#include "stdafx.h" #include "../C Core/mempak.h" int CPifRamSettings::m_RefCount = 0; bool CPifRamSettings::m_bShowPifRamErrors = false; bool CPifRamSettings::m_DelaySI = false; DWORD CPifRamSettings::m_RdramSize = 0; CPifRamSettings::CPifRamSettings() { m_RefCount += 1; if (m_RefCount == 1) { _Settings->RegisterChangeCB(Debugger_ShowPifErrors,NULL,RefreshSettings); _Settings->RegisterChangeCB(Game_RDRamSize,NULL,RefreshSettings); _Settings->RegisterChangeCB(Game_DelaySI,NULL,RefreshSettings); RefreshSettings(NULL); } } CPifRamSettings::~CPifRamSettings() { m_RefCount -= 1; if (m_RefCount == 0) { _Settings->UnregisterChangeCB(Debugger_ShowPifErrors,NULL,RefreshSettings); _Settings->UnregisterChangeCB(Game_RDRamSize,NULL,RefreshSettings); _Settings->UnregisterChangeCB(Game_DelaySI,NULL,RefreshSettings); } } void CPifRamSettings::RefreshSettings(void *) { m_bShowPifRamErrors = _Settings->LoadBool(Debugger_ShowPifErrors); m_RdramSize = _Settings->LoadDword(Game_RDRamSize); m_DelaySI = _Settings->LoadBool(Game_DelaySI); } CPifRam::CPifRam( bool SavesReadOnly ) : CEeprom(SavesReadOnly) { Reset(); } CPifRam::~CPifRam( void ) { } void CPifRam::Reset ( void ) { memset(m_PifRam,0,sizeof(m_PifRam)); memset(m_PifRom,0,sizeof(m_PifRom)); } void CPifRam::n64_cic_nus_6105(char challenge[], char respone[], int length) { static char lut0[0x10] = { 0x4, 0x7, 0xA, 0x7, 0xE, 0x5, 0xE, 0x1, 0xC, 0xF, 0x8, 0xF, 0x6, 0x3, 0x6, 0x9 }; static char lut1[0x10] = { 0x4, 0x1, 0xA, 0x7, 0xE, 0x5, 0xE, 0x1, 0xC, 0x9, 0x8, 0x5, 0x6, 0x3, 0xC, 0x9 }; char key, *lut; int i, sgn, mag, mod; for (key = 0xB, lut = lut0, i = 0; i < length; i++) { respone[i] = (key + 5 * challenge[i]) & 0xF; key = lut[respone[i]]; sgn = (respone[i] >> 3) & 0x1; mag = ((sgn == 1) ? ~respone[i] : respone[i]) & 0x7; mod = (mag % 3 == 1) ? sgn : 1 - sgn; if (lut == lut1 && (respone[i] == 0x1 || respone[i] == 0x9)) mod = 1; if (lut == lut1 && (respone[i] == 0xB || respone[i] == 0xE)) mod = 0; lut = (mod == 1) ? lut1 : lut0; } } void CPifRam::PifRamRead (void) { if (m_PifRam[0x3F] == 0x2) { return; } CONTROL * Controllers = _Plugins->Control()->PluginControllers(); int Channel = 0; for (int CurPos = 0; CurPos < 0x40; CurPos ++) { switch(m_PifRam[CurPos]) { case 0x00: Channel += 1; if (Channel > 6) { CurPos = 0x40; } break; case 0xFE: CurPos = 0x40; break; case 0xFF: break; case 0xB4: case 0x56: case 0xB8: break; /* ??? */ default: if ((m_PifRam[CurPos] & 0xC0) == 0) { if (Channel < 4) { if (Controllers[Channel].Present && Controllers[Channel].RawData) { if (_Plugins->Control()->ReadController) { _Plugins->Control()->ReadController(Channel,&m_PifRam[CurPos]); } } else { ReadControllerCommand(Channel,&m_PifRam[CurPos]); } } CurPos += m_PifRam[CurPos] + (m_PifRam[CurPos + 1] & 0x3F) + 1; Channel += 1; } else { if (bShowPifRamErrors()) { DisplayError("Unknown Command in PifRamRead(%X)",m_PifRam[CurPos]); } CurPos = 0x40; } break; } } if (_Plugins->Control()->ReadController) { _Plugins->Control()->ReadController(-1,NULL); } } void CPifRam::PifRamWrite (void) { CONTROL * Controllers = _Plugins->Control()->PluginControllers(); int Channel, CurPos; char Challenge[30], Response[30]; Channel = 0; if( m_PifRam[0x3F] > 0x1) { switch (m_PifRam[0x3F]) { case 0x02: // format the 'challenge' message into 30 nibbles for X-Scale's CIC code for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) { Challenge[i*2] = (m_PifRam[48+i] >> 4) & 0x0f; Challenge[i*2+1] = m_PifRam[48+i] & 0x0f; } //Calcuate the proper respone for the give challange(X-Scales algorithm) n64_cic_nus_6105(Challenge, Response, CHL_LEN - 2); // re-format the 'response' into a byte stream for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) { m_PifRam[48+i] = (Response[i*2] << 4) + Response[i*2+1]; } // the last byte (2 nibbles) is always 0 m_PifRam[63] = 0; break; case 0x08: m_PifRam[0x3F] = 0; _Reg->MI_INTR_REG |= MI_INTR_SI; _Reg->SI_STATUS_REG |= SI_STATUS_INTERRUPT; _Reg->CheckInterrupts(); break; case 0x10: memset(m_PifRom,0,0x7C0); break; case 0x30: m_PifRam[0x3F] = 0x80; break; case 0xC0: memset(m_PifRam,0,0x40); break; default: if (bShowPifRamErrors()) { DisplayError("Unkown PifRam control: %d",m_PifRam[0x3F]); } } return; } for (CurPos = 0; CurPos < 0x40; CurPos++){ switch(m_PifRam[CurPos]) { case 0x00: Channel += 1; if (Channel > 6) { CurPos = 0x40; } break; case 0xFE: CurPos = 0x40; break; case 0xFF: break; case 0xB4: case 0x56: case 0xB8: break; /* ??? */ default: if ((m_PifRam[CurPos] & 0xC0) == 0) { if (Channel < 4) { if (Controllers[Channel].Present && Controllers[Channel].RawData) { if (_Plugins->Control()->ControllerCommand) { _Plugins->Control()->ControllerCommand(Channel,&m_PifRam[CurPos]); } } else { ProcessControllerCommand(Channel,&m_PifRam[CurPos]); } } else if (Channel == 4) { EepromCommand(&m_PifRam[CurPos]); } else { if (bShowPifRamErrors()) { DisplayError("Command on channel 5?"); } } CurPos += m_PifRam[CurPos] + (m_PifRam[CurPos + 1] & 0x3F) + 1; Channel += 1; } else { if (bShowPifRamErrors()) { DisplayError("Unknown Command in PifRamWrite(%X)",m_PifRam[CurPos]); } CurPos = 0x40; } break; } } m_PifRam[0x3F] = 0; if (_Plugins->Control()->ControllerCommand) { _Plugins->Control()->ControllerCommand(-1,NULL); } } void CPifRam::SI_DMA_READ (void) { BYTE * PifRamPos = m_PifRam; BYTE * RDRAM = _MMU->Rdram(); DWORD & SI_DRAM_ADDR_REG = _Reg->SI_DRAM_ADDR_REG; if ((int)SI_DRAM_ADDR_REG > (int)RdramSize()) { if (bShowPifRamErrors()) { DisplayError("SI DMA\nSI_DRAM_ADDR_REG not in RDRam space"); } return; } PifRamRead(); SI_DRAM_ADDR_REG &= 0xFFFFFFF8; if ((int)SI_DRAM_ADDR_REG < 0) { int count, RdramPos; RdramPos = (int)SI_DRAM_ADDR_REG; for (count = 0; count < 0x40; count++, RdramPos++) { if (RdramPos < 0) { continue; } RDRAM[RdramPos ^3] = m_PifRam[count]; } } else { _asm { mov edi, dword ptr [SI_DRAM_ADDR_REG] mov edi, dword ptr [edi] add edi, RDRAM mov ecx, PifRamPos mov edx, 0 