[B443EB08-4DB31193-C:45] Name=The Legend of Zelda - Majora's Mask - Collector's Edition (U) (GC) Cheat0="Infinite\Health",811ED866 0140 Cheat1="Infinite\Hearts Options",811ED864 ???? Cheat1_N=If you need to clear the Infinite Max Hearts from the screen just choose the 6 or 4 Heart Options, take off the cheat & then make a save. Cheat1_O=$0140 Max Hearts,$0063 6 Hearts,$0043 4 Hearts Cheat2="Have\All Quest Status Items",801ED8ED 0005,811ED8EE F7CF Cheat3="Infinite\Rupees",811ED86A 03E7 Cheat4="Infinite\Max & Double Magic Meter",801ED869 0060,811ED870 0101 Cheat5="Infinite\Items",801ED8D1 0063,50000501 0000,801ED8D6 0063,50000201 0000,801ED8DC 0063 Cheat6="Have\Ocarina of Time",801ED8A0 0000 Cheat7="Have\Hero's Bow",801ED8A1 0001 Cheat8="Have\Arrows\Fire Arrow",801ED8A2 0002 Cheat9="Have\Arrows\Ice Arrow",801ED8A3 0003 Cheat10="Have\Arrows\Light Arrow",801ED8A4 0004 Cheat11="Have\Bombs",801ED8A6 0006 Cheat12="Have\Bombchu",801ED8A7 0007 Cheat13="Have\Deku Sticks",801ED8A8 0008 Cheat14="Have\Deku Nuts",801ED8A9 0009 Cheat15="Have\Magic Beans",801ED8AA 000A Cheat16="Have\Powder Kegs",801ED8AC 000C Cheat17="Have\Pictograph",801ED8AD 000D Cheat18="Have\Lens of Truth",801ED8AE 000E Cheat19="Have\Hookshot",801ED8AF 000F Cheat20="Have\Great Fairy's Sword",801ED8B0 0010 Cheat21="Maximum Visibility",801642D8 0020 Cheat22="Fog\Blue",801642C8 0020 Cheat23="Fog\Pink",801642CC 0020 Cheat24="Fog\Yellow",801642D0 0020 Cheat25="Press L To Levitate",D038127B 0020,8139A558 40CB Cheat25_N=Press L To Levitate & Let go to land Cheat26="Have\All Masks",801ED8B8 003E,801ED8B9 0038,801ED8BA 0047,801ED8BB 0045,801ED8BC 0040,801ED8BD 0032,801ED8BE 003A,801ED8BF 0046,801ED8C0 0039,801ED8C1 0042,801ED8C2 0048,801ED8C3 0033,801ED8C4 003C,801ED8C5 003D,801ED8C6 0037,801ED8C7 003F,801ED8C8 0036,801ED8C9 0034,801ED8CA 0043,801ED8CB 0041,801ED8CC 003B,801ED8CD 0044,801ED8CE 0049,801ED8CF 0035 Cheat27="Beta World 1",D038127B 0000,801ED832 00?? Cheat27_N=Put on the code on load up,After the Nintendo logo you will be in that place of Choice.you can also choose another place & then press F1 (reset) to go to that place this is for beta interest only it will not assist you in playing the game. Cheat27_O=$00 Mama's House non Beta,$01 Fearful Spider House,$02 Beneaf the Graveyard,$03 Southern Swamp Mr Tingle Entry,$06 Outside Tourist Information Southern Swamp,$08 Outside Magic Hag's Potion Shop,$0A Southern Swamp Woods Of Mystery Entry,$24 Counter Of The Tresure Chest Shop,$2E Woodfall Temple non Beta,$32 Spider Hand,$35 Statue outside Gorman Track,$36 Statue outside Lair Of The Temples Boss,$38 Path to Romani Ranch non Beta,$4A outside The Royal Palace of the Deku Kingdom,$4C Ledge in The Royal Palace of the Deku Kingdom,$4E inside The Royal Palace of the Deku Kingdom 1,$71 Green Blobs,$74 Cave Portal to Last Boss Field,$7F Waterfall Sothern Swamp,$8A Giant Turtle In the