinputControlId++; TCHAR buffer[MAX_PATH]; GetDirectory( buffer, DIRECTORY_CONFIG ); _stprintf_s( buffer, _T("%sXInput Controller %d Config.xcc"), buffer, nControl + 1 ); FILE *file = _tfopen( buffer, _T("rS") ); if( file ) { LoadXInputConfigFromFile( file, gController ); fclose( file ); } if( !gController->bConfigured ) DefaultXInputControllerKeys( gController ); return true; } TCHAR * GetN64ButtonNameFromButtonCode( int Button ) { using namespace N64_BUTTONS; TCHAR *btnName; btnName = new TCHAR[10]; switch( Button ) { case A: _tcscpy_s( btnName, 10, _T( "A" )); break; case B: _tcscpy_s( btnName, 10, _T( "B" )); break; case Z: _tcscpy_s( btnName, 10, _T( "Z" )); break; case L: _tcscpy_s( btnName, 10, _T( "L" )); break; case R: _tcscpy_s( btnName, 10, _T( "R" )); break; case Start: _tcscpy_s( btnName, 10, _T( "Start" )); break; case CUp: _tcscpy_s( btnName, 10, _T( "C-Up" )); break; case CDown: _tcscpy_s( btnName, 10, _T( "C-Down" )); break; case CRight: _tcscpy_s( btnName, 10, _T( "C-Right" )); break; case CLeft: _tcscpy_s( btnName, 10, _T( "C-Left" )); break; case DUp: _tcscpy_s( btnName, 10, _T( "D-Up" )); break; case DDown: _tcscpy_s( btnName, 10, _T( "D-Down" )); break; case DRight: _tcscpy_s( btnName, 10, _T( "D-Right" )); break; case DLeft: _tcscpy_s( btnName, 10, _T( "D-Left" )); break; default: _tcscpy_s( btnName, 10, _T( "None" )); } return btnName; } TCHAR * GetN64ButtonFromXInputControl( LPXCONTROLLER gController, int XInputButton ) { using namespace N64_BUTTONS; if( !gController || !gController->bConfigured ) return GetN64ButtonNameFromButtonCode( 0 ); int N64ButtonCode = 0; N64ButtonCode |= gController->stButtons.iA & XInputButton ? A : 0; N64ButtonCode |= gController->stButtons.iB & XInputButton ? B : 0; N64ButtonCode |= gController->stButtons.iCDown & XInputButton ? CDown : 0; N64ButtonCode |= gController->stButtons.iCLeft & XInputButton ? CLeft : 0; N64ButtonCode |= gController->stButtons.iCRight & XInputButton ? CRight : 0; N64ButtonCode |= gController->stButtons.iCUp & XInputButton ? CUp : 0; N64ButtonCode |= gController->stButtons.iDDown & XInputButton ? DDown : 0; N64ButtonCode |= gController->stButtons.iDLeft & XInputButton ? DLeft : 0; N64ButtonCode |= gController->stButtons.iDRight & XInputButton ? DRight : 0; N64ButtonCode |= gController->stButtons.iDUp & XInputButton ? DUp : 0; N64ButtonCode |= gController->stButtons.iL & XInputButton ? L : 0; N64ButtonCode |= gController->stButtons.iR & XInputButton ? R : 0; N64ButtonCode |= gController->stButtons.iStart & XInputButton ? Start : 0; N64ButtonCode |= gController->stButtons.iZ & XInputButton ? Z : 0; return GetN64ButtonNameFromButtonCode( N64ButtonCode ); } TCHAR * GetN64ButtonArrayFromXAnalog( LPXCONTROLLER gController, int XThStickOrXDpad ) { using namespace N64_BUTTONS; if( !gController || !gController->bConfigured ) return NULL; TCHAR *name; name = new TCHAR[15]; switch( XThStickOrXDpad ) { case XC_LTBS: if( gController->stAnalogs.iLXAxis == XAxis ) _tcscpy_s( name, 15, _T( "Analog Stick" )); else if( gController->stAnalogs.iLXAxis & CLeft ) _tcscpy_s( name, 15, _T( "C