memcpyloop: mov eax, dword ptr [ecx + edx] bswap eax mov dword ptr [edi + edx],eax mov eax, dword ptr [ecx + edx + 4] bswap eax mov dword ptr [edi + edx + 4],eax mov eax, dword ptr [ecx + edx + 8] bswap eax mov dword ptr [edi + edx + 8],eax mov eax, dword ptr [ecx + edx + 12] bswap eax mov dword ptr [edi + edx + 12],eax add edx, 16 cmp edx, 64 jb memcpyloop } } #ifndef EXTERNAL_RELEASE if (LogOptions.LogPRDMAMemStores) { int count; char HexData[100], AsciiData[100], Addon[20]; LogMessage("\tData DMAed to RDRAM:"); LogMessage("\t--------------------"); for (count = 0; count < 16; count ++ ) { if ((count % 4) == 0) { sprintf(HexData,"\0"); sprintf(AsciiData,"\0"); } sprintf(Addon,"%02X %02X %02X %02X", m_PifRam[(count << 2) + 0], m_PifRam[(count << 2) + 1], m_PifRam[(count << 2) + 2], m_PifRam[(count << 2) + 3] ); strcat(HexData,Addon); if (((count + 1) % 4) != 0) { sprintf(Addon,"-"); strcat(HexData,Addon); } sprintf(Addon,"%c%c%c%c", m_PifRam[(count << 2) + 0], m_PifRam[(count << 2) + 1], m_PifRam[(count << 2) + 2], m_PifRam[(count << 2) + 3] ); strcat(AsciiData,Addon); if (((count + 1) % 4) == 0) { LogMessage("\t%s %s",HexData, AsciiData); } } LogMessage(""); } #endif if (bDelaySI()) { _SystemTimer->SetTimer(CSystemTimer::SiTimer,0x900,false); } else { _Reg->MI_INTR_REG |= MI_INTR_SI; _Reg->SI_STATUS_REG |= SI_STATUS_INTERRUPT; _Reg->CheckInterrupts(); } } void CPifRam::SI_DMA_WRITE (void) { BYTE * PifRamPos = m_PifRam; DWORD & SI_DRAM_ADDR_REG = _Reg->SI_DRAM_ADDR_REG; if ((int)SI_DRAM_ADDR_REG > (int)RdramSize()) { if (bShowPifRamErrors()) { DisplayError("SI DMA\nSI_DRAM_ADDR_REG not in RDRam space"); } return; } SI_DRAM_ADDR_REG &= 0xFFFFFFF8; BYTE * RDRAM = _MMU->Rdram(); if ((int)SI_DRAM_ADDR_REG < 0) { int count, RdramPos; RdramPos = (int)SI_DRAM_ADDR_REG; for (count = 0; count < 0x40; count++, RdramPos++) { if (RdramPos < 0) { m_PifRam[count] = 0; continue; } m_PifRam[count] = RDRAM[RdramPos ^3]; } } else { _asm { mov ecx, dword ptr [SI_DRAM_ADDR_REG] mov ecx, dword ptr [ecx] add ecx, RDRAM mov edi, PifRamPos mov edx, 0 memcpyloop: mov eax, dword ptr [ecx + edx] bswap eax mov dword ptr [edi + edx],eax mov eax, dword ptr [ecx + edx + 4] bswap eax mov dword ptr [edi + edx + 4],eax mov eax, dword ptr [ecx + edx + 8] bswap eax mov dword ptr [edi + edx + 8],eax mov eax, dword ptr [ecx + edx + 12] bswap eax mov dword ptr [edi + edx + 12],eax add edx, 16 cmp edx, 64 jb memcpyloop } } #ifndef EXTERNAL_RELEASE if (LogOptions.LogPRDMAMemLoads) { int count; char HexData[100], AsciiData[100], Addon[20]; LogMessage(""); LogMessage("\tData DMAed to the Pif Ram:"); LogMessage("\t--------------------------"); for (count = 0; count < 16; count ++ ) { if ((count % 4) == 0) { sprintf(HexData,"\0"); sprintf(AsciiData,"\0"); } sprintf(Addon,"%02X %02X %02X %02X", m_PifRam[(count << 2) + 0], m_PifRam[(count << 2) + 1], m_PifRam[(count << 2) + 2], m_PifRam[(count << 2) + 3] ); strcat(HexData,Addon); if (((count + 1) % 