Temple non beta,$8B Room of Miau & Tijo Zora Great Hall,$94 Recieving Gorans Mask non Beta,$95 ?,$96 Hungry Goran in the Snow,$A2 Statue in Stone Tower,$A6 Stone Tower non Beta,$B9 Recieving Deku Mask non Beta,$D9 Giant Lizards in a Cave,$DA Cave with Steaming Water,$FF Vamps House In Ikana Canyon Cheat28="Fight Demo Majora's Mask",801688D8 0020 Cheat28_N=With this code,load the game & put the cheat on. then press start to apear in the Demo mode. Cheat29="Event Item\Modifier 1",801ED8A5 00?? Cheat29_O=$28 Moon's Tear,$29 Land Title Deed,$2A Swap Title Deed,$2B Mountain Title Deed,$2C Ocean Title Deed,$2D Room Key,$2E Special Delivery To Mama,$2F Letter To Kafei,$30 Pendant Of Memories Cheat30="Event Item\Modifier 2",801ED8AB 00?? Cheat30_O=$28 Moon's Tear,$29 Land Title Deed,$2A Swap Title Deed,$2B Mountain Title Deed,$2C Ocean Title Deed,$2D Room Key,$2E Special Delivery To Mama,$2F Letter To Kafei,$30 Pendant Of Memories Cheat31="Event Item\Modifier 3",801ED8B1 00?? Cheat31_O=$28 Moon's Tear,$29 Land Title Deed,$2A Swap Title Deed,$2B Mountain Title Deed,$2C Ocean Title Deed,$2D Room Key,$2E Special Delivery To Mama,$2F Letter To Kafei,$30 Pendant Of Memories Cheat32="Have\Item Modifier",801ED8B0 00?? Cheat32_O=$05 Japanese Flute?,$0B Japanese Item?,$10 Great Fairy's Sword,$11 Japanese Hookshot?,$31 Japanese Scroll?,$4A Japanese Bow? Cheat33="Bottles\Bottle 1 Modifier",801ED8B2 00?? Cheat33_O=$12 Empty Bottle,$13 Red Potion,$14 Green Potion,$15 Blue Potion,$16 Fairy,$17 Deku Princess,$18 Milk,$19 Milk (1/2),$1A Fish,$1B Bug,$1C Blue Fire,$1D Poe,$1E Big Poe,$1F Spring Water,$20 Hot Spring Water,$21 Zora Egg,$22 Gold Dust,$23 Magical Mushroom,$24 Sea Horse,$25 Chateau Romani,$26 Japanese Bottle?,$27 Empty Japanese Bottle? Cheat34="Bottles\Bottle 2 Modifier",801ED8B3 00?? Cheat34_O=$12 Empty Bottle,$13 Red Potion,$14 Green Potion,$15 Blue Potion,$16 Fairy,$17 Deku Princess,$18 Milk,$19 Milk (1/2),$1A Fish,$1B Bug,$1C Blue Fire,$1D Poe,$1E Big Poe,$1F Spring Water,$20 Hot Spring Water,$21 Zora Egg,$22 Gold Dust,$23 Magical Mushroom,$24 Sea Horse,$25 Chateau Romani,$26 Japanese Bottle?,$27 Empty Japanese Bottle? Cheat35="Bottles\Bottle 3 Modifier",801ED8B4 00?? Cheat35_O=$12 Empty Bottle,$13 Red Potion,$14 Green Potion,$15 Blue Potion,$16 Fairy,$17 Deku Princess,$18 Milk,$19 Milk (1/2),$1A Fish,$1B Bug,$1C Blue Fire,$1D Poe,$1E Big Poe,$1F Spring Water,$20 Hot Spring Water,$21 Zora Egg,$22 Gold Dust,$23 Magical Mushroom,$24 Sea Horse,$25 Chateau Romani,$26 Japanese Bottle?,$27 Empty Japanese Bottle? Cheat36="Bottles\Bottle 4 Modifier",801ED8B5 00?? Cheat36_O=$12 Empty Bottle,$13 Red Potion,$14 Green Potion,$15 Blue Potion,$16 Fairy,$17 Deku Princess,$18 Milk,$19 Milk (1/2),$1A Fish,$1B Bug,$1C Blue Fire,$1D Poe,$1E Big Poe,$1F Spring Water,$20 Hot Spring Water,$21 Zora Egg,$22 Gold Dust,$23 Magical Mushroom,$24 Sea Horse,$25 Chateau