/* Copyright (C) 2003 Rice1964 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /* Copyright (C) 2007 Hiroshi Morii <koolsmoky(at)users.sourceforge.net> * Modified for the Texture Filtering library */ #include <string.h> #include "TextureFilters.h" /************************************************************************/ /* 2X filters */ /************************************************************************/ #define DWORD_MAKE(r, g, b, a) ((uint32) (((a) << 24) | ((r) << 16) | ((g) << 8) | (b))) #define WORD_MAKE(r, g, b, a) ((uint16) (((a) << 12) | ((r) << 8) | ((g) << 4) | (b))) // Basic 2x R8G8B8A8 filter with interpolation void Texture2x_32(uint8 *srcPtr, uint32 srcPitch, uint8 *dstPtr, uint32 dstPitch, int width, int height) { uint32 *pDst1, *pDst2; uint32 *pSrc, *pSrc2; uint32 nWidth = width; uint32 nHeight = height; uint32 b1; uint32 g1; uint32 r1; uint32 a1; uint32 b2; uint32 g2; uint32 r2; uint32 a2; uint32 b3; uint32 g3; uint32 r3; uint32 a3; uint32 b4; uint32 g4; uint32 r4; uint32 a4; uint32 xSrc; uint32 ySrc; for (ySrc = 0; ySrc < nHeight; ySrc++) { pSrc = (uint32*)(((uint8*)srcPtr)+ySrc*srcPitch); pSrc2 = (uint32*)(((uint8*)srcPtr)+(ySrc+1)*srcPitch); pDst1 = (uint32*)(((uint8*)dstPtr)+(ySrc*2)*dstPitch); pDst2 = (uint32*)(((uint8*)dstPtr)+(ySrc*2+1)*dstPitch); for (xSrc = 0; xSrc < nWidth; xSrc++) { b1 = (pSrc[xSrc]>>0)&0xFF; g1 = (pSrc[xSrc]>>8)&0xFF; r1 = (pSrc[xSrc]>>16)&0xFF; a1 = (pSrc[xSrc]>>24)&0xFF; // Pixel 1 pDst1[xSrc*2] = pSrc[xSrc]; // Pixel 2 if( xSrc<nWidth-1 ) { b2 = (pSrc[xSrc+1]>>0)&0xFF; g2 = (pSrc[xSrc+1]>>8)&0xFF; r2 = (pSrc[xSrc+1]>>16)&0xFF; a2 = (pSrc[xSrc+1]>>24)&0xFF; pDst1[xSrc*2+1] = DWORD_MAKE((r1+r2)/2, (g1+g2)/2, (b1+b2)/2, (a1+a2)/2); } else pDst1[xSrc*2+1] = pSrc[xSrc]; // Pixel 3 if( ySrc<nHeight-1 ) { b3 = (pSrc2[xSrc]>>0)&0xFF; g3 = (pSrc2[xSrc]>>8)&0xFF; r3 = (pSrc2[xSrc]>>16)&0xFF; a3 = (pSrc2[xSrc]>>24)&0xFF; pDst2[xSrc*2] = DWORD_MAKE((r1+r3)/2, (g1+g3)/2, (b1+b3)/2, (a1+a3)/2); if( xSrc<nWidth-1 ) { b4 = (pSrc2[xSrc+1]>>0)&0xFF; g4 = (pSrc2[xSrc+1]>>8)&0xFF; r4 = (pSrc2[xSrc+1]>>16)&0xFF; a4 = (pSrc2[xSrc+1]>>24)&0xFF; // Pixel 4 pDst2[xSrc*2+1] = DWORD_MAKE((r1+r2+r3+r4)/4, (g1+g2+g3+g4)/4, (b1+b2+b3+b4)/4, (a1+a2+a3+a4)/4); } else { // Pixel 4 pDst2[xSrc*2+1] = DWORD_MAKE((r1+r3)/2, (g1+g3)/2, (b1+b3)/2, (a1+a3)/2); } } else { // Pixel 3 pDst2[xSrc*2] = pSrc[xSrc]; // Pixel 4 if( xSrc<nWidth-1 ) { pDst2[xSrc*2+1] = DWORD_MAKE((r1+r2)/2, (g1+g2)/2, (b1+b2)/2, (a1+a2)/2); } else { pDst2[xSrc*2+1] = pSrc[xSrc]; } } } } } #if !