Buttons" )); else if( gController->stAnalogs.iLXAxis & DLeft ) _tcscpy_s( name, 15, _T( "DPad" )); else _tcscpy_s( name, 15, _T( "None" )); break; case XC_RTBS: if( gController->stAnalogs.iRXAxis == XAxis ) _tcscpy_s( name, 15, _T( "Analog Stick" )); else if( gController->stAnalogs.iRXAxis & CLeft ) _tcscpy_s( name, 15, _T( "C Buttons" )); else if( gController->stAnalogs.iRXAxis & DLeft ) _tcscpy_s( name, 15, _T( "DPad" )); else _tcscpy_s( name, 15, _T( "None" )); break; case XC_DPAD: if( gController->stButtons.iCDown == XINPUT_GAMEPAD_DPAD_DOWN ) _tcscpy_s( name, 15, _T( "C Button" )); else if( gController->stButtons.iDDown == XINPUT_GAMEPAD_DPAD_DOWN ) _tcscpy_s( name, 15, _T( "DPad" )); else _tcscpy_s( name, 15, _T( "None" )); break; default: _tcscpy_s( name, 15, _T( "None" )); } return name; } bool ReadXInputControllerKeys( HWND hDlg, LPXCONTROLLER gController ) { if( hDlg == NULL || gController == NULL || !gController->bConfigured) return false; SendDlgItemMessage( hDlg, IDC_XC_A, CB_SELECTSTRING, -1, (LPARAM)GetN64ButtonFromXInputControl( gController, XINPUT_GAMEPAD_A )); SendDlgItemMessage( hDlg, IDC_XC_B, CB_SELECTSTRING, -1, (LPARAM)GetN64ButtonFromXInputControl( gController, XINPUT_GAMEPAD_B )); SendDlgItemMessage( hDlg, IDC_XC_X, CB_SELECTSTRING, -1, (LPARAM)GetN64ButtonFromXInputControl( gController, XINPUT_GAMEPAD_X )); SendDlgItemMessage( hDlg, IDC_XC_Y, CB_SELECTSTRING, -1, (LPARAM)GetN64ButtonFromXInputControl( gController, XINPUT_GAMEPAD_Y )); SendDlgItemMessage( hDlg, IDC_XC_BACK, CB_SELECTSTRING, -1, (LPARAM)GetN64ButtonFromXInputControl( gController, XINPUT_GAMEPAD_BACK )); SendDlgItemMessage( hDlg, IDC_XC_START, CB_SELECTSTRING, -1, (LPARAM)GetN64ButtonFromXInputControl( gController, XINPUT_GAMEPAD_START )); SendDlgItemMessage( hDlg, IDC_XC_LB, CB_SELECTSTRING, -1, (LPARAM)GetN64ButtonFromXInputControl( gController, XINPUT_GAMEPAD_LEFT_SHOULDER )); SendDlgItemMessage( hDlg, IDC_XC_RB, CB_SELECTSTRING, -1, (LPARAM)GetN64ButtonFromXInputControl( gController, XINPUT_GAMEPAD_RIGHT_SHOULDER )); SendDlgItemMessage( hDlg, IDC_XC_LTSB, CB_SELECTSTRING, -1, (LPARAM)GetN64ButtonFromXInputControl( gController, XINPUT_GAMEPAD_LEFT_THUMB )); SendDlgItemMessage( hDlg, IDC_XC_RTSB, CB_SELECTSTRING, -1, (LPARAM)GetN64ButtonFromXInputControl( gController, XINPUT_GAMEPAD_RIGHT_THUMB )); SendDlgItemMessage( hDlg, IDC_XC_LT, CB_SELECTSTRING, -1, (LPARAM)GetN64ButtonNameFromButtonCode( gController->stAnalogs.iLeftTrigger )); SendDlgItemMessage( hDlg, IDC_XC_RT, CB_SELECTSTRING, -1, (LPARAM)GetN64ButtonNameFromButtonCode( gController->stAnalogs.iRightTrigger )); SendDlgItemMessage( hDlg, IDC_XC_DPAD, CB_SELECTSTRING, -1, (LPARAM)GetN64ButtonArrayFromXAnalog( gController, XC_DPAD )); SendDlgItemMessage( hDlg, IDC_XC_LTS, CB_SELECTSTRING, -1, (LPARAM)GetN64ButtonArrayFromXAnalog( gController, XC_LTBS )); SendDlgItemMessage( hDlg, IDC_XC_RTS, CB_SELECTSTRING, -1, (LPARAM)GetN64ButtonArrayFromXAnalog( gController, XC_RTBS )); return true; } int GetComboBoxXInputKey( int ComboBox ) { switch( ComboBox ) { case IDC_XC_A: return XINPUT_GAMEPAD_A; case