Romani,$26 Japanese Bottle?,$27 Empty Japanese Bottle? Cheat37="Bottles\Bottle 5 Modifier",801ED8B6 00?? Cheat37_O=$12 Empty Bottle,$13 Red Potion,$14 Green Potion,$15 Blue Potion,$16 Fairy,$17 Deku Princess,$18 Milk,$19 Milk (1/2),$1A Fish,$1B Bug,$1C Blue Fire,$1D Poe,$1E Big Poe,$1F Spring Water,$20 Hot Spring Water,$21 Zora Egg,$22 Gold Dust,$23 Magical Mushroom,$24 Sea Horse,$25 Chateau Romani,$26 Japanese Bottle?,$27 Empty Japanese Bottle? Cheat38="Bottles\Bottle 6 Modifier",801ED8B7 00?? Cheat38_O=$12 Empty Bottle,$13 Red Potion,$14 Green Potion,$15 Blue Potion,$16 Fairy,$17 Deku Princess,$18 Milk,$19 Milk (1/2),$1A Fish,$1B Bug,$1C Blue Fire,$1D Poe,$1E Big Poe,$1F Spring Water,$20 Hot Spring Water,$21 Zora Egg,$22 Gold Dust,$23 Magical Mushroom,$24 Sea Horse,$25 Chateau Romani,$26 Japanese Bottle?,$27 Empty Japanese Bottle? Cheat39="Use C-Buttons Anywhere",811F1748 0000,811F174A 0000 Cheat39_N=This code allows you to use C-Button Items where you normally can't use them. Cheat40="All Equipment Upgrades",801ED89D 0023,811ED8EA 201B,801ED87C 004F Cheat41="Replace Sword With",801ED87C 00?? Cheat41_N=Only put the Deity Link's Sword on, if using The Play As Fierce Deity Link Code, if not it will turn Fierce Deity Link into a crazed slashing Machine. You have been warned. Cheat41_O=$4A Fire Arrow w/ Bow,$4B Ice Arrow w/ Bow,$4C Light Arrow w/ Bow,$4D Kokiri Sword,$4E Razor Sword,$4F Guilded Sword,$50 Deity Link's Sword Cheat42="Play As",801ED850 00?? Cheat42_O=$00 Fierce Deity Link,$01 Goron Link,$02 Zora Link,$03 Deku Link,$04 Normal Link Cheat43="Warp Modifier",D03E4CFA 0000,803FD555 0001,813FD55A ???? Cheat43_N=Put this code on and it will now take where you wanted to go, turn it back off or it will infinite loop entering all the time. Cheat43_O=$0010 Mayors Residence,$0008 Magic Hags Potion Shop,$000A Romani Ranch Barn,$000B Mama's House,$000E Honey & Darlings Shop,$0015 Final Boss Arena,$001F Beneath the Graveyard (left entrance),$002F Beneath the Graveyard (right entrance),$0030 Southern Swamp (Reg Entrance),$004F Southern Swamp (from tour house),$006E Southern Swamp (from Woodfall),$006F Southern Swamp (from Deku Palace),$0078 Path to Ikana Canyon,$009E Southern Swamp (from Deku Place 2),$009F Southern Swamp (From Potion Shop),$00AF Boat Cruise (picture taking),$00CD Southern Swamp (From Woods of Mystery),$00CE Southern Swamp (From Spider House),$00CF Southern Swamp (From Ikana Canyon),$00FE Southern Swamp (From Owl Warp),$0E00 Curiosity Shop,$0E38 Ikana Canyon Entrance,$1500 Lens of Truth Cave (get it),$2600 Stone Tower Temple (Upside down),$2609 Stone Tower Temple (Boss Room Entrance),$2604 Treasure Chest Shop,$2605 Treausre Chest Shop (counter),$260E Clock Tower (w/ skull kid, silent),$2610 Stone Tower Temple (endless fall),$6214 Romani Ranch,$9214 Zora Shop,$B214 Snowhead (Path to temple, warp in),$D214 East Clock Down