/* N-Rage`s Dinput8 Plugin (C) 2002, 2006 Norbert Wladyka Author`s Email: norbert.wladyka@chello.at Website: http://go.to/nrage This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "commonIncludes.h" #include <windows.h> #include <Commctrl.h> #include <tchar.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "NRagePluginV2.h" #include "DirectInput.h" #include "Interface.h" #include "FileAccess.h" #include "PakIO.h" #include "GBCart.h" // ProtoTypes BYTE AddressCRC( const unsigned char * Address ); BYTE DataCRC( const unsigned char * Data, const int iLength ); VOID CALLBACK WritebackProc( HWND hWnd, UINT msg, UINT_PTR idEvent, DWORD dwTime ); bool InitControllerPak( const int iControl ) // Prepares the Pak { if( !g_pcControllers[iControl].fPlugged ) return false; bool bReturn = false; if( g_pcControllers[iControl].pPakData ) { SaveControllerPak( iControl ); CloseControllerPak( iControl ); } switch( g_pcControllers[iControl].PakType ) { case PAK_MEM: { g_pcControllers[iControl].pPakData = P_malloc( sizeof(MEMPAK)); MEMPAK *mPak = (MEMPAK*)g_pcControllers[iControl].pPakData; mPak->bPakType = PAK_MEM; mPak->fReadonly = false; mPak->fDexSave = false; mPak->hMemPakHandle = NULL; DWORD dwFilesize = PAK_MEM_SIZE; // expected file size TCHAR szBuffer[MAX_PATH+1], szFullPath[MAX_PATH+1], *pcFile; GetAbsoluteFileName( szBuffer, g_pcControllers[iControl].szMempakFile, DIRECTORY_MEMPAK ); GetFullPathName( szBuffer, sizeof(szFullPath) / sizeof(TCHAR), szFullPath, &pcFile ); bool isNewfile = !CheckFileExists( szBuffer ); if( pcFile == NULL ) { // no Filename specified WarningMessage( IDS_ERR_MEM_NOSPEC, MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING ); g_pcControllers[iControl].PakType = PAK_NONE; break; // memory is freed at the end of this function } TCHAR *pcPoint = _tcsrchr( pcFile, '.' ); if( !lstrcmpi( pcPoint, _T(".n64") ) ) { mPak->fDexSave = true; dwFilesize += PAK_MEM_DEXOFFSET; } else { mPak->fDexSave = false; } HANDLE hFileHandle = CreateFile( szFullPath, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_ALWAYS, 0, NULL ); if( hFileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) {// test if Read-only access is possible hFileHandle = CreateFile( szFullPath, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_ALWAYS, 0, NULL ); if( hFileHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { TCHAR tszTitle[DEFAULT_BUFFER], tszText[DEFAULT_BUFFER]; LoadString( g_hResourceDLL, IDS_DLG_MEM_READONLY, tszText, DEFAULT_BUFFER ); LoadString( g_hResourceDLL, IDS_DLG_WARN_TITLE, tszTitle, DEFAULT_BUFFER ); wsprintf( szBuffer, tszText, pcFile ); MessageBox( g_strEmuInfo.hMainWindow, szBuffer, tszTitle, MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING ); mPak->fReadonly = true; DebugWriteA("Ramfile opened in READ ONLY mode.\n"); } else { TCHAR tszTitle[DEFAULT_BUFFER], tszText[DEFAULT_BUFFER]; LoadString( g_hResourceDLL, IDS_ERR_MEMOPEN, tszText, DEFAULT_BUFFER ); LoadString( g_hResourceDLL, IDS_DLG_WARN_TITLE, tszTitle, DEFAULT_BUFFER ); wsprintf( szBuffer, tszText, pcFile ); MessageBox( g_strEmuInfo.hMainWindow, szBuffer, tszTitle, MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING ); g_pcControllers[iControl].PakType = PAK_NONE; // set so that CloseControllerPak doesn't try to close a file that isn't open DebugWrite(_T("Unable to read or create MemPak file %s.\n"), pcFile); break; // memory is freed at the end of this function } } DWORD dwCurrentSize = GetFileSize( hFileHandle, NULL ); if ( mPak->fReadonly ) { DWORD dwBytesRead = 0; if( mPak->fDexSave ) { SetFilePointer( hFileHandle, PAK_MEM_DEXOFFSET, NULL, FILE_BEGIN ); } else { SetFilePointer( hFileHandle, 0L, NULL, FILE_BEGIN ); } dwFilesize = min( dwFilesize, GetFileSize( hFileHandle, NULL )); if( !isNewfile ) { mPak->aMemPakData = (LPBYTE)P_malloc( sizeof(BYTE) * PAK_MEM_SIZE ); if( ReadFile( hFileHandle, mPak->aMemPakData, PAK_MEM_SIZE, &dwBytesRead, NULL )) { if( dwBytesRead < dwFilesize ) FillMemory( (LPBYTE)mPak->aMemPakData + dwBytesRead, PAK_MEM_SIZE - dwBytesRead, 0xFF ); bReturn = true; } else P_free( mPak->aMemPakData ); } else { FormatMemPak( mPak->aMemPakData ); bReturn = true; } CloseHandle( hFileHandle ); } else { // use mapped file mPak->hMemPakHandle = CreateFileMapping( hFileHandle, NULL, mPak->fReadonly ? PAGE_READONLY : PAGE_READWRITE, 0, dwFilesize, NULL); // test for invalid handle if (mPak->hMemPakHandle == NULL) { // note: please don't move the CloseHandle call before GetLastError DebugWriteA("Couldn't CreateFileMapping for MemPak file : %08x\n", GetLastError()); CloseHandle(hFileHandle); break; // memory is freed at the end of the function } CloseHandle(hFileHandle); // we can close the file handle now with no problems mPak->aMemPakData = (LPBYTE)MapViewOfFile( mPak->hMemPakHandle, FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, 0, 0, mPak->fDexSave ? PAK_MEM_SIZE + PAK_MEM_DEXOFFSET : PAK_MEM_SIZE ); // this is a bit tricky: // if it's a dexsave, move the pakdata pointer forward so it points to where the actual mempak data starts // we need to make sure to move it back when we UnmapViewOfFile if (mPak->aMemPakData == NULL) ErrorMessage(IDS_ERR_MAPVIEW, GetLastError(), false); if ( mPak->fDexSave ) mPak->aMemPakData += PAK_MEM_DEXOFFSET; if( dwCurrentSize < dwFilesize ) FillMemory( (LPBYTE)mPak->aMemPakData + (mPak->fDexSave ? dwCurrentSize - PAK_MEM_DEXOFFSET : dwCurrentSize), dwFilesize - dwCurrentSize, 0xFF ); if( isNewfile ) { if (mPak->fDexSave ) { PVOID pHeader = MapViewOfFile( mPak->hMemPakHandle, FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, 0, 0, PAK_MEM_DEXOFFSET ); const char szHeader[] = "123-456-STD"; // "OMG-WTF-BBQ"? --rabid ZeroMemory( pHeader, PAK_MEM_DEXOFFSET ); CopyMemory( pHeader, szHeader, sizeof(szHeader) ); FlushViewOfFile( pHeader, PAK_MEM_DEXOFFSET ); UnmapViewOfFile( pHeader ); } FormatMemPak( mPak->aMemPakData ); } bReturn = true; } } break; case PAK_RUMBLE: { g_pcControllers[iControl].pPakData = P_malloc( sizeof(RUMBLEPAK)); RUMBLEPAK *rPak = (RUMBLEPAK*)g_pcControllers[iControl].pPakData; rPak->bPakType = PAK_RUMBLE; rPak->fLastData = true; // statistically, if uninitted it would return true --rabid // rPak->bRumbleTyp = g_pcControllers[iControl].bRumbleTyp; // rPak->bRumbleStrength = g_pcControllers[iControl].bRumbleStrength; // rPak->fVisualRumble = g_pcControllers[iControl].fVisualRumble; if( !g_pcControllers[iControl].fXInput ) //used to make sure only xinput cotroller rumbles --tecnicors CreateEffectHandle( iControl, g_pcControllers[iControl].bRumbleTyp, g_pcControllers[iControl].bRumbleStrength ); bReturn = true; } break; case PAK_TRANSFER: { g_pcControllers[iControl].pPakData = P_malloc( sizeof(TRANSFERPAK)); LPTRANSFERPAK tPak = (LPTRANSFERPAK)g_pcControllers[iControl].pPakData; tPak->bPakType = PAK_TRANSFER; tPak->gbCart.hRomFile = NULL; tPak->gbCart.hRamFile = NULL; tPak->gbCart.RomData = NULL; tPak->gbCart.RamData = NULL; /* * Once the Interface is implemented g_pcControllers[iControl].szTransferRom will hold filename of the GB-Rom * and g_pcControllers[iControl].szTransferSave holds Filename of the SRAM Save * * Here, both files should be opened and the handles stored in tPak ( modify the struct for Your own purposes, only bPakType must stay at first ) */ //CreateFile( g_pcControllers[iControl].szTransferSave, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_ALWAYS, 0, NULL ); tPak->iCurrentAccessMode = 0; tPak->iCurrentBankNo = 0; tPak->iEnableState = false; tPak->iAccessModeChanged = 0x44; tPak->bPakInserted = LoadCart( &tPak->gbCart, g_pcControllers[iControl].szTransferRom, g_pcControllers[iControl].szTransferSave, _T("") ); if (tPak->bPakInserted) { DebugWriteA( "*** Init Transfer Pak - Success***\n" ); } else { DebugWriteA( "*** Init Transfer Pak - FAILURE***\n" ); } bReturn = true; } break; /*case PAK_VOICE: { g_pcControllers[iControl].pPakData = P_malloc( sizeof(VOICEPAK)); VOICEPAK *vPak = (VOICEPAK*)g_pcControllers[iControl].pPakData; vPak->bPakType = PAK_VOICE; bReturn = true; } break;*/ case PAK_ADAPTOID: if( !g_pcControllers[iControl].fIsAdaptoid ) g_pcControllers[iControl].PakType = PAK_NONE; else { g_pcControllers[iControl].pPakData = P_malloc( sizeof(ADAPTOIDPAK)); ADAPTOIDPAK *aPak = (ADAPTOIDPAK*)g_pcControllers[iControl].pPakData; aPak->bPakType = PAK_ADAPTOID; aPak->bIdentifier = 0x80; #ifdef ADAPTOIDPAK_RUMBLEFIX aPak->fRumblePak = true; #pragma message( "Driver-fix for Rumble with Adaptoid enabled" ) #else aPak->fRumblePak = false; #endif bReturn = true; } break; /*case PAK_NONE: break;*/ } // if there were any unrecoverable errors and we have allocated pPakData, free it and set paktype to NONE if( !bReturn && g_pcControllers[iControl].pPakData ) CloseControllerPak( iControl ); return bReturn; } BYTE ReadControllerPak( const int iControl, LPBYTE Command ) { BYTE bReturn = RD_ERROR; LPBYTE Data = &Command[2]; #ifdef MAKEADRESSCRCCHECK #pragma message( "Addresscheck for Pak-Reads active" ) if( AddressCRC( Command ) != (Command[1] & 0x1F) ) { g_pcControllers[iControl].fPakCRCError = true; if( WarningMessage( IDS_DLG_MEM_BADADDRESSCRC, MB_OKCANCEL | MB_ICONQUESTION ) == IDCANCEL ) return RD_ERROR; } #endif if( !g_pcControllers[iControl].pPakData ) return RD_ERROR; WORD dwAddress = (Command[0] << 8) + (Command[1] & 0xE0); switch( *(BYTE*)g_pcControllers[iControl].pPakData ) { case PAK_MEM: { MEMPAK *mPak = (MEMPAK*)g_pcControllers[iControl].pPakData; if( dwAddress < 0x8000 ) CopyMemory( Data, &mPak->aMemPakData[dwAddress], 32 ); else CopyMemory( Data, &mPak->aMemPakTemp[(dwAddress%0x100)], 32 ); Data[32] = DataCRC( Data, 32 ); bReturn = RD_OK; } break; case PAK_RUMBLE: if(( dwAddress >= 0x8000 ) && ( dwAddress < 0x9000 ) ) { RUMBLEPAK *rPak = (RUMBLEPAK*)g_pcControllers[iControl].pPakData; if (rPak->fLastData) FillMemory( Data, 32, 0x80 ); else ZeroMemory( Data, 32 ); if( g_pcControllers[iControl].fXInput ) // xinput controller rumble --tecnicors VibrateXInputController( g_pcControllers[iControl].xiController.nControl, 0, 0); else if (g_apFFDevice[iControl]) g_apFFDevice[iControl]->Acquire(); } else ZeroMemory( Data, 32 ); Data[32] = DataCRC( Data, 32 ); bReturn = RD_OK; break; case PAK_TRANSFER: { LPTRANSFERPAK tPak = (LPTRANSFERPAK)g_pcControllers[iControl].pPakData; // TODO: null pointer check on tPak // set bReturn = RD_OK when implementing Transferpak bReturn = RD_OK; DebugWriteA( "TPak Read:\n" ); DebugWriteA( " Address: %04X\n", dwAddress ); switch (dwAddress >> 12) { case 0x8: // if ((dwAddress >= 0x8000) && (dwAddress <= 0x8FFF)) DebugWriteA( "Query Enable State: %u\n", tPak->iEnableState ); if (tPak->iEnableState == false) ZeroMemory(Data, 32); else FillMemory(Data, 32, 0x84); break; case 0xB: // if ((dwAddress >= 0xB000) && (dwAddress <= 0xBFFF)) if (tPak->iEnableState == true) { DebugWriteA( "Query Cart. State:" ); if (tPak->bPakInserted) { if (tPak->iCurrentAccessMode == 1) { FillMemory(Data, 32, 0x89); DebugWriteA( " Inserted, Access Mode 1\n" ); } else { FillMemory(Data, 32, 0x80); DebugWriteA( " Inserted, Access Mode 0\n" ); } Data[0] = Data[0] | tPak->iAccessModeChanged; } else { FillMemory(Data, 32, 0x40); // Cart not inserted. DebugWriteA( " Not Inserted\n" ); } tPak->iAccessModeChanged = 0; } break; case 0xC: case 0xD: case 0xE: case 0xF: // if ((dwAddress >= 0xC000)) if (tPak->iEnableState == true) { DebugWriteA( "Cart Read: Bank:%i\n", tPak->iCurrentBankNo ); DebugWriteA( " Address:%04X\n", ((dwAddress & 0xFFE0) - 0xC000) + ((tPak->iCurrentBankNo & 3) * 0x4000) ); tPak->gbCart.ptrfnReadCart(&tPak->gbCart, ((dwAddress & 0xFFE0) - 0xC000) + ((tPak->iCurrentBankNo & 3) * 0x4000), Data); } break; default: DebugWriteA("WARNING: Unusual Pak Read\n" ); DebugWriteA(" Address: %04X\n", dwAddress); } // end switch (dwAddress >> 12) #ifdef ENABLE_RAWPAK_DEBUG DebugWriteA( "TPak Data: " ); for (int i = 0; i < 32; i ++) { if ((i < 31) && ((i & 7) == 0)) DebugWriteA( "\n " ); DebugWriteByteA(Data[i]); if (i < 31) { DebugWriteA( ", "); } } DebugWriteA( "\n" ); #endif Data[32] = DataCRC( Data, 32 ); bReturn = RD_OK; } break; /*case PAK_VOICE: break;*/ case PAK_ADAPTOID: if( ReadAdaptoidPak( iControl, dwAddress, Data ) == DI_OK ) { Data[32] = DataCRC( Data, 32 ); bReturn = RD_OK; if( ((ADAPTOIDPAK*)g_pcControllers[iControl].pPakData)->fRumblePak ) { BYTE bId = ((ADAPTOIDPAK*)g_pcControllers[iControl].pPakData)->bIdentifier; if( (( dwAddress == 0x8000 ) && ( bId == 0x80 ) && ( Data[0] != 0x80 )) || (( dwAddress == 0x8000 ) && ( bId != 0x80 ) && ( Data[0] != 0x00 )) || (( dwAddress < 0x8000 ) && ( Data[0] != 0x00 ))) { ((ADAPTOIDPAK*)g_pcControllers[iControl].pPakData)->fRumblePak = false; DebugWriteA( "\nAssuming the inserted Pak AINT a RumblePak\nDisabling Rumblefix\n" ); } } } break; /*case PAK_NONE: break;*/ } return bReturn; } // Called when the N64 tries to write to the controller pak, e.g. a mempak BYTE WriteControllerPak( const int iControl, LPBYTE Command ) { BYTE bReturn = RD_ERROR; BYTE *Data = &Command[2]; #ifdef MAKEADRESSCRCCHECK #pragma message( "Addresscheck for Pak-Writes active" ) if( AddressCRC( Command ) != (Command[1] & 0x1F) ) { g_pcControllers[iControl].fPakCRCError = true; if( WarningMessage( IDS_DLG_MEM_BADADDRESSCRC, MB_OKCANCEL | MB_ICONQUESTION ) == IDCANCEL ) return RD_ERROR; } #endif if( !g_pcControllers[iControl].pPakData ) return RD_ERROR; WORD dwAddress = (Command[0] << 8) + (Command[1] & 0xE0); switch( *(BYTE*)g_pcControllers[iControl].pPakData ) { case PAK_MEM: { // Switched to memory-mapped file // That way, if the computer dies due to power loss or something mid-play, the savegame is still there. MEMPAK *mPak = (MEMPAK*)g_pcControllers[iControl].pPakData; if( dwAddress < 0x8000 ) { CopyMemory( &mPak->aMemPakData[dwAddress], Data, 32 ); if (!mPak->fReadonly ) SetTimer( g_strEmuInfo.hMainWindow, PAK_MEM, 2000, (TIMERPROC) WritebackProc ); // if we go 2 seconds without a write, call the Writeback proc (which will flush the cache) } else CopyMemory( &mPak->aMemPakTemp[(dwAddress%0x100)], Data, 32 ); Data[32] = DataCRC( Data, 32 ); bReturn = RD_OK; } break; case PAK_RUMBLE: if( dwAddress == PAK_IO_RUMBLE ) { if( g_pcControllers[iControl].fXInput ) // xinput controller rumble --tecnicors { if( *Data ) VibrateXInputController( g_pcControllers[iControl].xiController.nControl ); else VibrateXInputController( g_pcControllers[iControl].xiController.nControl, 0, 0 ); goto end_rumble; } if( g_pcControllers[iControl].fVisualRumble ) FlashWindow( g_strEmuInfo.hMainWindow, ( *Data != 0 ) ? TRUE : FALSE ); if( g_pcControllers[iControl].bRumbleTyp == RUMBLE_DIRECT ) { // Adaptoid Direct Rumble if( g_pcControllers[iControl].fIsAdaptoid ) DirectRumbleCommand( iControl, *Data ); } else { // FF-FeedBack Rumble if( g_apdiEffect[iControl] ) { g_apFFDevice[iControl]->Acquire(); if( *Data ) { // g_apdiEffect[iControl]->Start( 1, DIES_SOLO ); HRESULT hr; hr = g_apdiEffect[iControl]->Start( 1, DIES_NODOWNLOAD ); if( hr != DI_OK )// just download if needed( seems to work smoother) { hr = g_apdiEffect[iControl]->Start( 1, 0 ); if (hr != DI_OK) { DebugWriteA("Rumble: Can't rumble %d: %lX\n", iControl, hr); } else DebugWriteA("Rumble: DIES_NODOWNLOAD failed, regular OK on control %d\n", iControl); } else DebugWriteA("Rumble: DIES_NODOWNLOAD OK on control %d\n", iControl); } else { g_apdiEffect[iControl]->Stop(); } } } } else if (dwAddress >= 0x8000 && dwAddress < 0x9000) { RUMBLEPAK *rPak = (RUMBLEPAK*)g_pcControllers[iControl].pPakData; rPak->fLastData = (*Data) ? true : false; } end_rumble: // added so after xinput controller rumbles, gets here --tecnicors Data[32] = DataCRC( Data, 32 ); bReturn = RD_OK; break; case PAK_TRANSFER: { LPTRANSFERPAK tPak = (LPTRANSFERPAK)g_pcControllers[iControl].pPakData; // set bReturn = RD_OK when implementing Transferpak DebugWriteA( "TPak Write:\n" ); DebugWriteA( " Address: %04X\n", dwAddress ); #ifdef ENABLE_RAWPAK_DEBUG DebugWriteA( " Data: "); for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { if ((i < 31) && ((i & 7) == 0)) { DebugWriteA( "\n " ); } DebugWriteByteA( Data[i]); if (i < 31) { DebugWriteA( ", " ); } } DebugWriteA( "\n" ); #endif // #ifdef ENABLE_RAWPAK_DEBUG switch (dwAddress >> 12) { case 0x8: // if ((dwAddress >= 0x8000) && (dwAddress <= 0x8FFF)) if (Data[0] == 0xFE) { DebugWriteA("Cart Disable\n" ); tPak->iEnableState = false; } else if (Data[0] == 0x84) { DebugWriteA("Cart Enable\n" ); tPak->iEnableState = true; } else { DebugWriteA("WARNING: Unusual Cart Enable/Disable\n" ); DebugWriteA(" Address: " ); DebugWriteWordA(dwAddress); DebugWriteA("\n" ); DebugWriteA(" Data: " ); DebugWriteByteA(Data[0]); DebugWriteA("\n" ); } break; case 0xA: // if ((dwAddress >= 0xA000) && (dwAddress <= 0xAFFF)) if (tPak->iEnableState == true) { tPak->iCurrentBankNo = Data[0]; DebugWriteA("Set TPak Bank No:%02X\n", Data[0] ); } break; case 0xB: // if ((dwAddress >= 0xB000) && (dwAddress <= 0xBFFF)) if (tPak->iEnableState == true) { tPak->iCurrentAccessMode = Data[0] & 1; tPak->iAccessModeChanged = 4; DebugWriteA("Set TPak Access Mode: %04X\n", tPak->iCurrentAccessMode); if ((Data[0] != 1) && (Data[0] != 0)) { DebugWriteA("WARNING: Unusual Access Mode Change\n" ); DebugWriteA(" Address: " ); DebugWriteWordA(dwAddress); DebugWriteA("\n" ); DebugWriteA(" Data: " ); DebugWriteByteA(Data[0]); DebugWriteA("\n" ); } } break; case 0xC: case 0xD: case 0xE: case 0xF: // if (dwAddress >= 0xC000) tPak->gbCart.ptrfnWriteCart(&tPak->gbCart, ((dwAddress & 0xFFE0) - 0xC000) + ((tPak->iCurrentBankNo & 3) * 0x4000), Data); if (tPak->gbCart.hRamFile != NULL ) SetTimer( g_strEmuInfo.hMainWindow, PAK_TRANSFER, 2000, (TIMERPROC) WritebackProc ); // if we go 2 seconds without a write, call the Writeback proc (which will flush the cache) break; default: DebugWriteA("WARNING: Unusual Pak Write\n" ); DebugWriteA(" Address: %04X\n", dwAddress); } // end switch (dwAddress >> 12) Data[32] = DataCRC( Data, 32 ); bReturn = RD_OK; } break; /*case PAK_VOICE: break;*/ case PAK_ADAPTOID: if(( dwAddress == PAK_IO_RUMBLE ) && ((ADAPTOIDPAK*)g_pcControllers[iControl].pPakData)->fRumblePak ) { if( DirectRumbleCommand( iControl, *Data ) == DI_OK ) { Data[32] = DataCRC( Data, 32 ); bReturn = RD_OK; } } else { if( WriteAdaptoidPak( iControl, dwAddress, Data ) == DI_OK ) { Data[32] = DataCRC( Data, 32 ); if( dwAddress == 0x8000 ) ((ADAPTOIDPAK*)g_pcControllers[iControl].pPakData)->bIdentifier = Data[0]; bReturn = RD_OK; } } break; /*case PAK_NONE: break;*/ } return bReturn; } void SaveControllerPak( const int iControl ) { if( !g_pcControllers[iControl].pPakData ) return; switch( *(BYTE*)g_pcControllers[iControl].pPakData ) { case PAK_MEM: { MEMPAK *mPak = (MEMPAK*)g_pcControllers[iControl].pPakData; if( !mPak->fReadonly ) FlushViewOfFile( mPak->aMemPakData, PAK_MEM_SIZE ); // we've already written the stuff, just flush the cache } break; case PAK_RUMBLE: break; case PAK_TRANSFER: { LPTRANSFERPAK tPak = (LPTRANSFERPAK)g_pcControllers[iControl].pPakData; // here the changes( if any ) in the SRAM should be saved if (tPak->gbCart.hRamFile != NULL) { SaveCart(&tPak->gbCart, g_pcControllers[iControl].szTransferSave, _T("")); DebugWriteA( "*** Save Transfer Pak ***\n" ); } } break; case PAK_VOICE: break; case PAK_ADAPTOID: break; /*case PAK_NONE: break;*/ } } // if there is pPakData for the controller, does any closing of handles before freeing the pPakData struct and setting it to NULL // also sets fPakInitialized to false void CloseControllerPak( const int iControl ) { if( !g_pcControllers[iControl].pPakData ) return; g_pcControllers[iControl].fPakInitialized = false; switch( *(BYTE*)g_pcControllers[iControl].pPakData ) { case PAK_MEM: { MEMPAK *mPak = (MEMPAK*)g_pcControllers[iControl].pPakData; if( mPak->fReadonly ) { P_free( mPak->aMemPakData ); mPak->aMemPakData = NULL; } else { FlushViewOfFile( mPak->aMemPakData, PAK_MEM_SIZE ); // if it's a dexsave, our original mapped view is not aMemPakData UnmapViewOfFile( mPak->fDexSave ? mPak->aMemPakData - PAK_MEM_DEXOFFSET : mPak->aMemPakData ); if ( mPak->hMemPakHandle != NULL ) CloseHandle( mPak->hMemPakHandle ); } } break; case PAK_RUMBLE: ReleaseEffect( g_apdiEffect[iControl] ); g_apdiEffect[iControl] = NULL; break; case PAK_TRANSFER: { LPTRANSFERPAK tPak = (LPTRANSFERPAK)g_pcControllers[iControl].pPakData; UnloadCart(&tPak->gbCart); DebugWriteA( "*** Close Transfer Pak ***\n" ); // close files and free any additionally ressources } break; case PAK_VOICE: break; case PAK_ADAPTOID: break; /*case PAK_NONE: break;*/ } freePakData( &g_pcControllers[iControl] ); return; } // returns the number of remaining blocks in a mempak // aNoteSizes should be an array of 16 bytes, which will be overwritten with the size in blocks of each note inline WORD CountBlocks( const unsigned char * bMemPakBinary, LPBYTE aNoteSizes ) { WORD wRemainingBlocks = 123; BYTE bNextIndex; int i = 0; while( i < 16 && wRemainingBlocks <= 123 ) { aNoteSizes[i] = 0; bNextIndex = bMemPakBinary[0x307 + (i*0x20)]; while(( bNextIndex >= 5 ) && ( aNoteSizes[i] < wRemainingBlocks)) { aNoteSizes[i]++; bNextIndex = bMemPakBinary[0x101 + (bNextIndex*2)]; } if( aNoteSizes[i] > wRemainingBlocks ) wRemainingBlocks = 0xFF; else wRemainingBlocks -= aNoteSizes[i]; i++; } return wRemainingBlocks; } void FormatMemPak( LPBYTE aMemPak ) { size_t iRand, n; FillMemory(aMemPak, 0x100, 0xFF); aMemPak[0] = 0x81; // generate a valid code( i hope i can calculate it one day) BYTE aValidCodes[] = { 0x12, 0xC5, 0x8F, 0x6F, 0xA4, 0x28, 0x5B, 0xCA }; BYTE aCode[8]; iRand = ((size_t)aMemPak / 4) + ((size_t)g_strEmuInfo.hMainWindow / 4); iRand %= sizeof(aValidCodes) / 8; for (n = 0; n < 8; n++) aCode[n] = aValidCodes[n + iRand]; //---------- aMemPak[0x20+0] = aMemPak[0x60+0] = aMemPak[0x80+0] = aMemPak[0xC0+0] = 0xFF; aMemPak[0x20+1] = aMemPak[0x60+1] = aMemPak[0x80+1] = aMemPak[0xC0+1] = 0xFF; aMemPak[0x20+2] = aMemPak[0x60+2] = aMemPak[0x80+2] = aMemPak[0xC0+2] = 0xFF; aMemPak[0x20+3] = aMemPak[0x60+3] = aMemPak[0x80+3] = aMemPak[0xC0+3] = 0xFF; aMemPak[0x20+4] = aMemPak[0x60+4] = aMemPak[0x80+4] = aMemPak[0xC0+4] = aCode[0]; aMemPak[0x20+5] = aMemPak[0x60+5] = aMemPak[0x80+5] = aMemPak[0xC0+5] = aCode[1]; aMemPak[0x20+6] = aMemPak[0x60+6] = aMemPak[0x80+6] = aMemPak[0xC0+6] = aCode[2]; aMemPak[0x20+7] = aMemPak[0x60+7] = aMemPak[0x80+7] = aMemPak[0xC0+7] = aCode[3]; //aMemPak[0x30+9] = aMemPak[0x70+9] = aMemPak[0x90+9] = aMemPak[0xD0+9] = 0x01; // not sure aMemPak[0x30+10] = aMemPak[0x70+10] = aMemPak[0x90+10] = aMemPak[0xD0+10] = 0x01; aMemPak[0x30+12] = aMemPak[0x70+12] = aMemPak[0x90+12] = aMemPak[0xD0+12] = aCode[4]; aMemPak[0x30+13] = aMemPak[0x70+13] = aMemPak[0x90+13] = aMemPak[0xD0+13] = aCode[5]; aMemPak[0x30+14] = aMemPak[0x70+14] = aMemPak[0x90+14] = aMemPak[0xD0+14] = aCode[6]; aMemPak[0x30+15] = aMemPak[0x70+15] = aMemPak[0x90+15] = aMemPak[0xD0+15] = aCode[7]; // Index ZeroMemory( &aMemPak[0x100], 0x400 ); aMemPak[0x100+1] = aMemPak[0x200+1] = 0x71; for( int i = 0x00b; i < 0x100; i += 2 ) aMemPak[0x100+i] = aMemPak[0x200+i] = 03; FillMemory( &aMemPak[0x500], 0x7B00, 0xFF ); } // Translates a mempak header into a real Unicode string, for display in the Mempaks window // bNote is now where you want to START translating, Text is where the output gets sent, iChars is the number of TCHARs you want translated // return value is the number of characters actually translated // Text automatically gets a terminating null, so make sure there's enough space. int TranslateNotesW( const unsigned char * bNote, LPWSTR Text, const int iChars ) { WCHAR aSpecial[] = { 0x0021, 0x0022, 0x0023, 0x0060, 0x002A, 0x002B, 0x002C, 0x002D, 0x002E, 0x002F, 0x003A, 0x003D, 0x003F, 0x0040, 0x2122, 0x00A9, 0x00AE }; // { '!' , '\"', '#' , '`' , '*' , '+' , ',' , '-' , '.' , '/' , ':' , '=' , '?' , '>' , 'tm', '(c)', '(r)' }; const WCHAR aJmap[] = { // map of Japanese characters N64 to UTF-16, starting at 0x45 0x00A1, 0x30A3, 0x30A5, 0x30A7, 0x30A9, 0x30E3, 0x30E5, 0x30E7, 0x30C3, 0x30F2, // small a-i-u-e-o, next are probably small ya-yu-yo, small tsu, wo 0x30F3, // 0x4F -> 'n' 0x30A2, 0x30A4, 0x30A6, 0x30A8, 0x30AA, 0x30AB, 0x30AD, 0x30AF, 0x30B1, 0x30B3, 0x30B5, 0x30B7, 0x30B9, 0x30BB, 0x30BD, // nil-K-S 0x30BF, 0x30C1, 0x30C4, 0x30C6, 0x30C8, 0x30CA, 0x30CB, 0x30CC, 0x30CD, 0x30CE, 0x30CF, 0x30D2, 0x30D5, 0x30D8, 0x30DB, // T-N-H 0x30DE, 0x30DF, 0x30E0, 0x30E1, 0x30E2, 0x30E4, 0x30E6, 0x30E8, 0x30E9, 0x30EA, 0x30EB, 0x30EC, 0x30ED, // M-Y-R 0x30EF, // 