IDC_XC_B: return XINPUT_GAMEPAD_B; case IDC_XC_X: return XINPUT_GAMEPAD_X; case IDC_XC_Y: return XINPUT_GAMEPAD_Y; case IDC_XC_BACK: return XINPUT_GAMEPAD_BACK; case IDC_XC_START: return XINPUT_GAMEPAD_START; case IDC_XC_LB: return XINPUT_GAMEPAD_LEFT_SHOULDER; case IDC_XC_RB: return XINPUT_GAMEPAD_RIGHT_SHOULDER; case IDC_XC_LT: return -1; // triggers don't use these macros case IDC_XC_RT: return -1; case IDC_XC_LTSB: return XINPUT_GAMEPAD_LEFT_THUMB; case IDC_XC_RTSB: return XINPUT_GAMEPAD_RIGHT_THUMB; case IDC_XC_DPAD: return -2; // to handle analogs and dpad case IDC_XC_LTS: return -2; case IDC_XC_RTS: return -2; default: return 0; } } int GetN64ButtonCode( TCHAR *btnName ) //esta wea esta muy fea, hay que buscar una mejor manera definitivamente.. { using namespace N64_BUTTONS; int value = 0; if( !_tcscmp( btnName, _T( "A" ))) value = A; else if( !_tcscmp( btnName, _T( "B" ))) value = B; else if( !_tcscmp( btnName, _T( "R" ))) value = R; else if( !_tcscmp( btnName, _T( "L" ))) value = L; else if( !_tcscmp( btnName, _T( "Z" ))) value = Z; else if( !_tcscmp( btnName, _T( "Start" ))) value = Start; else if( !_tcscmp( btnName, _T( "C-Up" ))) value = CUp; else if( !_tcscmp( btnName, _T( "C-Down" ))) value = CDown; else if( !_tcscmp( btnName, _T( "C-Left" ))) value = CLeft; else if( !_tcscmp( btnName, _T( "C-Right" ))) value = CRight; else if( !_tcscmp( btnName, _T( "D-Up" ))) value = DUp; else if( !_tcscmp( btnName, _T( "D-Down" ))) value = DDown; else if( !_tcscmp( btnName, _T( "D-Left" ))) value = DLeft; else if( !_tcscmp( btnName, _T( "D-Right" ))) value = DRight; return value; } void ResetXInputControllerKeys( LPXCONTROLLER gController ) { gController->stButtons.iA = 0; gController->stButtons.iB = 0; gController->stButtons.iZ = 0; gController->stButtons.iL = 0; gController->stButtons.iR = 0; gController->stButtons.iStart = 0; gController->stButtons.iCUp = 0; gController->stButtons.iCLeft = 0; gController->stButtons.iCDown = 0; gController->stButtons.iCRight = 0; gController->stButtons.iDUp = 0; gController->stButtons.iDLeft = 0; gController->stButtons.iDDown = 0; gController->stButtons.iDRight = 0; gController->stAnalogs.iLeftTrigger = 0; gController->stAnalogs.iLXAxis = 0; gController->stAnalogs.iLYAxis = 0; gController->stAnalogs.iRightTrigger = 0; gController->stAnalogs.iRXAxis = 0; gController->stAnalogs.iRYAxis = 0; } void StoreAnalogConfig( LPXCONTROLLER gController, int ComboBox, int index ) { using namespace N64_BUTTONS; switch( index ) { case 1: // DPAD switch( ComboBox ) { case IDC_XC_DPAD: gController->stButtons.iDDown |= XINPUT_GAMEPAD_DPAD_DOWN; gController->stButtons.iDUp |= XINPUT_GAMEPAD_DPAD_UP; gController->stButtons.iDLeft |= XINPUT_GAMEPAD_DPAD_LEFT; gController->stButtons.iDRight |= XINPUT_GAMEPAD_DPAD_RIGHT; break; case IDC_XC_LTS: gController->stAnalogs.iLXAxis = ( DRight << 16 ) | DLeft; gController->stAnalogs.iLYAxis = ( DUp << 16 ) | DDown; break; case IDC_XC_RTS: gController->stAnalogs.iRXAxis = ( DRight << 16 ) | DLeft; gController->stAnalogs.iRYAxis = ( DUp << 16 ) | DDown; break; } break; case 2: // C Buttons