/**************************************************************************** * * * Project64 - A Nintendo 64 emulator. * * http://www.pj64-emu.com/ * * Copyright (C) 2012 Project64. All rights reserved. * * * * License: * * GNU/GPLv2 http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html * * * ****************************************************************************/ #include "stdafx.h" #include "InterpreterCPU.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include R4300iOp::Func * CInterpreterCPU::m_R4300i_Opcode = NULL; void ExecuteInterpreterOps(uint32_t /*Cycles*/) { g_Notify->BreakPoint(__FILE__, __LINE__); } bool DelaySlotEffectsCompare(uint32_t PC, uint32_t Reg1, uint32_t Reg2) { OPCODE Command; if (!g_MMU->LW_VAddr(PC + 4, Command.Hex)) { //g_Notify->DisplayError("Failed to load word 2"); //ExitThread(0); return true; } switch (Command.op) { case R4300i_SPECIAL: switch (Command.funct) { case R4300i_SPECIAL_SLL: case R4300i_SPECIAL_SRL: case R4300i_SPECIAL_SRA: case R4300i_SPECIAL_SLLV: case R4300i_SPECIAL_SRLV: case R4300i_SPECIAL_SRAV: case R4300i_SPECIAL_MFHI: case R4300i_SPECIAL_MTHI: case R4300i_SPECIAL_MFLO: case R4300i_SPECIAL_MTLO: case R4300i_SPECIAL_DSLLV: case R4300i_SPECIAL_DSRLV: case R4300i_SPECIAL_DSRAV: case R4300i_SPECIAL_ADD: case R4300i_SPECIAL_ADDU: case R4300i_SPECIAL_SUB: case R4300i_SPECIAL_SUBU: case R4300i_SPECIAL_AND: case R4300i_SPECIAL_OR: case R4300i_SPECIAL_XOR: case R4300i_SPECIAL_NOR: case R4300i_SPECIAL_SLT: case R4300i_SPECIAL_SLTU: case R4300i_SPECIAL_DADD: case R4300i_SPECIAL_DADDU: case R4300i_SPECIAL_DSUB: case R4300i_SPECIAL_DSUBU: case R4300i_SPECIAL_DSLL: case R4300i_SPECIAL_DSRL: case R4300i_SPECIAL_DSRA: case R4300i_SPECIAL_DSLL32: case R4300i_SPECIAL_DSRL32: case R4300i_SPECIAL_DSRA32: if (Command.rd == 0) { return false; } if (Command.rd == Reg1 || Command.rd == Reg2) { return true; } break; case R4300i_SPECIAL_MULT: case R4300i_SPECIAL_MULTU: case R4300i_SPECIAL_DIV: case R4300i_SPECIAL_DIVU: case R4300i_SPECIAL_DMULT: case R4300i_SPECIAL_DMULTU: case R4300i_SPECIAL_DDIV: case R4300i_SPECIAL_DDIVU: break; default: if (g_Settings->LoadBool(Debugger_Enabled)) { g_Notify->DisplayError(stdstr_f("Does %s effect Delay slot at %X?", R4300iOpcodeName(Command.Hex, PC + 4), PC).c_str()); } return true; } break; case R4300i_CP0: switch (Command.rs) { case R4300i_COP0_MT: break; case R4300i_COP0_MF: if (Command.rt == 0) { return false; } if (Command.rt == Reg1 || Command.rt == Reg2) { return true; } break; default: if ((Command.rs & 0x10) != 0) { switch (Command.funct) { case R4300i_COP0_CO_TLBR: break; case R4300i_COP0_CO_TLBWI: break; case R4300i_COP0_CO_TLBWR: break; case R4300i_COP0_CO_TLBP: break; default: if (g_Settings->LoadBool(Debugger_Enabled)) { g_Notify->DisplayError(stdstr_f("Does %s effect Delay slot at %X?\n6", R4300iOpcodeName(Command.Hex, PC + 4), PC).c_str()); } return true; } } else { if (g_Settings->LoadBool(Debugger_Enabled)) { g_Notify->DisplayError(stdstr_f("Does %s effect Delay slot at %X?