4) != 0) { sprintf(Addon,"-"); strcat(HexData,Addon); } sprintf(Addon,"%c%c%c%c", m_PifRam[(count << 2) + 0], m_PifRam[(count << 2) + 1], m_PifRam[(count << 2) + 2], m_PifRam[(count << 2) + 3] ); strcat(AsciiData,Addon); if (((count + 1) % 4) == 0) { LogMessage("\t%s %s",HexData, AsciiData); } } LogMessage(""); } #endif PifRamWrite(); if (bDelaySI()) { _SystemTimer->SetTimer(CSystemTimer::SiTimer,0x900,false); } else { _Reg->MI_INTR_REG |= MI_INTR_SI; _Reg->SI_STATUS_REG |= SI_STATUS_INTERRUPT; _Reg->CheckInterrupts(); } } void CPifRam::ProcessControllerCommand ( int Control, BYTE * Command) { CONTROL * Controllers = _Plugins->Control()->PluginControllers(); switch (Command[2]) { case 0x00: // check case 0xFF: // reset & check ? if ((Command[1] & 0x80) != 0) { break; } if (bShowPifRamErrors()) { if (Command[0] != 1) { DisplayError("What am I meant to do with this Controller Command"); } if (Command[1] != 3) { DisplayError("What am I meant to do with this Controller Command"); } } if (Controllers[Control].Present == TRUE) { Command[3] = 0x05; Command[4] = 0x00; switch ( Controllers[Control].Plugin) { case PLUGIN_RUMBLE_PAK: Command[5] = 1; break; case PLUGIN_MEMPAK: Command[5] = 1; break; case PLUGIN_RAW: Command[5] = 1; break; default: Command[5] = 0; break; } } else { Command[1] |= 0x80; } break; case 0x01: // read controller if (bShowPifRamErrors()) { if (Command[0] != 1) { DisplayError("What am I meant to do with this Controller Command"); } if (Command[1] != 4) { DisplayError("What am I meant to do with this Controller Command"); } } if (Controllers[Control].Present == FALSE) { Command[1] |= 0x80; } break; case 0x02: //read from controller pack #ifndef EXTERNAL_RELEASE if (LogOptions.LogControllerPak) { LogControllerPakData("Read: Before Gettting Results"); } #endif if (bShowPifRamErrors()) { if (Command[0] != 3) { DisplayError("What am I meant to do with this Controller Command"); } if (Command[1] != 33) { DisplayError("What am I meant to do with this Controller Command"); } } if (Controllers[Control].Present == TRUE) { DWORD address = ((Command[3] << 8) | Command[4]); switch (Controllers[Control].Plugin) { case PLUGIN_RUMBLE_PAK: memset(&Command[5], (address >= 0x8000 && address < 0x9000) ? 0x80 : 0x00, 0x20); Command[0x25] = Mempacks_CalulateCrc(&Command[5]); break; case PLUGIN_MEMPAK: ReadFromMempak(Control, address, &Command[5]); break; case PLUGIN_RAW: if (_Plugins->Control()->ControllerCommand) { _Plugins->Control()->ControllerCommand(Control, Command); } break; default: memset(&Command[5], 0, 0x20); Command[0x25] = 0; } } else { Command[1] |= 0x80; } #ifndef EXTERNAL_RELEASE if (LogOptions.LogControllerPak) { LogControllerPakData("Read: After Gettting Results"); } #endif break; case 0x03: //write controller pak #ifndef EXTERNAL_RELEASE if (LogOptions.LogControllerPak) { LogControllerPakData("Write: Before Processing"); } #endif if (bShowPifRamErrors()) { if (Command[0] != 35) { DisplayError("What