switch( ComboBox ) { case IDC_XC_DPAD: gController->stButtons.iCDown |= XINPUT_GAMEPAD_DPAD_DOWN; gController->stButtons.iCUp |= XINPUT_GAMEPAD_DPAD_UP; gController->stButtons.iCLeft |= XINPUT_GAMEPAD_DPAD_LEFT; gController->stButtons.iCRight |= XINPUT_GAMEPAD_DPAD_RIGHT; break; case IDC_XC_LTS: gController->stAnalogs.iLXAxis = ( CRight << 16 ) | CLeft; gController->stAnalogs.iLYAxis = ( CUp << 16 ) | CDown; break; case IDC_XC_RTS: gController->stAnalogs.iRXAxis = ( CRight << 16 ) | CLeft; gController->stAnalogs.iRYAxis = ( CUp << 16 ) | CDown; break; } break; case 3: // Analog switch( ComboBox ) { case IDC_XC_LTS: gController->stAnalogs.iLXAxis = XAxis; gController->stAnalogs.iLYAxis = YAxis; break; case IDC_XC_RTS: gController->stAnalogs.iRXAxis = XAxis; gController->stAnalogs.iRYAxis = YAxis; break; } break; } } void StoreXInputControllerKeys( HWND hDlg, LPXCONTROLLER gController ) { LRESULT index = -1; DWORD value = 0; ResetXInputControllerKeys( gController ); for( int i = IDC_XC_A; i <= IDC_XC_RTS; i++ ) { index = SendDlgItemMessage( hDlg, i, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0 ); value = GetComboBoxXInputKey( i ); if( value == 0 ) continue; else if ( value == -1 ) { TCHAR btnName[10] = _T( "\0" ); SendDlgItemMessage( hDlg, i, CB_GETLBTEXT, index, (LPARAM)(LPTSTR)btnName ); switch( i ) { case IDC_XC_LT: gController->stAnalogs.iLeftTrigger = GetN64ButtonCode( btnName ); break; case IDC_XC_RT: gController->stAnalogs.iRightTrigger = GetN64ButtonCode( btnName ); break; } continue; } else if ( value == -2 ) { StoreAnalogConfig( gController, i, index); continue; } switch( index ) { case 1: gController->stButtons.iA |= value; break; case 2: gController->stButtons.iB |= value; break; case 3: gController->stButtons.iZ |= value; break; case 4: gController->stButtons.iL |= value; break; case 5: gController->stButtons.iR |= value; break; case 6: gController->stButtons.iStart |= value; break; case 7: gController->stButtons.iCUp |= value; break; case 8: gController->stButtons.iCLeft |= value; break; case 9: gController->stButtons.iCDown |= value; break; case 10: gController->stButtons.iCRight |= value; break; case 11: gController->stButtons.iDUp |= value; break; case 12: gController->stButtons.iDLeft |= value; break; case 13: gController->stButtons.iDDown |= value; break; case 14: gController->stButtons.iDRight |= value; break; } } gController->bConfigured = true; } void SaveXInputConfigToFile( FILE *file, LPXCONTROLLER gController ) { // fprintf( file, "[XInput Controller %d]\n", gController->nControl ); fprintf( file, "A=%lu\n", gController->stButtons.iA ); fprintf( file, "B=%lu\n", gController->stButtons.iB ); fprintf( file, "CDown=%lu\n", gController->stButtons.iCDown ); fprintf( file, "CLeft=%lu\n", gController->stButtons.iCLeft ); fprintf( file, "CRight=%lu\n", gController->stButtons.iCRight ); fprintf( file, "CUp=%lu\n", gController->stButtons.iCUp ); fprintf( file, "DDown=%lu\n", gController->stButtons.iDDown ); fprintf( file, "DLeft=%lu\n", gController->stButtons.iDLeft ); fprintf( file, "DRight=%lu\n", gController->stButtons.iDRight ); fprintf( file, "DUp=%lu\n", gController->stButtons.iDUp ); fprintf( file, "L=%lu\n", gController->stButtons.iL ); fprintf( file, "R=%lu\n", gController->stButtons.iR ); fprintf( file, "Start=%lu\n", gController->stButtons.iStart ); fprintf( file, "Z=%lu\n", gController->stButtons.iZ ); fprintf( file, "XAxis=%lu\n", gController->stButtons.iXAxis ); fprintf( file, "YAxis=%lu\n", gController->stButtons.iYAxis ); fprintf( file, "LeftTrigger=%lu\n", gController->stAnalogs.iLeftTrigger ); fprintf( file, "RightTrigger=%lu\n", gController->stAnalogs.iRightTrigger ); fprintf( file, "LeftXAxis=%lu\n", gController->stAnalogs.iLXAxis ); fprintf( file, "LeftYAxis=%lu\n", gController->stAnalogs.iLYAxis ); fprintf( file, "RightXAxis=%lu\n", gController->stAnalogs.iRXAxis ); fprintf( file, "RightYAxis=%lu\n\n", gController->stAnalogs.iRYAxis ); } void LoadXInputConfigFromFile( FILE *file, LPXCONTROLLER gController ) { char buffer[4096]; int c = 0; while( fgets( buffer, 4096, file )) { if( strlen( buffer ) == 1 ) // means end of controller config break; c++; switch( buffer[0] ) { case 'A': sscanf(buffer, "A=%lu", &gController->stButtons.iA); break; case 'B': sscanf(buffer, "B=%lu", &gController->stButtons.iB); break; case 'C': switch( buffer[1] ) { case 'U': sscanf(buffer, "CUp=%lu", &gController->stButtons.iCUp); break; case 'D': sscanf(buffer, "CDown=%lu", &gController->stButtons.iCDown); break; case 'L': sscanf(buffer, "CLeft=%lu", &gController->stButtons.iCLeft); break; case 'R': sscanf(buffer, "CRight=%lu", &gController->stButtons.iCRight); break; } break; case 'D': switch( buffer[1] ) { case 'U': sscanf(buffer, "DUp=%lu", &gController->stButtons.iDUp); break; case 'D': sscanf(buffer, "DDown=%lu", &gController->stButtons.iDDown); break; case 'L': sscanf(buffer, "DLeft=%lu", &gController->stButtons.iDLeft); break; case 'R': sscanf(buffer, "DRight=%lu", &gController->stButtons.iDRight); break; } break; case 'L': switch( buffer[1] ) { case '=': sscanf(buffer, "L=%lu", &gController->stButtons.iL); break; case 'e': switch( buffer[4] ) { case 'T': sscanf(buffer, "LeftTrigger=%lu", &gController->stAnalogs.iLeftTrigger); break; case 'X': sscanf(buffer, "LeftXAxis=%lu", &gController->stAnalogs.iLXAxis); break; case 'Y': sscanf(buffer, "LeftYAxis=%lu", &gController->stAnalogs.iLYAxis); break; } break; } break; case 'R': switch( buffer[1] ) { case '=': sscanf(buffer, "R=%lu", &gController->stButtons.iR); break; case 'i': switch( buffer[5] ) { case 'T': sscanf(buffer, "RightTrigger=%lu", &gController->stAnalogs.iRightTrigger); break; case 'X': sscanf(buffer, "RightXAxis=%lu", &gController->stAnalogs.iRXAxis); break; case 'Y': sscanf(buffer, "RightYAxis=%lu", &gController->stAnalogs.iRYAxis); break; } break; } break; case 'Z': sscanf(buffer, "Z=%lu", &gController->stButtons.iZ); break; case 'S': sscanf(buffer, "Start=%lu", &gController->stButtons.iStart); break; case 'X': sscanf(buffer, "XAxis=%lu", &gController->stButtons.iXAxis); break; case 'Y': sscanf(buffer, "YAxis=%lu", &gController->stButtons.iYAxis); break; } } gController->bConfigured = c > 20 ; }