_16BPP_HACK // Basic 2x R4G4B4A4 filter with interpolation void Texture2x_16(uint8 *srcPtr, uint32 srcPitch, uint8 *dstPtr, uint32 dstPitch, int width, int height) { uint16 *pDst1, *pDst2; uint16 *pSrc, *pSrc2; uint32 nWidth = width; uint32 nHeight = height; uint16 b1; uint16 g1; uint16 r1; uint16 a1; uint16 b2; uint16 g2; uint16 r2; uint16 a2; uint16 b3; uint16 g3; uint16 r3; uint16 a3; uint16 b4; uint16 g4; uint16 r4; uint16 a4; uint16 xSrc; uint16 ySrc; for (ySrc = 0; ySrc < nHeight; ySrc++) { pSrc = (uint16*)(((uint8*)srcPtr)+ySrc*srcPitch); pSrc2 = (uint16*)(((uint8*)srcPtr)+(ySrc+1)*srcPitch); pDst1 = (uint16*)(((uint8*)dstPtr)+(ySrc*2)*dstPitch); pDst2 = (uint16*)(((uint8*)dstPtr)+(ySrc*2+1)*dstPitch); for (xSrc = 0; xSrc < nWidth; xSrc++) { b1 = (pSrc[xSrc]>> 0)&0xF; g1 = (pSrc[xSrc]>> 4)&0xF; r1 = (pSrc[xSrc]>> 8)&0xF; a1 = (pSrc[xSrc]>>12)&0xF; if( xSrc<nWidth-1 ) { b2 = (pSrc[xSrc+1]>> 0)&0xF; g2 = (pSrc[xSrc+1]>> 4)&0xF; r2 = (pSrc[xSrc+1]>> 8)&0xF; a2 = (pSrc[xSrc+1]>>12)&0xF; } if( ySrc<nHeight-1 ) { b3 = (pSrc2[xSrc]>> 0)&0xF; g3 = (pSrc2[xSrc]>> 4)&0xF; r3 = (pSrc2[xSrc]>> 8)&0xF; a3 = (pSrc2[xSrc]>>12)&0xF; if( xSrc<nWidth-1 ) { b4 = (pSrc2[xSrc+1]>> 0)&0xF; g4 = (pSrc2[xSrc+1]>> 4)&0xF; r4 = (pSrc2[xSrc+1]>> 8)&0xF; a4 = (pSrc2[xSrc+1]>>12)&0xF; } } // Pixel 1 pDst1[xSrc*2] = pSrc[xSrc]; // Pixel 2 if( xSrc<nWidth-1 ) { pDst1[xSrc*2+1] = WORD_MAKE((r1+r2)/2, (g1+g2)/2, (b1+b2)/2, (a1+a2)/2); } else pDst1[xSrc*2+1] = pSrc[xSrc]; // Pixel 3 if( ySrc<nHeight-1 ) { pDst2[xSrc*2] = WORD_MAKE((r1+r3)/2, (g1+g3)/2, (b1+b3)/2, (a1+a3)/2); } else pDst2[xSrc*2] = pSrc[xSrc]; // Pixel 4 if( xSrc<nWidth-1 ) { if( ySrc<nHeight-1 ) { pDst2[xSrc*2+1] = WORD_MAKE((r1+r2+r3+r4)/4, (g1+g2+g3+g4)/4, (b1+b2+b3+b4)/4, (a1+a2+a3+a4)/4); } else { pDst2[xSrc*2+1] = WORD_MAKE((r1+r2)/2, (g1+g2)/2, (b1+b2)/2, (a1+a2)/2); } } else { if( ySrc<nHeight-1 ) { pDst2[xSrc*2+1] = WORD_MAKE((r1+r3)/2, (g1+g3)/2, (b1+b3)/2, (a1+a3)/2); } else pDst2[xSrc*2+1] = pSrc[xSrc]; } } } } #endif /* !_16BPP_HACK */ /* * Sharp filters * Hiroshi Morii <koolsmoky@users.sourceforge.net> */ void SharpFilter_8888(uint32 *src, uint32 srcwidth, uint32 srcheight, uint32 *dest, uint32 filter) { // NOTE: for now we get away with copying the boundaries // filter the boundaries if we face problems uint32 mul1, mul2, mul3, shift4; uint32 x,y,z; uint32 *_src1, *_src2, *_src3, *_dest; uint32 val[4]; uint32 t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8,t9; switch( filter ) { case SHARP_FILTER_2: mul1=1; mul2=8; mul3=12; shift4=2; break; case SHARP_FILTER_1: default: mul1=1; mul2=8; mul3=16; shift4=3; break; } // setup rows _src1 = src; _src2 = _src1 + srcwidth; _src3 = _src2 + srcwidth; _dest = dest; // copy the first row memcpy(_dest, _src1, (srcwidth << 2)); _dest += srcwidth; // filter 2nd row to 1 row before the last for (y = 1; y < srcheight-1; y++) { // copy the first pixel _dest[0] = *_src2; // filter 2nd pixel to 1 pixel before last for (x = 1; x < srcwidth-1; x++) { for (z=0; z<4; z++) { t1 = *((uint8*)(_src1+x-1)+z); t2 = *((uint8*)(_src1+x )+z); t3 = *((uint8*)(_src1+x+1)+z); t4 = *((uint8*)(_src2+x-1)+z); t5 = *((uint8*)(_src2+x )+z); t6 = *((uint8*)(_src2+x+1)+z); t7 = *((uint8*)(_src3+x-1)+z); t8 = *((uint8*)(_src3+x )+z); t9 = *((uint8*)(_src3+x+1)+z); if( (t5*mul2) > (t1+t3+t7+t9+t2+t4+t6+t8)*mul1 ) { val[z]= ((t5*mul3) - (t1+t3+t7+t9+t2+t4+t6+t8)*mul1)>>shift4; if (val[z] > 0xFF) val[z] = 0xFF; } else { val[z] = t5; } } _dest[x] = val[0]|(val[1]<<8)|(val[2]<<16)|(val[3]<<24); } // copy the ending pixel _dest[srcwidth-1] = *(_src3 - 1); // next row _src1 += srcwidth; _src2 += srcwidth; _src3 += srcwidth; _dest += srcwidth; } // copy the last row memcpy(_dest, _src2, (srcwidth << 2)); } #if !_16BPP_HACK void SharpFilter_4444(uint16 *src, uint32 srcwidth, uint32 srcheight, uint16 *dest, uint32 filter) { // NOTE: for now we get away with copying the boundaries // filter the boundaries if we face problems uint16 mul1, mul2, mul3, shift4; uint32 x,y,z; uint16 *_src1, *_src2, *_src3, *_dest; uint16 val[4]; uint16 t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8,t9; switch( filter ) { case SHARP_FILTER_2: mul1=1; mul2=8; mul3=12; shift4=2; break; case SHARP_FILTER_1: default: mul1=1; mul2=8; mul3=16; shift4=3; break; } // setup rows _src1 = src; _src2 = _src1 + srcwidth; _src3 = _src2 + srcwidth; _dest = dest; // copy the first row memcpy(_dest, _src1, (srcwidth << 1)); _dest += srcwidth; // filter 2nd row to 1 row before the last for( y = 1; y < srcheight - 1; y++) { // copy the first pixel _dest[0] = *_src2; // filter 2nd pixel to 1 pixel before last for( x = 1; x < srcwidth - 1; x++) { for( z = 0; z < 4; z++ ) { /* Hiroshi Morii <koolsmoky@users.sourceforge.net> * Read the entire 16bit pixel and then extract the A,R,G,B components. */ uint32 shift = z << 2; t1 = ((*((uint16*)(_src1+x-1))) >> shift) & 0xF; t2 = ((*((uint16*)(_src1+x ))) >> shift) & 0xF; t3 = ((*((uint16*)(_src1+x+1))) >> shift) & 0xF; t4 = ((*((uint16*)(_src2+x-1))) >> shift) & 0xF; t5 = ((*((uint16*)(_src2+x ))) >> shift) & 0xF; t6 = ((*((uint16*)(_src2+x+1))) >> shift) & 0xF; t7 = ((*((uint16*)(_src3+x-1))) >> shift) & 0xF; t8 = ((*((uint16*)(_src3+x ))) >> shift) & 0xF; t9 = ((*((uint16*)(_src3+x+1))) >> shift) & 