[72F70398-6556A98B-C:45] Name=Star Wars Episode I - Racer (U) $Always 1st 81118FEC 0001 $Enable In-Game cheat Menu & Cheats Note=Here you can Activate the IN-Built Cheats Menu. At the Front Screen Just Press C-Button Right.This will open up All Tracks & Characters In Free Play & Time Attack. Also In A Race, Press The Start/Pause button to Access the In-Cheat-Menu Option.You can also choose how many Pod's Racers are in the Race & also how many Laps are in the Race in Free Play & Time Attack 8009B7D7 0001 8109B7DA FFFF $Have All Tracks Completed 81113E6A FFFF 81113E6C 3FFF 81113E6E 3FFF 81113E70 3FFF 81113E72 00FF $Infinite Truguts 81113E7A FFFF 81113E78 7FFF $No Damage Note=If when Racing Your Pod Over heats & bursts into flames Press "R" & you will Repair the Damage. 800A52D7 0001 $Unlock All Tracks & Characters Note=When using Unlock All Tracks & Characters For can to pick & choose what ever you want to play As & where ;) 80113E68 00FF 80113E69 00FF 80113E6A 00FF 80113E6B 00FF 81113E68 FFFF 81113E6A FFFF 80113E74 007D 81113E76 FFFF