\n7", R4300iOpcodeName(Command.Hex, PC + 4), PC).c_str()); } return true; } } break; case R4300i_CP1: switch (Command.fmt) { case R4300i_COP1_MF: if (Command.rt == 0) { return false; } if (Command.rt == Reg1 || Command.rt == Reg2) { return true; } break; case R4300i_COP1_CF: break; case R4300i_COP1_MT: break; case R4300i_COP1_CT: break; case R4300i_COP1_S: break; case R4300i_COP1_D: break; case R4300i_COP1_W: break; case R4300i_COP1_L: break; default: if (g_Settings->LoadBool(Debugger_Enabled)) { g_Notify->DisplayError(stdstr_f("Does %s effect Delay slot at %X?", R4300iOpcodeName(Command.Hex, PC + 4), PC).c_str()); } return true; } break; case R4300i_ANDI: case R4300i_ORI: case R4300i_XORI: case R4300i_LUI: case R4300i_ADDI: case R4300i_ADDIU: case R4300i_SLTI: case R4300i_SLTIU: case R4300i_DADDI: case R4300i_DADDIU: case R4300i_LB: case R4300i_LH: case R4300i_LW: case R4300i_LWL: case R4300i_LWR: case R4300i_LDL: case R4300i_LDR: case R4300i_LBU: case R4300i_LHU: case R4300i_LD: case R4300i_LWC1: case R4300i_LDC1: if (Command.rt == 0) { return false; } if (Command.rt == Reg1 || Command.rt == Reg2) { return true; } break; case R4300i_CACHE: break; case R4300i_SB: break; case R4300i_SH: break; case R4300i_SW: break; case R4300i_SWR: break; case R4300i_SWL: break; case R4300i_SWC1: break; case R4300i_SDC1: break; case R4300i_SD: break; default: if (g_Settings->LoadBool(Debugger_Enabled)) { g_Notify->DisplayError(stdstr_f("Does %s effect Delay slot at %X?", R4300iOpcodeName(Command.Hex, PC + 4), PC).c_str()); } return true; } return false; } void CInterpreterCPU::BuildCPU() { R4300iOp::m_TestTimer = false; R4300iOp::m_NextInstruction = NORMAL; R4300iOp::m_JumpToLocation = 0; if (g_Settings->LoadBool(Game_32Bit)) { m_R4300i_Opcode = R4300iOp32::BuildInterpreter(); } else { m_R4300i_Opcode = R4300iOp::BuildInterpreter(); } } void CInterpreterCPU::InPermLoop() { // *** Changed ***/ //if (CPU_Type == CPU_SyncCores) //{ // SyncRegisters.CP0[9] +=5; //} /* Interrupts enabled */ if ((g_Reg->STATUS_REGISTER & STATUS_IE) == 0 || (g_Reg->STATUS_REGISTER & STATUS_EXL) != 0 || (g_Reg->STATUS_REGISTER & STATUS_ERL) != 0 || (g_Reg->STATUS_REGISTER & 0xFF00) == 0) { if (g_Plugins->Gfx()->UpdateScreen != NULL) { g_Plugins->Gfx()->UpdateScreen(); } //CurrentFrame = 0; //CurrentPercent = 0; //DisplayFPS(); g_Notify->DisplayError(GS(MSG_PERM_LOOP)); g_System->CloseCpu(); } else { if (*g_NextTimer > 0) { *g_NextTimer = 0 - g_System->CountPerOp(); g_SystemTimer->UpdateTimers(); } } } void CInterpreterCPU::ExecuteCPU() { bool & Done = g_System->m_EndEmulation; uint32_t & PROGRAM_COUNTER = *_PROGRAM_COUNTER; OPCODE & Opcode = R4300iOp::m_Opcode; uint32_t & JumpToLocation = R4300iOp::m_JumpToLocation; bool & TestTimer = R4300iOp::m_TestTimer; const int32_t & bDoSomething = g_SystemEvents->DoSomething(); uint32_t CountPerOp = g_System->CountPerOp(); int32_t & NextTimer = *g_NextTimer; __except_try() { while (!Done) { if (!g_MMU->LW_VAddr(PROGRAM_COUNTER, Opcode.Hex)) { g_Reg->DoTLBReadMiss(R4300iOp::m_NextInstruction == JUMP, PROGRAM_COUNTER); R4300iOp::m_NextInstruction = NORMAL; continue; } /* if (PROGRAM_COUNTER > 0x80000300 && PROGRAM_COUNTER < 0x80380000) { WriteTraceF((TraceType)(TraceError | TraceNoHeader),"%X: %s",*_PROGRAM_COUNTER,R4300iOpcodeName(Opcode.Hex,*_PROGRAM_COUNTER)); // WriteTraceF((TraceType)(TraceError | TraceNoHeader),"%X: %s t9: %08X v1: %08X",*_PROGRAM_COUNTER,R4300iOpcodeName(Opcode.Hex,*_PROGRAM_COUNTER),_GPR[0x19].UW[0],_GPR[0x03].UW[0]); // WriteTraceF((TraceType)(TraceError | TraceNoHeader),"%X: %d %d",*_PROGRAM_COUNTER,*g_NextTimer,g_SystemTimer->CurrentType()); } */ m_R4300i_Opcode[Opcode.op](); NextTimer -= CountPerOp; PROGRAM_COUNTER += 4; switch (R4300iOp::m_NextInstruction) { case NORMAL: break; case DELAY_SLOT: R4300iOp::m_NextInstruction = JUMP; break; case PERMLOOP_DO_DELAY: R4300iOp::m_NextInstruction = PERMLOOP_DELAY_DONE; break; case JUMP: { bool CheckTimer = (JumpToLocation < PROGRAM_COUNTER - 4 || TestTimer); PROGRAM_COUNTER = JumpToLocation; R4300iOp::m_NextInstruction = NORMAL; if (CheckTimer) { TestTimer = false; if (NextTimer < 0) { g_SystemTimer->TimerDone(); } if (bDoSomething) { g_SystemEvents->ExecuteEvents(); } } } break; case PERMLOOP_DELAY_DONE: PROGRAM_COUNTER = JumpToLocation; R4300iOp::m_NextInstruction = NORMAL; CInterpreterCPU::InPermLoop(); g_SystemTimer->TimerDone(); if (bDoSomething) { g_SystemEvents->ExecuteEvents(); } break; default: g_Notify->BreakPoint(__FILE__, __LINE__); } } } __except_catch() { g_Notify->FatalError(GS(MSG_UNKNOWN_MEM_ACTION)); } } void CInterpreterCPU::ExecuteOps(int32_t Cycles) { bool & Done = g_System->m_EndEmulation; uint32_t & PROGRAM_COUNTER = *_PROGRAM_COUNTER; OPCODE & Opcode = R4300iOp::m_Opcode; uint32_t & JumpToLocation = R4300iOp::m_JumpToLocation; bool & TestTimer = R4300iOp::m_TestTimer; const int32_t & DoSomething = g_SystemEvents->DoSomething(); uint32_t CountPerOp = g_System->CountPerOp(); __except_try() { while (!Done) { if (Cycles <= 0) { g_SystemTimer->UpdateTimers(); return; } if (g_MMU->LW_VAddr(PROGRAM_COUNTER, Opcode.Hex)) { /*if (PROGRAM_COUNTER > 0x80000300 && PROGRAM_COUNTER< 0x80380000) { WriteTraceF((TraceType)(TraceError | TraceNoHeader),"%X: %s",*_PROGRAM_COUNTER,R4300iOpcodeName(Opcode.Hex,*_PROGRAM_COUNTER)); //WriteTraceF((TraceType)(TraceError | TraceNoHeader),"%X: %s t9: %08X v1: %08X",*_PROGRAM_COUNTER,R4300iOpcodeName(Opcode.Hex,*_PROGRAM_COUNTER),_GPR[0x19].UW[0],_GPR[0x03].UW[0]); //WriteTraceF((TraceType)(TraceError | TraceNoHeader),"%X: %d %d",*_PROGRAM_COUNTER,*g_NextTimer,g_SystemTimer->CurrentType()); }*/ /*if (PROGRAM_COUNTER > 0x80323000 && PROGRAM_COUNTER< 0x80380000) { WriteTraceF((TraceType)(TraceError | TraceNoHeader),"%X: %s",*_PROGRAM_COUNTER,R4300iOpcodeName(Opcode.Hex,*_PROGRAM_COUNTER)); //WriteTraceF((TraceType)(TraceError | TraceNoHeader),"%X: %s t9: %08X v1: %08X",*_PROGRAM_COUNTER,R4300iOpcodeName(Opcode.Hex,*_PROGRAM_COUNTER),_GPR[0x19].UW[0],_GPR[0x03].UW[0]); //WriteTraceF((TraceType)(TraceError | TraceNoHeader),"%X: %d %d",*_PROGRAM_COUNTER,*g_NextTimer,g_SystemTimer->CurrentType()); }*/ m_R4300i_Opcode[Opcode.op](); _GPR[0].DW = 0; /* MIPS $zero hard-wired to 0 */ Cycles -= CountPerOp; *g_NextTimer -= CountPerOp; /*static uint32_t TestAddress = 0x80077B0C, TestValue = 0, CurrentValue = 0; if (g_MMU->LW_VAddr(TestAddress, TestValue)) { if (TestValue != CurrentValue) { WriteTraceF(TraceError,"%X: %X changed (%s)",PROGRAM_COUNTER,TestAddress,R4300iOpcodeName(m_Opcode.Hex,PROGRAM_COUNTER) ); CurrentValue = TestValue; } }*/ switch (R4300iOp::m_NextInstruction) { case NORMAL: PROGRAM_COUNTER += 4; break; case DELAY_SLOT: R4300iOp::m_NextInstruction = JUMP; PROGRAM_COUNTER += 4; break; case PERMLOOP_DO_DELAY: R4300iOp::m_NextInstruction = PERMLOOP_DELAY_DONE; PROGRAM_COUNTER += 4; break; case JUMP: { bool CheckTimer = (JumpToLocation < PROGRAM_COUNTER || TestTimer); PROGRAM_COUNTER = JumpToLocation; R4300iOp::m_NextInstruction = NORMAL; if (CheckTimer) { TestTimer = false; if (*g_NextTimer < 0) { g_SystemTimer->TimerDone(); } if (DoSomething) { g_SystemEvents->ExecuteEvents(); } } } break; case PERMLOOP_DELAY_DONE: PROGRAM_COUNTER = JumpToLocation; R4300iOp::m_NextInstruction = NORMAL; CInterpreterCPU::InPermLoop(); g_SystemTimer->TimerDone(); if (DoSomething) { g_SystemEvents->ExecuteEvents(); } break; default: g_Notify->BreakPoint(__FILE__, __LINE__); } } else { g_Reg->DoTLBReadMiss(R4300iOp::m_NextInstruction == JUMP, PROGRAM_COUNTER); R4300iOp::m_NextInstruction = NORMAL; } } } __except_catch() { g_Notify->FatalError(GS(MSG_UNKNOWN_MEM_ACTION)); } }