0xF; if( (t5*mul2) > (t1+t3+t7+t9+t2+t4+t6+t8)*mul1 ) { val[z] = ((t5*mul3) - (t1+t3+t7+t9+t2+t4+t6+t8)*mul1)>>shift4; if (val[z] > 0xF) val[z] = 0xF; } else { val[z] = t5; } } _dest[x] = val[0]|(val[1]<<4)|(val[2]<<8)|(val[3]<<12); } // copy the ending pixel _dest[srcwidth-1] = *(_src3 - 1); // next row _src1 += srcwidth; _src2 += srcwidth; _src3 += srcwidth; _dest += srcwidth; } // copy the last row memcpy(_dest, _src2, (srcwidth << 1)); } #endif /* !_16BPP_HACK */ /* * Smooth filters * Hiroshi Morii <koolsmoky@users.sourceforge.net> */ void SmoothFilter_8888(uint32 *src, uint32 srcwidth, uint32 srcheight, uint32 *dest, uint32 filter) { // NOTE: for now we get away with copying the boundaries // filter the boundaries if we face problems uint32 mul1, mul2, mul3, shift4; uint32 x,y,z; uint32 *_src1, *_src2, *_src3, *_dest; uint32 val[4]; uint32 t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8,t9; switch( filter ) { case SMOOTH_FILTER_4: mul1=1; mul2=2; mul3=4; shift4=4; break; case SMOOTH_FILTER_3: mul1=1; mul2=1; mul3=8; shift4=4; break; case SMOOTH_FILTER_2: mul1=1; mul2=1; mul3=2; shift4=2; break; case SMOOTH_FILTER_1: default: mul1=1; mul2=1; mul3=6; shift4=3; break; } switch (filter) { case SMOOTH_FILTER_3: case SMOOTH_FILTER_4: // setup rows _src1 = src; _src2 = _src1 + srcwidth; _src3 = _src2 + srcwidth; _dest = dest; // copy the first row memcpy(_dest, _src1, (srcwidth << 2)); _dest += srcwidth; // filter 2nd row to 1 row before the last for (y = 1; y < srcheight - 1; y++){ // copy the first pixel _dest[0] = _src2[0]; // filter 2nd pixel to 1 pixel before last for (x = 1; x < srcwidth - 1; x++) { for (z = 0; z < 4; z++ ) { t1 = *((uint8*)(_src1+x-1)+z); t2 = *((uint8*)(_src1+x )+z); t3 = *((uint8*)(_src1+x+1)+z); t4 = *((uint8*)(_src2+x-1)+z); t5 = *((uint8*)(_src2+x )+z); t6 = *((uint8*)(_src2+x+1)+z); t7 = *((uint8*)(_src3+x-1)+z); t8 = *((uint8*)(_src3+x )+z); t9 = *((uint8*)(_src3+x+1)+z); /* the component value must not overflow 0xFF */ val[z] = ((t1+t3+t7+t9)*mul1+((t2+t4+t6+t8)*mul2)+(t5*mul3))>>shift4; if (val[z] > 0xFF) val[z] = 0xFF; } _dest[x] = val[0]|(val[1]<<8)|(val[2]<<16)|(val[3]<<24); } // copy the ending pixel _dest[srcwidth-1] = *(_src3 - 1); // next row _src1 += srcwidth; _src2 += srcwidth; _src3 += srcwidth; _dest += srcwidth; } // copy the last row memcpy(_dest, _src2, (srcwidth << 2)); break; case SMOOTH_FILTER_1: case SMOOTH_FILTER_2: default: // setup rows _src1 = src; _src2 = _src1 + srcwidth; _src3 = _src2 + srcwidth; _dest = dest; // copy the first row memcpy(_dest, _src1, (srcwidth << 2)); _dest += srcwidth; // filter 2nd row to 1 row before the last for (y = 1; y < srcheight - 1; y++) { // filter 1st pixel to the last if (y & 1) { for( x = 0; x < srcwidth; x++) { for( z = 0; z < 4; z++ ) { t2 = *((uint8*)(_src1+x )+z); t5 = *((uint8*)(_src2+x )+z); t8 = *((uint8*)(_src3+x )+z); /* the component value must not overflow 0xFF */ val[z] = ((t2+t8)*mul2+(t5*mul3))>>shift4; if (val[z] > 0xFF) val[z] = 0xFF; } _dest[x] = val[0]|(val[1]<<8)|(val[2]<<16)|(val[3]<<24); } } else { memcpy(_dest, _src2, (srcwidth << 2)); } // next row _src1 += srcwidth; _src2 += srcwidth; _src3 += srcwidth; _dest += srcwidth; } // copy the last row memcpy(_dest, _src2, (srcwidth << 2)); break; } } #if !_16BPP_HACK void SmoothFilter_4444(uint16 *src, uint32 srcwidth, uint32 srcheight, uint16 *dest, uint32 filter) { // NOTE: for now we get away with copying the boundaries // filter the boundaries if we face problems uint16 mul1, mul2, mul3, shift4; uint32 x,y,z; uint16 *_src1, *_src2, *_src3, *_dest; uint16 val[4]; uint16 t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8,t9; switch( filter ) { case SMOOTH_FILTER_4: mul1=1; mul2=2; mul3=4; shift4=4; break; case SMOOTH_FILTER_3: mul1=1; mul2=1; mul3=8; shift4=4; break; case SMOOTH_FILTER_2: mul1=1; mul2=1; mul3=2; shift4=2; break; case SMOOTH_FILTER_1: default: mul1=1; mul2=1; mul3=6; shift4=3; break; } switch (filter) { case SMOOTH_FILTER_3: case SMOOTH_FILTER_4: // setup rows _src1 = src; _src2 = _src1 + srcwidth; _src3 = _src2 + srcwidth; _dest = dest; // copy the first row memcpy(_dest, _src1, (srcwidth << 1)); _dest += srcwidth; // filter 2nd row to 1 row before the last for (y = 1; y < srcheight - 1; y++) { // copy the first pixel _dest[0] = *_src2; // filter 2nd pixel to 1 pixel before last for (x = 1; x < srcwidth - 1; x++) { for (z = 0; z < 4; z++ ) { /* Read the entire 16bit pixel and then extract the A,R,G,B components. */ uint32 shift = z << 2; t1 = ((*(uint16*)(_src1+x-1)) >> shift) & 0xF; t2 = ((*(uint16*)(_src1+x )) >> shift) & 0xF; t3 = ((*(uint16*)(_src1+x+1)) >> shift) & 0xF; t4 = ((*(uint16*)(_src2+x-1)) >> shift) & 0xF; t5 = ((*(uint16*)(_src2+x )) >> shift) & 0xF; t6 = ((*(uint16*)(_src2+x+1)) >> shift) & 0xF; t7 = ((*(uint16*)(_src3+x-1)) >> shift) & 0xF; t8 = ((*(uint16*)(_src3+x )) >> shift) & 0xF; t9 = ((*(uint16*)(_src3+x+1)) >> shift) & 0xF; /* the component value must not overflow 0xF */ val[z] = ((t1+t3+t7+t9)*mul1+((t2+t4+t6+t8)*mul2)+(t5*mul3))>>shift4; if (val[z] > 0xF) val[z] = 0xF; } _dest[x] = val[0]|(val[1]<<4)|(val[2]<<8)|(val[3]<<12); } // copy the ending pixel _dest[srcwidth-1] = *(_src3 - 1); // next row _src1 += srcwidth; _src2 += srcwidth; _src3 += srcwidth; _dest += srcwidth; } // copy the last row memcpy(_dest, _src2, (srcwidth << 1)); break; case SMOOTH_FILTER_1: case SMOOTH_FILTER_2: default: // setup rows _src1 = src; _src2 = _src1 + srcwidth; _src3 = _src2 + srcwidth; _dest = dest; // copy the first row memcpy(_dest, _src1, (srcwidth << 1)); _dest += srcwidth; // filter 2nd row to 1 row before the last for( y = 1; y < srcheight - 1; y++) { if (y & 1) { for( x = 0; x < srcwidth; x++) { for( z = 0; z < 4; z++ ) { /* Read the entire 16bit pixel and then extract the A,R,G,B components. */ uint32 shift = z << 2; t2 = ((*(uint16*)(_src1+x)) >> shift) & 0xF; t5 = ((*(uint16*)(_src2+x)) >> shift) & 0xF; t8 = ((*(uint16*)(_src3+x)) >> shift) & 0xF; /* the component value must not overflow 0xF */ val[z] = ((t2+t8)*mul2+(t5*mul3))>>shift4; if (val[z] > 0xF) val[z] = 0xF; } _dest[x] = val[0]|(val[1]<<4)|(val[2]<<8)|(val[3]<<12); } } else { memcpy(_dest, _src2, (srcwidth << 1)); } // next row _src1 += srcwidth; _src2 += srcwidth; _src3 += srcwidth; _dest += srcwidth; } // copy the last row memcpy(_dest, _src2, (srcwidth << 1)); break; } } #endif /* !_16BPP_HACK */ void filter_8888(uint32 *src, uint32 srcwidth, uint32 srcheight, uint32 *dest, uint32 filter) { switch (filter & ENHANCEMENT_MASK) { case HQ4X_ENHANCEMENT: hq4x_8888((uint8*)src, (uint8*)dest, srcwidth, srcheight, srcwidth, (srcwidth << 4)); return; case HQ2X_ENHANCEMENT: hq2x_32((uint8*)src, (srcwidth << 2), (uint8*)dest, (srcwidth << 3), srcwidth, srcheight); return; case HQ2XS_ENHANCEMENT: hq2xS_32((uint8*)src, (srcwidth << 2), (uint8*)dest, (srcwidth << 3), srcwidth, srcheight); return; case LQ2X_ENHANCEMENT: lq2x_32((uint8*)src, (srcwidth << 2), (uint8*)dest, (srcwidth << 3), srcwidth, srcheight); return; case LQ2XS_ENHANCEMENT: lq2xS_32((uint8*)src, (srcwidth << 2), (uint8*)dest, (srcwidth << 3), srcwidth, srcheight); return; case X2SAI_ENHANCEMENT: Super2xSaI_8888((uint32*)src, (uint32*)dest, srcwidth, srcheight, srcwidth); return; case X2_ENHANCEMENT: Texture2x_32((uint8*)src, (srcwidth << 2), (uint8*)dest, (srcwidth << 3), srcwidth, srcheight); return; } switch (filter & (SMOOTH_FILTER_MASK|SHARP_FILTER_MASK)) { case SMOOTH_FILTER_1: case SMOOTH_FILTER_2: case SMOOTH_FILTER_3: case SMOOTH_FILTER_4: SmoothFilter_8888((uint32*)src, srcwidth, srcheight, (uint32*)dest, (filter & SMOOTH_FILTER_MASK)); return; case SHARP_FILTER_1: case SHARP_FILTER_2: SharpFilter_8888((uint32*)src, srcwidth, srcheight, (uint32*)dest, (filter & SHARP_FILTER_MASK)); return; } }