am I meant to do with this Controller Command"); } if (Command[1] != 1) { DisplayError("What am I meant to do with this Controller Command"); } } if (Controllers[Control].Present == TRUE) { DWORD address = ((Command[3] << 8) | Command[4]); switch (Controllers[Control].Plugin) { case PLUGIN_MEMPAK: WriteToMempak(Control, address, &Command[5]); break; case PLUGIN_RAW: if (_Plugins->Control()->ControllerCommand) { _Plugins->Control()->ControllerCommand(Control, Command); } break; case PLUGIN_RUMBLE_PAK: if ((address & 0xFFE0) == 0xC000 && _Plugins->Control()->RumbleCommand != NULL) { _Plugins->Control()->RumbleCommand(Control, *(BOOL *)(&Command[5])); } default: Command[0x25] = Mempacks_CalulateCrc(&Command[5]); } } else { Command[1] |= 0x80; } #ifndef EXTERNAL_RELEASE if (LogOptions.LogControllerPak) { LogControllerPakData("Write: After Processing"); } #endif break; default: if (bShowPifRamErrors()) { DisplayError("Unknown ControllerCommand %d",Command[2]); } } } void CPifRam::ReadControllerCommand (int Control, BYTE * Command) { CONTROL * Controllers = _Plugins->Control()->PluginControllers(); switch (Command[2]) { case 0x01: // read controller if (Controllers[Control].Present == TRUE) { if (bShowPifRamErrors()) { if (Command[0] != 1) { DisplayError("What am I meant to do with this Controller Command"); } if (Command[1] != 4) { DisplayError("What am I meant to do with this Controller Command"); } } *(DWORD *)&Command[3] = _BaseSystem->GetButtons(Control); } break; case 0x02: //read from controller pack if (Controllers[Control].Present == TRUE) { switch (Controllers[Control].Plugin) { case PLUGIN_RAW: if (_Plugins->Control()->ReadController) { _Plugins->Control()->ReadController(Control, Command); } break; } } break; case 0x03: //write controller pak if (Controllers[Control].Present == TRUE) { switch (Controllers[Control].Plugin) { case PLUGIN_RAW: if (_Plugins->Control()->ReadController) { _Plugins->Control()->ReadController(Control, Command); } break; } } break; } } void CPifRam::LogControllerPakData (char * Description) { BYTE * PIF_Ram = _MMU->PifRam(); #if (!defined(EXTERNAL_RELEASE)) int count, count2; char HexData[100], AsciiData[100], Addon[20]; LogMessage("\t%s:",Description); LogMessage("\t------------------------------"); for (count = 0; count < 16; count ++ ) { if ((count % 4) == 0) { sprintf(HexData,"\0"); sprintf(AsciiData,"\0"); } sprintf(Addon,"%02X %02X %02X %02X", PIF_Ram[(count << 2) + 0], PIF_Ram[(count << 2) + 1], PIF_Ram[(count << 2) + 2], PIF_Ram[(count << 2) + 3] ); strcat(HexData,Addon); if (((count + 1) % 4) != 0) { sprintf(Addon,"-"); strcat(HexData,Addon); } Addon[0] = 0; for (count2 = 0; count2 < 4; count2++) { if (PIF_Ram[(count << 2) + count2] < 30) { strcat(Addon,"."); } else { sprintf(Addon,"%s%c",Addon,PIF_Ram[(count << 2) + count2]); } } strcat(AsciiData,Addon); if (((count + 1) % 4) == 0) { LogMessage("\t%s %s",HexData, AsciiData); } } LogMessage(""); #endif }