#pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "FramePerSecond.h" #include "Mips/TLB.h" #include "SpeedLimiter.h" typedef std::list EVENT_LIST; typedef std::map FUNC_CALLS; class CPlugins; class CRSP_Plugin; class CRecompiler; class VideoInterfaceHandler; //#define TEST_SP_TRACKING // Track the SP to make sure all ops pick it up fine enum CN64SystemCB { CN64SystemCB_Reset, CN64SystemCB_LoadedGameState, }; class CN64System : public CLogging, public CTLB_CB, private CSystemEvents, protected CN64SystemSettings, public CGameSettings, protected CDebugSettings { public: typedef void (*CallBackFunction)(void *); CN64System(CPlugins * Plugins, uint32_t randomizer_seed, bool SavesReadOnly, bool SyncSystem); virtual ~CN64System(void); bool m_EndEmulation; SAVE_CHIP_TYPE m_SaveUsing; // Methods static bool LoadFileImage(const char * FileLoc); static bool LoadFileImageIPL(const char * FileLoc); static bool LoadDiskImage(const char * FileLoc, const bool Expansion); static bool SelectAndLoadFileImageIPL(Country country, bool combo); static bool RunFileImage(const char * FileLoc); static bool RunDiskImage(const char * FileLoc); static bool RunDiskComboImage(const char * FileLoc, const char * FileLocDisk); static void RunLoadedImage(void); static void CloseSystem(void); void RegisterCallBack(CN64SystemCB Type, void * Data, CallBackFunction Func); void UnregisterCallBack(CN64SystemCB Type, void * Data, CallBackFunction Func); void CloseCpu(); void ExternalEvent(SystemEvent action); // Covers GUI interactions and timers etc. void StartEmulation(bool NewThread); void EndEmulation(); void AlterSpeed(const CSpeedLimiter::ESpeedChange SpeedChange) { m_Limiter.AlterSpeed(SpeedChange); } void SetSpeed(int Speed) { m_Limiter.SetSpeed(Speed); } int GetSpeed(void) const { return m_Limiter.GetSpeed(); } int GetBaseSpeed(void) const { return m_Limiter.GetBaseSpeed(); } void Reset(bool bInitReg, bool ClearMenory); void GameReset(); void PluginReset(); void ApplyGSButton(void); void Pause(); void RunRSP(); bool SaveState(); bool LoadState(const char * FileName); bool LoadState(); uint32_t GetButtons(int32_t Control) const; // Variable used to track that the SP is being handled and stays the same as the real SP in sync core #ifdef TEST_SP_TRACKING uint32_t m_CurrentSP; #endif // For sync CPU void UpdateSyncCPU(CN64System * const SecondCPU, uint32_t const Cycles); void SyncCPU(CN64System * const SecondCPU); void SyncCPUPC(CN64System * const SecondCPU); void SyncSystem(); void SyncSystemPC(); CPlugins * GetPlugins() { return m_Plugins; } PIPELINE_STAGE PipelineStage() const { return m_PipelineStage; } uint32_t JumpToLocation() const { return m_JumpToLocation; } private: struct SETTING_CHANGED_CB { void * Data; CallBackFunction Func; }; typedef std::vector SETTING_CHANGED_CB_LIST; typedef std::map SETTING_CALLBACK; // Make sure plugins can directly access this information friend class CGfxPlugin; friend class CAudioPlugin; friend class CRSP_Plugin; friend class CControl_Plugin; // Recompiler has access to manipulate and call functions friend class CSystemTimer; friend class CRecompiler; friend class CX86RecompilerOps; friend class CArmRecompilerOps; friend class CMipsMemoryVM; friend class CInterpreterCPU; friend class R4300iOp32; friend class R4300iOp; friend class CSystemEvents; friend class VideoInterfaceHandler; friend class PifRamHandler; friend class CRegisters; // Used for loading and potentially executing the CPU in its own thread static void StartEmulationThread(CThread * thread); static bool EmulationStarting(CThread * thread); static void StartEmulationThead(); void ExecuteCPU(); void RefreshScreen(); void DumpSyncErrors(CN64System * SecondCPU); void StartEmulation2(bool NewThread); bool SetActiveSystem(bool bActive = true); void DisplayRSPListCount(); void NotifyCallback(CN64SystemCB Type); void DelayedJump(uint32_t JumpLocation); void DelayedRelativeJump(uint32_t RelativeLocation); // CPU methods void ExecuteRecompiler(); void ExecuteInterpret(); void ExecuteSyncCPU(); // Mark information saying that the CPU has stopped void CpuStopped(); // Functions in CTLB_CB void TLB_Mapped(uint32_t VAddr, uint32_t Len, uint32_t PAddr, bool bReadOnly); void TLB_Unmaped(uint32_t VAddr, uint32_t Len); void TLB_Changed(); SETTING_CALLBACK m_Callback; CPlugins * const m_Plugins; // The plugin container CPlugins * m_SyncPlugins; CN64System * m_SyncCPU; CMipsMemoryVM m_MMU_VM; CRegisters m_Reg; CTLB m_TLB; CMempak m_Mempak; CFramePerSecond m_FPS; CProfiling m_CPU_Usage; // Used to track the CPU usage CRecompiler * m_Recomp; CSpeedLimiter m_Limiter; bool m_InReset; int32_t m_NextTimer; CSystemTimer m_SystemTimer; bool m_bCleanFrameBox; bool m_RspBroke; uint32_t m_Buttons[4]; bool m_TestTimer; PIPELINE_STAGE m_PipelineStage; uint32_t m_JumpToLocation; uint32_t m_JumpDelayLocation; uint32_t m_TLBLoadAddress; uint32_t m_TLBStoreAddress; uint32_t m_SyncCount; bool m_SyncSystem; CRandom m_Random; // When syncing cores this is the PC where it last synced correctly uint32_t m_LastSuccessSyncPC[10]; int32_t m_CyclesToSkip; // Handle to the CPU thread CThread * m_thread; // Handle to pause mutex SyncEvent m_hPauseEvent; // Number of Alist and Dlist sent to the RSP uint32_t m_AlistCount, m_DlistCount, m_UnknownCount; // List of function that have been called (used in profiling) FUNC_CALLS m_FunctionCalls; // List of save state file IDs const uint32_t SaveID_0 = 0x23D8A6C8; // Main save state info (*.pj) const uint32_t SaveID_1 = 0x56D2CD23; // Extra data v1 (system timing) info (*.dat) const uint32_t SaveID_2 = 0x750A6BEB; // Extra data v2 (timing + disk registers) (*.dat) };