'wa' 0x30AC, 0x30AE, 0x30B0, 0x30B2, 0x30B4, 0x30B6, 0x30B8, 0x30BA, 0x30BC, 0x30BE, 0x30C0, 0x30C2, 0x30C5, 0x30C7, 0x30C9, // G-Z-D 0x30D0, 0x30D3, 0x30D6, 0x30D9, 0x30DC, 0x30D1, 0x30D4, 0x30D7, 0x30DA, 0x30DD // B-P }; int iReturn = 0; while (iChars - iReturn > 0 && *bNote) { BYTE b = *bNote; if( b <= 0x0F ) // translate Icons as Spaces *Text = 0x0020; else if( b <= 0x19 ) // Numbers *Text = 0x0020 + b; else if( b <= 0x33 ) // English characters *Text = 0x0047 + b; else if( b <= 0x44 ) // special symbols *Text = aSpecial[b - 0x34]; else if( b <= 0x94 ) // Japanese (halfwidth katakana, mapped similarly to JIS X 0201 but not enough that we can use a simple codepage) { aSpecial[7] = 0x30fc; // change regular dash to Japanese "long sound dash" *Text = aJmap[b - 0x45]; } else // unknown *Text = 0x00A4; // unknown characters become "currency sign" (looks like a letter o superimposed on an x) Text++; iReturn++; bNote++; } *Text = L'\0'; return iReturn; } // TODO: rename this function! It serves a completely different function from TranslateNotesW // Translates a mempak header into an ASCII string for output to .a64 file // bNote is now where you want to START translating, Text is where the output gets sent, iChars is the number of chars you want translated // return value is the number of characters actually translated // Text automatically gets a terminating null, so make sure there's enough space. int TranslateNotesA( const unsigned char * bNote, LPSTR Text, const int iChars ) { const UCHAR aSpecial[] ={ 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x60, 0x2A, 0x2B, 0x2C, 0x2D, 0x2E, 0x2F, 0x3A, 0x3D, 0x3F, 0x40, 0x99, 0xA9, 0xAE }; // { '!' , '\"', '#' , '`' , '*' , '+' , ',' , '-' , '.' , '/' , ':' , '=' , '?' , '>' , 'tm', '(c)','(r)' }; int iReturn = 0; while (iChars - iReturn > 0 && *bNote) { BYTE b = *bNote; if( b <= 0x0F ) // translate Icons as Spaces *Text = 0x20; else if( b <= 0x19 ) // Numbers *Text = 0x20 + b; else if( b <= 0x33 ) // English characters *Text = 0x47 + b; else if( b <= 0x44 ) // special symbols *Text = aSpecial[b - 0x34]; else if( b <= 0x94 ) // Japan *Text = 0xC0 + ( b % 40 ); else // unknown *Text = (UCHAR)0xA4; // HACK: this will screw up any save with unknown characters Text++; iReturn++; bNote++; } *Text = '\0'; return iReturn; } int ReverseNotesA( LPCSTR Text, LPBYTE Note ) { const UCHAR aSpecial[] = { 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x60, 0x2A, 0x2B, 0x2C, 0x2D, 0x2E, 0x2F, 0x3A, 0x3D, 0x3F, 0x40, 0x74, 0xA9, 0xAE }; // { '!' , '\"', '#' , '`' , '*' , '+' , ',' , '-' , '.' , '/' , ':' , '=' , '?' , '>' , 'tm', '(r)','(c)' }; LPCSTR TextPos = Text; while( *TextPos != '\0' ) { char c = *TextPos; *Note = 0x0F; if( c >= '0' && c <= '9' ) *Note = c - '0' + 0x10; else if( c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z' ) *Note = c - 'A' + 0x1A; else if( c >= 'a' && c <= 'z' ) *Note = c - 'a' + 0x1A; else { for( int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(aSpecial); ++i ) { if( c == aSpecial[i] ) { *Note = i + 0x34; break; } } } TextPos++; Note++; } return TextPos - Text; } WORD ShowMemPakContent( const unsigned char * bMemPakBinary, HWND hListWindow ) { BYTE bMemPakValid = MPAK_OK; TCHAR szBuffer[40]; BYTE aNoteSizes[16]; bool bFirstChar; LVITEM lvItem; lvItem.mask = LVIF_TEXT | LVIF_PARAM; lvItem.iItem = 0; lvItem.iSubItem = 0; lvItem.pszText = szBuffer; int i = 0, nNotes = 0, iSum = 0, iRemainingBlocks = 0; for( i = 0x10A; i < 0x200; i++ ) iSum += bMemPakBinary[i]; if((( iSum % 256 ) == bMemPakBinary[0x101] )) { iRemainingBlocks = CountBlocks( bMemPakBinary, aNoteSizes ); if( iRemainingBlocks <= 123 ) { for( lvItem.lParam = 0; lvItem.lParam < 16; lvItem.lParam++ ) { if( bMemPakBinary[0x300 + (lvItem.lParam*32)] || bMemPakBinary[0x301 + (lvItem.lParam*32)] || bMemPakBinary[0x302 + (lvItem.lParam*32)] ) { int iChars = TranslateNotes( &bMemPakBinary[0x300 + (lvItem.lParam*32) + 0x10], szBuffer, 16 ); if( TranslateNotes( &bMemPakBinary[0x300 + (lvItem.lParam*32) + 0x0C], &szBuffer[iChars + 1], 1 ) ) szBuffer[iChars] = _T('_'); bFirstChar = true; for( i = 0; i < (int)lstrlen(szBuffer); i++ ) { if( szBuffer[i] == ' ' ) bFirstChar = true; else { if( bFirstChar && ( szBuffer[i] >= 'a') && ( szBuffer[i] <= 'z')) { bFirstChar = false; szBuffer[i] -= 0x20; } } } i = ListView_InsertItem( hListWindow, &lvItem ); switch( bMemPakBinary[0x303 + (lvItem.lParam*32)] ) { case 0x00: LoadString( g_hResourceDLL, IDS_P_MEM_NOREGION, szBuffer, 40 ); break; case 0x37: LoadString( g_hResourceDLL, IDS_P_MEM_BETA, szBuffer, 40 ); break; case 0x41: LoadString( g_hResourceDLL, IDS_P_MEM_NTSC, szBuffer, 40 ); break; case 0x44: LoadString( g_hResourceDLL, IDS_P_MEM_GERMANY, szBuffer, 40 ); break; case 0x45: LoadString( g_hResourceDLL, IDS_P_MEM_USA, szBuffer, 40 ); break; case 0x46: LoadString( g_hResourceDLL, IDS_P_MEM_FRANCE, szBuffer, 40 ); break; case 0x49: LoadString( g_hResourceDLL, IDS_P_MEM_ITALY, szBuffer, 40 ); break; case 0x4A: LoadString( g_hResourceDLL, IDS_P_MEM_JAPAN, szBuffer, 40 ); break; case 0x50: LoadString( g_hResourceDLL, IDS_P_MEM_EUROPE, szBuffer, 40 ); break; case 0x53: LoadString( g_hResourceDLL, IDS_P_MEM_SPAIN, szBuffer, 40 ); break; case 0x55: LoadString( g_hResourceDLL, IDS_P_MEM_AUSTRALIA, szBuffer, 40 ); break; case 0x58: case 0x59: LoadString( g_hResourceDLL, IDS_P_MEM_PAL, szBuffer, 40 ); break; default: { TCHAR szTemp[40]; LoadString( g_hResourceDLL, IDS_P_MEM_UNKNOWNREGION, szTemp, 40 ); wsprintf( szBuffer, szTemp, bMemPakBinary[0x303 + (lvItem.lParam*32)] ); } } ListView_SetItemText( hListWindow, i, 1, szBuffer ); wsprintf( szBuffer, _T("%i"), aNoteSizes[lvItem.lParam] ); ListView_SetItemText( hListWindow, i, 2, szBuffer ); nNotes++; } } } else bMemPakValid = MPAK_DAMAGED; } else bMemPakValid = MPAK_DAMAGED; return MAKEWORD( (BYTE)iRemainingBlocks, bMemPakValid ); } void HextoTextA( const unsigned char * Data, LPSTR szText, const int nBytes ) { const char acValues[] = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F' }; for( int i = 0; i < nBytes; i++ ) { BYTE byte = *Data; szText[0] = acValues[(byte>>4) & 0x0F]; szText[1] = acValues[byte & 0x0F]; ++Data; szText+=2; } *szText = '\0'; } // used when reading in a Note file, to convert text to binary (unserialize) void TexttoHexA( LPCSTR szText, LPBYTE Data, const int nBytes ) { bool fLowByte = false; LPCSTR endText = szText + nBytes * 2; for( ; szText < endText; ++szText ) { BYTE bByte = 0; if(( '0' <= *szText ) && ( *szText <= '9' )) bByte = *szText - '0'; else { if(( 'A' <= *szText ) && ( *szText <= 'F' )) bByte = szText[0] - 'A' + 10; else if(( 'a' <= *szText ) && ( *szText <= 'f' )) bByte = szText[0] - 'a' + 10; } if( !fLowByte ) *Data = bByte << 4; else { *Data |= bByte; ++Data; } fLowByte = !fLowByte; } } bool SaveNoteFileA( const unsigned char * aMemPak, const int iNote, LPCTSTR pszFileName ) { BYTE aNoteSizes[16]; LPBYTE aNote; bool bReturn = false; if( CountBlocks( aMemPak, aNoteSizes ) > 123 ) return false; aNote = (LPBYTE)P_malloc( aNoteSizes[iNote] * 0x100 + 32 ); if( !aNote ) return false; CopyMemory( aNote, &aMemPak[0x300 + iNote * 32], 32 ); BYTE bNextIndex = aNote[0x7]; int iBlock = 0; while( iBlock < aNoteSizes[iNote] ) { CopyMemory( &aNote[32 + iBlock * 0x100], &aMemPak[bNextIndex * 0x100], 0x100); bNextIndex = aMemPak[0x101 + (bNextIndex*2)]; iBlock++; } HANDLE hFile = CreateFile( pszFileName, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, 0, NULL); if ( hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { SetFilePointer( hFile, 0L, NULL, FILE_BEGIN ); char szLine[70]; DWORD dwBytesWritten = 0; lstrcpyA( szLine, "a64-notes\r\ndescription of game save goes here...\r\na64-data\r\n" ); WriteFile( hFile, szLine, lstrlenA(szLine), &dwBytesWritten, NULL ); CopyMemory( szLine, aNote, 4 ); szLine[4] = ' '; szLine[5] = aNote[4]; szLine[6] = aNote[5]; szLine[7] = ' '; HextoTextA( &aNote[8], &szLine[8], 2 ); int pos = 12; szLine[pos++] = ' '; szLine[pos++] = aNote[0x0A] + '0'; szLine[pos++] = ' '; szLine[pos++] = '{'; pos += TranslateNotesA( &aNote[0x0C], &szLine[pos], 1 ); szLine[pos++] = '}'; szLine[pos++] = ' '; szLine[pos++] = '{'; pos += TranslateNotesA( &aNote[0x10], &szLine[pos], 16 ); lstrcatA( szLine, "}\r\n" ); WriteFile( hFile, szLine, lstrlenA(szLine), &dwBytesWritten, NULL ); for( int i = 32; i < aNoteSizes[iNote] * 0x100 + 32; i += 32 ) { HextoTextA( &aNote[i], szLine, 32 ); WriteFile( hFile, szLine, lstrlenA(szLine), &dwBytesWritten, NULL ); WriteFile( hFile, "\r\n", 2, &dwBytesWritten, NULL ); } WriteFile( hFile, "a64-crc\r\n", 9, &dwBytesWritten, NULL ); // TODO: insert crc here lstrcpynA( szLine, "00000000\r\n", 70 ); WriteFile( hFile, szLine, lstrlenA(szLine), &dwBytesWritten, NULL ); // WriteFile( hFile, "a64-end\r\n", 9, &dwBytesWritten, NULL ); SetEndOfFile( hFile ); bReturn = true; CloseHandle( hFile ); } else ErrorMessage( IDS_ERR_NOTEREAD, GetLastError(), false ); P_free( aNote ); return bReturn; } // read a Note from a file pszFileName (.a64 format), and insert it into the given MemPak // returns true on success, false otherwise bool InsertNoteFile( LPBYTE aMemPak, LPCTSTR pszFileName ) { // bool bReturn = false; FILE* nFile = NULL; if( (nFile = _tfopen(pszFileName, _T("r") ) ) != NULL ) { char szLine[128]; fpos_t pDataStart; while( fgets(szLine, sizeof(szLine) - 1, nFile) ) { if( !strncmp( "a64-data", szLine, 8 )) { fgetpos(nFile, &pDataStart); break; } } // assumes the file keeps going... // discard the next line fgets(szLine, sizeof(szLine) - 1, nFile); // not really necessary to check for EOF, as it will fail gracefully when dwNoteSize is zero. DWORD dwNoteSize = 0; while( fgets(szLine, sizeof(szLine) - 1, nFile) && strncmp( "a64-crc", szLine, 7 )) { dwNoteSize++; } dwNoteSize /= 8; BYTE