/* ** THIS SOFTWARE IS SUBJECT TO COPYRIGHT PROTECTION AND IS OFFERED ONLY ** PURSUANT TO THE 3DFX GLIDE GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. THERE IS NO RIGHT ** TO USE THE GLIDE TRADEMARK WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION OF 3DFX ** INTERACTIVE, INC. A COPY OF THIS LICENSE MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE ** DISTRIBUTOR OR BY CONTACTING 3DFX INTERACTIVE INC(info@3dfx.com). ** THIS PROGRAM IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER ** EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. SEE THE 3DFX GLIDE GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE FOR A ** FULL TEXT OF THE NON-WARRANTY PROVISIONS. ** ** USE, DUPLICATION OR DISCLOSURE BY THE GOVERNMENT IS SUBJECT TO ** RESTRICTIONS AS SET FORTH IN SUBDIVISION (C)(1)(II) OF THE RIGHTS IN ** TECHNICAL DATA AND COMPUTER SOFTWARE CLAUSE AT DFARS 252.227-7013, ** AND/OR IN SIMILAR OR SUCCESSOR CLAUSES IN THE FAR, DOD OR NASA FAR ** SUPPLEMENT. UNPUBLISHED RIGHTS RESERVED UNDER THE COPYRIGHT LAWS OF ** THE UNITED STATES. ** ** COPYRIGHT 3DFX INTERACTIVE, INC. 1999, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ** ** $Header: /cvsroot/glide/glide3x/h5/incsrc/sst1vid.h,v 2003/04/06 18:23:10 koolsmoky Exp $ ** $Log: ** 7 3dfx 10/11/00 Brent Forced check in to enforce ** branching. ** 6 3dfx 06/20/00 Joseph Kain Changes to support the ** Napalm Glide open source release. Changes include cleaned up offensive ** comments and new legal headers. ** 5 3dfx 1.4 12/10/99 Leo Galway Removed previous hi-res ** mode information for Glide3. These modes were only necessary for ** Cornerstone (or future hi-res) support in RT4.2 source branch and ** proceeded to break the V3 and V2 builds (from 3dfx view), hence they have ** been removed. ** 4 3dfx 1.3 12/08/99 Leo Galway Added mode information for ** 1600x1280, 1792x1440, 1920x1080, 1920x1200, 2046x1536 (as a result of ** glide being tested with Cornerstone modes). Although not all of these ** modes are currently capable under Glide, their inclusion prevents Glide ** apps from displaying in incorrect modes when these hi-res modes are ** selected. Search for SUSTAINED_ENGINEERING_CHANGE_BEGIN. ** 3 3dfx 1.2 09/17/99 Jeremy Zelsnack ** 2 3dfx 1.1 09/17/99 Jeremy Zelsnack ** 1 3dfx 1.0 09/11/99 StarTeam VTS Administrator ** $ ** ** 8 3/04/99 1:19p Atai ** sync new res modes ** ** 10 2/27/99 12:28p Dow ** new resolutions ** ** 6 2/13/99 1:56p Dow ** Added new resolution constants ** ** 5 7/24/98 1:38p Hohn * * 4 9/09/97 7:35p Sellers * Added 400x300 resolution * * 3 8/24/97 9:31a Sellers * moved new video timing to sst1vid.h * redefined 1600x1280 to be 1600x1200 * * 2 6/05/97 11:14p Pgj * * 5 7/24/96 3:43p Sellers * added 512x384 @ 60 Hz for arcade monitors * added 512x256 @ 60 Hz for arcade monitors * * 4 7/18/96 10:58a Sellers * fixed FT and TF clock delay values for lower frequencies with * .5/.5 combos * * 3 6/18/96 6:54p Sellers * added sst1InitShutdownSli() to fix Glide Splash screen problems with * SLI * * 2 6/13/96 7:45p Sellers * added "voodoo.ini" support * added DirectX support * misc cleanup * * 2 6/11/96 1:43p Sellers * added support for 60, 75, 85, and 120 Hz refresh rates for "most" * resolutions * * 1 5/08/96 5:43p Paik * Video definitions */ #ifndef __SST1VID_H__ #define __SST1VID_H__ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* Video defines */ typedef FxI32 GrScreenRefresh_t; #define GR_REFRESH_60Hz 0x0 #define GR_REFRESH_70Hz 0x1 #define GR_REFRESH_72Hz 0x2 #define GR_REFRESH_75Hz 0x3 #define GR_REFRESH_80Hz 0x4 #define GR_REFRESH_90Hz 0x5 #define GR_REFRESH_100Hz 0x6 #define GR_REFRESH_85Hz 0x7 #define GR_REFRESH_120Hz 0x8 #define GR_REFRESH_NONE 0xff typedef FxI32 GrScreenResolution_t; #define GR_RESOLUTION_320x200 0x0 #define GR_RESOLUTION_320x240 0x1 #define GR_RESOLUTION_400x256 0x2 #define GR_RESOLUTION_512x384 0x3 #define GR_RESOLUTION_640x200 0x4 #define GR_RESOLUTION_640x350 0x5 #define GR_RESOLUTION_640x400 0x6 #define GR_RESOLUTION_640x480 0x7 #define GR_RESOLUTION_800x600 0x8 #define GR_RESOLUTION_960x720 0x9 #define GR_RESOLUTION_856x480 0xa #define GR_RESOLUTION_512x256 0xb #define GR_RESOLUTION_1024x768 0xC #define GR_RESOLUTION_1280x1024 0xD #define GR_RESOLUTION_1600x1200 0xE #define GR_RESOLUTION_400x300 0xF #define GR_RESOLUTION_1152x864 0x10 #define GR_RESOLUTION_1280x960 0x11 #define GR_RESOLUTION_1600x1024 0x12 #define GR_RESOLUTION_1792x1344 0x13 #define GR_RESOLUTION_1856x1392 0x14 #define GR_RESOLUTION_1920x1440 0x15 #define GR_RESOLUTION_2048x1536 0x16 #define GR_RESOLUTION_2048x2048 0x17 #define GR_RESOLUTION_NONE 0xff #ifdef GR_RESOLUTION_MAX #undef GR_RESOLUTION_MAX #endif #ifdef GR_RESOLUTION_MIN #undef GR_RESOLUTION_MIN #endif #define GR_RESOLUTION_MIN GR_RESOLUTION_320x200 #define GR_RESOLUTION_MAX GR_RESOLUTION_2048x2048 #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* __SST1VID_H__ */