#pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include class CRSP_Plugin : public CPlugin, protected CN64SystemSettings, protected CGameSettings { typedef struct { // Menu // Items should have an ID between 5001 and 5100 void * hRSPMenu; void(CALL * ProcessMenuItem)(int32_t ID); // Breakpoints int32_t UseBPoints; char BPPanelName[20]; void(CALL * Add_BPoint)(void); void(CALL * CreateBPPanel)(void); void(CALL * HideBPPanel)(void); void(CALL * PaintBPPanel)(void); void(CALL * ShowBPPanel)(void); void(CALL * RefreshBpoints)(void * hList); void(CALL * RemoveBpoint)(void * hList, int32_t index); void(CALL * RemoveAllBpoint)(void); // RSP command window void(CALL * Enter_RSP_Commands_Window)(void); } RSPDEBUG_INFO; typedef struct { void(CALL * UpdateBreakPoints)(void); void(CALL * UpdateMemory)(void); void(CALL * UpdateR4300iRegisters)(void); void(CALL * Enter_BPoint_Window)(void); void(CALL * Enter_R4300i_Commands_Window)(void); void(CALL * Enter_R4300i_Register_Window)(void); void(CALL * Enter_RSP_Commands_Window)(void); void(CALL * Enter_Memory_Window)(void); } DEBUG_INFO; public: CRSP_Plugin(void); ~CRSP_Plugin(); void RomOpened(RenderWindow * Render); void RomClose(RenderWindow * Render); bool Initiate(CPlugins * Plugins, CN64System * System); void EnableDebugging(int32_t Enable); void RunRSP(void); void * GetDebugMenu(void); void ProcessMenuItem(int32_t id); void PauseRSPThread(void); void ResumeRSPThread(void); private: CRSP_Plugin(const CRSP_Plugin &); CRSP_Plugin & operator=(const CRSP_Plugin &); PLUGIN_TYPE type(); int32_t GetDefaultSettingStartRange() const; int32_t GetSettingStartRange() const; uint32_t RspThread(void); static uint32_t stRspThread(void * lpThreadParameter); bool LoadFunctions(void); void UnloadPluginDetails(void); void(CALL * m_EnableDebugging)(int32_t Enable); void(CALL * m_GetDebugInfo)(RSPDEBUG_INFO * GFXDebugInfo); void(CALL * m_InitiateDebugger)(DEBUG_INFO DebugInfo); uint32_t(CALL * m_DoRspCycles)(uint32_t); CPlugins * m_Plugins; CN64System * m_System; uint32_t m_AlistCount, m_DlistCount, m_UnknownCount; SyncEvent m_RunEvent; CThread m_Thread; RSPDEBUG_INFO m_RSPDebug; uint32_t m_CycleCount; bool m_RomOpened; };