aNoteSizes[16]; WORD wRemainingBlocks; int i, ifreeNote = -1; wRemainingBlocks = CountBlocks( aMemPak, aNoteSizes ); if( dwNoteSize <= 0 ) { ErrorMessage( IDS_ERR_NOTEREAD, 0, false ); fclose(nFile); return false; } else { if( wRemainingBlocks < dwNoteSize ) { ErrorMessage( IDS_ERR_MEMPAK_SPACE, 0, false ); fclose(nFile); return false; } else { i = 0; while(( i < 16 ) && ( ifreeNote == -1 )) { if( aNoteSizes[i] == 0 ) ifreeNote = i; i++; } if( ifreeNote == -1 ) { ErrorMessage( IDS_ERR_MEMPAK_NONOTES, 0, false ); fclose(nFile); return false; } } } // HEADER START // .a64 header should look something like this: // NBCE 01 0203 0 {} {BLASTCORPS GAME} // first 4 chars are the first 4 bytes // next 2 chars are the next 2 bytes // next 4 chars are bytes 8 and 9, in hex (huh?) // next character is byte 10, in hex (but only one character this time) // now we've got two sets of braces... the first one contains byte 12 in encoded form (use ReverseNotesA) // the second one should contain bytes 16 through 31 (ReverseNotesA) BYTE *pBlock; fsetpos(nFile, &pDataStart); if (! fgets(szLine, sizeof(szLine) - 1, nFile) ) { ErrorMessage( IDS_ERR_NOTEEOF, 0, false ); fclose(nFile); return false; } szLine[strlen(szLine) - 1] = '\0'; // remove newline pBlock = &aMemPak[0x300 + ifreeNote*32]; CopyMemory( pBlock, szLine, 4 ); pBlock[4] = szLine[5]; pBlock[5] = szLine[6]; TexttoHexA( &szLine[8], &pBlock[8], 2 ); pBlock[10] = szLine[13] - '0'; int len = lstrlenA( szLine ); i = 16; while(( szLine[i] != '}' ) && (i < len)) i++; szLine[i] = '\0'; i += ReverseNotesA( &szLine[16], &pBlock[12] ); while(( szLine[i] != '{' ) && (i < len)) i++; if(i < len) { int start = i+1; while(( szLine[i] != '}' ) && (i < len)) i++; if(i < len) { szLine[i] = '\0'; ReverseNotesA( &szLine[start], &pBlock[16] ); } } while(( szLine[i] != '}' ) && (i < len)) i++; szLine[i] = '\0'; // HEADER END BYTE bDataBlock = 5; pBlock = &pBlock[7]; BYTE *pDataBlock; while( dwNoteSize > 0 ) { while( aMemPak[0x101 + bDataBlock*2] != 0x03 ) bDataBlock++; *pBlock = bDataBlock; pBlock = &aMemPak[0x101 + bDataBlock*2]; pDataBlock = &aMemPak[bDataBlock * 0x100]; for( i = 0; i < 0x100; i+=32 ) { if (! fgets(szLine, sizeof(szLine) - 1, nFile) ) { ErrorMessage( IDS_ERR_NOTEEOF, 0, false ); fclose(nFile); return false; } szLine[strlen(szLine) - 1] = '\0'; // remove newline TexttoHexA( szLine, &pDataBlock[i], 32 ); } bDataBlock++; dwNoteSize--; } *pBlock = 0x01; int iSum = 0; for( i = 0x10A; i < 0x200; i++ ) iSum += aMemPak[i]; aMemPak[0x101] = iSum % 256; CopyMemory( &aMemPak[0x200], &aMemPak[0x100], 0x100 ); fclose(nFile); return true; } else ErrorMessage( IDS_ERR_NOTEREAD, 0, false ); return false; } // Remove a mempak "Note" // See "MemPak-Format.doc" for more info bool RemoveNote( LPBYTE aMemPak, const int iNote ) { BYTE bBlock = aMemPak[0x307 + iNote*32]; int iPos; while( bBlock >= 0x05 ) { iPos = 0x101 + bBlock*2; bBlock = aMemPak[iPos]; aMemPak[iPos] = 0x03; } int i = 0, iSum = 0; for( i = 0x10A; i < 0x200; i++ ) iSum += aMemPak[i]; aMemPak[0x101] = iSum % 256; CopyMemory( &aMemPak[0x200], &aMemPak[0x100], 0x100 ); ZeroMemory( &aMemPak[0x300 + iNote*32], 32 ); return true; } BYTE AddressCRC( const unsigned char * Address ) { bool HighBit; WORD Data = MAKEWORD( Address[1], Address[0] ); register BYTE Remainder = ( Data >> 11 ) & 0x1F; BYTE bBit = 5; while( bBit < 16 ) { HighBit = (Remainder & 0x10) != 0; Remainder = (Remainder << 1) & 0x1E; Remainder += ( bBit < 11 && Data & (0x8000 >> bBit )) ? 1 : 0; Remainder ^= (HighBit) ? 0x15 : 0; bBit++; } return Remainder; } BYTE DataCRC( const unsigned char * Data, const int iLength ) { register BYTE Remainder = Data[0]; int iByte = 1; BYTE bBit = 0; while( iByte <= iLength ) { bool HighBit = ((Remainder & 0x80) != 0); Remainder = Remainder << 1; Remainder += ( iByte < iLength && Data[iByte] & (0x80 >> bBit )) ? 1 : 0; Remainder ^= (HighBit) ? 0x85 : 0; bBit++; iByte += bBit/8; bBit %= 8; } return Remainder; } VOID CALLBACK WritebackProc( HWND hWnd, UINT msg, UINT_PTR idEvent, DWORD dwTime ) { KillTimer(hWnd, idEvent); // timer suicide switch (idEvent) { case PAK_MEM: DebugWriteA("Mempak: WritebackProc flushed file writes\n"); for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { MEMPAK *mPak = (MEMPAK*)g_pcControllers[i].pPakData; if ( mPak && mPak->bPakType == PAK_MEM && !mPak->fReadonly && mPak->hMemPakHandle != NULL ) FlushViewOfFile( mPak->aMemPakData, PAK_MEM_SIZE ); } return; case PAK_TRANSFER: DebugWriteA("TPak: WritebackProc flushed file writes\n"); for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { LPTRANSFERPAK tPak = (LPTRANSFERPAK)g_pcControllers[i].pPakData; if (tPak && tPak->bPakType == PAK_TRANSFER && tPak->bPakInserted && tPak->gbCart.hRamFile != NULL ) FlushViewOfFile( tPak->gbCart.RamData, (tPak->gbCart.RomData[0x149] == 1 ) ? 0x0800 : tPak->gbCart.iNumRamBanks * 0x2000); } return; } }